Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\owb\browserasst\framework\client_owbb_en.sql
begin declare procedure add(key in varchar2, value in varchar2) is l_ascii number := 0; l_sub_domain wwnls_strings$.sub_domain%type; begin select ascii(key) into l_ascii from dual; if l_ascii <= 57 and l_ascii >= 48 then select substr(key, 1, length(key)-4) || '0000' into l_sub_domain from dual; end if; if l_sub_domain is null then l_sub_domain := wmp_api_nls.GENERIC; end if; insert into wwnls_strings$ values('wm', l_sub_domain, key, 'us', value); exception when others then dbms_output.put_line('===>' ||sqlcode || ' ' || sqlerrm); dbms_output.put_line('===>key=' || key || ' value=' || value); return; end; begin add('10001', 'All Levels'); add('10002', 'Attribute'); add('10003', 'Business Area'); add('10004', 'Collection Summary Report'); add('10005', 'Business Areas'); add('10006', 'Business Name'); add('10007', 'Classification'); add('10008', 'Classifier Length'); add('10009', 'Classifier Position'); add('10010', 'Column'); add('10011', 'Column Name'); add('10012', 'Columns'); add('10013', 'Columns implementing Level Attribute'); add('10014', 'Columns implementing Measure'); add('10015', 'Connect String'); add('10016', 'Continuation Char Position'); add('10017', 'Continuation Delimiter'); add('10018', 'Continuation at End'); add('10019', 'Creation Time'); add('10020', 'Cube'); add('10021', 'Cube Impact Analysis Report'); add('10022', 'Cube Implementation Report'); add('10023', 'Cube Lineage Report'); add('10024', 'Cube Summary Report'); add('10025', 'Measure'); add('10026', 'Cubes'); add('10027', 'Custom Report'); add('10028', 'Data Type'); add('10029', 'Datatype'); add('10030', 'Dependencies'); add('10031', 'Depth'); add('10032', 'Detailed Collection Report'); add('10033', 'Detailed Cube Report'); add('10034', 'Detailed Dimension Report'); add('10035', 'Detailed Cube Report'); add('10036', 'Detailed File Report'); add('10037', 'Detailed Function Library Report'); add('10038', 'Detailed Function Report'); add('10039', 'Detailed Target Module Report'); add('10040', 'Detailed Installation Report'); add('10041', 'Detailed Materialized View Report'); add('10042', 'Detailed Module Report'); add('10043', 'Detailed Project Report'); add('10044', 'Detailed Record Report'); add('10045', 'Detailed Repository Report'); add('10046', 'Detailed Sequence Report'); add('10047', 'Detailed Table Report'); add('10048', 'Detailed Mapping Report'); add('10049', 'Detailed View Report'); add('10050', 'Dimension Alias'); add('10051', 'Dimension Impact Analysis Report'); add('10052', 'Dimension Implementation Report'); add('10053', 'Dimension Lineage Report'); add('10054', 'Dimension Name'); add('10055', 'Dimension Summary Report'); add('10056', 'Dimensions'); add('10057', 'Expression'); add('10058', 'Cube'); add('10059', 'Cube Impact Analysis Report'); add('10060', 'Cube Implementation Report'); add('10061', 'Cube Lineage Report'); add('10062', 'Cube Summary Report'); add('10063', 'Field'); add('10064', 'Fields'); add('10065', 'File'); add('10066', 'File Summary Report'); add('10067', 'Files'); add('10068', 'First Class Objects'); add('10069', 'Foreign Key'); add('10070', 'Foreign Key to Key'); add('10071', 'Foreign Keys'); add('10072', 'Foreign Keys implementing Cube to Dimension Use'); add('10073', 'ForeignKey'); add('10074', 'Function Implementation'); add('10075', 'Function Implementations'); add('10076', 'Function Libraries'); add('10077', 'Function Library Name'); add('10078', 'Function Library Summary Report'); add('10079', 'FunctionImplementation'); add('10080', 'FunctionLibrary'); add('10081', 'FunctionParameter'); add('10082', 'Functions'); add('10083', 'Hierarchies'); add('10084', 'Hierarchy Levels'); add('10085', 'Host Computer'); add('10086', 'Impact Analysis'); add('10087', 'Impact Analysis Dependency'); add('10088', 'Impact Analysis Diagram'); add('10089', 'Impact Analysis Report'); add('10090', 'Modules'); add('10091', 'Module'); add('10092', 'Installation Description'); add('10093', 'Installation Id'); add('10094', 'Installation Name'); add('10095', 'Is Self Describing'); add('10096', 'Item Maps'); add('10097', 'Items'); add('10098', 'Key'); add('10099', 'Key Columns'); add('10100', 'Referenced Key'); add('10101', 'Keys'); add('10102', 'Length'); add('10103', 'Level'); add('10104', 'Level Attributes'); add('10105', 'Level Name'); add('10106', 'LevelAttribute'); add('10107', 'Levels'); add('10108', 'Lineage'); add('10109', 'Lineage Dependency'); add('10110', 'Lineage Diagram'); add('10111', 'Map Component'); add('10112', 'Map Components'); add('10113', 'Mapping'); add('10114', 'Materialized View'); add('10115', 'Materialized View Impact Analysis Report'); add('10116', 'Materialized View Lineage Report'); add('10117', 'Materialized View Summary Report'); add('10118', 'Materialized Views'); add('10119', 'MaterializedView'); add('10120', 'Measure'); add('10121', 'Measures'); add('10122', 'Member Objects'); add('10123', 'Module'); add('10124', 'Name of Integrator'); add('10125', 'Number of Logical Records'); add('10126', 'Number of Physical Records Per Logical'); add('10127', 'Object Name'); add('10128', 'Object Use'); add('10129', 'Occurs'); add('10130', 'Operator Type'); add('10131', 'Warehouse Builder Browser'); add('10132', 'Organization'); add('10133', 'Parameter Type'); add('10134', 'Parameters'); add('10135', 'Parent Component Name'); add('10136', 'Physical Configuration Parameters'); add('10137', 'Physical Configuration Parameters'); add('10138', 'Picture'); add('10139', 'Position'); add('10140', 'Precision'); add('10141', 'Projects'); add('10142', 'Property Value'); add('10143', 'Public View Version'); add('10144', 'Record'); add('10145', 'Record Classifier Length'); add('10146', 'Record Classifier Position'); add('10147', 'Record Delimiter'); add('10148', 'Record Impact Analysis Report'); add('10149', 'Record Lineage Report'); add('10150', 'Record Size'); add('10151', 'Records'); add('10152', 'Repository Name'); add('10153', 'Reset'); add('10154', 'Scale'); add('10155', 'Module'); add('10156', 'DataWarehouse - First Class Objects'); add('10157', 'Modules'); add('10158', 'Script'); add('10159', 'Select'); add('10160', 'Self Describing'); add('10161', 'Sequence'); add('10162', 'Sequence Impact Analysis Report'); add('10163', 'Sequence Summary Report'); add('10164', 'Sequences'); add('10165', 'Sign'); add('10166', 'Signature'); add('10167', 'Source Dependency'); add('10168', 'Structure Name'); add('10169', 'Table'); add('10170', 'Table Impact Analysis Report'); add('10171', 'Table Lineage Report'); add('10172', 'Table Summary Report'); add('10173', 'Tables'); add('10174', 'Tables implementing Cube'); add('10175', 'Tables implementing Level'); add('10176', 'Text End Delimiter'); add('10177', 'Text Start Delimiter'); add('10178', 'Transform'); add('10179', 'Mapping'); add('10180', 'Mapping Component'); add('10181', 'Mapping Component Parameter'); add('10182', 'Mapping Component Property'); add('10183', 'Mapping Summary Report'); add('10184', 'Transform Summary Report'); add('10185', 'TransformMap'); add('10186', 'TransformMapComponent'); add('10187', 'TransformMapComponentParameter'); add('10188', 'TransformMapComponentProperty'); add('10189', 'Transforms'); add('10190', 'Updated Time'); add('10191', 'Usage'); add('10192', 'Use'); add('10193', 'Use Type'); add('10194', 'Valid'); add('10195', 'Validation Result'); add('10196', 'Value'); add('10197', 'Vendor'); add('10198', 'Version Label'); add('10199', 'View Impact Analysis Report'); add('10200', 'View Lineage Report'); add('10201', 'View Summary Report'); add('10202', 'Views'); add('10203', 'Warehouse Builder Browser'); add('10204', 'Warehouse Builder'); add('10205', 'Warehouse Engineer'); add('10206', 'Zoom'); add('10207', 'access'); add('10208', 'Actions'); add('10209', 'Add to My Favorites'); add('10210', 'All'); add('10211', 'Apply'); add('10212', 'Browse'); add('10213', 'Browse My Favorites'); add('10214', 'Cancel'); add('10215', 'Close'); add('10216', 'column id'); add('10217', 'Configuration Name'); add('10218', 'Configuration Type'); add('10219', 'Configuration Value'); add('10220', 'contents'); add('10221', 'Contents'); add('10222', 'Created On'); add('10223', 'Customize'); add('10224', 'Database Link'); add('10225', 'Database Link Name'); add('10226', 'Database Service Name'); add('10227', 'delete from favorites'); add('10228', 'Description'); add('10229', 'Dimension'); add('10230', 'Display'); add('10231', 'Display Name'); add('10232', 'Display Name'); add('10233', 'drop'); add('10234', 'edit'); add('10235', 'Favorites'); add('10236', 'field id'); add('10237', 'Find'); add('10238', 'First'); add('10239', 'Function'); add('10240', 'Function Library'); add('10241', 'Function Parameter'); add('10242', 'Grantee'); add('10243', 'Group'); add('10244', 'Group Name'); add('10245', 'Hierarchy'); add('10246', 'Home'); add('10247', 'Host Address'); add('10248', 'Host Port Number'); add('10249', 'Host Protocol'); add('10250', 'Host Service Name'); add('10251', 'Hostname'); add('10252', 'Module'); add('10253', 'Installed Version'); add('10254', 'Integrator'); add('10255', 'Language'); add('10256', 'Last'); add('10257', 'Level Attribute'); add('10258', 'level id'); add('10259', 'Limit'); add('10260', 'Lineage Report'); add('10261', 'Business Name'); add('10262', 'Logout'); add('10263', 'map type'); add('10264', 'measure id'); add('10265', 'Metadata Version'); add('10266', '(not available)'); add('10267', 'Name'); add('10268', 'Navigation'); add('10269', 'Navigation Favorites'); add('10270', 'Next'); add('10271', 'No'); add('10272', '(no items currently exist)'); add('10273', 'Object Type'); add('10274', 'OK'); add('10275', 'Options'); add('10276', 'Repository Name'); add('10277', 'Owner'); add('10278', 'Package'); add('10279', 'Parameter'); add('10280', 'Path'); add('10281', 'Physical Name'); add('10282', 'Portlet'); add('10283', 'Previous'); add('10284', 'Product Type'); add('10285', 'Project'); add('10286', 'properties'); add('10287', 'Properties'); add('10288', 'Property Name'); add('10289', 'Property Value'); add('10290', 'QA User'); add('10291', 'related'); add('10292', 'Related'); add('10293', 'Release'); add('10294', 'Remote Database Information'); add('10295', 'Report'); add('10296', 'Report Favorites'); add('10297', 'Report Name'); add('10298', 'reports'); add('10299', 'Reports'); add('10300', 'Repository'); add('10301', 'Resource'); add('10302', 'Revert to Defaults'); add('10303', 'Role'); add('10304', 'roles'); add('10305', 'Save as System Default'); add('10306', 'Sequence Summary Report'); add('10307', 'Stale Group'); add('10308', 'Status'); add('10309', 'System Type'); add('10310', 'TNSNAME'); add('10311', 'Top'); add('10312', 'Type'); add('10313', 'Type name'); add('10314', 'Unknown'); add('10315', 'unregister'); add('10316', 'Updated On'); add('10317', 'User'); add('10318', 'Version'); add('10319', 'View'); add('10320', 'Warehouse User'); add('10321', 'Warehouse Builder'); add('10322', 'Yes'); add('10323', 'Search'); add('10324', 'Plural Name'); add('10325', 'Build'); add('10326', 'Sign Type'); add('10327', 'Function Type'); add('10328', 'Map Component Name'); add('10329', 'Repository Name'); add('10330', 'Repository Model Version'); add('10331', 'Creation Time'); add('10332', 'Map Component Parameter'); add('10333', 'Map Component Property'); add('10334', 'Links'); add('10335', 'View'); add('10336', 'Full Page'); add('10337', 'Reset Default'); add('10338', 'Make Default'); add('10339', 'Warehouse Builder Reports'); add('10340', 'OWB Administration'); add('10341', 'OWB Reports'); add('10342', 'Table Name'); add('10343', 'File Name'); add('10344', 'ORDER NO'); add('10345', 'Target of'); add('10346', 'Launcher Portlet'); add('10347', 'Administration Portlet'); add('10348', 'Reports Portlet'); add('10349', 'Favorites Portlet'); add('10350', 'Navigation Portlet'); add('10351', 'revoke'); add('10352', 'Edit'); add('10353', 'links'); add('10354', 'Link Favorites'); add('10355', 'delete from links'); add('10356', 'Add Link'); add('10357', 'add to favorites'); add('10358', 'Existing Links'); add('10359', 'URL'); add('10360', 'Link Properties'); add('10361', 'Enter or update the properties of a link.'); add('10362', 'Edit Link'); add('10363', 'Make public'); add('10364', 'Add to action list'); add('10365', 'Scope'); add('10366', 'Access'); add('10367', 'add'); add('10400', 'Schema Name'); add('10401', 'Schema Password'); add('10402', 'Validation Status'); add('10403', 'Data Target'); add('10404', 'Application Type'); add('10405', 'Integrator to access the data source'); add('10406', 'Created Date'); add('10407', 'Updated Date'); add('10408', 'Transformation Library Summary Report'); add('10409', 'Transformation Mapping Summary Report'); add('10410', 'OWB Favorites'); add('10411', 'OWB Navigator'); add('10412', 'Date'); add('10413', 'Elapsed Time'); add('10414', 'Purge Log'); add('10415', 'Dependency Index'); add('10416', 'Attach OWB repository name and object ID'); add('10417', 'Repository Name'); add('10418', 'Refresh Option'); add('10419', 'ID'); add('10420', 'Repository Name'); add('10421', 'Help'); add('10422', 'Error'); add('10423', 'Note'); add('10424', 'Source of'); add('10425', 'Extended Property Name'); add('10426', 'Extended Property Value'); add('10427', 'Collection'); add('10428', 'Location'); add('10429', 'Transformation Module'); add('10430', 'Created By'); add('10431', 'Updated By'); add('10432', 'Advanced Queue'); add('10433', 'External Table'); add('10434', 'Process Flow Package'); add('10435', 'Location'); add('10436', 'Location Type'); add('10437', 'Application Type'); add('10438', 'System Type'); add('10439', 'Hierarchy Prefix'); add('10440', 'Level Prefix'); add('10441', 'Location Name'); add('10442', 'Source Record Name'); add('10443', 'Source File Name'); add('10444', 'Access Parameters'); add('10445', 'External Table Column'); add('10446', 'Source Field Name'); add('10447', 'Collection Item'); add('10448', 'Load Type Name'); add('10449', 'Queue Table Name'); add('10450', 'Process Flow'); add('10451', 'Bound Object'); add('10452', 'Process Flow Activity'); add('10453', 'Process Flow Variable'); add('10454', 'Process Flow Parameter'); add('10455', 'Process Flow Transition'); add('10456', 'Bound Name'); add('10457', 'Parent Process Flow'); add('10458', 'Data Type'); add('10459', 'Default Value'); add('10460', 'Is Final'); add('10461', 'Process Flow Parameter'); add('10462', 'language'); add('10463', 'Supported Language'); add('10464', 'Source Activity'); add('10465', 'Target Activity'); add('10466', 'Target Module'); add('10467', 'File Module'); add('10468', 'Process Flow Module'); add('10469', 'Source Module'); add('10470', 'MIV Module'); add('10471', 'XML Module'); add('10472', 'Gateway Module'); add('10473', 'Cursor'); add('10474', 'PLS RowType'); add('10475', 'PLS Record'); add('10476', 'PLS Collection'); add('10477', 'Table Function'); add('10478', 'SQL Collection'); add('10479', 'Object Type'); add('10480', 'Type'); add('10481', 'Cursor Type'); add('10482', 'Return Record Name'); add('10483', 'RowType Type'); add('10484', 'Entity Name'); add('10485', 'Entity Type'); add('10486', 'Collection Type'); add('10487', 'Connector'); add('10488', 'Detailed Location Report'); add('10489', 'Detailed File Module Report'); add('10490', 'External Table Summary Report'); add('10491', 'Advanced Queue Summary Report'); add('10492', 'Detailed Process Flow Module Report'); add('10493', 'Process Flow Package Summary Report'); add('10494', 'Detailed Source Module Report'); add('10495', 'Detailed Public Transformations Report'); add('10496', 'Detailed MIV Module Report'); add('10497', 'Detailed XML Module Report'); add('10498', 'Detailed Gateway Module Report'); add('10499', 'Detailed External Table Report'); add('10500', 'Detailed Table Function Report'); add('10501', 'Detailed Advanced Queue Report'); add('10502', 'Detailed Process Flow Package Report'); add('10503', 'Detailed Process Flow Report'); add('10504', 'Detailed Process Flow Activity Report'); add('10505', 'Detailed Process Flow Transition Report'); add('10506', 'Detailed Process Flow Parameter Report'); add('10507', 'Detailed Process Flow Variable Report'); add('10508', 'FileModule - First Class Objects'); add('10509', 'Public Transformations - First Class Objects'); add('10510', 'MIVModule - First Class Objects'); add('10511', 'XMLModule - First Class Objects'); add('10512', 'PackagedModule - First Class Objects'); add('10513', 'ProcessModule - First Class Objects'); add('10514', 'Detailed Location Report'); add('10515', 'Detailed Advanced Queue Report'); add('10516', 'Detailed Process Flow Package Report'); add('10517', 'Process Flow Activity'); add('10518', 'Detailed Process Flow Report'); add('10519', 'Direction'); add('10520', 'Detailed Process Flow Activity Report'); add('10521', 'Detailed Process Flow Transition Report'); add('10522', 'Bound Data Name'); add('10523', 'Bound Data Type'); add('10524', 'Bound Data Value'); add('10525', 'Referenced Location Name'); add('10526', 'Referenced Location'); add('10527', 'Detailed Connector Report'); add('10528', 'Process Flow Package Summary Report'); add('10529', 'Strong Type Name'); add('10530', 'Mapping Component.Table'); add('10531', 'Mapping Component.Cube'); add('10532', 'Mapping Component.Dimension'); add('10533', 'Mapping Component.Sequence'); add('10534', 'Mapping Component.View'); add('10535', 'Mapping Component.Record'); add('10536', 'Mapping Component.MaterializedView'); add('10537', 'Mapping Component.Aggregation'); add('10538', 'Mapping Component.Filter'); add('10539', 'Mapping Component.Expression'); add('10540', 'Mapping Component.ExternalProcess'); add('10541', 'Mapping Component.Join'); add('10542', 'Mapping Component.MappingParameter'); add('10543', 'Mapping Component.PseudoColumn'); add('10544', 'Mapping Component.Splitter'); add('10545', 'Mapping Component.SetOperation'); add('10546', 'Mapping Component.NameAddress'); add('10547', 'Mapping Component.KeyLookupTable'); add('10548', 'Mapping Component.TransformFunction'); add('10549', 'Mapping Component.Trigger'); add('10550', 'Mapping Component.Constant'); add('10551', 'Mapping Component.Distinct'); add('10552', 'Mapping Component.MappingInputParameter'); add('10553', 'Mapping Component.MappingOutputParameter'); add('10554', 'Mapping Component.PostMapProcess'); add('10555', 'Mapping Component.PreMapProcess'); add('10556', 'Mapping Component.Sorter'); add('10557', 'Mapping Component.Pivot'); add('10558', 'Mapping Component.UnPivot'); add('10559', 'Mapping Component.TableFunction'); add('10560', 'Mapping Component.DataGenerator'); add('10561', 'Mapping Component.AdvancedQueue'); add('10562', 'Mapping Component.ExternalTable'); add('10563', 'Process Flow Location'); add('10564', 'File Location'); add('10565', 'Oracle Database Location'); add('10566', 'SAP Location'); add('10567', 'Gateway Location'); add('10568', 'Condition'); add('10569', 'Transition Order'); add('10570', 'Source Activity Name'); add('10571', 'Target Activity Name'); add('10572', 'Process Flow Transition'); add('10573', 'Bound Data Name'); add('10574', 'Bound Data Type'); add('10575', 'Bound Data Value'); add('10576', 'Process Flow Activity.SubProcess'); add('10577', 'Detailed Connector Report'); add('10578', 'Runtime Repository Connection'); add('10579', 'Detailed Runtime Repository Connection Report'); add('10580', 'Directory'); add('10581', 'Field Delimiter'); add('10582', 'RecordField'); add('10583', 'Procedure'); add('10584', 'Query Text'); add('10585', 'Is Primary Key'); add('10586', 'Check Constraint'); add('10587', 'Check Constraint Name'); add('10588', 'Check Constraint Condition'); add('10589', 'Pre-Defined Public Transformations'); add('10590', 'Custom Public Transformations'); add('10591', 'Dimension Prefix'); add('10592', 'Primary Key'); add('10593', 'Unique Key'); add('10594', 'Mapping Component.FlatFile'); add('10595', 'Function Summary Report'); add('10596', 'Procedure Summary Report'); add('10597', 'Table Function Summary Report'); add('10598', 'Detailed Object Type Report'); add('10599', 'GatewayModule - First Class Objects'); add('10600', 'Process Flow Activity.Map'); add('10601', 'Process Flow Activity.Transform'); add('10602', 'Process Flow Activity.And'); add('10603', 'Process Flow Activity.Fork'); add('10604', 'Process Flow Activity.FileExist'); add('10605', 'Process Flow Activity.Or'); add('10606', 'Process Flow Activity.ExternalProcess'); add('10607', 'Process Flow Activity.Email'); add('10608', 'Process Flow Activity.End'); add('10609', 'Process Flow Activity.Start'); add('10610', 'Process Flow Activity.FTP'); add('10611', 'Activity Type'); add('10612', 'Attribute Group'); add('10613', 'Referenced Application'); add('10614', 'Referenced Table'); add('10615', 'Local Column'); add('10616', 'Referenced Column'); add('10617', 'Impacted Item'); add('10618', 'Impacted Entity'); add('10619', 'Source Item'); add('10620', 'Source Entity'); add('10621', 'Configuration Key'); add('10622', 'Configuration Object'); add('10623', 'Source Transition'); add('10624', 'Target Transition'); add('10625', 'Source From'); add('10626', 'File Format'); add('10627', 'Mask'); add('10628', 'NULLIF'); add('10629', 'DEFAULTIF'); add('10630', 'SQL Data Type'); add('10631', 'SQL Precision'); add('10632', 'SQL Scale'); add('10633', 'SQL Length'); add('10634', 'Start Position'); add('10635', 'Public and Pre-defined Transformations'); add('10636', 'Mapping Component.MatchMerge'); add('10637', 'dummy'); add('10638', 'dummy'); add('10639', 'dummy'); add('10640', 'dummy'); add('10641', 'dummy'); add('10642', 'dummy'); add('10643', 'dummy'); add('10644', 'dummy'); add('10645', 'dummy'); add('10646', 'dummy'); add('10647', 'dummy'); add('10648', 'dummy'); add('10649', 'dummy'); add('10650', 'dummy'); add('10651', 'dummy'); add('20001', 'Click Revoke to deny access for a user or group.'); add('20002', 'Create, edit or drop database links to Warehouse Builder repositories.'); add('20003', 'Enter or update the properties of a Warehouse Builder repository.'); add('20004', 'Enter or update the properties of a custom report.'); add('20005', 'A database link with an invalid status indicates either the database link is not functioning or the schema it points to is not a Warehouse Builder repository schema'); add('20006', 'To grant access to a group, select the name of the group and click Grant Group.'); add('20007', 'To grant access to a user, select the name of the user and click Grant User.'); add('20008', 'Specify the host address, service name, protocol and host port number.'); add('20009', 'Grant custom report access to selected roles.'); add('20010', 'Enter either the TNSNAME for the database or the host address, service name, protocol and host port number.'); add('20011', 'Enter a remote database alias OR enter the parameters that are necessary for connecting to the remote database in the form of:'); add('20012', 'Enter the TNSNAME alias for the database link.'); add('20013', 'Create Database Link'); add('20014', 'Edit Database Link'); add('20015', 'Edit Repository'); add('20016', 'Grant Group'); add('20017', 'Grant User'); add('20018', 'Create Database Link'); add('20019', 'Administer Database Links'); add('20020', 'Edit a Custom Report'); add('20021', 'Edit Custom Report Roles'); add('20022', 'Purge Stale User Information'); add('20023', 'Register a Warehouse Builder Repository'); add('20024', 'Register a Custom Report'); add('20025', 'Warehouse Builder Repository Password'); add('20026', 'Warehouse Builder Repository User Name'); add('20027', 'Portlet Access'); add('20028', 'Register Repository'); add('20029', 'Repository Access'); add('20030', 'Role Access'); add('20031', 'Warehouse Builder Administration'); add('20032', 'Change Access'); add('20033', 'Warehouse Builder Repository Properties'); add('20034', 'Custom Report Properties'); add('20035', 'Existing Database Links'); add('20036', 'Grant Access to Group'); add('20037', 'Grant Access to User'); add('20038', 'Custom Report Roles'); add('20039', 'View Database Link'); add('20040', 'Register Warehouse Builder repositories and maintain underlying database links.'); add('20041', 'Remove information stored on obsolete users.'); add('20042', 'Resource Management'); add('20043', 'Manage access privileges to Warehouse Builder Browser resources.'); add('20044', 'Add additional user defined reports to the supplied ones.'); add('20045', 'Manage Resources'); add('20046', 'Access, edit and unregister resources'); add('20047', 'The Administrator portlet for the Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser application'); add('20048', 'Manage Preferences'); add('20049', 'Save preferences to a file or load preferences from an existing Warehouse Builder Browser Schema.'); add('20050', 'Save Preferences'); add('20051', 'Displays an import file containing all Warehouse Builder Browser preferences. Use your web browser save function to save it as a file.'); add('20052', 'Load Preferences'); add('20053', 'Copies preferences from one Warehouse Builder Browser to this Warehouse Builder Browser.'); add('20054', 'To File'); add('20055', 'Enter the full pathname of the file where preferences will be saved.'); add('20056', 'From Existing OWB Browser Schema'); add('20057', 'Enter information about the schema from which preferences will be loaded.'); add('20058', 'From File'); add('20059', 'Enter the full pathname of the file from which preferences will be loaded.'); add('20060', 'Found'); add('20061', 'Not Found'); add('20062', 'Connected'); add('20063', 'Valid'); add('20064', 'Invalid'); add('20065', 'Number of Favorites Imported'); add('20066', 'Number of Favorites Not Imported'); add('20067', 'Load'); add('20068', 'Loaded'); add('20069', 'Not Loaded'); add('20070', 'Manage Dependency Index'); add('20071', 'Choose how often to refresh the dependency index for lineage and impact analysis diagrams.'); add('20072', 'Refresh on demand'); add('20073', 'Refresh on the first diagram request of the session'); add('20074', 'Refresh on each diagram request'); add('20075', 'No automatic refresh will be performed. User must use the Refresh Dependency Index action on the repository in the Navigator.'); add('20076', 'The first time the user requests a Lineage or Impact Analysis diagram for a repository in a session the Dependency Index will be refreshed.'); add('20077', 'Each time a Lineage or Impact Analysis diagram is requested the Dependency Index will be refreshed.'); add('20078', 'The Dependency Index is used when displaying Lineage and Impact Analysis diagrams. Repositories will be at different stages in the development lifecycle. Repositories in the later stages of development will not change as often and will not need to be refreshed as frequently.'); add('20079', 'You can define how often the dependency index is refreshed by choosing one of the options below.'); add('20080', 'Found; Not Loaded'); add('20081', 'If a repository listed below is found or loaded but its associated database link is not found, or if a database link listed below is not found, you will need to follow the item under "Action" to re-create the database link for the repository. If an user or a group listed is not found, they must be created first before preferences associated with them can be loaded. User or groups can be created via Oracle Portal Administration. After creating database link, user or group, re-load preferences again to load the rest of the preferences.'); add('20082', 'Load preferences into this Warehouse Builder Browser Schema from an existing schema.'); add('20083', 'Process Flow Transition'); add('20084', 'Bound Data Name'); add('20085', 'Bound Data Type'); add('20086', 'Bound Data Value'); add('20087', 'Condition'); add('20088', 'Transition Order'); add('20089', 'Source Activity Name'); add('20090', 'Target Activity Name'); add('20091', 'Multi-language Support'); add('20092', 'Display logical name and description of an object in a supported language other than the base language of an OWB repository whenever it is available.'); add('20093', 'Select Supported Language'); add('20094', 'Please select a supported language for displaying logical name and description. The default for an OWB repository is its base language.'); add('30001', 'Edit Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser Settings'); add('30002', 'Select working language of Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser.'); add('30003', 'Browse the navigation and report page styles for Warehouse Builder Browser. First please go to Oracle Portal Navigator page, then select the "Pages" tab followed by the Page Styles link. You must have Manage All Styles privilege to modify these styles.'); add('30004', 'Customize Warehouse Builder Browser'); add('30005', 'Select Language'); add('30006', 'Customize Warehouse Builder Browser'); add('30007', 'Oracle National Langage Support (NLS)'); add('30008', 'Page Styles'); add('30009', 'Refresh Dependency Index'); add('30010', 'refresh dependency index'); add('30011', 'The Dependency Index is used when displaying Lineage and Impact Analysis diagrams. To receive the most up-to-date information on the Lineage and Impact Analysis diagrams, click on Refresh Dependency Index.'); add('30012', 'dummy'); add('30013', 'dummy'); add('30014', 'dummy'); add('30015', 'dummy'); add('30016', 'dummy'); add('30017', 'dummy'); add('30018', 'dummy'); add('30019', 'dummy'); add('30020', 'dummy'); add('30021', 'dummy'); add('30022', 'dummy'); add('40001', 'One or more mandatory values has not been specified. All values in the form must be specified.'); add('40002', 'Unable to find the database link.'); add('40003', 'There is an existing database link with the same name.'); add('40004', 'The operation cannot be performed at the present time. Please make sure the INIT.ORA GLOBAL NAMES is set to False for your Oracle Portal instance. Contact your administrator for assistance.'); add('40005', 'Invalid characters.'); add('40006', 'The specified database link is to a repository that either cannot be contacted or else is not a valid OWB repository.'); add('40007', 'Either the repository cannot currently be contacted or else it is not a valid OWB repository. Please contact your administrator for assistance.'); add('40008', 'The specified database link fails to connect to a database (ORA-12154). Please verify your Remote Database Information. For an Oracle 8.1.6 database, use SID instead of SERVICE NAME inside your connection string. Contact your administrator for assistance.'); add('40009', 'The specified database link has invalid username/password.'); add('40010', 'Please specify a registered Oracle Warehouse Builder repository. Contact your administrator for assistance to register an Oracle Warehouse Builder repository.'); add('40011', 'You do not have the required access rights on this item. Please contact your portal administrator if you need access to this item.'); add('40012', 'Please specify a role for viewing an Oracle Warehouse Builder repository. Contact your administrator for assistance to create roles.'); add('40013', 'The selected item no longer exists.'); add('40014', 'The favorite no longer exists in the OWB repository.'); add('40015', 'This is a public database link not owned by current user.'); add('40016', 'This database link has been used to register an OWB repository. Please unregister the OWB repository first.'); add('40017', 'A custom report has already been registered for this type either with the same display name or the same implementation information.'); add('40018', 'Please unregister all the custom reports first.'); add('40019', 'One or more mandatory values has not been specified. All values in the form must be specified.'); add('40020', 'A repository has already been registered with the same name, or using the same database link, or referencing the same OWB repository.'); add('40021', 'One or more mandatory values has not been specified. All values in the form must be specified except for "Description" which is optional.'); add('40022', 'The operation cannot be performed at the present time. The current session has exceeded the INIT.ORA OPEN LINKS maximum. Please contact your administrator for assistance.'); add('40023', 'The operation cannot be performed at the present time. Please contact your administrator for assistance.'); add('40024', 'No data found.'); add('40025', 'Wrong Operation.'); add('40026', 'Unexpected Error.'); add('40027', 'Exception '); add('40040', 'Database link not found. Please check or re-create database link. '); add('40041', 'Role not found. Please re-create role. '); add('40042', 'Fail to connect to specified schema or server. Please check the connect string information. '); add('40043', 'Single Sign-On User no longer valid. Please check with administrator. '); add('40044', 'Single Sign-On User no longer has privileges to access favorites. '); add('40045', 'Single Sign-On User no longer has privileges to perform the operation. '); add('40046', 'Favorites are no longer valid. '); add('40047', 'Error saving preferences to a file. '); add('40048', 'Error loading preferences from the specified file. '); add('40049', 'Error loading preferences from the specified OWB Browser Schema. '); add('40050', 'Error loading preferences into the current schema.'); add('40051', 'Preferences have successfully been saved into the specified file.'); add('40052', 'Preferences have successfully been loaded into the current schema from the specified file.'); add('40053', 'Preferences have successfully been loaded into the current schema from the specified schema.'); add('40054', 'One or more mandatory values has not been specified.'); add('40055', 'There is an existing link with the same name.'); add('40056', 'Unable to add role for user '); add('40057', 'Unable to add repository for user '); add('40058', 'Unable to add portlet for user '); add('40058', 'Unable to add report for role '); add('40060', 'Unable to add repository '); add('40061', 'Unable to add custom report '); add('40062', 'Unable to add link '); add('40063', 'Unable to add role for group '); add('40064', 'Unable to add repository for group '); add('40065', 'Unable to add portlet for group '); add('40066', 'The OWB Repository is not one that is registered with the OWB Browser, Please use the OWB Browser Administration Pages to create a database link to this repository and register it with the OWB Browser.'); add('40067', 'The subject of the diagram could not be found in the OWB Repository. This may be because the object no longer exists in the repository, or maybe incorrect repository information has been suppplied.'); add('40068', 'Group not found. Please re-create group. '); add('40069', 'User not found. Please re-create user. '); add('40070', 'The specified database link is to a repository that needs to be updated to the latest version.'); add('40071', 'Database link for this repository does not exist. Please re-create database link or edit repository.'); add('40072', 'There is no available linegae on this item.'); add('40073', 'The schema information supplied does not connect to a valid OWB Browser repository. Please check the schema information.'); add('40074', 'User does not exist.'); add('40075', 'Group does not exist.'); add('40076', 'Oracle XML Toolkit must be installed under SYS schema'); add('40077', 'Couldn''t find the lineage table; make sure the CLOB enabled in OWB repository'); add('40078', 'Dummy'); add('40079', 'Dummy'); add('40080', 'Dummy'); add('40081', 'Dummy'); add('40082', 'Dummy'); add('40083', 'Dummy'); add('40084', 'Dummy'); add('40085', 'Dummy'); add('40086', 'Dummy'); add('40087', 'Dummy'); add('40088', 'Dummy'); add('40089', 'Dummy'); add('40090', 'Dummy'); add('40091', 'This object does not have impact dependencies.'); add('40092', 'This object does not have lineage dependencies.'); add('50001', 'Specify how the favorites are displayed.'); add('50002', 'Edit description of this favorite.'); add('50003', 'Hide Description'); add('50004', 'Hide Path'); add('50005', 'Limit List To'); add('50006', 'Show All'); add('50007', 'Show Description'); add('50008', 'Show Path'); add('50009', 'Warehouse Builder Favorites'); add('50010', 'Customize Warehouse Builder Favorites'); add('50011', 'Display Settings'); add('50012', 'Customize Display Options'); add('50013', 'Edit Favorites'); add('50014', 'Edit Warehouse Builder Favorites'); add('50015', 'Edit or delete Warehouse Builder favorites.'); add('50016', 'The Favorites portlet for the Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser application'); add('50017', 'Select Favorites'); add('50018', 'Select favorites by repository, role or type.'); add('50019', 'dummy'); add('50020', 'dummy'); add('50021', 'dummy'); add('50022', 'dummy'); add('50023', 'dummy'); add('50024', 'dummy'); add('50025', 'dummy'); add('50026', 'dummy'); add('50027', 'dummy'); add('60001', 'About Warehouse Builder Browser'); add('60002', 'dummy'); add('60003', 'dummy'); add('60004', 'dummy'); add('60005', 'dummy'); add('60006', 'dummy'); add('60007', 'dummy'); add('60008', 'dummy'); add('70001', 'Perform administrative functions such as registering repositories and granting access to users.'); add('70002', 'Choose from a list of your Navigation and Report Favorites.'); add('70003', 'Select an OWB repository and an access role and then click Browse.'); add('70004', 'Administer Warehouse Builder Browser'); add('70005', 'Browse My Favorites'); add('70006', 'Browse a Repository'); add('70007', 'The Launcher portlet for the Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser application'); add('70008', 'Select a role and click Browse.'); add('70009', 'dummy'); add('70010', 'dummy'); add('70011', 'dummy'); add('70012', 'dummy'); add('70013', 'dummy'); add('70014', 'dummy'); add('70015', 'dummy'); add('70016', 'dummy'); add('70017', 'dummy'); add('70018', 'dummy'); add('70019', 'dummy'); add('70020', 'dummy'); add('80001', 'Specify how the navigation page is displayed within the portlet.'); add('80002', 'Browse content objects'); add('80003', 'Browse property values.'); add('80004', 'Browse related objects.'); add('80005', 'Browse available reports.'); add('80006', 'Hide Summary'); add('80007', 'Hide Path'); add('80008', 'Limit List To'); add('80009', 'Show All'); add('80010', 'Show Page Description'); add('80011', 'Show Page Path'); add('80012', 'Warehouse Builder Navigation'); add('80013', 'Customize Warehouse Builder Navigation Pages'); add('80014', 'Display Settings'); add('80015', 'Customize Display Options'); add('80016', 'The Navigation Portlet for the Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser application'); add('80017', 'Customize Warehouse Builder Links'); add('80018', 'Browse available links.'); add('80019', 'Link applies to only this object'); add('80020', 'Link applies to all objects of this type'); add('80021', 'Role Selection'); add('80022', 'Select a role to browse the OWB repository.'); add('80023', 'Warehouse Builder Navigator'); add('80024', 'Browse extended property values.'); add('80025', 'validation failed'); add('80026', 'dummy'); add('80027', 'dummy'); add('80028', 'dummy'); add('80029', 'dummy'); add('80030', 'dummy'); add('80031', 'dummy'); add('80032', 'dummy'); add('80033', 'dummy'); add('80034', 'dummy'); add('90001', 'Warehouse Builder Report'); add('90002', 'The Reports portlet for the Oracle Warehouse Builder Browser application'); add('90003', 'Customize Reports Portlet'); add('90004', 'Make or reset default report.'); add('90005', 'This portlet does not function in preview mode.'); add('90006', 'No default report has been selected.'); add('90007', 'dummy'); add('90008', 'dummy'); add('90009', 'dummy'); add('90010', 'dummy'); add('90011', 'dummy'); add('90012', 'dummy'); add('90013', 'dummy'); add('90014', 'dummy'); add('90015', 'dummy'); add('100001', '(no content items for this data type)'); add('100002', '(no description available)'); add('100003', '(no name available)'); add('100004', '(no properties for this data type)'); add('100005', '(no related items for this data type)'); add('100006', '(no reports for this data type)'); add('100007', '(no links available)'); add('100008', '(no extended properties for this data type)'); add('100009', 'dummy'); add('100010', 'dummy'); add('100011', 'dummy'); add('100012', 'dummy'); add('100013', 'dummy'); add('100014', 'dummy'); add('100015', 'dummy'); add('100016', 'dummy'); add('100017', 'dummy'); add('100018', 'dummy'); add('ar', 'Arabic'); add('ar_AE', 'Arabic United'); add('ar_BH', 'Arabic Bahrain'); add('ar_DZ', 'Arabic Algeria'); add('ar_EG', 'Arabic Egypt'); add('ar_IQ', 'Arabic Iraq'); add('ar_JO', 'Arabic Jordan'); add('ar_KW', 'Arabic Kuwait'); add('ar_LB', 'Arabic Lebanon'); add('ar_LY', 'Arabic Libya'); add('ar_MA', 'Arabic Morocco'); add('ar_OM', 'Arabic Oman'); add('ar_QA', 'Arabic Qatar'); add('ar_SA', 'Arabic Saudi'); add('ar_SD', 'Arabic Sudan'); add('ar_SY', 'Arabic Syria'); add('ar_TN', 'Arabic Tunisia'); add('ar_YE', 'Arabic Yemen'); add('be', 'Byelorussian'); add('be_BY', 'Byelorussian Belarus'); add('bg', 'Bulgarian'); add('bg_BG', 'Bulgarian Bulgaria'); add('ca', 'Catalan'); add('ca_ES', 'Catalan Spain'); add('cs', 'Czech'); add('cs_CZ', 'Czech Czech'); add('da', 'Danish'); add('da_DK', 'Danish Denmark'); add('de', 'German'); add('de_AT', 'German Austria'); add('de_CH', 'German Switzerland'); add('de_DE', 'German Germany'); add('de_LU', 'German Luxembourg'); add('el', 'Greek'); add('el_GR', 'Greek Greece'); add('en', 'English'); add('en_AU', 'English Australia'); add('en_CA', 'English Canada'); add('en_GB', 'English United'); add('en_IE', 'English Ireland'); add('en_NZ', 'English New'); add('en_US', 'English United'); add('en_ZA', 'English South'); add('es', 'Spanish'); add('es_AR', 'Spanish Argentina'); add('es_BO', 'Spanish Bolivia'); add('es_CL', 'Spanish Chile'); add('es_CO', 'Spanish Colombia'); add('es_CR', 'Spanish Costa'); add('es_DO', 'Spanish Dominican'); add('es_EC', 'Spanish Ecuador'); add('es_ES', 'Spanish Spain'); add('es_GT', 'Spanish Guatemala'); add('es_HN', 'Spanish Honduras'); add('es_MX', 'Spanish Mexico'); add('es_NI', 'Spanish Nicaragua'); add('es_PA', 'Spanish Panama'); add('es_PE', 'Spanish Peru'); add('es_PR', 'Spanish Puerto'); add('es_PY', 'Spanish Paraguay'); add('es_SV', 'Spanish El'); add('es_UY', 'Spanish Uruguay'); add('es_VE', 'Spanish Venezuela'); add('et', 'Estonian'); add('et_EE', 'Estonian Estonia'); add('fi', 'Finnish'); add('fi_FI', 'Finnish Finland'); add('fr', 'French'); add('fr_BE', 'French Belgium'); add('fr_CA', 'French Canada'); add('fr_CH', 'French Switzerland'); add('fr_FR', 'French France'); add('fr_LU', 'French Luxembourg'); add('hr', 'Croatian'); add('hr_HR', 'Croatian Croatia'); add('hu', 'Hungarian'); add('hu_HU', 'Hungarian Hungary'); add('is', 'Icelandic'); add('is_IS', 'Icelandic Iceland'); add('it', 'Italian'); add('it_CH', 'Italian Switzerland'); add('it_IT', 'Italian Italy'); add('iw', 'Hebrew'); add('iw_IL', 'Hebrew Israel'); add('ja', 'Japanese'); add('ja_JP', 'Japanese Japan'); add('ko', 'Korean'); add('ko_KR', 'Korean South'); add('lt', 'Lithuanian'); add('lt_LT', 'Lithuanian Lithuania'); add('lv', 'Latvian'); add('lv_LV', 'Latvian'); add('mk', 'Macedonian'); add('mk_MK', 'Macedonian Macedonia'); add('nl', 'Dutch'); add('nl_BE', 'Dutch Belgium'); add('nl_NL', 'Dutch Netherlands'); add('no', 'Norwegian'); add('no_NO', 'Norwegian Norway'); add('pl', 'Polish'); add('pl_PL', 'Polish Poland'); add('pt', 'Portuguese'); add('pt_BR', 'Portuguese Brazil'); add('pt_PT', 'Portuguese Portugal'); add('ro', 'Romanian'); add('ro_RO', 'Romanian Romania'); add('ru', 'Russian'); add('ru_RU', 'Russian Russia'); add('sh', 'Serbo Croatian'); add('sh_YU', 'Serbo Croatian Yugoslavia'); add('sk', 'Slovak'); add('sk_SK', 'Slovak Slovakia'); add('sl', 'Slovenian'); add('sl_SI', 'Slovenian Slovenia'); add('sq', 'Albanian'); add('sq_AL', 'Albanian Albania'); add('sr', 'Serbian'); add('sr_YU', 'Serbian Yugoslavia'); add('sv', 'Swedish'); add('sv_SE', 'Swedish Sweden'); add('th', 'Thai'); add('th_TH', 'Thai Thailand'); add('tr', 'Turkish'); add('tr_TR', 'Turkish Turkey'); add('uk', 'Ukrainian'); add('uk_UA', 'Ukrainian Ukraine'); add('zh', 'Chinese'); add('zh_CN', 'Chinese China'); add('zh_HK', 'Chinese Hong'); add('zh_TW', 'Chinese Taiwan'); commit; end; end;
Write backup
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