Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\lib\int\HTTPClient\doc\index.html
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>HTTPClient V0.3-3</TITLE> <LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:ronald@innovation.ch"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <H1>HTTPClient Version 0.3-3</H1> <P>This package provides a complete http client library. It currently implements most of the relevant parts of the HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 protocols, including the request methods HEAD, GET, POST and PUT, and automatic handling of authorization, redirection requests, and cookies. Furthermore the included <var>Codecs</var> class contains coders and decoders for the base64, quoted-printable, URL-encoding, chunked and the multipart/form-data encodings. The whole thing is <em>free</em>, and licenced under the GNU <A HREF="../0LICENSE">Lesser General Public License</A> (LGPL) (note that this is <strong>not</strong> the same as the GPL). <P>Following is the documentation for the HTTPClient Version 0.3-3. If you have any problems, bugs, suggestions, comments, etc. see the info on <A HREF="reporting_bugs.html">debugging and reporting problems</A>. <P>Documentation and Information: <DL> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="getting_started.html">Getting started</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="advanced_info.html">Advanced Info</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="api/HTTPClient/package-summary.html">API Documentation</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="0.3-3_bugs_fixed.html">Bug fixes, Changes, and Upgrading from Version 0.3-2</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="urlcon_vs_httpclient.html">A comparison of java.net.URLConnection and HTTPClient</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="https.html">Https (http over SSL) Support</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="errors.html">Common Exceptions and their Causes</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="compiling.html">Notes on compiling HTTPClient classes</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="emulating_forms.html">Emulating Form Submissions</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/redball.gif"> <A HREF="FAQ.html">Frequently Asked Questions</A> </DL> Previous releases: <DL> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/yellowball.gif"> <A HREF="0.3-2_bugs_fixed.html">Bugs fixed in V0.3-2 (from V0.3-1)</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/yellowball.gif"> <A HREF="0.3-1_bugs_fixed.html">Bugs fixed in V0.3-1 (from V0.3)</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/yellowball.gif"> <A HREF="upgrading.html">Bugs fixed, Changes, and Upgrading to V0.3 (from V0.2-3)</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/yellowball.gif"> <A HREF="0.2-3_bugs_fixed.html">Bugs fixed in V0.2-3 (from V0.2-2)</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/yellowball.gif"> <A HREF="0.2-2_bugs_fixed.html">Bugs fixed in V0.2-2 (from V0.2-1)</A> <DD> <IMG ALT="*" SRC="images/yellowball.gif"> <A HREF="0.2-1_bugs_fixed.html">Bugs fixed in V0.2-1 (from V0.2)</A> </DL> <P><HR> <P><A HREF="http://www.innovation.ch/java/HTTPClient/">HTTPClient Page at Innovation</A> <P><HR> <ADDRESS> Ronald Tschalär / 6. May 2001 / <A HREF="mailto:ronald@innovation.ch">ronald@innovation.ch</A>. </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>
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