Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ord\Annotator\lib\oracle\ord\media\annotator\parsers\iptc\IptcIimParser.class
?? 1 ? ? ? ! " #$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<= ?>?@ 'A ?B CDEF 'GHIJ CKL CM CN CO CPQR 9S 9T 9U 9VWX ?Y ?Z [ ?\ ]^ 9_` ab Cc def dghi Ojklm Snop Cq A r st suv sw sx sy sz{|}~ ?? ?? s? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ?????????? ????? ???? ???? L?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? C? ??? a??? m_clsTagEntry InnerClasses MS_Y_TAG_MARKER B ConstantValue MS_Y_REC_NUMBER MS_I_RECORD_VERSION I MS_I_OBJECT_NAME MS_I_KEYWORDS MS_I_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION ( MS_I_ACTION_ADVISED * MS_I_CREATION_DATE 7 MS_I_CREATION_TIME < MS_I_DIGITAL_CREATION_DATE > MS_I_DIGITAL_CREATION_TIME ? MS_I_ORIGINATING_PROG A MS_I_PROGRAM_VERSION F MS_I_OBJECT_CYCLE K MS_I_BYLINE P MS_I_BYLINE_TITLE U MS_I_CITY Z MS_I_SUB_LOCATION \ MS_I_PROVINCE_STATE _ MS_I_COUNTRY_CODE d MS_I_LOCATION_NAME e MS_I_TRANSMISSION_REF g MS_I_HEADLINE i MS_I_CREDIT n MS_I_SOURCE s MS_I_COPYRIGHT t MS_I_CONTACT v MS_I_CAPTION x MS_I_WRITER z MS_I_IMAGE_TYPE ? MS_I_LANGUAGE ? MS_I_STRING_TYPE MS_I_INT_TYPE MS_I_CHAR_TYPE MS_I_DATE_TYPE MS_I_TIME_TYPE MS_I_CONTINUE MS_I_STOP_SUCC MS_I_STOP_FAIL m_bIsFailed Z m_iptciimAnn 3Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation; m_htTagLookup Ljava/util/Hashtable; <init> ()V Code setAnnotation 6(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation;)V assertedSkipBytes (J)J Exceptions assertedReadBytes ([BII)I getDataFieldLength ()J skipRecord assignStringValue J(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser$m_clsTagEntry;[B)V assignIntValue assignCharValue assignDateValue assignTimeValue assignIptciimValue isCaptionHacked (I)Z setIptciimAttribute J(ILoracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser$m_clsTagEntry;J)V doTagSwitcher lookforFirstByte ()I assertFirstByte assertSecondByte ()Z skipDataset assertMandatoryRestrictions assertAssocRestrictions iptciimClassify readByteArray 9(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream;[B)I setDataInputStream 7(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream;)V getDataInputStream 6()Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream; parse saveToAnnotation extractSamples ? ? ? ? ? ? java/util/Hashtable Coracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser$m_clsTagEntry IIM_RECORD_VERSION ?? java/lang/Integer ???? IIM_OBJECT_NAME IIM_KEYWORDS IIM_SPECIAL_INSTRUCTION IIM_ACTION_ADVISED IIM_CREATION_DATE IIM_DIGITAL_CREATION_DATE IIM_ORIGINATING_PROG IIM_PROGRAM_VERSION IIM_OBJECT_CYCLE IIM_BYLINE IIM_BYLINE_TITLE IIM_CITY IIM_SUB_LOCATION IIM_PROVINCE_STATE IIM_COUNTRY_CODE IIM_LOCATION_NAME IIM_TRANSMISSION_REF IIM_HEADLINE IIM_CREDIT IIM_SOURCE IIM_COPYRIGHT IIM_CONTACT IIM_CAPTION IIM_WRITER IIM_IMAGE_TYPE IIM_LANGUAGE ? ? 2oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/ParserException GIn assertedSkipBytes: wrong intention to skip negative number of bytes. ?????? ? java/io/EOFException CEncounter the end of file beyond expectation in assertedSkipBytes. ?? java/io/IOException 3IOException raised while reading an array of bytes. HIn assertedReadBytes: faultly intended to skip negative number of bytes.? ? CEncounter the enf of file beyond expectation in assertedReadBytes. ??? ? ??? OThe number of bytes to represent the length of the data stream never exceeds 8. java/lang/StringBuilder 4The number of bytes of the data stream is negative: ?????? AEncounter a unexpected eof in an IPTCIIM4 stream in skipRecord(). FIOException raised while reading the first two bytes from input stream ? ? ? ?? ????? 's data stream is too big: ?? bytes.???????? java/lang/String?? java/lang/Long ?? 's data stream is not of 2 bytes as expected, instread java/lang/Character ?? 's data stream is not of 8 bytes as expected, instead ??? ????? java/util/Date???????? 's data stream is not of 11 While parsing ), we expect the format as HHMMSS+/-HHMM, (where the 7'th element is either + or -. GMT???????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ??? ? ? 7Finish reading the data stream, no 0x1c is encountered. :Finish reading the IPTC_IIM4 stream in iptciim4classify(). ?Finish reading the IPTC_IIM4 data stream in iptciim4classify(). ;For the time being, we only handle IPTC_IIM4 2:xxx records. GEncounter unexpected EOF in the IPTC_IIM4 stream in iptciim4Classify(). FEncounter unexpected EOF in the IPTC_IIM4 stream in iptciimClassify(). BEOFException raised while reading the third byte from input stream AIOException raised while reading the third byte from input stream??????? ? is not repeatable, while in the stream, we encounter it for times.? ? is mandatory, 1 however in this stream, we didn't encounter it. RECORD_VERSION?? kPROGRAM_VERSION exists while ORIGINATING_PROG doesn't exist, hence the value of PROGRAM_VERSION is invalid. uUnexpectedly encountering IPTC-IIM record that is not part of record 2. The stream is likely to be non IPTC-IIM data. EEncounter unexpected EOF in the IPTCIIM4 stream in iptciimClassify(). $Finish readin the input data stream. 1Fail to read in the data stream in readByteArray.?? 9IPTC_IIM4/Information Interchange Model 4 (IIM4) parsing.? 5oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser )oracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/Parser Q(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/parsers/iptc/IptcIimParser;Ljava/lang/String;ZZIII)V (I)V put 8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; (Ljava/lang/String;)V m_madisResource 4Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream; 2oracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/MADataInputStream skipBytes *(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V read mark readUnsignedByte reset readShort ()S append -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString ()Ljava/lang/String; iMaxSize m_sStatus )Loracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/Status; szAnnAttribute Ljava/lang/String; (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; 'oracle/ord/media/annotator/utils/Status Trace createStringWithStreamEncoding ([B)Ljava/lang/String; 1oracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation getAttribute &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Object; setAttribute '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (J)V (C)V ([BII)Ljava/lang/String; intValue java/util/Calendar getInstance ()Ljava/util/Calendar; set (IIIIII)V setTime (Ljava/util/Date;)V get (I)I (II)V getTime ()Ljava/util/Date; java/util/TimeZone getTimeZone ((Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/TimeZone; setRawOffset *(Ljava/util/TimeZone;)Ljava/util/Calendar; iDataType iCount &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; elements ()Ljava/util/Enumeration; java/util/Enumeration hasMoreElements nextElement ()Ljava/lang/Object; bIsRepeatable bIsMandatory equalsIgnoreCase (Ljava/lang/String;)Z setLittleEndian (Z)V Report (SLjava/lang/String;)V ! ? ? * ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *? *? *? *? 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