Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\browserasst\misc\register_repository.sql
begin declare l_id number; l_design_repos_host varchar2(30) := '~reposHost'; l_runtime_repos_host varchar2(30) := '~reposHost2'; l_db_link_name varchar2(128); procedure exec(p_stmt in varchar2) is begin execute immediate p_stmt; exception when others then null; end; procedure create_db_link_design is begin execute immediate 'create database link default_owb_design_link connect to ~reposSchema identified by ~reposPwd using ' || '''(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ~reposHost)(PORT = ~reposPort))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ~reposSID)))'''; end; procedure create_db_link_runtime is begin execute immediate 'create database link default_owb_runtime_link connect to ~reposSchema2 identified by ~reposPwd2 using ' || '''(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ~reposHost2)(PORT = ~reposPort2))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = ~reposSID2)))'''; end; begin if wmp_mode.isClient = true then l_id := wmp_api_administration.register_repository( p_name => 'Oracle Warehouse Builder Design', p_host_name => wmp_portal.CLIENTHOST, p_db_sid => 'sid', p_repos_schema => wmp_portal.get_user, p_dblink_name => wmp_portal.CLIENTDBLINK, p_description => 'The default Oracle Warehouse Builder Design Repository' ); commit; else if l_design_repos_host is not null and l_design_repos_host <> chr(126) || 'reposHost' then exec('drop database link default_owb_design_link'); create_db_link_design; select db_link into l_db_link_name from user_db_links where lower(db_link) like 'default_owb_design_link%'; l_id := wmp_api_administration.register_repository( p_name => 'Oracle Warehouse Builder Design', p_host_name => '~reposHost', p_db_sid => '~reposSID', p_repos_schema => '~reposSchema', p_dblink_name => l_db_link_name, p_description => 'The default Oracle Warehouse Builder Design Repository' ); commit; end if; if l_runtime_repos_host is not null and l_runtime_repos_host <> chr(126) || 'reposHost2' then exec('drop database link default_owb_runtime_link'); create_db_link_runtime; select db_link into l_db_link_name from user_db_links where lower(db_link) like 'default_owb_runtime_link%'; execute immediate ' declare l_id number; begin l_id := owbb_api_administration.register_repository( p_name => ''Oracle Warehouse Builder Runtime'', p_dblink_name => :1, p_description => ''The default Oracle Warehouse Builder Control Center'' ); commit; end; ' using in l_db_link_name; end if; end if; end; end;
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