Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\lib\int\HTTPClient\doc\0.3-2_bugs_fixed.html
<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Bugs fixed in V0.3-2</TITLE> <LINK REV="made" HREF="mailto:ronald@innovation.ch"> <LINK REL="Previous" HREF="index.html"> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF"> <H1>Contents</H1> <UL> <LI><A HREF="#bugs">Bugs fixed</A> <LI><A HREF="#changes">Enhancements</A> <LI><A HREF="#upgrading">Upgrading</A> </UL> <H1><A NAME="bugs">Bugs fixed in V0.3-2</A></H1> <P>Here is a list of bugs fixed since the last release (V0.3-1): <UL> <LI>Bug in cookie data parsing fixed. This could cause cookies to be overlooked when the server sent multiple cookies with dates that didn't contain a weekday. <LI>If saving of cookies was enabled and the cookie jar did not exist then no cookies were saved (i.e. the file was not created). It now creates the file if it doesn't exist. <LI>Bug in ContentEncodingModule fixed: it was trying to uncompress partial contents (206 responses to a range request). <LI>Deadlock problem in timeout thread fixed. Bad ordering of lock acquisition in the timeout thread could cause a multithreaded app to hang. <LI>Fixed infinite loop in RetryModule. When a site was not sending a full set of headers (due to a bug of theirs or a network problem) the RetryModule would go into an infinite loop. <LI>AuthorizationInfo.addDigestAuthorization() now preserves any previous info for that host/realm (such as the list of url's which make up that authentication space). <LI>Empty paths (e.g. as in a "Location: http://www.cool.dom") were not converted to "/" for the request, leading to invalid http requests. This mostly happened when handling redirections. </UL> <H1><A NAME="changes">Enhancements and workarounds</A></H1> <P>A few small enhancements have been incorporated into this bug fix too: <UL> <LI>HttpURLConnection makes better use of HttpOutputStream when a Content-Length request header is set. See the updated <A HREF="api/HTTPClient.HttpURLConnection.html">javadocs</A> for this class for an example. <LI>A new java system property <var>HTTPClient.dontChunkRequests</var> has been added. This will prevent the client from using the chunked transfer encoding on requests. Instead, the client will buffer the data if necessary. <LI>M$ WinSock has a bug when trying to do large writes. This seems to only be visible on JDK 1.1 (i.e. JDK 1.2 seems to work around it). Therefore the following workaround has been added: if the HTTPClient runs under Windoze and the JDK version 1.1(.x) then all writes to the socket will be split into multiple writes of 20K (or less). <LI>HTTPConnection now has a new method, <A HREF="api/HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.html#isCompatibleWith(HTTPClient.URI)">isCompatibleWith(URI)</A>, to ease the job of managing a cache of HTTPConnection's. <LI>HTTPConnection now has a new convenience method, <A HREF="api/HTTPClient.HTTPConnection.html#dontProxyFor(java.lang.String[])">dontProxyFor(String[])</A>, which takes a list of hosts. <LI>Added the HTTPClient/alt/HotJava directory and added an explanation in <A HREF="getting_started.html#hotjava">Getting Started</A> about how to set up things to get HotJava to use the HTTPClient instead of the default client from Sun. Also, the sun.net.ProgressEntry and sun.net.www.MeteredStream hacks were removed from the standard HTTPResponse and HttpURLConnection classes. </UL> <H1><A NAME="upgrading">Upgrading from Version 0.3-1</A></H1> <P>V0.3-2 should be plug-in compatible with V0.3-1. I.e. no changes to your code are required. <P> <A HREF="index.html"> <IMG SRC="images/back.gif" ALT="[HTTPClient]"></A> <HR> <ADDRESS> Ronald Tschalär / 18. June 1999 / <A HREF="mailto:ronald@innovation.ch">ronald@innovation.ch</A>. </ADDRESS> </BODY> </HTML>
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