Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\reposasst\WorkspaceContext_body.pkb
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY owb_workspace_manager AS --global variables g_isSeeding number :=0; procedure checkUserAccessibility(theWorkspaceID in number) as canAccess number:=0; hasSeeded number; begin --workaround: when do seeding, we need to set workspace context even before creation on anything since workpaace object's creation need this info for namespace table... select count(*) into hasSeeded from cmpworkspace_v; --select count(*) into hasSeeded from owbsys.workspace_assignment; if(hasSeeded > 0) then g_isSeeding :=0; else g_isSeeding :=1; end if; select count(*) into canAccess from cmpallwbuser_v where workspaceid = theWorkspaceID and upper(name)=upper(user); if(canAccess <1 and g_isSeeding=0) then raise_application_error(-20004,'You do not have right to access the workspace with workspaceID:'||theWorkspaceID); end if; --also prevent end user to set wksp to global workspace if not in seeding.. --aug 1,06: we allow to set_workspace to global from OWB itself e.g. register language... we will regulate this from workspace_management package which is open to other user... -- if(theWorkspaceID = 1 and g_isSeeding=0) then -- raise_application_error(-20007,'You are trying to set workspace to GLOBAL_WORKSPACE which is just for internal usage.'); --end if; end checkUserAccessibility; function isWorkspaceAdmin(theWorkspaceID in number ) return number as isAdmin number :=0; m_userId number; begin if(g_isSeeding=1) then return 1; end if; select elementid into m_userId from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(user); --now do the is admin info select count(*) into isAdmin from cmpwbrole_v r, CMPRoleAssignment_v a where a.wbuser = m_userId and r.elementid = a.wbrole and r.isAdmin ='1'; return isAdmin; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20006,'When set workspace context, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end isWorkspaceAdmin; function getWorkspaceName(theWorkspaceID number) return varchar2 as theWorkspaceName varchar2(200); begin if(g_isSeeding=1 and theWorkspaceID = 1) then return 'GLOBAL_WORKSPACE'; end if; select name into theWorkspaceName from cmpworkspace_v where elementid = theWorkspaceID; return theWorkspaceName; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20005,'When set workspace context, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end getWorkspaceName; function getWorkspaceOwner(theWorkspaceID number) return varchar2 as theOwner varchar2(200); begin if(g_isSeeding=1 and theWorkspaceID = 1) then return 'OWBSYS'; end if; select user_name into theOwner from workspace_assignment where workspace_id = theWorkspaceID and isWorkspaceOwner = '1'; return theOwner; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20006,'When set workspace context, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end getWorkspaceOwner; --added this function since we want to set context on some sys privilegs... function has_system_privilege( p_privilege_name varchar2 ) return boolean as pos number; hasSysFromAnyRole number; userHasSysPriv number; result boolean:=FALSE; theSysId number; userId number; begin -- check the workspace has been set or not --checkWorkspaceBeSetted(); --check whether the sys priv name is valid --validateSysPrivName(p_privilege_name ); --first check if the user is workspace admin,he should have if(upper( sys_context('owb_workspace','workspace_owner')) = upper(user)) then return TRUE; end if; --then check if user himself has the priv select sysPrivId into theSysId from SYS_PRIV_ID_TO_NAME_TAB where upper(sysPrivName) = upper(p_privilege_name); pos := theSysId+1; select count(*) into userHasSysPriv from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(user) and SUBSTR(SYSPRIVSACCESSCHARMAP, pos, 1) = '1'; if(userHasSysPriv >0) then return TRUE; end if; --finally check whether role has the priv select elementid into userId from cmpwbuser_v where upper(name) = upper(user); select count(*) into hasSysFromAnyRole from cmpwbrole_v where elementid in (select wbrole from cmproleassignment_V where wbuser= userId ) and SUBSTR(SYSPRIVSACCESSCHARMAP, pos, 1) = '1' ; if(hasSysFromAnyRole >0) then return TRUE; end if; return FALSE; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20008,'When query system privilege:'||p_privilege_name ||' ,error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end has_system_privilege; procedure checkWorkspaceExists(theWorkspaceID number) as hasSeeded number:=0; existing number :=0; begin select count(*) into hasSeeded from cmpworkspace_v; --select count(*) into hasSeeded from owbsys.workspace_assignment; if(hasSeeded > 0) then g_isSeeding :=0; else g_isSeeding :=1; end if; select count(*) into existing from workspace_assignment where workspace_id =theWorkspaceID; if(existing <1 AND g_isSeeding =0) then raise_application_error(-20011,'The workspace with id:'||theWorkspaceID || ' does not exist.' ); end if; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20010,'procedure checkWorkspaceExists encountered error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end checkWorkspaceExists; procedure unset_workspace as owb_ctx varchar2(255) default 'owb_workspace'; begin dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'workspace_owner', null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'workspaceName', null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'workspaceID', null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'usernotnull', null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'isWorkspaceAdmin', null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'hasPublicViewPriv', null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_VIEW',null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_EXECUTION',null); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_DEPLOYMENT',null); end unset_workspace; procedure set_workspace(theWorkspaceID in number) as owb_ctx varchar2(255) default 'owb_workspace'; isAdmin number; theWorkspaceName varchar2(200); theWorkspaceOwner varchar2(200); begin if (theWorkspaceID is null) then unset_workspace; return; end if; --need to check whether the workspace exists or not... checkWorkspaceExists(theWorkspaceID); --first make sure the user can access the workspaceid if( (user is null) OR (trim(user) is null )) then -- fix bug 6735804 null; elsif(upper(user) != 'OWBSYS' AND upper(user) != 'SYS') then checkUserAccessibility(theWorkspaceID); end if; dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'workspaceID', theWorkspaceID); theWorkspaceName :=getWorkspaceName(theWorkspaceID); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'workspaceName', theWorkspaceName); theWorkspaceOwner :=getWorkspaceOwner(theWorkspaceID); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'workspace_owner',theWorkspaceOwner); --since the following is related cmpwbuser, but OWBSYS is not cmpwbuser, so not to set those attributes from the context, but if needed, can do it in the following if section... if(upper(user) = 'OWBSYS' OR upper(user) = 'SYS' OR user is null OR trim(user) is null) then -- fix bug 6735804 dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'usernotnull', 'SYS'); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'isWorkspaceAdmin', 1); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'hasPublicViewPriv', 1); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_VIEW',1); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_EXECUTION',1); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_DEPLOYMENT',1); return; else dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'usernotnull', user); end if; isAdmin:=isWorkspaceAdmin(theWorkspaceID); dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'isWorkspaceAdmin', isAdmin); if(g_isSeeding =1) then return; --do not need the following info end if; if(has_system_privilege('ACCESS_PUBLICVIEW_BROWSER')) then dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'hasPublicViewPriv', 1); else dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'hasPublicViewPriv', 0); end if; --aug 3, 06: add control center privileges into the context if(has_system_privilege('CONTROL_CENTER_VIEW')) then dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_VIEW',1); else dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_VIEW',0); end if; if(has_system_privilege('CONTROL_CENTER_EXECUTION')) then dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_EXECUTION',1); else dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_EXECUTION',0); end if; if(has_system_privilege('CONTROL_CENTER_DEPLOYMENT')) then dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_DEPLOYMENT',1); else dbms_session.set_context(owb_ctx, 'CONTROL_CENTER_DEPLOYMENT',0); end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20001,'When set workspace context, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end set_workspace; function get_workspace return number as wkspid number; begin select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into wkspid from dual; if(wkspid ='') then wkspid:= -1; end if; return wkspid; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; --raise_application_error(-20002,'When set workspace context, error happened:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end get_workspace; --drop a contxt --drop context owb_workspace; --view a contxt -- select * from session_context; --use following step to set up workspace context --SQL> call owb_workspace_manager.set_workspace(1); --Call completed. --SQL> select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') from dual; --SYS_CONTEXT('OWB_WORKSPACE','WORKSPACEID') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --1 --SQL> select sys_context('owb_workspace','isWorkspaceAdmin') from dual; --SYS_CONTEXT('OWB_WORKSPACE','ISWORKSPACEADMIN') -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --1 -- select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceName') from dual; END owb_workspace_manager;
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