Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\rtp\sql\start_service.sql
rem rem This script can be used to start a Control Center Service that is managed rem by the database. rem rem A Control Center Service provides access to the deployment and execution rem features of an OWB Repository and one must be available in order to enable rem the deployment and execution features, rem rem This service is either Available or Unavailable and this script can be used rem to make it Available. rem rem When the service is invoked using this script, a monitoring job is created. rem This job monitors the service and will restart it if the service fails. This rem monitoring job will also automatically start the service if the database rem is brought back online. rem rem Alternatively, a Control Center Service can be started in a different OWB rem Home on a different host. When working in this mode, the Service will only rem be available when that host is available and when the Service has been started rem and has not been stopped. A Service can be started/stopped in this mode by rem using the script:- rem rem <owb-home>/owb/bin/[win32|unix]/local_service_login.[bat|sh] rem [-startup|-closedown] <owb-home> rem rem rem USAGE rem Logon as the OWB Repository Owner (OWBSYS) rem rem @<OWB-HOME>/owb/rtp/sql/start_service.sql rem rem This script will display rem "Available" if the Control Center service is up and Available rem "Not Available" if the Control Center service is Not Available rem (if this happens you could try using the rem service_doctor.sql to determine why the service did not rem start) rem rem Please use the scripts show_service.sql and stop_service.sql to show the status or rem stop the service respectively. rem rem set serveroutput on; set role OWB_USER; declare l_service owbsys.wb_rt_script_util.START_SERVICE_REC; l_job_procs number; begin l_job_procs := owbsys.wb_rt_script_util.count_job_queue_processes(); if l_job_procs >= 2 then l_service := owbsys.wb_rt_script_util.start_service(); end if; if l_service.available <> 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Available'); dbms_output.put_line(owbsys.wb_rt_script_util.service_status); else dbms_output.put_line('Not Available'); dbms_output.put_line('Diagnostics:'); if l_job_procs < 2 then dbms_output.put_line('job_queue_processes is ' || l_job_procs || ' whereas it must be at least 2 for owb.'); else declare l_next number := 1; l_length number := length(l_service.message); l_fraglen number; begin while l_next <= l_length loop l_fraglen := l_length - l_next + 1; if l_fraglen > 79 then l_fraglen := 79; end if; dbms_output.put_line(substr(l_service.message, l_next, l_fraglen)); l_next := l_next + l_fraglen; end loop; end; end if; dbms_output.put_line('please invoke [owbhome]/owb/rtp/sql/service_doctor.sql for more information'); end if; end; /
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