Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\j2ee\lib\oracle\xdb\XDBMessages.properties
# Context Factory related errors INV_RES_TYPE = The resource type specified was invalid, allowed values - XMLTYPE or RESOURCE. # Base Context related errors PATH_TOO_LONG = The path specified is too long. PATH_ELEM_TOO_LONG = The path segment specified is too long. CANT_UNBIND_SUBCONTEXT = Unable to bind a subcontext, use destroySubcontext. END_OF_ENUM = End of directory enumeration reached. EMPTY_PATH_ERROR = The path specified is empty. INVALID_OBJECT_ERROR = The object specified is not a oracle.xdb.dom.XMLType XDB_INVALID_PARAMETER = The parameter passed in was invalid. INVALID_CSID = Unsupported character set id. # Resource Context related errors. CSTATE_NOT_INITIALIZED = The state object is not initialized for the resource. CLOSED_OBJECT = This object has been freed.
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