Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\admin\sql\wfaqback.sql
REM dbdrv: none REM $Header: wfaqback.sql 26.0 2005/02/28 11:24:34 dmani noship $ REM +=========================================================================+ REM | Copyright (c) 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. | REM +=========================================================================+ REM REM NAME REM wfaqback.sql - WorkFlow AQ BACK up script REM REM DESCRIPTION REM This script helps to back up a given Workflow Advanced Queue(of WF_EVENT_T REM payload) for a list of given event names. The event messages are stored in REM an intermediate table. Once the queue in question is recreated, the events REM can be re-enqueued on to the queue using wfaqrenq.sql which will take the REM messages from the intermediate table and re-equeue them. REM REM See Method 2 in the update *** SACSHARM 01/19/05 06:32 pm *** REM of Bug 4111510 for the steps to drop and recreate a queue. REM REM USAGE REM sqlplus apps/<apps pwd> @wfaqback.sql <Agent Name> REM REM NOTE REM o Please note that the user needs to specify the list of event messages that REM are *NOT* to be backed up in list *l_unwanted_events* below. These REM messages will not be backed up for re-enqueueing later using wfaqrenq.sql. REM REM o If % is specified in the list, it means that all the events are to be REM removed from the queue and none is required to be backed up. This is same REM as recreating the queue without backing up events. REM +=========================================================================+ set verify off; whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; whenever oserror exit failure rollback; REM REM Create a table to backup the messages. CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE REM does not work since we have wf_event_t datatype in the table REM declare l_agent_name varchar2(128) := upper('&&1'); l_sql_str varchar2(4000); object_exists EXCEPTION; pragma exception_init(object_exists, -955); begin -- Create a temporary table to backup messages from different queues l_sql_str := 'CREATE TABLE wf_queue_temp_table '|| ' (enq_time date, '|| ' queue varchar2(30), '|| ' corr_id varchar2(128), '|| ' delay date, '|| ' user_data wf_event_t)'; execute immediate l_sql_str; exception when object_exists then l_sql_str := ' DELETE FROM wf_queue_temp_table '|| ' WHERE queue = '''||l_agent_name||''''; execute immediate l_sql_str; when others then raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error = '|| to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; / commit; REM REM Back up the events as per the users exclusion list given above REM declare l_schema varchar2(128) := wf_core.translate('WF_SCHEMA'); l_agent_name varchar2(128) := upper('&&1'); l_queue varchar2(128) := l_schema||'.aq$'||l_agent_name; l_corr_id varchar2(128); l_account_name varchar2(128); l_where varchar2(32000); l_sql_str varchar2(32000); l_rows number; TYPE t_strings_tbl is table of varchar2(80); TYPE t_bkup_msg IS REF CURSOR; c_bkup_msg t_bkup_msg; TYPE t_enq_time_tbl IS TABLE OF DATE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE t_queue_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE t_corr_id_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(128) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE t_user_data_tbl IS TABLE OF WF_EVENT_T INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; TYPE t_delay_tbl IS TABLE OF DATE INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; l_enq_time_tbl t_enq_time_tbl; l_queue_tbl t_queue_tbl; l_corr_id_tbl t_corr_id_tbl; l_delay_tbl t_delay_tbl; l_user_data_tbl t_user_data_tbl; -- #### UPDATE THIS TABLE WITH EVENT NAMES THAT YOU WANT TO REMOVED #### -- -- #### If you specify no event or % here, all event will be removed #### -- l_unwanted_events t_strings_tbl := t_strings_tbl('oracle.apps.wf.notification%' -- ,'oracle.apps.cs.sr.ServiceRequest%' -- Add more event names here that you want to be REMOVED ); begin -- Can be adjusted accordingly l_rows := 5000; -- Set the correlation id if (l_unwanted_events is null or l_unwanted_events.count = 0) then l_where := ' corr_id NOT LIKE ''%'''; else l_account_name := null; -- Set the account name for WF_% agents if (upper(l_agent_name) like 'WF_%') then if (wf_event.account_name is null) then wf_event.SetAccountName; end if; l_account_name := wf_event.account_name; end if; l_corr_id := l_account_name || ':' || l_unwanted_events(1); l_where := ' corr_id NOT LIKE ''' || l_corr_id || ''''; for i in 2..l_unwanted_events.LAST loop l_corr_id := l_account_name || ':' || l_unwanted_events(i); l_where := l_where || ' AND corr_id NOT LIKE ''' || l_corr_id || ''''; end loop; end if; l_sql_str := 'SELECT enq_time, '|| ' queue, '|| ' corr_id, '|| ' delay, '|| ' user_data '|| ' FROM '|| l_queue || ' WHERE ' || l_where || ' AND msg_state in (''READY'', ''WAITING'')'|| ' ORDER BY ENQ_TIME'; OPEN c_bkup_msg FOR l_sql_str; loop -- Bulk fetch 5000 records each time FETCH c_bkup_msg BULK COLLECT INTO l_enq_time_tbl, l_queue_tbl, l_corr_id_tbl, l_delay_tbl, l_user_data_tbl LIMIT l_rows; exit when l_enq_time_tbl.COUNT = 0; -- Insert into the temporary table forall j in l_enq_time_tbl.FIRST..l_enq_time_tbl.LAST INSERT INTO wf_queue_temp_table(enq_time, queue, corr_id, delay, user_data) VALUES (l_enq_time_tbl(j), l_queue_tbl(j), l_corr_id_tbl(j), l_delay_tbl(j), l_user_data_tbl(j)); l_enq_time_tbl.DELETE; commit; end loop; close c_bkup_msg; exception when OTHERS then if (c_bkup_msg%ISOPEN) then close c_bkup_msg; end if; raise_application_error(-20000, 'Oracle Error = '|| to_char(sqlcode)||' - '||sqlerrm); end; / commit; exit;
Write backup
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