Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\reposasst\SecurityCheckCascadeInDB.pkb
/* This package provide a generic solution to help check privilege(represent by positiontoCheck) on a list of objects(represent by theObjectIdList) with the corresponding cascade type(-1: cascade down, 0: no cascade; 1: cascade up; 2: cascade up and down) */ CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY SecurityCheckCascade AS TYPE TTYPE is REF CURSOR; reposSysPrivIndicator Varchar2(30):= 'OWB$SYSPRIVS'; --repositoryName := 'OWB$_REPOSITORY'; PROCEDURE MyDebug(debugMessage VARCHAR2) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN -- insert into sochen_debug(t,info) values(to_date(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ss'),debugMessage); COMMIT; END MyDebug; PROCEDURE checkSize(theObjectIdList in SEC_INTEGERLIST, theCascadeTypeList in SEC_INTEGERLIST) IS theObjectIdListSize number; theCascadeTypeListSize number; BEGIN theObjectIdListSize := theObjectIdList.COUNT; theCascadeTypeListSize:=theCascadeTypeList.COUNT; if(theObjectIdListSize != theCascadeTypeListSize) then raise_application_error(-20002,'SecurityCheckCascade found the passed in arguments of objectId List and cascade type list are not the same.'); end if; END checkSize; PROCEDURE securityCheckOnEachObject(positionToCheck in number , fcoId in number, userId in number, result_list IN OUT NOCOPY SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST) AS isAdmin number; permitted number ; fcoClassName varchar2(255); fcoName varchar2(255); fcoUOID varchar2(255); wksp varchar2(255); BEGIN MyDebug('4. come into real check on EACH OBJ, userid:'||userId||',fcoId:'||fcoId||',positionToCheck:'||positionToCheck); --0 in tokyo, if come to check workspace, just return select className into wksp from firstclassobject_v where elementid = fcoId; if(wksp = 'CMPWorkspace') then return; end if; --1 check the user is admin ? select count(*) into isAdmin from cmpRoleAssignment_v assign, cmpwbrole_v wbrole where assign.wbuser = userId and assign.wbrole = wbrole.elementid and wbrole.isAdmin = '1'; if(isAdmin = 1) then return; -- do nothing end if; MyDebug('5. come into real check on EACH OBJ, userid is not admin'); --2 check user or user's granted role has the privilege ? permitted :=0; --fix bug 4646333: if no --acl point back to the fco , this situation is --due to corrupted repos... hence retrieve info from fco-->acl --container..(not otherway around) select count(*) into permitted from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = fcoId and fco.aclcontainer = con.elementid and con.elementid= list.aclcontainer and SUBSTR(list.accesscharmap,positionToCheck,1) = '1' and (list.privilegeOwner = userId or list.privilegeOwner in (select wbrole from cmproleassignment_v where wbuser = userId ) ); MyDebug('5. come into real check on EACH OBJ, permitted:'||permitted); if(permitted >= 1) then return; --do nothing end if; MyDebug('6. come into real check on EACH OBJ, oho,user has no permission'); -- 3. if come here, user do not has the checked permission, need to add the info into the result_list select name, className ,uoid into fcoName,fcoClassName,fcoUOID from firstclassobject_v where elementid = fcoId; result_list.EXTEND; -- since jdbc can not retrieve array of user-defined type, --here we user concated string to return all info result_list(result_list.COUNT) := fcoId||'_'||fcoUOID||'_'||fcoClassName||'_'||fcoName; EXCEPTION when others then raise_application_error(-20003,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END securityCheckOnEachObject; --cascadeType: -1: cascade down; 0: no cascade ; 1: cascade up PROCEDURE securityCheckCascade(positionToCheck in number, objId in number, cascadeType in number, userId in number, theResult_list IN OUT NOCOPY SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST) AS fcocursor TTYPE; fcoId number; BEGIN MyDebug('3. come into real check, userid:'||userId||',objId:'||objId||',positionToCheck:'||positionToCheck); --open cursor correspondingly if(cascadeType = -1 ) then --cascade down MyDebug('3.1: isCascadeDown is true'); open fcocursor for select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid=objId connect by prior elementid = owningfolder; elsif(cascadeType = 1) then --cascade up MyDebug('3.2: isCascadeDown is false'); open fcocursor for select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid=objId connect by prior owningfolder =elementid; else --no cascade open fcocursor for select elementid from firstclassobject_v where elementid=objId ; end if; loop begin fetch fcocursor into fcoId; exit when fcocursor%NOTFOUND; --now really do the checkup securityCheckOnEachObject(positionToCheck,fcoId, userId, theResult_list); end; end loop; close fcocursor; --must close cursor otherwise will exceed resource limit EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20004,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END securityCheckCascade; FUNCTION lookForClosestExistParentUOID(theSnapshotId in number , theUOID in varchar2, tempSysPrivList in out NOCOPY SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST) return Varchar2 IS existingUOID VARCHAR2(255) ; fco_x_cursor TTYPE; theParentUOID varchar2(255); rootClassName varchar2(255); found number := 0; isExisted number :=0; BEGIN open fco_x_cursor for select uoid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid =theSnapshotId start with uoid = theUOID and snapshotid =theSnapshotId connect by prior owningfolder = elementid and snapshotid =theSnapshotId; loop begin fetch fco_x_cursor into theParentUOID; exit when fco_x_cursor%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into isExisted from firstclassobject_v where uoid = theParentUOID; if(isExisted > 0) then found := 1; exit; end if; end; end loop; close fco_x_cursor; if(found = 1) then return theParentUOID; end if; if(found = 0) then --todo: add info to result set record no parent exist and --fix: theUOID responding to the leaf class, not the root class, need to changte to:theParentUOID select className into rootClassName from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid = theSnapshotId and uoid = theParentUOID;--theUOID; tempSysPrivList.EXTEND; tempSysPrivList(tempSysPrivList.COUNT) :=0||'_'||0||'_'||rootClassName||'_'||reposSysPrivIndicator;--rootClassName; return NULL; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20007,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END lookForClosestExistParentUOID; --NOCOPY is a compilation hint: ask for: pass by reference PROCEDURE findCorrespondingExistIDs( snapshotId in number, theUOIDList in SEC_UOIDLIST, theCascadeTypeList in SEC_INTEGERLIST, existingIDs in out NOCOPY SEC_INTEGERLIST, newCascadeTypeList in out NOCOPY SEC_INTEGERLIST, tempSysPrivArray in out NOCOPY SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST ) IS isExisted NUMBER:=0; theUOID VARCHAR2(255); theCascadeType NUMBER; theObjId NUMBER; BEGIN MyDebug('---100: come to findCorrespondingExistIDs '); FOR i IN theUOIDList.FIRST..theUOIDList.LAST LOOP select count(*) into isExisted from FirstClassObject_V where uoid = theUOIDList(i); MyDebug('---101: isExisted: '|| isExisted); if(isExisted = 0) then MyDebug('---102: isExisted is 0,goto find out pUOID '); theUOID :=lookForClosestExistParentUOID(snapshotId,theUOIDList(i),tempSysPrivArray); MyDebug('---103: isExisted is 0,goto find out pUOID is: '||theUOID); theCascadeType := theCascadeTypeList(i); --itself MyDebug('---103.1: isExisted is 0, come to get the cascade type: '||theCascadeType); if(theUOID IS NULL) then MyDebug('---103.2: isExisted is 0, here find theUOID is null'); null; --do nothing elsif(theUOID != theUOIDList(i)) then MyDebug('---103.3'); if(theCascadeTypeList(i) = 2) then MyDebug('---103.4'); theCascadeType := 1; elsif(theCascadeTypeList(i) = -1) then MyDebug('---103.5'); theCascadeType := 0; MyDebug('---103.6'); end if; end if; else theUOID:=theUOIDList(i); theCascadeType := theCascadeTypeList(i); end if; -- no parent exist in repository, need to check user can create project or not ?? if(theUOID is NULL) then MyDebug('---103.7'); null;--now do nothing, now (do sth during lookup) else --update the new arrays select elementid into theObjId from firstclassobject_v where uoid = theUOID; existingIDs.EXTEND; existingIDs(existingIDs.COUNT) := theObjId; newCascadeTypeList.EXTEND; newCascadeTypeList(newCascadeTypeList.COUNT):= theCascadeType; MyDebug('---104: correspong objId: '||theObjId||',cascadetype:'||theCascadeType); end if; isExisted := 0; end loop; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20006,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end findCorrespondingExistIDs; /* *This method could return duplicate item due to the fact one object *will be checked casacde up and cascade down, the caller should filter *out duplicated */ FUNCTION getFailedObjectList(positionToCheck in NUMBER, theObjectIdList in SEC_INTEGERLIST, theCascadeTypeList in SEC_INTEGERLIST, userId in number) RETURN SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST IS objId number; objName VARCHAR2(30); objUOID VARCHAR2(255); objClassName VARCHAR2(255); cascadeType number; result_list SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST := SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST(); cascadeDownList SEC_INTEGERLIST; BEGIN MyDebug('1. come into getFailedObjectList,positionToCheck:'||positionToCheck||',usrId:'||userId); --first make sure this 2 are in same size checkSize(theObjectIdList,theCascadeTypeList); if(theObjectIdList.count =0) then return result_list; end if; MyDebug('1.2, after check size'); cascadeDownList := SEC_INTEGERLIST(); -- now do the cascade up FOR i IN theObjectIdList.FIRST..theObjectIdList.LAST LOOP MyDebug('2. for each obj in objectlist, objid is:'||theObjectIdList(i)||',cascade type is:'||theCascadeTypeList(i)); if(theCascadeTypeList(i) = 1 OR theCascadeTypeList(i) = 2) then cascadeType := 1; securityCheckCascade(positionToCheck,theObjectIdList(i), cascadeType, userId, result_list); end if; -- then cascade down if(theCascadeTypeList(i) = -1 OR theCascadeTypeList(i) = 2) then cascadeType := -1; securityCheckCascade(positionToCheck,theObjectIdList(i), cascadeType, userId,result_list); end if; -- no cascade (down or up actually cover no cascade -- due to hte hierachy query stmt if(theCascadeTypeList(i) =0 ) then cascadeType := 0; securityCheckCascade(positionToCheck,theObjectIdList(i), cascadeType, userId,result_list); end if; END LOOP; return result_list; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20001,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END getFailedObjectList; FUNCTION getFailedObjectListOnRestore(positionToCheck in NUMBER, theUOIDList in SEC_UOIDLIST, theCascadeTypeList in SEC_INTEGERLIST, snapshotId in number, userId in number) RETURN SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST IS existingIDs SEC_INTEGERLIST := SEC_INTEGERLIST(); newCascadeTypeList SEC_INTEGERLIST := SEC_INTEGERLIST(); result SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST ; tempSysPrivList SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST :=SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST(); BEGIN if(theUOIDList.count != theCascadeTypeList.count OR theUOIDList.count = 0) then raise_application_error(-20008,'SecurityCheckCascade found the passed in arguments of theUOID List and cascade type list are not the same in number or size is 0.'); end if; findCorrespondingExistIDs(snapshotId,theUOIDList,theCascadeTypeList,existingIDs,newCascadeTypeList,tempSysPrivList); --findCorrespondingExistIDs(snapshotId,theUOIDList,theCascadeTypeList); result :=getFailedObjectList(positionToCheck,existingIDs,newCascadeTypeList,userId); MyDebug('--110: after getFailedObjectList, tempSysPrivListcount is:'||tempSysPrivList.COUNT); if(tempSysPrivList.COUNT > 0) then --otherwise,numeric exception for i in tempSysPrivList.FIRST..tempSysPrivList.LAST LOOP MyDebug('--111: come to put sysprivList to result...'); result.EXTEND; result(result.COUNT) := tempSysPrivList(i); end LOOP; end if; return result; --return null; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20005,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END getFailedObjectListOnRestore; FUNCTION findModuleId(objId in number) return number AS fcocursor TTYPE; fcoid number; findModule number:=0; begin open fcocursor for select elementid from firstClassObject_V start with elementid = objId connect by prior owningFolder =elementid; loop begin fetch fcocursor into fcoid; exit when fcocursor%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into findModule from CMPInstalledModule_v where elementid = fcoid; if(findModule = 1) then exit; end if; end; end loop; close fcocursor; --must close cursor otherwise will exceed resource limit --if found.. if(findModule=1) then return fcoid; end if; return 0; exception WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20012,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end findModuleId; PROCEDURE retrieveOneObjectInfo(objId in number, theResult_list IN OUT NOCOPY SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST) AS moduleId number; moduleUOID varchar2(255); projectUOID varchar2(255); objectUOID varchar2(255); objectClassName varchar2(255); moduleStatus varchar2(255); BEGIN --1. find the module+status and proj info moduleId := findModuleId(objId); if(moduleId !=0) then begin select UOID, status into moduleUOID, moduleStatus from cmpinstalledmodule_v where elementid = moduleId; select UOID into projectUOID from cmpwbproject_v where elementid=( select owningfolder from cmpinstalledmodule_v where elementid=moduleId); exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then moduleUOID := ' '; moduleStatus :=' '; projectUOID :=' '; end; end if; --2 find obj info begin select uoid,classname into objectUOID , objectClassName from firstclassobject_v where elementid=objId; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then objectUOID :=' '; objectClassName :=' '; end; --3 contruct objInfo theResult_list.EXTEND; theResult_list(theResult_list.COUNT):=objId||'_'||projectUOID||'_'||moduleUOID||'_'||moduleStatus||'_'||objectUOID||'_'||objectClassName; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20011,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END retrieveOneObjectInfo; FUNCTION retrieveObjectInfo (theObjectIdList in SEC_INTEGERLIST) RETURN SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST IS result_list SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST := SEC_OBJECTINFOLIST(); BEGIN if(theObjectIdList.count =0) then raise_application_error(-20010,'SecurityCheckCascade found the passed in arguments of objectId List count is 0.'); end if; FOR i IN theObjectIdList.FIRST..theObjectIdList.LAST LOOP retrieveOneObjectInfo(theObjectIdList(i), result_list); END LOOP; return result_list; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20009,'SecurityCheckCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END retrieveObjectInfo; END SecurityCheckCascade;
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