Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\reposasst\NamespaceServiceImpl.pkb
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY NamespaceServiceImpl AS TYPE TTYPE is REF CURSOR; TYPE TAB_TYPE is table of number index by binary_integer; reservingParentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE ; reservingDomain Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE ; reservingName Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE ; reservingMode Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE ; reservingISOID Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE; reservingElemId Reservation_Store.elementId%TYPE; -- following representation of parentId, domain, name, mode As one key reservingUK VARCHAR2(4000); -- As owb max name length is 2000 reservingSessionID NUMBER; reservingInstanceID number; reservingUser Reservation_Store.osUSer%TYPE; --need to be inited reservingSessionSerial Reservation_Store.sessSerial%TYPE ; reservingSessionTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; upperCasePhyName NUMBER; -- pysical/logical name distinguisher CONTANTS n_PhysicalName CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; n_LogicalName CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 2; n_PropagationRequired CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; n_RepositoryCheckRequired CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; n_UpperCasePhysicalName CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; -- MDL performance related CONTANTS n_BulkMode CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; n_SingleUserLock CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 1; n_SingleUserLockIgnore CONSTANT NUMBER(1) := 0; v_Constraint CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10) := 'Constraint'; --reserve prefix TYPE t_ReservePrefix_List IS VARRAY(1) OF VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL; v_ReservePrefix_List t_ReservePrefix_List := t_ReservePrefix_List('OWB$'); -- reserve list names -- PLEASE NOTE 210 COUNT OF RESERVED WORD LIST AND -- isItOWBReservedWordChecker depends upon this sbscripts -- so adding or deleting from this list please make sure -- this count is in SYNC with reservedWordChecker TYPE t_Reserve_List IS VARRAY(212) OF VARCHAR2(100) NOT NULL; -- total number of reserved words 120+92 = 212 v_Reserve_List t_Reserve_List := t_Reserve_List('ACCESS', 'ADD', 'ALL', 'ALTER', 'AND', 'ANY', 'AS', 'ASC', 'AUDIT', 'BETWEEN', 'BY', 'CHAR', 'CHECK', 'CLUSTER', 'COLUMN', 'COMMENT', 'COMPRESS', 'CONNECT', 'CREATE', 'CURRENT', 'DATE', 'DECIMAL', 'DEFAULT', 'DELETE', 'DESC', 'DISTINCT', 'DROP', 'ELSE', 'EXCLUSIVE', 'EXISTS', 'FILE', 'FLOAT', 'FOR', 'FROM', 'GRANT', 'GROUP', 'HAVING', 'IDENTIFIED', 'IMMEDIATE', 'IN', 'INCREMENT', 'INDEX', 'INITIAL', 'INSERT', 'INTEGER', 'INTERSECT', 'INTERVAL', 'INTO', 'IS', 'LEVEL', 'LIKE', 'LOCK', 'LONG', 'MAXEXTENTS', 'MINUS', 'MLSLABEL', 'MODE', 'MODIFY', 'NOAUDIT', 'NOCOMPRESS', 'NOT', 'NOWAIT', 'NULL', 'NUMBER', 'OF', 'OFFLINE', 'ON', 'ONLINE', 'OPTION', 'OR', 'ORDER', 'PCTFREE', 'PRIOR', 'PRIVILEGES', 'PUBLIC', 'RAW', 'RENAME', 'RESOURCE', 'REVOKE', 'ROW', 'ROWID', 'ROWNUM', 'ROWS', 'SELECT', 'SESSION', 'SET', 'SHARE', 'SIZE', 'SMALLINT', 'START', 'SUCCESSFUL', 'SYNONYM', 'SYSDATE', 'TABLE', 'THEN', 'TO', 'TRIGGER','UID', 'UNION','UNIQUE', 'UPDATE', 'USER', 'VALIDATE', 'VALUES', 'VARCHAR', 'VARCHAR2', 'VIEW', 'WHENEVER', 'WHERE', 'WITH', 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU', 'NAME_RESERVED_BY_OTHER_SESSION', 'PEER_RESERVATION', 'NAME_ALREADY_COMMITTED', 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR' , 'OWBNOOP','MATERIALIZED_VIEW','WB_CUSTOM_TRANS','WB_PREDEFINED_TRANS', --plsqls reserved words 'ARRAY', 'AT', 'AUTHID', 'AVG', 'BEGIN', 'BINARY_INTEGER', 'BODY', 'BOOLEAN', 'BULK', 'CHAR_BASE', 'CLOSE', 'COLLECT', 'COMMIT', 'CONSTANT', 'CURRVAL', 'CURSOR', 'DECLARE', 'DO', 'ELSIF', 'END', 'EXCEPTION', 'EXECUTE', 'EXIT', 'EXTENDS', 'FALSE', 'FETCH', 'FORALL', 'FUNCTION', 'GOTO', 'HEAP', 'IF', 'INDICATOR', 'INTERFACE', 'INTERVAL', 'ISOLATION', 'JAVA', 'LIMITED', 'LOOP', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'MOD', 'NATURAL', 'NATURALN', 'NEW', 'NEXTVAL', 'NOCOPY', 'NUMBER_BASE', 'OCIROWID', 'OPAQUE', 'OPEN', 'OPERATOR', 'ORGANIZATION', 'OTHERS', 'OUT', 'PACKAGE', 'PARTITION', 'PLS_INTEGER', 'POSITIVE', 'POSITIVEN', 'PRAGMA', 'PRIVATE', 'PROCEDURE', 'RAISE', 'REAL', 'RECORD', 'REF', 'RELEASE', 'RETURN', 'REVERSE', 'ROLLBACK', 'ROWTYPE', 'SAVEPOINT', 'SECOND', 'SEPARATE', 'SPACE', 'SQL', 'SQLCODE', 'SQLERRM', 'STDDEV', 'SUBTYPE', 'SUM', 'TIMESTAMP', 'TRUE', 'TYPE', 'USE', 'VARIANCE', 'WHEN', 'WHILE', 'WORK', 'WRITE', 'ZONE' ); --log Error happend during flow PROCEDURE logErrorMessage(errCode NUMBER, errorMessage VARCHAR2, information VARCHAR2) IS v_ErrorTime Owb_Error_Log_Table.WhenHappend%TYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed BEGIN SELECT to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO v_ErrorTime FROM dual; INSERT INTO Owb_Error_Log_Table(errcode, errtext, info, whenhappend) VALUES(errCode, errorMessage, information , v_ErrorTime); COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- even error might happen when inserting into error log WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; RETURN; END; PROCEDURE sochen_debug(information VARCHAR2) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed BEGIN null;-- INSERT INTO sochen_debug(info) values(information); COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- even error might happen when inserting into error log WHEN OTHERS THEN ROLLBACK; RETURN; END; -- following methods are intended to debug only PROCEDURE NamespaceDebug(debugMessage VARCHAR2) IS BEGIN null; --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('NSDEBUG : '|| debugMessage); END NamespaceDebug; PROCEDURE NamespaceDebugSetOff Is BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.DISABLE; END NamespaceDebugSetOff; PROCEDURE NamespaceDebugSetOn IS BEGIN NamespaceDebugSetOff(); DBMS_OUTPUT.ENABLE(1000000); END NamespaceDebugSetOn; --un do reservation for a session PROCEDURE unReserveSession( currSession IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, currInstance in number) IS v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed BEGIN NamespaceDebug('running delete for session ID : ' || currSession); DELETE FROM Reservation_Store WHERE sessID = currSession and instanceID = currInstance; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN -- need to separate transaction v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while unreserving for : ' || to_char(currSession)); ROLLBACK; return; --NOOP , As deletion from Reservation table is fatal exception -- but it is not fatal for OWB , its just few names are reservaed wrongly -- for a client but shouldnt stop OWB client to stop working with OWB END unReserveSession; -- check if reservation already exist by some other session FUNCTION doesReservationExist( whoReservedIt out VARCHAR2, whatNameToCheck IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, whatRunningMode IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, whichSessionReserved out NUMBER, whichInstanceReserved out number, singleUserLock IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS CURSOR Reservation_cache IS SELECT * from Reservation_Store; v_Reservation_cache_record Reservation_cache%ROWTYPE; v_existReservation VARCHAR2(4000) ; --stores 2000 bytes long logicalname v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; -- needed BEGIN -- FULL SCAN WAS IMPORTANT becoz of logical names to be 2000 characters -- and UK of more than 2k size would be required bigger DB block size -- which is little too much to ask for... /* OPEN Reservation_cache; LOOP FETCH Reservation_cache INTO v_Reservation_cache_record; EXIT WHEN Reservation_cache%NOTFOUND; v_existReservation := v_Reservation_cache_record.parentID || '.' || v_Reservation_cache_record.domain || '.' || v_Reservation_cache_record.reservedName || '.' || v_Reservation_cache_record.isPhys; IF(v_existReservation = keyToCheck) THEN whoReservedIt := v_Reservation_cache_record.osUser; whichSessionReserved := v_Reservation_cache_record.sessID; CLOSE Reservation_cache; return TRUE; END IF; END LOOP; CLOSE Reservation_cache; return FALSE; */ IF (singleUserLock = n_SingleUserLock) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID,instanceID, sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser,languageISOID) VALUES(reservingParentID, reservingDomain, whatNameToCheck, whatRunningMode, reservingSessionID,reservingInstanceID, reservingSessionSerial, reservingSessionTime, reservingUser,reservingISOID); /* -- Why DELETE when ROLLBACK follows anyway? DELETE FROM Reservation_Store WHERE parentID = reservingParentID AND domain = reservingDomain AND reservedName = whatNameToCheck AND isPhys = whatRunningMode; */ ROLLBACK; RETURN FALSE; EXCEPTION -- some session wins race and does insert before -- current session , then oracle wont let PK to occur in -- Reservation Store WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN SELECT osUser, sessID,instanceID INTO whoReservedIt, whichSessionReserved, whichInstanceReserved FROM Reservation_Store WHERE parentID = reservingParentID AND domain = reservingDomain AND reservedName = whatNameToCheck AND isPhys = whatRunningMode AND languageISOID = reservingISOID; ROLLBACK; RETURN TRUE; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while reserving for : ' || reservingUK ); ROLLBACK; RETURN FALSE; END; END IF; END doesReservationExist; --return classification FUNCTION getClassification( givenClassName IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS retValue Classification_Store.domainName%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT domainName INTO retValue FROM Classification_Store WHERE className = givenClassName; return retValue; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return givenClassName; WHEN OTHERS THEN return givenClassName; END getClassification; -- check if reservation already exist by some other session -- note: previously used INSERT/ROLLBACK technique. -- relaxed to use SELECT existence check due to bug 4263404 --may 1st, 08: this is not check on commited anymore, it actualy check is name in global db cache , which includes commited and this session's uncommitted data FUNCTION isAlreadyInGlobalCache( theName IN VARCHAR2, whatmode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; v_Exists NUMBER(1); tempHolder VARCHAR2(4000) ; -- PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; -- sochen: remove autonomous since we need to see the uncommitted info from parent txn BEGIN IF (singleUserLock = n_SingleUserLock) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE v_Exists := 0; BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO v_Exists from CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES where parentID = reservingParentID and domain = reservingDomain and name = theName and isPhys = whatmode and languageISOID = reservingISOID; if (v_Exists = 1) then -- sochen_debug('-->isCommited!! on:'||'pid:'||reservingParentID||', domain:'||reservingDomain||',name:'||theName||', languageisoid:'||reservingISOID||', isPhys:'||whatmode); RETURN TRUE; else --sochen_debug('-->is NOT Commited!! on:'||'pid:'||reservingParentID||', domain:'||reservingDomain||',name:'||theName||', languageisoid:'||reservingISOID||', isPhys:'||whatmode); RETURN FALSE; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); tempHolder := reservingParentID || '.' || reservingDomain|| '.' || theName || '.' || whatmode ||'.'||reservingISOID; logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while checking for Already Committed data : ' || tempHolder); RETURN FALSE; END; END IF; END isAlreadyInGlobalCache; PROCEDURE cleanSIDs IS v_serial Reservation_Store.sessSerial%TYPE; v_login Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; v_session Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; v_instanceID number; CURSOR sql_sessID IS SELECT DISTINCT sessID,instanceID FROM Reservation_Store; CURSOR reservation_sess_info(currSession Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE,currInstance number) IS SELECT sessSerial, sessLogonTime FROM Reservation_Store WHERE sessID=currSession and instanceID = currInstance; alreadyReservedSID Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; alreadyReservedInstID number; DBlogin_time Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; whatOp VARCHAR2(40); DBserialNumber Reservation_Store.sessSerial%TYPE; BEGIN OPEN sql_sessID; LOOP FETCH sql_sessID INTO alreadyReservedSID, alreadyReservedInstID; EXIT WHEN sql_sessID%NOTFOUND; BEGIN NamespaceDebug('Already Reserved Sid : '||to_char(alreadyReservedSID)); SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO DBserialNumber,DBlogin_time FROM gv$session WHERE sid = alreadyReservedSID and inst_id = alreadyReservedInstID; BEGIN NamespaceDebug('DB Serail Number : ' || to_char(DBSerialNumber)); NamespaceDebug('DB Login Time : ' || DBlogin_time); NamespaceDebug('Serial Number : ' || to_char(v_serial)); NamespaceDebug('DB Login Time : ' || v_login); OPEN reservation_sess_info(alreadyReservedSID, alreadyReservedInstID); FETCH reservation_sess_info INTO v_serial, v_login; NamespaceDebug('After fetching Serial Number : ' || to_char(v_serial)); NamespaceDebug('After fetching DB Login Time : ' || v_login); IF SQL%NOTFOUND THEN NamespaceDebug('cleanSIDS SQL NOT FOUND'); whatOp := 'NOOP'; END IF; IF SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0 THEN NamespaceDebug('cleanSIDs ROWCOUNT is 0'); whatOp := 'NOOP'; END IF; IF(DBserialNumber = v_serial) THEN NamespaceDebug('Serial Nmber is Same '); IF(DBlogin_time = v_login) THEN NamespaceDebug('Login Time is Same'); whatOp := 'NOOP'; ELSE NamespaceDebug('Login Name is different - calling unreserve'); unReserveSession(alreadyReservedSID,alreadyReservedInstID ); END IF; ELSE NamespaceDebug('Serial number different - calling unreserve'); unReserveSession(alreadyReservedSID, alreadyReservedInstID); END IF; CLOSE reservation_sess_info; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN whatOp := 'NOOP'; END; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN NamespaceDebug('sid doesnt exist in gv$session any more '); unReserveSession(alreadyReservedSID, alreadyReservedInstID); END; END LOOP; CLOSE sql_sessID; END cleanSIDs; FUNCTION doesItStartWithRsvdPrefix(nameToCheck VARCHAR2) RETURN BOOLEAN IS nameUpper VARCHAR2(200); namePrefixUpper VARCHAR2(200); len INTEGER; BEGIN nameUpper := Upper(nameToCheck); FOR i in 1..v_ReservePrefix_List.COUNT LOOP IF (v_ReservePrefix_List(i) IS NOT NULL ) THEN len := LENGTH(v_ReservePrefix_List(i)); IF(LENGTH(nameUpper) >= len) THEN namePrefixUpper:= SUBSTR(nameUpper,0,len); IF(v_ReservePrefix_List(i)=namePrefixUpper) THEN return TRUE; END IF; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; return FALSE; END doesItStartWithRsvdPrefix; FUNCTION isItOWBreservedWord(nameToCheck IN VARCHAR2, modeToCheck NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS nameUC VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN IF (modeToCheck = n_LogicalName) THEN return FALSE; END IF; nameUC := UPPER(nameToCheck); NamespaceDebug('checking name ' || nameUC || ' is reserved OWB word ?'); --not 210 hardcode --FOR i IN 1..210 LOOP FOR i in 1..v_Reserve_List.COUNT LOOP IF (v_Reserve_List(i) IS NOT NULL ) THEN NamespaceDebug('ReserveWord['||to_char(i)||']=' || v_Reserve_List(i)); IF(LENGTH(v_Reserve_List(i)) > 0) THEN IF (nameUC = v_Reserve_List(i)) THEN return TRUE; END IF; END IF; ELSE NamespaceDebug(' NULL ReserveWord['||to_char(i)||']=' || v_Reserve_List(i)); END IF; END LOOP; return FALSE; END isItOWBreservedWord; /* when generate unique name, if found reserved by other session, then append _i, if found reserved by this very session and hte name is not in global namespace cache(cmpfolderfconames) then this name can be used; if found not reserved and not in global namespace cache, this name can be used; if not reserved but in global namespace cache this name can not be used and must append _i */ PROCEDURE generateUniqueName( oppName OUT VARCHAR2, value IN VARCHAR2, givenmode IN NUMBER, checkRepos IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2 ) IS genedName VARCHAR2(4000); i NUMBER := 0; newLength NUMBER; maxLength NUMBER; -- pos NUMBER; v_found BOOLEAN := FALSE; checkKey VARCHAR2(4000); currMode NUMBER; tempWhoReservedIt Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE; tempWhichSession Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; tempWhichInstance number; input_value VARCHAR2(250); BEGIN input_value:=value; --sochen:9/26/02 first check whether input name starts with rsvd prefix --if does,we append A_ to it IF(givenmode =n_PhysicalName) THEN IF(doesItStartWithRsvdPrefix(value)) THEN input_value := 'A_'||value; END IF; END IF; genedName := input_value; if(NamespaceRules.getNameLengthSemantics(db_platform_name)='CHARACTER') then newLength := LENGTH(input_value); else newLength := LENGTHB(input_value); end if; IF(givenmode = n_PhysicalName) THEN maxLength := NamespaceRules.getNameMaxLength(db_platform_name);----30 ; -- hard code , As physical DB object NOT > 30 currMode := n_PhysicalName; ELSE maxLength := 200 ; currMode := n_LogicalName; END IF; IF(newLength > maxLength) THEN if(NamespaceRules.getNameLengthSemantics(db_platform_name)='CHARACTER') then genedName := SUBSTR(genedName,0,maxLength); else genedName := SUBSTRB(genedName,0,maxLength); end if; END IF; --fix bug: 2595419 --since in Asia lang, the SUBSTRB may cause end of left str are not --a complete character,seems DB will cause it to be blank IF(givenmode = n_PhysicalName) THEN genedName := REPLACE(genedName,' ','_'); END IF; input_value := genedName; LOOP -- loop through until find uniq name IF(i > 0) THEN genedName := input_value || '_' || i; IF(NamespaceRules.getNameLengthSemantics(db_platform_name)='CHARACTER') then if (LENGTH(genedName) > maxLength) THEN genedName := SUBSTR( input_value, 0, LENGTH(input_value) - (LENGTH(genedName) - maxLength)) || '_' || i; END IF; ELSE if (LENGTHB(genedName) > maxLength) THEN genedName := SUBSTRB( input_value, 0, LENGTHB(input_value) - (LENGTHB(genedName) - maxLength)) || '_' || i; END IF; END IF; -- rspaul bug 7006241 -- this did not work with larger numbers. With i 300, pos becomes 30 - 30 - 2 = (-2) -- pos := maxLength -i/10 -2; -- IF(pos >= newLength) THEN -- genedName := input_value || '_' || i; -- ELSE -- genedName := SUBSTRB(input_value,0,pos) || '_' || i; -- END IF; END IF; NamespaceDebug('gened name ' || genedName); --fix bug: 2595419 IF(givenmode = n_PhysicalName) THEN genedName := REPLACE(genedName,' ','_'); END IF; IF(isItOWBreservedWord(genedName, currMode)) THEN i:= i+1; NamespaceDebug('Reserved Word'); ELSE NamespaceDebug('Not a Reserved Word'); checkKey := reservingParentID || '.' || reservingDomain || '.' || genedName || '.' || currMode; NamespaceDebug('name to check : ' || checkKey); IF(doesReservationExist(tempWhoReservedIt,genedName, currMode,tempWhichSession, tempWhichInstance,singleUserLock)) THEN --fix bug 7428602 -- if reserved by this very session and also does not in global cache, this session can use this name IF(tempWhoReservedIt = reservingUser and tempWhichSession = reservingSessionID and tempWhichInstance = reservingInstanceID and isAlreadyInGlobalCache(genedName, currMode, singleUserLock)= FALSE ) THEN v_found := TRUE; ELSE -- need to continue; NamespaceDebug('Already Reserved by other session or used by this session although not committed'); i := i + 1; END IF; ELSE NamespaceDebug('Not Reserved'); IF(checkRepos = n_RepositoryCheckRequired) THEN IF(isAlreadyInGlobalCache(genedName, currMode, singleUserLock)) THEN -- need to continue i := i +1; NamespaceDebug('Already Commited'); ELSE -- okay to use this name NamespaceDebug('found oked name : ' || checkKey); v_found := TRUE; END IF; ELSE NamespaceDebug('found oked name : ' || checkKey); v_found := TRUE; END IF; END IF; END IF; EXIT WHEN v_found = TRUE; END LOOP; oppName := genedName; NamespaceDebug(' returning gened name : ' || oppName); END generateUniqueName; -- generate physical name from logical name FUNCTION genePhyNameFromLogName( givenLogicalName IN VARCHAR2,db_platform_name in varchar2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS oppName VARCHAR2(4000); tempHolder VARCHAR2(4000); okExit BOOLEAN := FALSE; len number; max_len number; BEGIN IF(givenLogicalName IS NULL) THEN RETURN 'NewObject'; END IF; oppName := givenLogicalName; oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ' ', '_'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '~'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '`'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '!'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '@'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '%'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '^'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '&'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '*'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '('); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ')'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '+'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '-'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '='); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ','); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '<'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '.'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '>'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '/'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '?'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ':'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ';'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ''''); oppName := REPLACE(oppName,'"'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '\'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '|'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ']'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '}'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '['); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, ' '); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '{'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '\t'); oppName := REPLACE(oppName, '\n'); NamespaceDebug(' Name before loop : '||oppName); LOOP -- loop through until all illegal start is gone IF(oppName IS NULL) THEN oppName := 'NewObject'; tempHolder := SUBSTR(oppName,1,1); okExit := TRUE; ELSIF (LENGTH(oppName) >= 1) THEN tempHolder := SUBSTR(oppName,1,1); okExit := FALSE; ELSE oppName := 'NewObject'; tempHolder := SUBSTR(oppName,1,1); okExit := TRUE; END IF; IF (tempHolder IN ('_','#','$','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0','')) THEN okExit := FALSE; ELSE okExit := TRUE; END IF; NamespaceDebug('Name under process : ' || oppName); NamespaceDebug('first character : ' || tempHolder); EXIT WHEN okExit = TRUE; oppName := LTRIM(oppName); oppName := RTRIM(oppName); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'_'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'#'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'$'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'1'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'2'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'3'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'4'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'5'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'6'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'7'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'8'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'9'); oppName := LTRIM(oppName,'0'); END LOOP; if(NamespaceRules.getNameLengthSemantics(db_platform_name)='CHARACTER') then len :=LENGTH(oppName); else len :=LENGTHB(oppName); end if; max_len:= NamespaceRules.getNameMaxLength(db_platform_name); IF(len > max_len) THEN if(NamespaceRules.getNameLengthSemantics(db_platform_name)='CHARACTER') then oppName := SUBSTR(oppName, 0, max_len); else oppName := SUBSTRB(oppName, 0, max_len); end if; oppName := REPLACE(oppName,' ','_'); ---- fix 2595419 return oppName; ELSE IF(LENGTH(oppName) > 0) THEN return oppName; ELSE return 'NewObject'; END IF; END IF; END genePhyNameFromLogName; -- generate opp physical name PROCEDURE generatePhysicalName( oppName OUT VARCHAR2, checkRepos IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER,db_platform_name in varchar2) IS perspectiveName VARCHAR2(4000); BEGIN perspectiveName := genePhyNameFromLogName(reservingName, db_platform_name); IF (upperCasePhyName = n_UpperCasePhysicalName) THEN perspectiveName := UPPER(perspectiveName); END IF; NamespaceDebug('perspective name : -> ' || perspectiveName); generateUniqueName(oppName, perspectiveName, n_PhysicalName, checkRepos, singleUserLock,db_platform_name); END generatePhysicalName; -- generate opp Logical name PROCEDURE generateLogicalName( oppName OUT VARCHAR2, checkRepos IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2) IS BEGIN generateUniqueName(oppName, reservingName, n_LogicalName, checkRepos, singleUserLock, db_platform_name); END generateLogicalName; -- generate opp name PROCEDURE generateOppName( oppName OUT VARCHAR2, checkRepos IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2) IS BEGIN NamespaceDebug(' generating opp name reserving mode : '|| to_char(reservingMode)); IF(reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN generateLogicalName(oppName, checkRepos, singleUserLock, db_platform_name); ELSE IF (reservingMode = n_LogicalName) THEN generatePhysicalName(oppName, checkRepos, singleUserLock, db_platform_name); END IF; END IF; END generateOppName; --if it's pkged proc, need to first delete from --reservation store for the element on the right mode and isoid --may 1st,08: this is not only check on "commited" objects, but also include the uncommitted object from this session, so we do not use PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; FUNCTION commitedIsSameObject( theName IN VARCHAR2, whatmode IN NUMBER,singleUserLock IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN IS v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; tempHolder VARCHAR2(4000) ; elemId Reservation_Store.elementId%TYPE; ---PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN IF (singleUserLock = n_SingleUserLock) THEN RETURN FALSE; ELSE BEGIN SELECT elementId INTO elemId from CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES where parentID = reservingParentID and domain = reservingDomain and name =theName and isPhys =whatmode and languageISOID = reservingISOID; if(elemId = reservingElemId) then RETURN TRUE; else RETURN FALSE; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); RETURN FALSE; END; END IF; END commitedIsSameObject; procedure check_db_platform_exist(db_platform_name varchar2) as begin --return; NamespaceRules.check_db_platform_exist(db_platform_name); exception when others then raise; end check_db_platform_exist; procedure doReservation(outcome out varchar2, reservingParentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, reservingElemId Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, reservingDomain Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, reservingName Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, reservingMode Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, reservingSessionID Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, reservingInstanceID in number, n_SessionSerial number, v_SessionLogonTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE, the_osUser Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, reservingISOID Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE) as v_whoReservedIt Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE; v_whichSessionReserved Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; v_whichInstanceReserved Reservation_Store.instanceID%TYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed begin INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID,elementId, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID, sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser,languageISOID) VALUES(reservingParentID, reservingElemId,reservingDomain, reservingName, reservingMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID,n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, the_osUser,reservingISOID); outcome:='OWBNOOP'; commit; -- reservation needs immediately take effect EXCEPTION -- some session wins race and does insert before -- current session , then oracle wont let PK to occur in -- Reservation Store WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN SELECT osUser, sessID ,instanceID INTO v_whoReservedIt, v_whichSessionReserved,v_whichInstanceReserved FROM Reservation_Store WHERE parentID = reservingParentID AND domain = reservingDomain AND reservedName = reservingName AND isPhys=reservingMode AND languageISOID = reservingISOID; IF(v_whoReservedIt = the_osUser) THEN IF(v_whichSessionReserved = reservingSessionID and v_whichInstanceReserved = reservingInstanceID) THEN outcome := 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU'; ELSE outcome := 'NAME_RESERVED_BY_OTHER_SESSION' || to_char(v_whichSessionReserved); END IF; ELSE outcome := 'PEER_RESERVATION' || v_whoReservedIt; END IF; ROLLBACK; return; WHEN OTHERS THEN rollback; --do nothing, some error happened raise; --let caller procedure handle it.. end doReservation; --reserve a name /* the steps are: 1. first check if there is anything in reserveation_store, if yes and it is reaserved by other session return things like: RESERVED_BY_PEER_SESSION ; but if exist in reservation_store but reserved bu THIS very session, need to continue with step2 ( check if this name already in globalCache: CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES in case this session has already used it for some object and can not used it again) 2.if not in resevation_store or if in-reservation-store-by-this-session, check teh global cache CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES this name exists ? if yes : need to error out by sending info: NAME_ALREADY_COMMITED(note this info is historical , and it does not only mean name is committed, it also include uncommited data by this session) 3. if name not in teh global cache CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES from step2, then we can use this name ,but need to do reservation now! Plus generate it's opposite name and reserve it too. */ PROCEDURE reserveName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, elemId IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, isProp IN NUMBER , osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN NUMBER, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, upperCaseGenedPhyName IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, ISOID IN Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE, db_platform_name in varchar2 ) IS n_SingleUserRule NUMBER; n_SessionSerial NUMBER; v_SessionLogonTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; v_whoReservedIt Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE; v_whichSessionReserved Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; v_whichInstanceReserved Reservation_Store.instanceID%TYPE; v_OppositeName VARCHAR2(4000); v_OppositeMode Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE; v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; v_ErrorTime Owb_Error_Log_Table.WhenHappend%TYPE; objectTouched NUMBER:=0; commitedSig VARCHAR2(200); --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; -- take out, since this procedure contains too much info some may need to see the parent's txn info BEGIN --first check if db_platform_name is correct argument check_db_platform_exist(db_platform_name); -- reserving a name is following control flow depending upon on -- input params -- first and foremost assumption is client already has solved -- concurrency and locks using OWB lock framworke to not let -- two clients running same piece at same time , As this -- section need to semaphored, -- this cleans all sessid's which are reassigned and sessID -- which no longer exist in oracle instance -- NamespaceDebugSetOn; outcome := 'OWBNOOP'; IF (bulkMode = n_BulkMode) THEN null; ELSE cleanSIDs; END IF; IF (classification = v_Constraint) THEN n_SingleUserRule := n_SingleUserLockIgnore; ELSE n_SingleUserRule := singleUserLock; END IF; reservingUK := pID || '.' || classification || '.' || desiredname || '.' || isPhys || '.' ||ISOID; reservingParentID := pID; reservingDomain := classification; reservingName := desiredName; reservingMode := isPhys; reservingSessionID := sessID; reservingInstanceID :=instanceID; --fix bug 5060857 reservingUser := osUser; reservingISOID :=ISOID; reservingElemId := elemId; upperCasePhyName := upperCaseGenedPhyName; IF (n_SingleUserRule = n_SingleUserLock) THEN null; ELSE SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime FROM gv$session WHERE sid = sessID and inst_id = instanceID ; reservingSessionSerial := n_SessionSerial; reservingSessionTime := v_SessionLogonTime; END IF; BEGIN -- doing full scan as our unique tupple <parent,IDDomain,Name,Mode,languageISOID> is more than -- 2k , As logical name is 2000 chars, so with DB of 2k block size -- we cant declare it as unique contraint, so doing full table scan -- else we could simplu INSERT , we could INSERT , okay go ahead to use this name -- else it already exist. IF(doesReservationExist(v_whoReservedIt, reservingName, reservingMode, v_whichSessionReserved,v_whichInstanceReserved, n_SingleUserRule)) THEN -- already reserved IF(v_whoReservedIt = osUser) THEN IF(v_whichSessionReserved = sessID and v_whichInstanceReserved = instanceID) THEN outcome := 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU'; -- need to continue to check if in global cache next since you may have already used this name for some object already and can not use it again in your session ELSE outcome := 'NAME_RESERVED_BY_OTHER_SESSION' || to_char(v_whichSessionReserved); return; END IF; ELSE outcome := 'PEER_RESERVATION' || v_whoReservedIt; return; END IF; END IF; -- control is here means, name is not reserved or is reserved by yourself , need to check against global namespace cache to see if it is usable IF (isReposCheckRequired = n_RepositoryCheckRequired) THEN IF(isAlreadyInGlobalCache(reservingName, reservingMode, n_SingleUserRule)) THEN IF(reservingDomain='CMPFunction') THEN --the commited one just the same one IF(commitedIsSameObject(reservingName, reservingMode,n_SingleUserRule)) THEN outcome :='OWB_NOCHANGE'; return; END IF; END IF; outcome := 'NAME_ALREADY_COMMITTED' ; -- this actually means: Name already used (include commited info and nont-commited info from this session) --ROLLBACK; return; END IF; END IF; IF (n_SingleUserRule = n_SingleUserLock) THEN null; ELSE -- make reservation -- insert into reservation store --sochen: if it's pkged fn, need to deletethe old rsv for the fn --sochen: fix 2997061:should NOT delete the --old reservation, other wise it willhang(n1[committed]->n2->n3->n2) --when ask isCommitted() on unique constraint ck /* April 25,08: no need to do this... IF(reservingDomain = 'CMPFunction') THEN select count(*) into objectTouched from reservation_store WHERE reservation_store.elementid = reservingElemId AND reservation_store.languageISOID = reservingISOID AND reservation_store.isPhys = reservingMode; --sochen:whenever rename and oldname(commited), --need to reserve it to preventhanging when ask isCommitted due to delete from cmpallfolder does not reflect on this autonaumas transaction IF(objectTouched = 0) THEN BEGIN select name into commitedSig from cmpallfolderfconames where cmpallfolderfconames.elementid= reservingElemId and cmpallfolderfconames.LANGUAGEISOID= reservingISOID and cmpallfolderfconames.isphys = reservingMode; INSERT INTO Reservation_Store( parentID,elementId, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID, sessSerial,sessLogonTime, osUser, languageISOID) VALUES(reservingParentID, reservingElemId,reservingDomain, commitedSig, reservingMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID,n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser,reservingISOID); EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN null; END; END IF; END IF; */ IF(outcome = 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU') THEN outcome:='OWBNOOP'; -- make it seems reservation ok ELSE doReservation(outcome, reservingParentID, reservingElemId, reservingDomain, reservingName, reservingMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID, n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser,reservingISOID); END IF; if(outcome != 'OWBNOOP') then return ; -- when do reservation get an error on unique key competence end if; END IF; IF(isProp = n_PropagationRequired) THEN generateOppName(v_OppositeName, n_RepositoryCheckRequired, n_SingleUserRule, db_platform_name); IF(reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN v_OppositeMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE v_OppositeMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; NamespaceDebug('Opp Name : ' || v_OppositeName || ' Opp Mode : ' || v_OppositeMode); IF (n_SingleUserRule = n_SingleUserLock) THEN outcome := v_OppositeName; ELSE doReservation(outcome, reservingParentID, reservingElemId, reservingDomain, v_OppositeName, v_OppositeMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID, n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser,reservingISOID); --fix bug 7428602 :here we could get name_already_reserved_by_you since we can re-use this name if it is not in global cache this has checked from generateOppName procedure already IF(outcome = 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU') THEN outcome:='OWBNOOP'; -- make it seems reservation ok END IF; if(outcome != 'OWBNOOP') then return ; -- when do reservation get an error on unique key competence end if; outcome:=v_OppositeName; END IF; ELSE NamespaceDebug('isProp' || to_char(isProp) || ' CONS : ' || n_PropagationRequired) ; END IF; --END IF; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while reserving for : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_1:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; return; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- gv$session should always return valid values. END; --COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, ' || 'when reservation system attending request for ' || reservingUK || ' IN-OP -> was in qerying info for requesting reserving session : ' || to_char(reservingSessionID) ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_2:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while initing reservation system : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_3:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- gv$session should always return valid values. END reserveName; PROCEDURE generateAndReserveUniqueName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID IN number, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2 ) IS n_SingleUserRule NUMBER; n_SessionSerial NUMBER; v_SessionLogonTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; v_whoReservedIt Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE; v_whichSessionReserved Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; v_whichInstanceReserved number; v_OppositeName VARCHAR2(4000); v_OppositeMode Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE; v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; v_ErrorTime Owb_Error_Log_Table.WhenHappend%TYPE; ---PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; remove because this proc covers too much stuff some may need to see the parnet txn's uncommitted stuff BEGIN --first check if db_platform_name is correct argument check_db_platform_exist(db_platform_name); -- this cleans all sessid's which are reassigned and sessID -- which no longer exist in oracle instance -- NamespaceDebugSetOn; outcome := desiredName; IF (bulkMode = n_BulkMode) THEN null; ELSE cleanSIDs; END IF; IF (classification = v_Constraint) THEN n_SingleUserRule := n_SingleUserLockIgnore; ELSE n_SingleUserRule := singleUserLock; END IF; reservingUK := pID || '.' || classification || '.' || desiredname || '.' || isPhys; reservingParentID := pID; reservingDomain := classification; reservingName := desiredName; reservingMode := isPhys; reservingSessionID := sessID; reservingInstanceID :=instanceID; reservingUser := osUser; SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime FROM gv$session WHERE sid = sessID and inst_id = instanceID; reservingSessionSerial := n_SessionSerial; reservingSessionTime := v_SessionLogonTime; IF(doesReservationExist(v_whoReservedIt, reservingName, reservingMode, v_whichSessionReserved, v_whichInstanceReserved,n_SingleUserRule)) THEN -- already reserved IF(v_whoReservedIt = osUser ) THEN IF(v_whichSessionReserved = sessID and v_whichInstanceReserved = instanceID) THEN outcome := 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU'; --ROLLBACK; RETURN; END IF; END IF; END IF; BEGIN NamespaceDebug('before generattion'); IF (reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN reservingMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE reservingMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; generateOppName(v_OppositeName, isReposCheckRequired, n_SingleUserRule, db_platform_name); IF(reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN v_OppositeMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE v_OppositeMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; NamespaceDebug('Opp Name : ' || v_OppositeName || ' Opp Mode : ' || v_OppositeMode); doReservation(outcome, reservingParentID, -1,reservingDomain , v_OppositeName,v_OppositeMode,reservingSessionID,reservingInstanceID,n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser, 'en_US' ); /* BEGIN --insert name in reservation store INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID,sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser) VALUES(reservingParentID, reservingDomain, v_OppositeName, v_OppositeMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID,n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser); outcome := v_OppositeName; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN generateAndReserveUniqueName(outcome, pID, classification, desiredName, isPhys, osUser,sessID,instanceID, isReposCheckRequired, bulkMode, n_SingleUserRule, db_platform_name); --ROLLBACK; -- As this is propation and primary name already exist in DB RETURN; END; */ --fix bug 7428602 :here we could get name_already_reserved_by_you since we can re-use this name if it is not in global cache this has checked from generateOppName procedure already IF(outcome = 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU') THEN outcome:='OWBNOOP'; -- make it seems reservation ok END IF; if(outcome = 'OWBNOOP') then outcome := v_OppositeName; end if; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while reserving for : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_4:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; return; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- v$session should always return valid values. END; --COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, ' || 'when reservation system attending request for ' || reservingUK || ' IN-OP -> was in qerying info for requesting reserving session : ' || to_char(reservingSessionID) ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_5:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while initing reservation system : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_6:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- gv$session should always return valid values. END generateAndReserveUniqueName; -- TODO(old) PROCEDURE generateNewUniqueName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID in number, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER, db_platform_name in varchar2 ) IS n_SingleUserRule NUMBER; n_SessionSerial NUMBER; v_SessionLogonTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; v_whoReservedIt Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE; v_whichSessionReserved Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; v_whichInstanceReserved number; v_OppositeName VARCHAR2(4000); v_OppositeMode Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE; v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; v_ErrorTime Owb_Error_Log_Table.WhenHappend%TYPE; --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed BEGIN --first check if db_platform_name is correct argument check_db_platform_exist(db_platform_name); -- this cleans all sessid's which are reassigned and sessID -- which no longer exist in oracle instance -- NamespaceDebugSetOn; outcome := desiredName; IF (bulkMode = n_BulkMode) THEN null; ELSE cleanSIDs; END IF; IF (classification = v_Constraint) THEN n_SingleUserRule := n_SingleUserLockIgnore; ELSE n_SingleUserRule := singleUserLock; END IF; reservingUK := pID || '.' || classification || '.' || desiredname || '.' || isPhys; reservingParentID := pID; reservingDomain := classification; reservingName := desiredName; reservingMode := isPhys; reservingSessionID := sessID; reservingInstanceID := instanceID; reservingUser := osUser; SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime FROM gv$session WHERE sid = sessID and inst_id = instanceID; reservingSessionSerial := n_SessionSerial; reservingSessionTime := v_SessionLogonTime; BEGIN NamespaceDebug('before generattion'); IF (reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN reservingMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE reservingMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; generateOppName(v_OppositeName, isReposCheckRequired, n_SingleUserRule,db_platform_name); IF(reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN v_OppositeMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE v_OppositeMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; --NamespaceDebug('Opp Name : ' -- || v_OppositeName || ' Opp Mode : ' || v_OppositeMode); doReservation(outcome, reservingParentID, -1, reservingDomain, v_OppositeName, v_OppositeMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID, n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser,'en_US'); /* BEGIN --insert name in reservation store INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID,sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser) VALUES(reservingParentID, reservingDomain, v_OppositeName, v_OppositeMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID,n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser, 'en_US'); outcome := v_OppositeName; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN generateNewUniqueName(outcome, pID, classification, desiredName, isPhys, osUser,sessID, instanceID,isReposCheckRequired, bulkMode, n_SingleUserRule,db_platform_name); --ROLLBACK; -- As this is propation and primary name already exist in DB RETURN; END; */ --fix bug 7428602 :here we could get name_already_reserved_by_you since we can re-use this name if it is not in global cache this has checked from generateOppName procedure already IF(outcome = 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU') THEN outcome:='OWBNOOP'; -- make it seems reservation ok END IF; if(outcome = 'OWBNOOP') then outcome := v_OppositeName; end if; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while reserving for : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_7:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; return; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- gv$session should always return valid values. END; --COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, ' || 'when reservation system attending request for ' || reservingUK || ' IN-OP -> was in qerying info for requesting reserving session : ' || to_char(reservingSessionID) ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_8:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while initing reservation system : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_9:'|| v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- gv$session should always return valid values. END generateNewUniqueName; --TODO(new one) PROCEDURE generateNewUniqueName(outcome out VARCHAR2, pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, classification IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, desiredName IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhys IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID in number, isReposCheckRequired IN NUMBER, ISOID IN Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE, db_platform_name in varchar2 ) IS n_SessionSerial NUMBER; v_SessionLogonTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; v_whoReservedIt Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE; v_whichSessionReserved Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE; v_OppositeName VARCHAR2(4000); v_OppositeMode Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE; v_ErrorText Owb_Error_Log_Table.errText%TYPE; v_ErrorCode Owb_Error_Log_Table.errCode%TYPE; v_ErrorTime Owb_Error_Log_Table.WhenHappend%TYPE; ---PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed BEGIN --first check if db_platform_name is correct argument check_db_platform_exist(db_platform_name); -- this cleans all sessid's which are reassigned and sessID -- which no longer exist in oracle instance -- NamespaceDebugSetOn; outcome := desiredName; --cleanSIDs(sessID); cleanSIDs; reservingUK := pID || '.' || classification || '.' || desiredname || '.' || isPhys||'.'|| ISOID; reservingParentID := pID; reservingDomain := classification; reservingName := desiredName; reservingMode := isPhys; reservingSessionID := sessID; reservingInstanceID := instanceID; reservingUser := osUser; reservingISOID :=ISOID; SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime FROM gv$session WHERE sid = sessID and inst_id = instanceID; reservingSessionSerial := n_SessionSerial; reservingSessionTime := v_SessionLogonTime; BEGIN NamespaceDebug('before generattion'); IF (reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN reservingMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE reservingMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; generateOppName(v_OppositeName, isReposCheckRequired,n_SingleUserLockIgnore, db_platform_name); IF(reservingMode = n_PhysicalName) THEN v_OppositeMode := n_LogicalName; ELSE v_OppositeMode := n_PhysicalName; END IF; NamespaceDebug('Opp Name : ' || v_OppositeName || ' Opp Mode : ' || v_OppositeMode); doReservation(outcome, reservingParentID, -1, reservingDomain, v_OppositeName, v_OppositeMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID, n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser,reservingISOID); /* BEGIN --insert name in reservation store INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID,sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser,languageISOID) VALUES(reservingParentID, reservingDomain, v_OppositeName, v_OppositeMode, reservingSessionID, reservingInstanceID,n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime, osUser,reservingISOID); outcome := v_OppositeName; EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN generateNewUniqueName(outcome, pID,classification, desiredName, isPhys, osUser,sessID, instanceID, isReposCheckRequired,ISOID ,db_platform_name ); --why need to call it again ??? --ROLLBACK; -- As this is propation and primary name already exist in DB RETURN; END; */ --fix bug 7428602 :here we could get name_already_reserved_by_you since we can re-use this name if it is not in global cache this has checked from generateOppName procedure already IF(outcome = 'NAME_ALREADY_RESERVED_BY_YOU') THEN outcome:='OWBNOOP'; -- make it seems reservation ok END IF; if(outcome = 'OWBNOOP') then outcome := v_OppositeName; end if; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while reserving for : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_10:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; return; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- v$session should always return valid values. END; --COMMIT; EXCEPTION -- handle it any exception WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, ' || 'when reservation system attending request for ' || reservingUK || ' IN-OP -> was in qerying info for requesting reserving session : ' || to_char(reservingSessionID) ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_11:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; WHEN OTHERS THEN v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while initing reservation system : ' || reservingUK ); --ROLLBACK; outcome := 'OWB_NS_FATAL_ERROR_12:' || v_ErrorCode||v_ErrorText; -- fatal and can never happen As for reserving current session -- gv$session should always return valid values. END generateNewUniqueName; --suppose we only reserve name for base lang's at this time... PROCEDURE insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, tempDomainID IN Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE, name IN Reservation_Store.reservedName%TYPE, isPhysical IN Reservation_Store.isPhys%TYPE, sessionID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instID in number, serialNum IN Reservation_Store.sessSerial%TYPE, logonTime IN Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE, userInfo IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, ISOID IN CMPSupportedLanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE ) is PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; -- this PROCEDURE is only used for reserve for deletion. begin insert into Reservation_Store(parentID, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID, sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser,languageISOID) values(tempParentID, tempDomainID, name, isPhysical, sessionID, instID, serialNum, logonTime, userInfo,ISOID); commit; exception when others then -- do nothing because it's for deletion null; end insertNameForDeletion; function getInstalledModule(id in CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE) return CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE is tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE := null; moduleID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE := null; tcursor TTYPE; begin open tcursor for select elementid from FirstClassObject_v start with elementid = id connect by prior owningFolder = elementid; loop begin fetch tcursor into tempElemID; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; begin select elementid into moduleID from CMPInstalledModule_v where elementid = tempElemID; exception when others then null; end; if moduleID is not null then exit; end if; exception when others then null; end; end loop; close tcursor; return moduleID; end getInstalledModule; function getWorkspaceNSParentID return number is ownerid number; begin select elementid into ownerid from cmpwbuser_v where IsWorkspaceOwner = '1'; return ownerid; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN return null; WHEN OTHERS THEN return null; end; --sochen: Oct 15,03: if owningFolder is null, should return 0 --since now not only project but also other standalone fco such as --user role etc need this method to support. function getParentID(id in Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE) return Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE is parentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE := null; className CMPElement_v.className%TYPE := null; isFCO BOOLEAN := FALSE; isSCO BOOLEAN := FALSE; owningFolder FirstClassObject_v.owningFolder%TYPE := null; firstClassObject SecondClassObject_v.firstClassObject%TYPE := null; logicalObject CMPPhysicalObject_v.logicalObject%TYPE := null; tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE := null; begin select className into className from CMPElement_v where elementID = id; if className is null then -- should not happen. each element should have a classname. return null; end if; begin select owningFolder into owningFolder from FirstClassObject_v where elementid = id; isFCO := TRUE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then isFCO := FALSE; when others then -- should not happen isFCO := FALSE; end; -- now proj has parent, which is workspace, treat it as normal FCO -- if(className = 'CMPWBProject') then --isFCO :=TRUE; --owningFolder :=0; -- end if; if classname = 'CMPWorkspace' then return getWorkspaceNSParentID(); end if; begin select firstClassObject into firstClassObject from SecondClassObject_v where elementid = id; isSCO := TRUE; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then isSCO := FALSE; when others then -- should not happen isSCO := FALSE; end; IF isFCO then if(owningFolder is null) then owningFolder :=0; end if; return owningFolder; END IF; --following should be isSCO, we should only interested in --constraints,other SCO, we do not care about their nsP since we do not --reserve them if (className = 'CMPForeignKey' or className = 'CMPUniqueKey' or className = 'CMPWBCheckConstraint' ) then tempElemID := getInstalledModule(firstClassObject); return tempElemID; end if; --just in case if isSCO then return firstClassObject; else return null; end if; exception -- invalid element id, error in any of the above queries when others then return null; end getParentID; /* PROCEDURE reserveTranslationsFor(id IN reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instID in number, serialNum IN number, logonTime IN Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE) is tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE; tempParentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE; className CMPELement_v.className%TYPE; nsClassName CMPELement_v.className%TYPE; tempDomain Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE; physicalName CMPElement_v.name%TYPE; logicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE; ISOID CMPSupportedLanguage_v.ISOID%TYPE; tcursor TTYPE; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin open tcursor for select CMPTranslation_v.elementid, CMPTranslation_v.className,CMPElement_v.classname, CMPTranslation_v.name, CMPTranslation_v.logicalName,CMPTranslation_v.ISOID from CMPTranslation_v, CMPSupportedLanguage_v,CMPElement_v where MLSTranslatable = id and CMPTranslation_v.ISOID = cmpsupportedlanguage_v.ISOID and CMPElement_v.elementid = MLSTranslatable; loop begin fetch tcursor into tempELemID, className,nsClassname, physicalName, logicalName,ISOID; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; tempParentID := getParentID(id); --aggregateP's id if tempParentID is not null then tempDomain := getClassification(nsClassName);--use aggP's classname insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, logicalName, 2, sessID, instID,serialNum, logonTime, osUser,ISOID); end if; exception when others then null; end; end loop; close tcursor; commit; exception when others then rollback; end reserveTranslationsFor; */ /* -- change: also reserve translations for the id PROCEDURE reserveAllSCOsForDeletion(id IN FirstClassObject_v.elementID%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instID in number, serialNum IN number, logonTime IN Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE, baseISOID Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE ) is tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE; tempParentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE; className CMPELement_v.className%TYPE; tempDomain Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE; physicalName CMPElement_v.name%TYPE; logicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE; tcursor TTYPE; --PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed.. begin open tcursor for select elementid, className, name, logicalName from SecondClassObject_v where firstClassObject = id and className in ('CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint'); loop begin fetch tcursor into tempELemID, className, physicalName, logicalName; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; --first reserve all the translations for the contraints reserveTranslationsFor(tempElemId,osUser,sessID,instID, serialNum,logonTime); -- procedure to reserve the translations tempParentID := getParentID(tempElemID); --SCO's ID, getNSPid if tempParentID is not null then tempDomain := getClassification(className); insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, physicalName, 1, sessID, instID,serialNum, logonTime, osUser,baseISOID); insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, logicalName, 2, sessID, instID,serialNum, logonTime, osUser,baseISOID); end if; exception when others then null; end; end loop; close tcursor; -- commit; exception when others then null; -- rollback; end reserveAllSCOsForDeletion; */ /* may 1st, 08: no need to do reservation when do deletion --change it to reserve the translation of the FCO(contraints) too... PROCEDURE reserveAllNamesForDeletion(pID IN Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE, osUser IN Reservation_Store.osUser%TYPE, sessID IN Reservation_Store.sessID%TYPE, instanceID in number, bulkMode IN NUMBER, singleUserLock IN NUMBER) is serialNum number; logonTime Reservation_Store.sessLogonTime%TYPE; tempElemID CMPElement_v.elementID%TYPE; tempParentID Reservation_Store.parentID%TYPE; className CMPElement_v.className%TYPE; tempDomain Reservation_Store.domain%TYPE; physicalName CMPElement_v.name%TYPE; logicalName CMPElement_v.logicalName%TYPE; baseISOID Reservation_Store.languageISOID%TYPE; tcursor TTYPE; v_ErrorCode number; v_ErrorText varchar2(500); ----PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN IF (singleUserLock = n_SingleUserLock) THEN null; ELSE IF (bulkMode = n_BulkMode) THEN null; ELSE cleanSIDs; END IF; SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO serialNum, logonTime FROM gv$session WHERE sid = sessID and inst_id = instanceID; --sochen_debug('1. come here, pid:'||pID); select ISOID into baseISOID from cmpsupportedLanguage_v where IsBaseLanguage = '1'; --sochen:since we assume pId is a folder, it should not be of --any constaints, folloiwng code query SCO_V is not used actually begin --sochen_debug('2. on constraint'); select elementid, className, name, logicalName into tempElemID, className, physicalName, logicalName from SecondClassObject_v where elementid = pID and className in ('CMPUniqueKey', 'CMPForeignKey', 'CMPWBCheckConstraint'); tempParentID := getParentID(tempElemID); if tempParentID is not null then tempDomain := getClassification(className); insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, physicalName, 1, sessID,instanceID, serialNum, logonTime, osUser,baseISOID); insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, logicalName, 2, sessID, instanceID,serialNum, logonTime, osUser,baseISOID); --commit; end if; return; -- why return at this time ? becoz it assume that the pID is kind of contraits exception when others then null; end; -- sochen_debug('3. on elem in fco_v, '); -- function names are not reserved because of overloading. open tcursor for select * from (select elementid, className, name, logicalName from FirstClassObject_v start with elementid = pID connect by prior elementid = owningFolder) where className<>'CMPFunction'; loop begin -- sochen_debug('4. begin in a loop, '); fetch tcursor into tempElemID, className, physicalName, logicalName; exit when tcursor%NOTFOUND; tempParentID := getParentID(tempElemID);--tempElemId:elementid of FCO under pID begin --sochen_debug('5. begin in a loop, and before reseve all sco for delete'); reserveAllSCOsForDeletion(tempElemID, osUser, sessID, instanceID,serialNum, logonTime,baseISOID); exception when others then v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE; v_ErrorText := SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 500); logErrorMessage(v_ErrorCode, v_ErrorText, 'Oracle Error occured, while reserving for : ' || tempelemid || osuser ); end; if tempParentID is not null then --first reserve all the translations for the contraints --sochen_debug('6. begin in a loop, and before reseve all trans for delete'); reserveTranslationsFor(tempElemID,osUser,sessID, instanceID,serialNum,logonTime); tempDomain := getClassification(className); ---sochen_debug('7. begin in a loop, and before reseve eacho obj for delete:'|| physicalName); insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, physicalName, 1, sessID, instanceID, serialNum, logonTime, osUser,baseISOID); insertNameForDeletion(tempParentID, tempDomain, logicalName, 2, sessID, instanceID, serialNum, logonTime, osUser,baseISOID); end if; exception when others then null; end; end loop; close tcursor; --sochen_debug('8. out of a loop'); -- commit; END IF; exception when others then -- rollback; null; END reserveAllNamesForDeletion; */ --sochen: this one is specific for pkged function PROCEDURE saveNameToDBCacheForFunction( isoid CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.languageISOID%TYPE, parentid CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.parentID%TYPE, domain CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.domain%TYPE, name CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.name%TYPE, isPhysical CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.isPhys%TYPE, elemId CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.elementid%TYPE, snapshot_view NUMBER ) IS ----PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; can't be auto, since this is the running connection, and the insert does not need to be committed here.... BEGIN --first delete the old name with the right naming mode if exists IF(snapshot_view = 0) THEN DELETE FROM CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES WHERE CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.elementid = elemId AND CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.isPhys = isPhysical AND CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.languageISOID = isoid; ELSE DELETE FROM CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES_X WHERE CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES_X.elementid = elemId AND CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES_X.isPhys = isPhysical AND CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES_X.languageISOID = isoid; END IF; -- then insert what we want IF(snapshot_view = 0) THEN Insert into CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES(parentId, domain, name, isPhys, elementid, aggregateParent,languageISOID) VALUES(parentid, domain, name,isPhysical, elemId,parentid, isoid); ELSE Insert into CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES_X(parentId, domain, name, isPhys, elementid, aggregateParent,languageISOID) VALUES(parentid, domain, name,isPhysical, elemId, parentid, isoid); END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20001, 'NamespaceServiceImpl encountered the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); RETURN; END saveNameToDBCacheForFunction; --fix bug:2997061 --april 25,08: not needed anymore since we do not use insert to check if a name is commited or not... /* PROCEDURE reserveNameForFnBeforeDelete( elemId CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.elementid%TYPE, isoid CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.LANGUAGEISOID%TYPE, classification CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES.domain%type, snapshot_view NUMBER, theSessId NUMBER, instID number, theOsUser reservation_store.osuser%type ) IS dbCacheName varchar2(30); fn_parentId NUMBER; fn_reservingName varchar2(100); n_SessionSerial NUMBER; v_SessionLogonTime VARCHAR(100); PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION;-- needed ... BEGIN IF(snapshot_view = 0) THEN dbCacheName := 'CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES'; ELSE dbCacheName := 'CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES_X'; END IF; SELECT serial#, to_char(logon_time, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') INTO n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime FROM gv$session WHERE sid = theSessId and inst_id = instID; --first resv physical name select PARENTID, name into fn_parentId, fn_reservingName from CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES where languageisoid = isoid and isPhys=1 and elementId = elemId; BEGIN INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID,elementId, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID,sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser,languageISOID) VALUES( fn_parentId,elemId,classification,fn_reservingName,1,theSessID, instID, n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime,theOsUser,isoid); EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN null; --already reserved END; --then resv logical name select PARENTID, name into fn_parentId, fn_reservingName from CMPALLFOLDERFCONAMES where languageisoid = isoid and isPhys=2 and elementId = elemId; BEGIN INSERT INTO Reservation_Store ( parentID,elementId, domain, reservedName, isPhys, sessID, instanceID,sessSerial, sessLogonTime, osUser,languageISOID) VALUES(fn_parentId,elemId,classification,fn_reservingName,2,theSessID, instID, n_SessionSerial, v_SessionLogonTime,theOsUser,isoid); EXCEPTION WHEN DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX THEN null; --already reserved END; COMMIT; EXCEPTION WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN null; --ignore ,probably the obj is newly created and not committed WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20002, 'NamespaceServiceImpl encountered the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); RETURN; END reserveNameForFnBeforeDelete; */ procedure reserveNameForWorkspace(ws_name varchar2,ws_owner varchar2) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed baseISOID varchar2(100); begin select isoid into baseISOID from cmpsupportedlanguage_v where ISBASELANGUAGE='1'; insert into reservation_store(PARENTID, DOMAIN, RESERVEDNAME, ISPHYS, LANGUAGEISOID, SESSID, instanceid,SESSSERIAL,SESSLOGONTIME, OSUSER) values(0,'CMPWorkspace', CONCAT(CONCAT(upper(ws_owner),'.'),upper(ws_name)), '1',baseISOID,0,0,0,'0', user); commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20002, 'reserveNameForWorkspace encountered the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end reserveNameForWorkspace; FUNCTION isUniqueWorkspaceName(ws_name varchar2 ,ws_owner varchar2, toReserve boolean) return number as existing number:=0; begin --first check name is OK if(instr(ws_name,'~') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'~') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'`') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'!') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'@') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'%') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'^') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'&') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'*') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'(') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,')') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'-') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'+') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'=') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,',') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'<') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'.') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'>') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'/') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'?') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,':') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,';') > 0 OR instr(ws_name, '''') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'\') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'"') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'\') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'|') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,']') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'}') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'[') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,' ') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'{') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'\t') > 0 OR instr(ws_name,'\n') > 0 ) then raise_application_error(-20002, 'Workskpace name <'||ws_name||'> contains illegal character.'); end if; --check whether name is less than 30 byte ... if(LENGTH(ws_name) >30) then raise_application_error(-20002, 'Workspace name length should not be longer than 30. But the name <'||ws_name||'> has more than 30 bytes.'); end if; --then check uniqueness select count(*) into existing from FCOFOLDERNamespace where workspaceid = 0 and domain = 'CMPWorkspace' and name= CONCAT(CONCAT(upper(ws_owner),'.'),upper(ws_name)) and languageISOID = (select isoid from cmpsupportedlanguage_v where ISBASELANGUAGE='1') ; if(existing >0) then return 0; end if; -- do reservation... if(toReserve = true) then reserveNameForWorkspace(ws_name,ws_owner); end if; return 1; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise; -- raise_application_error(-20002, 'Function isUniqueWorkspaceName encountered the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end isUniqueWorkspaceName; PROCEDURE unReserveWorkspaceName(ws_name varchar2 ,ws_owner varchar2) as PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; --needed begin delete from Reservation_Store where reservedname = CONCAT(CONCAT(upper(ws_owner),'.'),upper(ws_name)) and DOMAIN='CMPWorkspace'; commit; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20002, 'Function unReserveWorkspaceName encountered the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,400)); end unReserveWorkspaceName; END NamespaceServiceImpl;
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