Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ord\im\admin\ordisivw.plb
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW si_image_formats AS SELECT SI_FORMAT FROM ORDSYS.SI_image_formats_tab where read_flg = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW si_image_format_conversions AS SELECT a.SI_format SI_source_format, b.si_format SI_target_format FROM ORDSYS.SI_image_formats_tab a , ORDSYS.SI_image_formats_tab b where a.read_flg = 'Y' and b.write_flg = 'Y' and a.si_format <> b.si_format; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW si_thumbnail_formats AS SELECT a.SI_format from ORDSYS.si_image_formats_tab a where a.write_flg = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE view si_image_format_features as SELECT a.si_format, b.si_feature_name from ORDSYS.si_image_formats_tab a, ORDSYS.si_features_tab b where a.read_flg = 'Y'; CREATE OR REPLACE view si_values as select SI_value, SI_supported_Value from ordsys.SI_Values_tab; grant SELECT on ordsys.si_image_formats to public; grant SELECT on ordsys.si_image_format_conversions to public; grant SELECT on ordsys.si_thumbnail_formats to public; grant SELECT on ordsys.si_image_format_features to public; grant SELECT on ordsys.si_values to public; alter session set current_schema="SI_INFORMTN_SCHEMA"; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_image_formats for ordsys.si_image_formats; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_image_format_conversions for ordsys.si_image_format_conversions; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_image_format_features for ordsys.si_image_format_features; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_thumbnail_formats for ordsys.si_thumbnail_formats; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_values for ordsys.si_values; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_format_convrsns for ordsys.si_image_format_conversions; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_image_frmt_ftrs for ordsys.si_image_format_features; CREATE OR REPLACE SYNONYM si_thumbnail_frmts for ordsys.si_thumbnail_formats; alter session set current_schema="ORDSYS";
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