Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\wf\admin\sql\wfagtlst.sql
rem $Header: wfagtlst.sql 26.4 2004/07/01 07:33:05 rosthoma ship $ rem rem NAME rem wfagtlst.sql - WorkFlow Event Listener rem USAGE rem @wfagtlst.sql <AGENT> <DEBUG> rem To run the file in debug mode pass TRUE for debug rem Remove the rem from the spool Listener.log rem DESCRIPTION rem Dequeues messages off in agents and calls dispatcher rem If the debug is set to TRUE a log Listener.log will rem be generated at the current directory (ensure that the rem directory is writable) rem rem dbdrv: none -- whenever sqlerror exit failure rollback; set verify off serveroutput on size 1000000 rem spool Listener.log -- define agent='&agent' define debug= &debug -- prompt Listening..... declare l_audsid NUMBER; type log_message is ref cursor; log_msg log_message; l_message_text varchar2(4000); l_LOG_LEVEL number; l_MODULE VARCHAR2(255); l_timestamp date; cur_stmt varchar2(1000); begin dbms_output.put_line('============================================='); --wf_log_pkg.wf_debug_flag := TRUE; --Enable logging if debug flag is set to true if ('&debug'='TRUE') then WF_LOG_PKG.Init (LOG_ENABLED => 1, LOG_LEVEL => WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_STATEMENT, LOG_MODULE =>'wf.plsql.%'); end if; wf_event.listen('&agent'); --Spool out the o/p from fnd_log_messages into --Listener.log --Do this only if we are in Apps the wf_install check is --needed here. if ('&debug' = 'TRUE' AND wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL') = 'EMBEDDED') then l_audsid := sys_context('userenv','SESSIONID'); --Open the cursor for Apps logging to be consolidated --into a file cur_stmt := ' select message_text ,module ,LOG_LEVEL ,timestamp '|| ' from fnd_log_messages '|| ' where module like ''wf.plsql.%'''|| ' and audsid = :p_audsid'|| ' order by LOG_SEQUENCE'; OPEN log_msg FOR cur_stmt USING l_audsid; loop fetch log_msg into l_message_text , l_module, l_log_level ,l_timestamp; exit when log_msg%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('Level:'||to_char(l_LOG_LEVEL)||' Module:'||l_module||' Time:'||to_char(l_timestamp , 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS')); --This substr is to avoid ORA-20000: ORU-10028: line length overflow --error. dbms_output.put_line('>>> Message: '||substr(l_message_text,1,250)); end loop; --Close the log_msg cursor close log_msg; end if; exception when others then if log_msg%isopen then close log_msg; end if; raise; end; / commit; exit;
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