Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\reposasst\ManagePrivilegeFromDB.pkb
CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ManagePrivilegeFromDB AS /* 1. only user with full control pos is 1 can do the job 2. */ TYPE TTYPE is REF CURSOR; /* * the global variables are valid through the whole session of * OWBclient, hence the reserved chunk will be used for the whole owb *client session(Connection estanblished). */ --minElementId NUMBER :=-1; maxElementId NUMBER :=0; nextElementId NUMBER :=1; elemId_increment NUMBER :=0; m_default_inc number :=10; PROCEDURE MyDebug(debugMessage VARCHAR2) IS PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; BEGIN --insert into sochen_debug(t,info) values(to_date(sysdate,'yyyy/mm/dd:hh:mi:ss'),debugMessage); COMMIT; END MyDebug; /* *1.if user is administrtor, return true always(todo) *2. otherwise, check granted role or himself */ FUNCTION grantorHasPermission(userId in NUMBER, fcoId in NUMBER, full_controlPos in NUMBER ) RETURN BOOLEAN IS charmap varchar2(200); permitted number ; realPos number; isAdmin number; BEGIN --1 select count(*) into isAdmin from cmpRoleAssignment_v assign, cmpwbrole_v wbrole where assign.wbuser = userId and assign.wbrole = wbrole.elementid and wbrole.isAdmin = '1'; if(isAdmin = 1) then return true; end if; --2 check user or user's granted role has the privilege ? permitted :=0; realPos := full_controlPos+1; --substr starts from 1 select count(*) into permitted from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = fcoId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and list.aclcontainer = con.elementid and SUBSTR(list.accesscharmap,realPos,1) = '1' and (list.privilegeOwner = userId or list.privilegeOwner in (select wbrole from cmproleassignment_v where wbuser = userId ) ); if(permitted >= 1) then return true; else return false; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20002,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END grantorHasPermission; procedure doChangeAccessCharMap(fcoId in NUMBER, granteeId in NUMBER, listOfPosNeedToChange in VARCHAR2, valueToBeSet in NUMBER) IS charmap varchar2(200); done boolean ; seperator_pos number; pos number; loopNum number; currentList VARCHAR2(100); posStr varchar2(20); secondPartCharMap varchar2(200); charToBeSet CHAR(1); BEGIN --MyDebug('4.2.0 DO acl exist,come to doChangeAccessCharMap,fcoId:'||fcoId||',granteeId:'||granteeId||',listOfPosToChange:'||listOfPosNeedToChange||',valuetobeset:'||valueToBeSet); select accesscharmap into charmap from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = fcoId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and list.aclcontainer = con.elementid and list.privilegeOwner = granteeId; -- MyDebug('4.2.1 DO acl exist,old charmap:'||charmap); done := false; currentList := listOfPosNeedToChange; if(valueToBeSet = 1) then charToBeSet := '1'; else charToBeSet := '0'; end if; -- MyDebug('4.2.2 DO acl exist,listOfPosneedToChange:'||currentList); loopNum := 0; LOOP loopNum :=loopNum+1; --MyDebug(' DO acl exist,loopnum::'||loopNum); --MyDebug(' DO acl exist,listOfPosneedToChange:'||currentList); EXIT WHEN (LENGTH(currentList) IS NULL); seperator_pos := INSTR(currentList,'_',1,1); if(seperator_pos = 0) then pos := TO_NUMBER(currentList)+1;--substr is starting from 1 currentList := ''; --to nothing else posStr := SUBSTR(currentList,1,seperator_pos-1); pos := TO_NUMBER(posStr)+1; --substr is starting from 1 currentList := SUBSTR( currentList, seperator_pos+1); end if; --MyDebug(' DO acl exist,listOfPosneedToChange:'||currentList); secondPartCharMap := SUBSTR(charmap,pos+1); charmap := CONCAT(CONCAT(SUBSTR(charmap,1,pos-1) , charToBeSet),secondPartCharMap); --MyDebug(' DO acl exist,crrentcharmap:'||charmap); END LOOP; --MyDebug('4.2.3 DO acl exist, after loop, charmap:'||charmap); --now the charmap is what we needed, need to update the column update cmpAccessControlList_v set accesscharmap = charmap where cmpAccessControlList_v.elementid =( select list.elementid from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = fcoId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and list.aclcontainer = con.elementid and list.privilegeOwner = granteeId); --MyDebug('4.2.4 DO acl exist, after rell update charmap!!!!'); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20004,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end doChangeAccessCharMap; FUNCTION getElementId return NUMBER IS elemId number; id_inc number; begin -- whenever the requested seq ids(elemId_increment chunk) used up,we need -- to request more nextElementId:=nextElementId+1; if(elemId_increment =0) then begin select increment_by into id_inc from user_sequences where sequence_name = 'CWMSEQ'; elemId_increment:= id_inc; exception When NO_DATA_FOUND then elemId_increment:= m_default_inc; end; end if; if(nextElementId >= maxElementId ) then select cwmseq.nextval into nextElementId from dual; maxElementId := nextElementId+elemId_increment; end if; return nextElementId; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20011,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END getElementId; procedure insertNewCharMap(fcoId in number, granteeId in number, charMap in VARCHAR2) as userName varchar2(30) ; aclContainer NUMBER; theUOID varchar2(200); elemId number; begin elemId := getElementId(); select sys_context('userenv','current_user') into userName from dual; select sys_guid() into theUOID from dual; --fix bug 4058928: the select will retrun >1 row if --cmpaclcontainer_v have >1 row with realfco =fcoId(not sure --when this will happen) --select elementid into aclContainer from --cmpACLContainer_v where realFCO = fcoId; select ACLCONTAINER into aclContainer from firstclassobject_v where elementid =fcoId; --select elementid into aclContainer from --cmpACLContainer_v where realFCO = fcoId; insert into CMPAccessControlList_v(CLASSNAME,COMPLETED,CREATEDBY,CREATIONTIMESTAMP, CUSTOMERDELETABLE,CUSTOMERRENAMABLE,DESCRIPTION, EDITABLE,ELEMENTID,IMPORTED,LOGICALNAME,NAME,PERSISTENT,SEEDED,UOID, UPDATEDBY,UPDATETIMESTAMP,FIRSTCLASSOBJECT,ACCESSCHARMAP,ACLCONTAINER,PRIVILEGEOWNER) values('CMPAccessControlList','0',userName, sysdate,'1','0','autocreatedinplsql', '1',elemId,'0','a','a','1','0',theUOID,userName,sysdate, aclContainer,charMap,aclContainer,granteeId); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20013,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end insertNewCharMap; procedure addNewCharMapBySettingBit(fco in NUMBER, granteeId in NUMBER, listOfPosNeedToChange in VARCHAR2, valueToBeSet in NUMBER, charMapLength in NUMBER) IS newCharMap varchar2(200); BEGIN newCharMap := '0'; for i IN 1..charMapLength-1 LOOP newCharMap :=CONCAT(newCharMap,'0'); END LOOP; insertNewCharMap(fco,granteeId,newCharMap); doChangeAccessCharMap(fco, granteeId , listOfPosNeedToChange, valueToBeSet ); EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20005,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end addNewCharMapBySettingBit; /* * if acl exist for this granteeid,then need to go through the *listOfPos to set the positions to valueToBeSet *else need to first create a acl and set to correct value */ procedure changeAccessCharMap(fcoId in NUMBER, granteeId in NUMBER, listOfPosNeedToChange VARCHAR2, valueToBeSet in NUMBER, charMapLength in NUMBER) IS charmap varchar2(200); existing number; BEGIN --1. check whether the acl exist --MyDebug('4.1 check whether the acl exist'); existing:=0; select count(*) into existing from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = fcoId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and list.aclcontainer = con.elementid and list.privilegeOwner = granteeId; --2 if exist,change it, otherwise, add new charmap if(existing != 0) then --MyDebug('4.2 DO acl exist'); doChangeAccessCharMap(fcoId,granteeId,listOfPosNeedToChange,valueToBeSet); elsif(valueToBeSet = 1) then --only grant need to add new charmap, revoke just ignore --MyDebug('4.3 NOT acl exist'); addNewCharMapBySettingBit(fcoId,granteeId,listOfPosNeedToChange,valueToBeSet,charMapLength); end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20003, 'OWB has encounter database exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); end changeAccessCharMap; PROCEDURE checkSize(granteeIdList in SEC_STRINGLIST, listOfPosNeedToChangeArray in SEC_STRINGLIST) IS granteeIdSize number; lisfOfPosArraySize number; BEGIN granteeIdSize := granteeIdList.COUNT; lisfOfPosArraySize:=listOfPosNeedToChangeArray.COUNT; if(granteeIdSize != lisfOfPosArraySize) then raise_application_error(-20006,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the passed in arguments of granteed List and privs list are not the same.'); end if; END checkSize; /* granteeIdList and ListOfPosNeedToChangeArray both are OWB defined collection. and their order matches each other that is: the first element in granteeIdList will be granted(revoked) the privileges represented by the first element of listOfPosneedToChangeArray */ PROCEDURE doManagePrivOnFolderCascade(outcome out VARCHAR2, folderId in NUMBER, userId in NUMBER, granteeIdList in SEC_STRINGLIST, full_controlPos in NUMBER, listOfPosNeedToChangeArray in SEC_STRINGLIST, valueToBeSet in NUMBER, charMapLength in NUMBER) IS fcoId number; fcocursor TTYPE; -- currentList VARCHAR2(2000); seperator_pos number; granteeId number; granteeIdStr VARCHAR2(100); listOfPosNeedToChange VARCHAR2(200); BEGIN --first check whether the granteeIdList and --ListOfPosNeedToChangeArray size are same --MyDebug('--->sochen: come to pl/sql'); checkSize(granteeIdList,listOfPosNeedToChangeArray); --MyDebug('--->sochen: after scheck size '); --FOR i IN listOfPosNeedToChangeArray.FIRST..listOfPosNeedToChangeArray.LAST LOOP --MyDebug('--->sochen: array at index:'||i||',it is:'||listOfPosNeedToChangeArray(i)); --END LOOP; --listOfPosNeedToChange := listOfPosNeedToChangeArray(1); open fcocursor for select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid=folderId connect by prior elementid = owningfolder; loop begin fetch fcocursor into fcoId; exit when fcocursor%NOTFOUND; --currentList := granteeIdList; --MyDebug('1,loop for each fcoId::'||fcoId); --MyDebug('1.5,original grantee list is:'||currentList); if(grantorHasPermission(userId,fcoId,full_controlPos)) then --MyDebug('2,after check permission'); --loop for each granteeid FOR i IN granteeIdList.FIRST..granteeIdList.LAST LOOP --MyDebug('2.haha, loop for each granteeid'); granteeIdStr := granteeIdList(i); granteeId := TO_NUMBER(granteeIdStr); listOfPosNeedToChange := listOfPosNeedToChangeArray(i); --MyDebug('-->loop for user:'|| granteeId||',priv pos:'|| listOfPosNeedToChange); /* LOOP --for each granteeid EXIT WHEN (LENGTH(currentList) IS NULL); seperator_pos := INSTR(currentList,'_',1,1); if(seperator_pos = 0) then granteeId := TO_NUMBER(currentList);--+1;--substr is starting from 1 currentList := ''; --to nothing else granteeIdStr := SUBSTR(currentList,1,seperator_pos-1); granteeId := TO_NUMBER(granteeIdStr);--+1; --substr is starting from 1 currentList := SUBSTR( currentList, seperator_pos+1); end if; --for each granteeid, really do the job asfollowing --MyDebug('3,after get rid of 1st digit,now current granttee list:'||currentList); --MyDebug('4,loop for each grantee'||granteeId); */ changeAccessCharMap(fcoId,granteeId,listOfPosNeedToChange,valueToBeSet,charMapLength); --MyDebug('5,after reall change charmap for the grantee'||granteeId); END LOOP; end if; end; end loop; close fcocursor; outcome:='SUCCESS'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN outcome:= 'error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200); raise_application_error(-20001, 'OWB has encounter database exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); END doManagePrivOnFolderCascade; PROCEDURE cleanACLAfterSnapshotRestore(deletedFCOIDs in SEC_INTEGERLIST) IS fcoId NUMBER; ACLCONTAINERId number; BEGIN -- MyDebug('----01: come into db,deal with cleanACLAfterSnapshotRestore'); if(deletedFCOIDs.COUNT >0) then for i in deletedFCOIDs.FIRST..deletedFCOIDs.LAST LOOP --always user bind variable to speed up for performance fcoId:=deletedFCOIDs(i); --MyDebug('----01.1: come into cleanACLAfterSnapshotRestore on id:'||fcoId); begin select elementid into ACLCONTAINERId from cmpaclcontainer_v where realFCO = fcoId; --MyDebug('----01.2: find the acl container on id:'||fcoId||', it is:'||ACLCONTAINERId); --first delete sco delete from cmpaccesscontrollist_v where firstclassobject = ACLCONTAINERId; --then delete fco delete from cmpaclcontainer_v where elementid = ACLCONTAINERId; exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; -- if there is no corresponding ACL , do nothing... end; end LOOP; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20007, 'OWB has encounter sql exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); END cleanACLAfterSnapshotRestore; PROCEDURE createACLContainer(fcoId in number) IS elemId number; workspaceId number; fcoName VARCHAR2(255); userName VARCHAR2(30); theUOID varchar2(255); existed number; BEGIN elemId :=getElementId(); select name into fcoName from firstclassobject_v where elementid = fcoId; select sys_context('owb_workspace','workspaceID') into workspaceId from dual; select sys_context('userenv','current_user') into userName from dual; select sys_guid() into theUOID from dual; insert into CMPACLContainer_v(CLASSNAME,COMPLETED,CREATEDBY,CREATIONTIMESTAMP, CUSTOMERDELETABLE,CUSTOMERRENAMABLE,DESCRIPTION, EDITABLE,ELEMENTID,IMPORTED,LOGICALNAME,NAME,PERSISTENT,SEEDED,UOID, UPDATEDBY,UPDATETIMESTAMP,ISSECURITYPOLICYSET,REALFCO,OWNINGFOLDER) values('CMPACLContainer','0',userName,sysdate,'1','0','autocreatedinplsql', '1',elemId,'0',fcoName,fcoName,'1','0',theUOID,userName,sysdate,'1',fcoId,workspaceId); --then update the corresponding fco to record the acl container id select count(*) into existed from firstclassobject_v where elementid =fcoId; --MyDebug('no object existed ?'||existed|| ' for elementid: '||fcoId); --MyDebug('update firstclassobject_v set ACLCONTAINER ='||elemId||' where elementid = '|| fcoId||'-->to be executed...'); update firstclassobject_v set ACLCONTAINER = elemId where elementid = fcoId; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20010, 'OWB has encounter database exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); END createACLContainer; /* *For each new fco * * 3. then need to create 1 cmpaccesscontrolist for each of * granteeIdList according to listOfPosNeedToChangeArray */ PROCEDURE createInitialACL(fcoId in number, granteeIdList IN SEC_STRINGLIST, charMapsArray in SEC_STRINGLIST, charMapLength in number, userId in number) IS granteeId number; newCharMap varchar2(200); charMap varchar2(200); BEGIN if(granteeIdList.COUNT != charMapsArray.COUNT) then raise_application_error(-20014, 'Grantee number and privilege list number do NOT match'); end if; --MyDebug('granteeidList count:'||granteeIdList.COUNT||',charMaparr count:'||charMapsArray.COUNT); --3 for each obj in granteeIdList create acl if(granteeIdList.COUNT > 0) then For i in granteeIdList.FIRST..granteeIdList.LAST LOOP granteeId := TO_NUMBER(granteeIdList(i)); charMap :=charMapsArray(i); --MyDebug('Charmap is:'||charMap||',granteeid:'||granteeId); insertNewCharMap(fcoId,granteeId,charMap); END LOOP; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20012, 'OWB has encounter database exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); END createInitialACL; /* *For each new fco * * 3. then need to create 1 cmpaccesscontrolist for each of * granteeIdList according to listOfPosNeedToChangeArray *NOTE: charMapsArray contains charmap for the corresponding grantee * of the granteeIdList */ PROCEDURE createACLAfterSnapshotRestore(createdFCOIDs in SEC_INTEGERLIST, granteeIdList in SEC_STRINGLIST, charMapsArray in SEC_STRINGLIST, charMapLength in number, userId in number) IS fcoId number; BEGIN MyDebug('----01: come into db,deal with createACLAfterSnapshotRestore'); if(createdFCOIDs.COUNT > 0) then For i in createdFCOIDs.FIRST..createdFCOIDs.LAST LOOP fcoId := createdFCOIDs(i); --MyDebug('----01: before create acl container for: '||fcoId); --1.create 1 acl container createACLContainer(fcoId); --MyDebug('----02: after create acl container for: '||fcoId); --2. then create a list of accesscontrolist createInitialACL(fcoId,granteeIdList, charMapsArray,charMapLength,userId); --MyDebug('----02: after create acls for: '||fcoId); END LOOP; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20008, 'OWB has encounter sql exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); END createACLAfterSnapshotRestore; FUNCTION getRestoreStartingPointUOIDs(theSnapshotId in number, mcmCompUOIDArray in SEC_STRINGLIST) return SEC_STRINGLIST IS fco_x_cursor TTYPE; theParentUOID varchar2(255); isExisted number; found number := 0; theUOID varchar2(255); result SEC_STRINGLIST:= SEC_STRINGLIST(); BEGIN if(mcmCompUOIDArray.COUNT <1) then return result; end if; for i in mcmCompUOIDArray.FIRST..mcmCompUOIDArray.LAST LOOP theUOID:= mcmCompUOIDArray(i); open fco_x_cursor for select uoid from firstclassobject_x where snapshotid =theSnapshotId start with uoid = theUOID and snapshotid =theSnapshotId connect by prior owningfolder = elementid and snapshotid =theSnapshotId; loop begin fetch fco_x_cursor into theParentUOID; exit when fco_x_cursor%NOTFOUND; select count(*) into isExisted from firstclassobject_v where uoid = theParentUOID; if(isExisted > 0) then found := 1; exit; end if; end; end loop; close fco_x_cursor; result.EXTEND; result(result.COUNT):=theParentUOID; --if go to the root not found,record the root uoid END LOOP; return result; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20015, 'OWB has encounter sql exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 200)); END getRestoreStartingPointUOIDs; --1. delete fcoId info from FCO_READ_LOOKUP table --2. insert whatever exist for this fco PROCEDURE updateFCOReadLookUp(firstclassObjId in number, readPosition in number) IS checkPos number :=readPosition+1; --+1 because substr starts from 1 BEGIN delete from FCO_READ_LOOKUP where fcoid = firstclassObjId; insert into FCO_READ_LOOKUP select fco.elementid, list.privilegeOwner from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = firstclassObjId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and con.elementid = list.aclcontainer and SUBSTR(list.accesscharmap,checkPos,1) = '1' ; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20009,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); end updateFCOReadLookUp; --used for snapshot restore and paste PROCEDURE updateFCOReadLookupForRestore(FCOIDs in SEC_INTEGERLIST, updateMode in number, readPos in number) IS theFcoId number; checkPos number:=readPos+1; --STR starts from 1. BEGIN if(FCOIDs.COUNT >0) then For i in FCOIDs.FIRST..FCOIDs.LAST LOOP theFcoId := FCOIDs(i); -- 1.delete it anyway delete from FCO_READ_LOOKUP where FCOID = theFcoId; --2 if updateMode = 1, insert it if(updateMode = 1) then insert into FCO_READ_LOOKUP select distinct fco.elementid, list.privilegeOwner from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = theFcoId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and con.elementid = list.aclcontainer and SUBSTR(list.accesscharmap,checkPos,1) = '1' ; end if; end loop; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20016,'ManagePrivilegeOnFolderCascade found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END updateFCOReadLookupForRestore; --used for undelete sindelete done from DB ... --updateMode: 1: insert new info; 0: delete those info PROCEDURE updateAllFCOReadLookupOfFolder(folderId in number, updateMode in number, readPos in number ) IS checkPos number := readPos+1; theFcoId number; fcocursor TTYPE; BEGIN open fcocursor for select elementid from firstclassobject_v start with elementid=folderId connect by prior elementid = owningfolder; loop begin fetch fcocursor into theFcoId; exit when fcocursor%NOTFOUND; --1. delete all the info regarding this fco delete from FCO_READ_LOOKUP where fcoId = theFcoId; --2. if updateMode = 1, insert it if(updateMode = 1) then insert into FCO_READ_LOOKUP select distinct fco.elementid, list.privilegeOwner from cmpAccessControlList_v list,CMPACLContainer_v con,FirstClassObject_v fco where fco.elementid = theFcoId and fco.elementid = con.realFCO and con.elementid = list.aclcontainer and SUBSTR(list.accesscharmap,checkPos,1) = '1' ; end if; end; end loop; close fcocursor; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20017,'updateAllFCOReadLookupOfFolder found the SQL error:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200)); END updateAllFCOReadLookupOfFolder; PROCEDURE fixOneLostACL (fcoId in number) IS containerId number; BEGIN --MyDebug('---->fixOneLostACL 1. come to fixOneLostACL on fcoid:'||fcoId); select elementid into containerId from cmpaclcontainer_v where realFCO= fcoId; --MyDebug('---->fixOneLostACL 2. found acl'||containerId ||' for fcoid:'||fcoId); update firstclassobject_v set aclcontainer = containerId where elementid = fcoId; --MyDebug('---->fixOneLostACL 3. fix the fco to set the containerid to the found one'); EXCEPTION when NO_DATA_FOUND then null; -- if there is no corresponding ACL , do nothing... WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20011, 'OWB has encounter sql exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 400)); end fixOneLostACL; PROCEDURE fixLostACLAfterSnapshotRestore(FCOIDs in SEC_INTEGERLIST) IS fcoId NUMBER; existing number; BEGIN if(FCOIDs.COUNT >0) then for i in FCOIDs.FIRST..FCOIDs.LAST LOOP fcoid := FCOIDs(i); select aclcontainer into existing from firstclassobject_v where elementid = fcoId; if(existing is null) then fixOneLostACL(fcoId); end if; END LOOP; end if; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN raise_application_error(-20010, 'OWB has encounter sql exception:'||SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 400)); END fixLostACLAfterSnapshotRestore; END ManagePrivilegeFromDB; /
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