Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\reposasst\TranslationUtilityImpl.pkb
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY TranslationUtilityImpl AS TYPE TTYPE is REF CURSOR; ---some global variable --sochen: in tokyo, cwmseq increment_by changed from 100 to 10 default_cwmseq_inc integer:=10; cwmseq_increment INTEGER := 0; nextSequenceNumber INTEGER:=1; maximumSequenceNumber INTEGER:=0; --used for namespace check mode INSERT_MODE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0; UPDATE_MODE CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; NAMESPACEPARENT CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0; AGGREGATEPARENT CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; FCONamespaceOK BOOLEAN := TRUE; --used to save the fatal error message... fatal_error varchar2(300) := 'SUCCESS'; --used to automatically correct the name space vialaion by suffix a name with this number next_suffix_number INTEGER := 1; -- following methods are intended to debug only PROCEDURE MyDebug(debugMessage VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('DEBUG : '|| debugMessage); END MyDebug; function findBaseElementID(baseUOID in CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE IS baseElementId CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE := null; BEGIN begin select elementId into baseElementId from CMPElement_v where CMPElement_v.UOID = baseUOID; return baseElementId; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then --MyDebug('Sophai:ERROR: can not find base object on uoid!'); return null; when others then return null; end; END findBaseElementID; Procedure findBaseInfo(baseUOID in CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE, mlsTranslatable out CMPTranslation_v.mlsTranslatable%TYPE, baseClassName out CMPElement_v.classname%TYPE) IS BEGIN begin select elementId,className into mlsTranslatable,baseClassName from CMPElement_v where CMPElement_v.UOID = baseUOID; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then --MyDebug('Sophai:ERROR: can not find base object on uoid!'); mlsTranslatable := null; baseClassName := null; when others then mlsTranslatable := null; baseClassName := null; end; END findBaseInfo; function findFCOID(elemId in CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE) return CMPTranslation_v.firstclassobject%TYPE IS fco CMPTranslation_v.firstclassobject%TYPE := null; BEGIN begin select firstclassobject into fco from secondclassobject_v where secondclassobject_v.elementid = elemId; return fco; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- maybe the base object is not a SCO fco := elemId; return fco; when others then return null; end; END findFCOID; /* no need since there is no foreign key between translation and mlstranslatable function findLanguageElementID(tempISOID cmpsupportedlanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE IS elemId CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE := null; BEGIN begin select elementId into elemId from cmpsupportedlanguage_v where ISOID = tempISOID; return elemId; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return null; when others then return null; end; END findLanguageElementID; */ --sochen: return the old logicalname if exists function checkTranslationExist(theMlsTranslatable CMPTranslation_v.MLSTranslatable%TYPE, theSupportedLanguage CMPTranslation_v.ISOID%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE IS oldLogicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%type := null; BEGIN begin select logicalName into oldLogicalName from CMPTranslation_v where mlstranslatable = theMlsTranslatable and ISOID = theSupportedLanguage; return oldLogicalName; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return NULL; end; END checkTranslationExist; function getNextElementId return CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE IS BEGIN IF (cwmseq_increment = 0) THEN begin select increment_by into cwmseq_increment from user_sequences where sequence_name = 'CWMSEQ'; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then cwmseq_increment :=default_cwmseq_inc;--100; when others then cwmseq_increment :=default_cwmseq_inc;--100; end; END IF; IF (nextSequenceNumber >= maximumSequenceNumber) THEN select cwmseq.nextval into nextSequenceNumber from dual; maximumSequenceNumber := nextSequenceNumber + cwmseq_increment; nextSequenceNumber :=nextSequenceNumber-1; --minus 1 since later nextSequenceNumber+1 END IF; nextSequenceNumber := nextSequenceNumber+1; return nextSequenceNumber; END getNextElementId; PROCEDURE updateTranslation(theMlsTranslatable CMPTranslation_v.MLSTranslatable%TYPE, theSupportedLanguage CMPTranslation_v.ISOID%TYPE, theFirstClassObjectId CMPTranslation_v.firstclassobject%TYPE, theLogicalName CMPTranslation_v.logicalName%TYPE, theDescription CMPTranslation_v.description%TYPE) IS BEGIN update CMPTranslation_v set updateTimestamp =sysdate, logicalName = theLogicalName,description = theDescription where mlstranslatable = theMlsTranslatable and ISOID = theSupportedLanguage; END updateTranslation; PROCEDURE insertTranslation(theMlsTranslatable CMPTranslation_v.MLSTranslatable%TYPE, theSupportedLanguage CMPTranslation_v.ISOID%TYPE, theFirstClassObjectId CMPTranslation_v.firstclassobject%TYPE, theLogicalName CMPTranslation_v.logicalName%TYPE, theDescription CMPTranslation_v.description%TYPE, elemId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE) IS --elemId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; -- theUOID CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE; BEGIN --begin --select cwmseq.nextval into elemId from dual; --elemId := getNextElementId(); --select increment_by into elemId from user_sequences where sequence_name = 'CWMSEQ'; --MyDebug('sophia:eleid:'||elemId||',fco:'||theFirstClassObjectId||',thesupportedLang:'||theSupportedLanguage||',mlsable:'||theMlsTranslatable); insert into CMPTranslation_v(className,creationTimestamp,updateTimestamp,elementId, name,LogicalName,description,firstclassobject,ISOID,mlstranslatable, EDITABLE,CUSTOMERDELETABLE,CUSTOMERRENAMABLE, IMPORTED,PERSISTENT,SEEDED)values('CMPTranslation',sysdate,sysdate,elemId,'n_'||elemId,theLogicalName,theDescription,theFirstClassObjectId,theSupportedLanguage,theMlsTranslatable,'1','1','1', '0','1','0'); --exception --when others then --MyDebug('error when insert:'||SQLERRM); --end; END insertTranslation; function getOldLogicalName( theMlsTranslatable CMPTranslation_v.MLSTranslatable%TYPE, theSupportedLanguage CMPTranslation_v.ISOID%TYPE, newLogicalName CMPTranslation_v.logicalName%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE IS oldLogicalName CMPTranslation_v.logicalName%TYPE; BEGIN begin select logicalName into oldLogicalName from CMPTranslation_v where mlstranslatable=theMlsTranslatable and ISOID = theSupportedLanguage; return oldLogicalName; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then return null; -- wont happen when others then return null; -- wont happen end; END getOldLogicalName; function findBaseClassName(baseUOID in CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.classname%TYPE IS baseClassName CMPElement_v.className%TYPE := null; BEGIN begin select classname into baseClassName from CMPElement_v where CMPElement_v.UOID = baseUOID; --MyDebug('after query,baseclassname:'||baseClassName); return baseClassName; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then --MyDebug('Sophai:ERROR: can not find base classname on uoid:'||baseUOID); return null; when others then --MyDebug('when others,Sophai:ERROR: can not find base classname on uoid:'||baseUOID); return null; end; return baseClassName; END findBaseClassName; FUNCTION IsFCO(theMlsTranslatable IN CMPTranslation_v.mlsTranslatable%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN IS isFCO BOOLEAN := FALSE; owningFolder FirstClassObject_v.owningFolder%TYPE := null; firstClassObject SecondClassObject_v.firstClassObject%TYPE := null; className cmpelement_v.classname%TYPE := null; BEGIN begin select owningFolder into owningFolder from FirstClassObject_v where elementId = theMlsTranslatable; isFCO := TRUE; return isFCO; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then isFCO := FALSE; when others then -- should not happen isFCO := FALSE; end; /* begin select firstClassObject into firstClassObject from SecondClassObject_v where UOID = theUOID; isFCO := FALSE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then -- IF(isFCO = FALSE) THEN isFCO := TRUE; when others then -- should not happen isFCO := TRUE; end; */ begin select className into className from CMPElement_v where elementId = theMlsTranslatable and className in ('CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint','CMPIndex'); isFCO := TRUE; return isFCO; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then isFCO := FALSE; return isFCO; when others then -- should not happen isFCO := FALSE; return isFCO; end; END IsFCO; function getInstalledModule(id in CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE is tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE := null; moduleID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE := null; tcursor TTYPE; begin open tcursor for select elementid from FirstClassObject_v start with elementid = id connect by prior owningFolder = elementid; loop begin fetch tcursor into tempElemID; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; begin select elementid into moduleID from CMPInstalledModule_v where elementid = tempElemID; exception when others then null; end; if moduleID is not null then exit; end if; exception when others then null; end; end loop; close tcursor; return moduleID; end getInstalledModule; function getWorkspaceNSParentID return number is ownerid number; begin select elementid into ownerid from cmpwbuser_v where IsWorkspaceOwner = '1'; return ownerid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return null; WHEN OTHERS THEN return null; end; function getParentID(elemId in CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE, whichParent in NUMBER) return CMPElement_v.ElementId%TYPE is parentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE := null; className CMPElement_v.className%TYPE := null; isFCO BOOLEAN := FALSE; isSCO BOOLEAN := FALSE; owningFolder FirstClassObject_v.owningFolder%TYPE := null; firstClassObject SecondClassObject_v.firstClassObject%TYPE := null; logicalObject CMPPhysicalObject_v.logicalObject%TYPE := null; tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE := null; begin select className into className from CMPElement_v where elementId = elemId; if className is null then -- should not happen. each element should have a classname. return null; end if; begin select owningFolder into owningFolder from FirstClassObject_v where elementId = elemId; isFCO := TRUE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then isFCO := FALSE; when others then -- should not happen isFCO := FALSE; end; begin select firstClassObject into firstClassObject from SecondClassObject_v where ElementId = elemId; isSCO := TRUE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then isSCO := FALSE; when others then -- should not happen isSCO := FALSE; end; if className = 'CMPFunction' then select nvl(functionCategory, owningFolder) into tempElemID from CMPFunction_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPCatalog' then select nvl(owningproject,owningFolder) into tempElemID from CMPCatalog_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPMap' then select nvl(nvl(owningFolder, installedModule),owningFolder) into tempElemID from CMPMap_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPFunctionCategory' then select nvl(installedModule,owningFolder) into tempElemID from CMPFunctionCategory_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; -- now proj has parent, which is workspace, treat it as normal FCO -- elsif className = 'CMPWBProject' then -- return 0; elsif classname = 'CMPWorkspace' then return getWorkspaceNSParentID(); elsif className = 'CMPPhysicalObject' then select logicalObject into logicalObject from CMPPhysicalObject_v where elementId = elemId; return logicalObject; elsif className = 'CMPPropertyValue' or className = 'CMPReferencePropertyValue' or className = 'CMPCLOBPropertyValue' or className = 'CMPStringPropertyValue' or className = 'CMPValuelessProperty' then select nvl(propertyOwner, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPPropertyValue_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPWBItemSetUsage' then select nvl(itemSet, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPWBItemSetUsage_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPFunctionImplementation' then select nvl(function, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPFunctionImplementation_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPForeignKey' then if(whichParent = AGGREGATEPARENT) then select nvl(owningRelation, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPForeignKey_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; else tempElemID := getInstalledModule(firstClassObject); return tempElemID; end if; /* elsif className = 'CMPRedefines' then select nvl(owningRelation, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPRedefines_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; */ elsif className = 'CMPWBNamedItemSet' then select nvl(owningRelation, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPWBNamedItemSet_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPUniqueKey' then if(whichParent = AGGREGATEPARENT) then select nvl(owningRelation, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPUniqueKey_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; else tempElemID := getInstalledModule(firstClassObject); return tempElemID; end if; elsif className = 'CMPIndex' then if(whichParent = AGGREGATEPARENT) then select nvl(owningRelation, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPUniqueKey_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; else tempElemID := getInstalledModule(firstClassObject); return tempElemID; end if; elsif className = 'CMPWBCheckConstraint' then if(whichParent = AGGREGATEPARENT) then select nvl(owningRelation, firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPWBCheckConstraint_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; else tempElemID := getInstalledModule(firstClassObject); return tempElemID; end if; elsif className = 'CMPFunctionArgument' then select nvl(owningRelation,firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPFunctionArgument_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPWBField' then select nvl(owningRelation,firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPWBField_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPRelationalDBItem' then select nvl(owningRelation,firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPRelationalDBItem_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif className = 'CMPRecord' then select nvl(owningFile,firstClassObject) into tempElemID from CMPRecord_v where elementId = elemId; return tempElemID; elsif isFCO then return owningFolder; elsif isSCO then return firstClassObject; else return null; end if; exception when others then return null; end getParentID; --return classification FUNCTION getClassification( givenClassName IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS retValue Classification_Store.domainName%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT domainName INTO retValue FROM Classification_Store WHERE className = givenClassName; return retValue; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return givenClassName; WHEN OTHERS THEN return givenClassName; END getClassification; --seems to me only this fn need to be committed anyway PROCEDURE logErrorMessage(errCode NUMBER, errorMessage VARCHAR2, information VARCHAR2) IS v_ErrorTime Owb_Error_Log_Table.WhenHappend%TYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO v_ErrorTime FROM dual; INSERT INTO Owb_Error_Log_Table(errcode, errtext, info, whenhappend) VALUES(errCode, errorMessage, information , v_ErrorTime); COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- even error might happen when inserting into error log WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; RETURN; END logErrorMessage; -- for the mapping object, we can not check them since we do not have -- enough information in database: e.g. cmpmappingparameter, it can -- have a mapping as nsParent, and also can have -- cmpmappingparametergroup as nsParent -- HENCE, here we just return SUCCESS for each check... FUNCTION checkMappingObjectNamespace( theUOID IN CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE, theISOID IN CMPSupportedLanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE, theLogicalName IN CMPElement_v.logicalname%TYPE, baseClassName IN CMPElement_v.classname%TYPE ) RETURN Varchar2 IS error varchar2(200) := 'SUCCESS'; parentId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; BEGIN return error; /* IF(baseClassName ='CMPMappingParameterGroup') THEN parentId = getParentId(theUOID); open tcursor for select logicalname from cmptranslation_v,cmpsupportedlanguage_v,cmpmappingparameterGroup_v where mlstranslatable =cmpmappingparameterGroup_v.elementid and cmpmappingparametergroup_v.UOID = theUOID and cmptranslation_v.supportedlanguage =cmpsupportedlanguage_v.elementid and cmpsupportedlanguage_v.ISOID = theISOID and cmpmappingparametergroup_v.stageComponent = parentId; ELSIF(baseClassName ='CMPMappingParameter') THEN parentId = getParentId(theUOID); open tcursor for select logicalname from cmptranslation_v,cmpsupportedlanguage_v,cmpmappingparameter_v where mlstranslatable =cmpmappingparameter_v.elementid and cmpmappingparametergroup_v.UOID = theUOID and cmptranslation_v.supportedlanguage =cmpsupportedlanguage_v.elementid and cmpsupportedlanguage_v.ISOID = theISOID and cmpmappingparametergroup_v.parameterGroup = parentId; ELSIF(baseClassName ='CMPMappingDisplaySet') THEN return checkMappingObjectNamespace(baseClassName); END IF; */ END checkMappingObjectNamespace; FUNCTION checkNamespaceForSCO( theMlsTranslatable IN CMPTranslation_v.MLSTranslatable%TYPE, theISOID IN CMPSupportedLanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE, theLogicalName IN CMPElement_v.logicalname%TYPE, baseClassName IN CMPElement_v.classname%TYPE ) RETURN Varchar2 IS parentId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; result varchar2(200) := null; oneLogicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE; tcursor TTYPE; BEGIN result := theLogicalName; parentId := getParentId(theMlsTranslatable,NAMESPACEPARENT); open tcursor for select cmptranslation_v.logicalName from cmptranslation_v,cmpelement_v where firstclassobject = parentId and cmptranslation_v.ISOID = theISOID and -- cmpsupportedlanguage_v.ISOID = theISOID and cmpelement_v.elementid =cmptranslation_v.mlstranslatable and cmpelement_v.classname = baseClassName; loop begin fetch tcursor into oneLogicalName; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; if(oneLogicalName = theLogicalName ) then result :=theLogicalName||'_'||next_suffix_number; next_suffix_number := next_suffix_number+1; --MyDebug('--returned value:'||result); return result; end if; end; end loop; close tcursor; return result; --should be the name passed in END checkNamespaceForSCO; FUNCTION checkNamespaceForFCO( theMlsTranslatable IN CMPTranslation_v.MLSTranslatable%TYPE, theUOID IN CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE, theISOID IN CMPSupportedLanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE, theLogicalName IN CMPElement_v.logicalname%TYPE, operationMode IN NUMBER, oldLogicalName IN CMPElement_v.logicalname%TYPE, baseClassName IN CMPElement_v.classname%TYPE, newElementId IN CMPElement_v.elementid%TYPE) RETURN Varchar2 IS nsParentId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; theDomain CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.domain%TYPE; result Varchar2(200):= null; className CMPElement_v.className%TYPE; elemId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; aggregParentId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; BEGIN if(FCONamespaceOK) then result := theLogicalName; --initialize to passed_in one else result :=theLogicalName||'_'||next_suffix_number; next_suffix_number := next_suffix_number +1; end if; --MyDebug('sophia:check ns for fco'); --select className,elementId into className,elemId from cmpelement_v where UOID =theUOID; nsParentId := getParentId(theMlsTranslatable,NAMESPACEPARENT); aggregParentId := nsParentId; if(baseClassName = 'CMPUniqueKey' OR baseClassName = 'CMPForeignKey' OR baseClassName = 'CMPWBCheckConstraint' OR baseClassName = 'CMPIndex') then aggregParentId := getParentId(theMlsTranslatable,AGGREGATEPARENT); end if; theDomain := getClassification(baseClassName); IF(nsParentId IS NULL) THEN fatal_error := 'Can not find the name space parent Id for the give UOID:'||theUOID; return result; ELSE begin IF(operationMode = INSERT_MODE) THEN --MyDebug('insert into allnames:'||theLogicalName||',domain:'||theDomain||',pid:'||nsParentId||',isoid:'||theISOID); INSERT INTO CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES(parentID, domain, name, isPhys,elementId,aggregateparent,languageISOID) VALUES(nsParentId, theDomain, result, 2,newElementId,aggregParentId,theISOID); FCONamespaceOK := TRUE; return result; ELSE --MyDebug('UPDATE into allnames:'||theLogicalName||',domain:'||theDomain||',pid:'||nsParentId||',isoid:'||theISOID||',oldname:'||oldLogicalName); UPDATE CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES set name =result where parentId = nsParentId and domain = theDomain and isPhys = 2 and languageISOID = theISOID and name = oldLogicalName; --MyDebug('what is returned :'||result); FCONamespaceOK := TRUE; return result; END IF; exception WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN --has name space conflict,record ns warning... FCONamespaceOK := FALSE; WHEN OTHERS THEN --MyDebug('error:when ns check for fco,when others happened'); v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'when check name space for:'||theUOID||' in language:'||theISOID||' with translation name:'||theLogicalName); fatal_error := 'fatal error happened when check name space for:'||theUOID ||' in language:'||theISOID||' with translation name:' ||theLogicalName||',the error message is:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200); return result; end; END IF; return result; END checkNamespaceForFCO; function checkNamespace(mlsTranslatable CMPTranslation_v.mlsTranslatable%TYPE , theUOID CMPElement_v.UOID%TYPE, ISOID cmpsupportedlanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE, logicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE, operation_mode NUMBER, oldLogicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE, baseClassName CMPElement_v.ClassName%TYPE, newElementId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE) return varchar2 IS result varchar2(200); BEGIN IF(IsFCO(mlsTranslatable)) THEN LOOP result := checkNamespaceForFCO(mlsTranslatable,theUOID,ISOID,logicalName,operation_mode,oldLogicalName,baseClassName,newElementId); exit when (FCONamespaceOK = TRUE); END LOOP; return result; ELSE return checkNamespaceForSCO(mlsTranslatable,ISOID,logicalName,baseClassName); END IF; END checkNamespace; -- populate translation info for the base object PROCEDURE populateTranslationInfo(outcome out VARCHAR2) IS --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;--the connection is only on changeofthis tempBaseObjectUOID TranslationTemp.baseObjectUOID%TYPE; tempISOID TranslationTemp.supportedLanguageISOID%TYPE; tempLogicalName TranslationTemp.logicalName%TYPE; tempDescription TranslationTemp.description%TYPE; mlsTranslatable CMPTranslation_v.mlsTranslatable%TYPE; firstClassObjectId CMPTranslation_v.firstClassObject%TYPE; --supportedLanguage CMPTranslation_v.ISOID%TYPE; lineNumber INTEGER; tcursor TTYPE; newElementId CMPElement_v.elementId%TYPE; oldLogicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE; baseClassName CMPElement_v.classname%TYPE; result Varchar2(200); --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN --initialize suffix number to 1 next_suffix_number := 1; lineNumber := 1; open tcursor for select TranslationTemp.baseObjectUOID,TranslationTemp.supportedLanguageISOID, TranslationTemp.logicalName,TranslationTemp.description from TranslationTemp; loop begin fetch tcursor into tempBaseObjectUOID,tempISOID, tempLogicalName,tempDescription; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; --sochen:mlsTranslatable and baseClassname can be in --same procedure findBaseInfo(tempBaseObjectUOID,mlsTranslatable,baseClassName); --mlsTranslatable :=findBaseElementID(tempBaseObjectUOID); --firstClassObjectId :=findFCOID(tempBaseObjectUOID); firstClassObjectId :=findFCOID(mlsTranslatable); --no need since there is no longer asso btwn trans and -- mlstranslatable --supportedLanguage := findLanguageElementID(tempISOID); --baseClassName :=findBaseClassName(tempBaseObjectUOID); --errorMsg := 'mlsTranslatable is '||mlsTranslatable; IF(mlsTranslatable IS null) THEN outcome := 'At row:'||lineNumber||' has ERROR:can not find base object in database for the given UOID:'||tempBaseObjectUOID; --MyDebug(outcome); ROLLBACK; return; END IF; IF(firstClassObjectId IS null) THEN outcome := 'At row:'||lineNumber||' has ERROR:can not find first class object in database for the given UOID:'||tempBaseObjectUOID; --MyDebug(outcome); ROLLBACK; return; END IF; /* IF(supportedLanguage IS null) THEN outcome := 'At row:'||lineNumber||' has ERROR:can not find the supported language in database for the given ISOID:'||tempBaseObjectUOID; --MyDebug(outcome); ROLLBACK; return; END IF; */ --sochen: let this checking return the old logicalname --oldLogicalName := checkTranslationExist(mlsTranslatable,supportedLanguage); oldLogicalName := checkTranslationExist(mlsTranslatable,tempISOID); IF(oldLogicalName IS NULL) THEN --MyDebug('sophia:go to insert'); newElementId := getNextElementId();--here we need it before checking namespace IF(baseClassName != 'CMPFunction')THEN --MyDebug('sophia:checkNS when insert'); -- result := checkNamespace(tempBaseObjectUOID,tempISOID,tempLogicalName,INSERT_MODE,oldLogicalName,baseClassName); result := checkNamespace(mlsTranslatable,tempBaseObjectUOID,tempISOID,tempLogicalName,INSERT_MODE,oldLogicalName,baseClassName,newElementId); IF(fatal_error != 'SUCCESS' ) then outcome := fatal_error; ROLLBACK; return; END IF; END IF; --MyDebug('Sophia:go to insert'); insertTranslation(mlsTranslatable,tempISOID,firstClassObjectId,result,tempDescription,newElementId); ELSE --MyDebug('oldname:'||oldLogicalName); --MyDebug('newname:'||tempLogicalName); IF(tempLogicalName != oldLogicalName) THEN --MyDebug('sophia:baseclassname:'||baseClassName); IF(baseClassName != 'CMPFunction')THEN --MyDebug('sophia:checkNS when update'); -- result := checkNamespace(tempBaseObjectUOID,tempISOID,tempLogicalName,UPDATE_MODE,oldLogicalName,baseClassName); result := checkNamespace(mlsTranslatable,tempBaseObjectUOID,tempISOID,tempLogicalName,UPDATE_MODE,oldLogicalName,baseClassName,newElementId); IF(fatal_error != 'SUCCESS' ) then outcome := fatal_error; ROLLBACK; return; END IF; END IF; --MyDebug('sophia:go to update'); updateTranslation(mlsTranslatable,tempISOID,firstClassObjectId,result,tempDescription); END IF; END IF; lineNumber := lineNumber+1; end; end loop; close tcursor; -- everything is fine, commit it --COMMIT; --leave this to caller outcome := 'SUCCESS'; --MyDebug(outcome); exception when others then outcome := 'At Row:'||lineNumber||',has error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1, 200); -- some err happened, rollback anyway --MyDebug(outcome); ROLLBACK; return; END populateTranslationInfo; END TranslationUtilityImpl;
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