Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ord\Annotator\lib\oracle\ord\media\annotator\parsers\jpg\JpgParser.class
?? 1? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? E E E E # ? E # # # + + ? #? @Q??! ?"#$%&'() ?* E+,-. F/ ?0 E1 ?2 P3456 78 P ? P9 P: ?;< => P?@A ?B PC PDE FG H ?I JK PL ?MN OPQ RSTU VWXY Z[\ ]^_ ?` ?ab ?cde +f ?ghij ?k ?l mno ?p ?qr ?st ?uv ?wxyz{ E| m}~ ?? ?? m???? J???? ???????? ????????? MS_Y_JPEG_ID0 B ConstantValue???? MS_Y_JPEG_ID1???? MS_Y_JPEG_APP0???? MS_Y_JPEG_SOF0???? MS_Y_JPEG_COM???? MS_Y_JPEG_CAP???? MS_Y_JPEG_EOI???? MS_Y_JPEG_SOS???? M_I_UNDEFINED I m_iProgress m_yaTmpDataBuff [B m_szImageFormat Ljava/lang/String; m_szImageVersion m_szImageCompressor m_szImageCompressorFullName m_szImageColorSpace m_iImageBitsPerPixel m_lImageHeight J m_lImageWidth m_dImageHDensity D m_dImageVDensity m_bResolutionOnOff Z m_iImageCount m_szImageComment m_szImageCaption m_myIptcIimParser 7Loracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser; <init> ()V Code assertedReadBytes ([BII)I Exceptions assertedSkipBytes (I)I jpgAPP0Handling ()I jpgSOF0Handling jpgCOMHandling lookforByteArray ([B[BI)I handlingJpgIptcIim :([BII)Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream; parseCaptionBlock jpgIptcIimHandling checkForIptcIim ()Z jpgCaptionHandling findNextBlock ()B skipBlock jpgHandling parse saveToAnnotation extractSamples ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/ParserException HIn assertedReadBytes: faultly intended to skip negative number of bytes. ????? ? CEncounter the enf of file beyond expectation in assertedReadBytes. java/io/IOException 3IOException raised while reading an array of bytes. ?? HIn assertedSkipBytes: faultly intended to skip negative number of bytes.? ? java/io/EOFException CEncounter the enf of file beyond expectation in assertedSkipBytes. ? ??? java/lang/StringBuilder? ??? .???? JPEG File Interchange Format java/lang/Integer ?????? | The horizontal and vertical densities don't have unit, which means only the ratio HD/VD matters. In this case, HDensity = ?? VDensity = , hence HD/VD = ??? 4Encounter unrecognizable in JPEG's x/y density unit. ? ? *Unexpected end of file in jpgAPP0Handling. 5IOException raised while classify the image category. GREYSCALE YCbCr/YIQ CMYK UNKNOWN Unexpected eof in jpgSOF0. ? ??? !Unexpected eof in jpgCOMHandling. 2oracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream java/io/ByteArrayInputStream ???? ?? ? ??? ,EOF exception raised while getCaptionBlock() +IOException raised while getCaptionBlock(), Starting iptc-iim4 parsing...?? 5oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser??? ??? IptcIimAnn????? Ioracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/annotation/AnnotationFactoryException %Cannot create the annotator for IPTC. ? ??? ? ? cIptcIim parsing throws exception, indicating that the caption block does not contain IPTC-IIM data.?? The exception message is ???????? ??? IPTC-IIM??? 'Cannot get Use IptcIim parser operation??? 6Cannot get parameters for the IptcIim parser operation Use IPTC-IIM??? <Cannot get parameters value for the IptcIim parser operation ParameterValue??? true??? 0A caption marker is encountered in the jpg file. ? ? ? ? ? ? AWhile searching for the next marker, encounter unexpected bytes: ,findNextBlock() finds a block starting with ?? ? ? 6 The first two bytes of the image file cannot be read. JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group?? ? ???? This is a JPEG file. ? ? ? ? "Completed handling of App0 marker. ? ? "Completed handling of SOF0 marker. ? ? %Completed handling of comment marker. ? ? %Completed handling of caption marker. Skipping a unknown marker. This image file is not a JPEG. FIOException raised while reading the first two bytes from input stream???? Parsing an image file... ? ? Saving to annotation... ? ?? ? Comment: Caption: MEDIA_SOURCE_FILE_FORMAT?? MEDIA_SOURCE_FILE_FORMAT_CODE IMAGE_HEIGHT java/lang/Long ?? IMAGE_WIDTH IMAGE_COUNT IMAGE_PIXEL_FORMAT IMAGE_BITS_PER_PIXEL IMAGE_HORIZONTAL_RES java/lang/Double ?? IMAGE_VERTICAL_RES MEDIA_FORMAT_ENCODING MEDIA_FORMAT_ENCODING_CODE MEDIA_USER_DATA 1ImageParser will have support thumbnails shortly. 0oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/jpg/JpgParser )oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/Parser (Ljava/lang/String;)V m_madisResource 4Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream; read *(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V skipBytes readUnsignedShort readString (I)Ljava/lang/String; readByte append (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString ()Ljava/lang/String; (I)V doubleValue ()D m_sStatus )Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/Status; (D)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 'oracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/Status Verbose createStringWithStreamEncoding ([B)Ljava/lang/String; ([BII)V getCharEncoding *(Ljava/io/InputStream;Ljava/lang/String;)V setDataInputStream 7(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream;)V Report (SLjava/lang/String;)V setCharEncoding m_bIsFailed m_annFactory BLoracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/annotation/AnnotationFactory; @oracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/annotation/AnnotationFactory createAnnotationByName G(Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation; setAnnotation 6(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation;)V getDataInputStream 6()Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream; Trace getMessage m_annInst 3Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation; 1oracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation addSubAnnotation close m_pd 3Loracle/ord/media/annotator/descriptors/ParserDesc; 1oracle/ord/media/annotator/descriptors/ParserDesc getOperationDesc J(Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/ord/media/annotator/descriptors/OperationDesc; 4oracle/ord/media/annotator/descriptors/OperationDesc getParameters /()Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/Parameters; +oracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/Parameters getParameter F(Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/PropertiesGroup; 0oracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/PropertiesGroup getProperty &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; java/lang/String equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z toHexString m_annTaskMan 4Loracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/AnnTaskManager; 2oracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/AnnTaskManager setTaskCurrent setLittleEndian (Z)V setTask (II)V done setAttribute '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (J)V (D)V ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? _ S*? *? *? *? *? *? *? * ? * ? * ? * ? *? *? *? *? ? ? ? ? m Y? ? 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