Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ord\Annotator\lib\oracle\ord\media\annotator\handlers\db\OrdVideoAnnMap.class
?? 1 ? K W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l J m n o J p q r s t u v w x y f z { | } ~ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? <init> 6(Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation;)V Code getOrdType ()Ljava/lang/String; isUsedBy (Ljava/lang/String;)Z generateOrdSQL &(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; generateOrdSQLHelper n(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; L M ORDSYS.ORDVideo MEDIA_SOURCE_FILENAME ? ? ? MEDIA_SOURCE_FILE_FORMAT MEDIA_SOURCE_MIME_TYPE MEDIA_FORMAT_ENCODING MEDIA_DURATION MEDIA_BITRATE VIDEO_SRC_WIDTH VIDEO_SRC_HEIGHT VIDEO_VERTICAL_RES VIDEO_DEPTH java/lang/StringBuffer L ? -- Set OrdVideo attributes ? ? ,-- source related attributes are not set. setMimeType ' U V setFormat MEDIA_SOURCE_FILE_FORMAT_CODE ? ? ? ? ? Name ? ? T VideoAnn ${MANN_BEGIN_TRACK} VideoAnn java/lang/StringBuilder ? ? &${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} VIDEO_SRC_HEIGHT ' ${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} VIDEO_SRC_WIDTH 8.setFrameSize(${VIDEO_SRC_WIDTH},${VIDEO_SRC_HEIGHT}); ${MANN_END_IFDEF} ${MANN_END_IFDEF} ? P setFrameRate VIDEO_FRAME_RATE 2-- The conversion from TimeCodeString to seconds 5-- requires MEDIA_TIMESCALE. The result is a float &-- while videoDuration is an INTEGER $${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} MEDIA_DURATION ' ${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} MEDIA_TIMESCALE 7.setVideoDuration(ROUND(${(seconds)MEDIA_DURATION})); --- an ESTIMATE of the number of frames only &${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} VIDEO_FRAME_RATE & ${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} MEDIA_DURATION ) ${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} MEDIA_TIMESCALE N.setNumberOfFrames(ROUND(${VIDEO_FRAME_RATE} * ${(seconds)MEDIA_DURATION})); ${MANN_END_IFDEF} setCompressionType MEDIA_FORMAT_ENCODING_CODE setNumberOfColors setBitRate A-- frameResoultion is not set because the mapping is ambigious. ${MANN_END_TRACK} .-- end of selecting VideoAnn sub annotation. #-- End of Set OrdVideo attributes ${MANN_BEGIN_IFDEF} . ( ${ } ); ${MANN_END_IFDEF} 5oracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/db/OrdVideoAnnMap 0oracle/ord/media/annotator/handlers/db/OrdAnnMap java/lang/String equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z ()V append ,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; m_annInst 3Loracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation; 1oracle/ord/media/annotator/annotations/Annotation getDescriptor 9()Loracle/ord/media/annotator/descriptors/AnnotationDesc; 5oracle/ord/media/annotator/descriptors/AnnotationDesc getProperty -(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder; toString ! J K L M N *+? ? O P N ? Q R N l `+? ? T+? ? K+? ? B+? ? 9+? ? 0+ ? ? '+ ? ? +? ? +? ? + ? ? ? ? S T N ? Y? MN,? W,? W,*+? ? W,*+? ? W*? ? ? ? 6? ,? WN,? Y? !-? "#? "-? "$? "-? "%? "+? "&? "-? "'? "-? "(? "? )? W,*? W,*-++,? ? W,-? W,.? W,/? W,? Y? !-? "0? "-? "1? "-? "%? "+? "2? "-? "'? "-? "(? "? )? W,*? W,? Y? !-? "3? "? )? W,? Y? !-? "4? "-? "5? "-? "6? "-? "7? "+? "8? "-? "9? "-? "'? "-? "(? "? )? W,*? W,*-+:;? ? W,*-+< ? ? W,*-+= ? ? W,? Y? !-? ">? "? )? W? ,?? W,@? W,A? W,? B? U V N l `? Y? !+? "C? "? "*? "+? "? ",? "D? "-? "E? "? "F? "? "G? "? "H? "+? "I? "? )?
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