Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\javacache\lib\oracle\ias\cache\messages\Translation.class
?? .I ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGH contents [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> ? ? ? ? [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object EXPLOAD -An exception was caught in the Load Callback} EXPVERIFY .An exception was caught in the Verify Callback EXPINTERNAL Internal error in the Cache EXPDISKCACHE Error in the Disk Cache EXPDISKLOCK Error locking the Disk Cache EXPDISKMDFILE 3The meta data file for the Disk Cache is corrupted. EXPBADID Incorrect Object id EXPBADHANDLE Invalid handle EXPINVALID Invalid object EXPNEGATIVE negative number EXPNEGREFCNT negative reference count EXPGRPLOOP A group can't belong to itself EXPNOLOAD The loader object was not found. EXPCONWAIT *Exception occurred waiting for a condition EXPNOTIMPEVENT %The event specified is not supported. EXPFULL The cache is full. EXPRFULL The region is full. EXPNA The cache is not available. EXPNCNA !The named cache is not available. EXPDISKNA The disk cache is not available. EXPPRIV ECaller must have ownership of the object before executing the method. EXPGUSE 4An inconsistency in the use of a group was detected. EXPINVALARG +One of the arguments specified is not valid EXPINVALGRP The group specified is not valid EXPINVALHDL #The handle being used is not valid. EXPINVALOBJ !The object accessed is not valid. EXPLDCONFL bA conflict has occurred while loading such as trying to update an object while it is being loaded. EXPNETOFF #The cache message system is offline EXPNOTPOOL The object is not a pool EXPPOOLEMPTY 7There are currently no objects available from the pool. EXPNORETROBJ The object cannot be retrieved EXPNOIMPL &This functionality is not implemented. EXPNULLOBJ The current object is null EXPNULLOBJNAM &The object name or group name is null. EXPOBJEXISTS +An object already exists with the same name EXPOBJNFOUND $The following object was not found: EXPOBJNOSYNC )The object or group is not synchronized: EXPNOREGION region not found EXPNOGROUP group not found EXPRESPFAIL HA failure has occurred during the requested operation at a remote cache. EXPCANTCREATE ! Can't create the object or file EXPBASEEXCEPT The base exception is: EXPEXCEPTIONIN #An exception occurred in the method EXPATTRSET .The following object has already been defined: EXPINVALUPDATE "Update can not apply to DiskObject EXPNOTOWNER YThis object is sychronized, getOwnership must be called before executing this method on: EXPSYNCDESTROYED TThis synchronized object has been destroyed. This operation is no longer valid for: EXPREDEFINELOCAL nThis object already exists in the cache as a distributed disk object. It can't be redefined as a local object: EXPREMCACHENFOUND *The following remote cache was not found: EXP_INVALID_SSLCONF AInvaid SSL configuration, either keystore or storepass not found. EXP_GRP_INTERNAL %Group communication internal error. EXP_GRP_INVALIDADDR Invalid destination address. EXP_GRP_BASE 0Group communication exception, base exception: EXP_GRP_INVALIDCHANNEL Invalid channel state EXP_GRP_VIEWINFOEMPTY View information is empty. EXP_GRP_VIEWNULL View is null. EXP_GRP_NOLOCALHOST Can't get local host address. EXP_GRP_PORTINUSE Network port is in use. EXP_GRP_SOCKETINITFAIL Can't initialize the socket. EXP_GRP_INVALIDPAR Invalid parameter. EXP_GRP_NULLPOINTER Invalid null pointer. EXP_GRP_REPLYISNULL Empty reply information. EXP_GRP_NOCONNECTION No network connection to EXP_GRP_NOGROUPINFO Invalid view information. EXP_GRP_NOTINITIALIZED DGroup communication layer is terminated or not initialized properly. EXP_GRP_WRONG_MODE bTransfering files is not supported in obj stream mode, switch to HTTP transfer mode and try again. EXP_GRP_INVALID_STREAM The InputStream is not valid. EXP_GRP_INVALID_HTTP The http request is not valid. EXP_GRP_CON_TERMINATED "The socket input stream is closed. "EXP_GRP_SSL_PROVIDER_INSTANTIATION % Unable to instantiate SSL provider: "EXP_GRP_SSL_PROVIDER_CLASSNOTFOUND SSL Provider not found: EXP_GRP_SSL_PROVIDER_CLASSCAST / is not an instance of java.security.Provider EXP_GRP_SSL_CONFIG ' Invalid SSL Configuration information. EXP_GRP_SSL_SSOCKET ! SSLServerSocket creation failed. EXP_GRP_SSL_SOCKET SSLSocket creation failed. EXPNAMEDCACHEDEST Unable to destroy named cache EXPBADNAME 5A named cache name cannot contain a region separator %oracle/ias/cache/messages/Translation java/util/ListResourceBundle ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? y mM? Y? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? YSYSSY? Y SYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSY SSY? Y!SY"SSY? Y#SY$SSY? Y%SY&SSY? Y'SY(SSY? Y)SY*SSY? Y+SY,SSY? Y-SY.SSY? Y/SY0SSY? Y1SY2SSY? Y3SY4SSY? Y5SY6SSY? Y7SY8SSY? Y9SY:SSY? Y;SY<SSY? Y=SY>SSY? Y?SY@SSY? YASYBSSY? YCSYDSSY ? YESYFSSY!? YGSYHSSY"? YISYJSSY#? YKSYLSSY$? YMSYNSSY%? YOSYPSSY&? YQSYRSSY'? YSSYTSSY(? YUSYVSSY)? YWSYXSSY*? YYSYZSSY+? Y[SY\SSY,? Y]SY^SSY-? Y_SY`SSY.? YaSYbSSY/? YcSYdSSY0? YeSYfSSY1? YgSYhSSY2? YiSYjSSY3? YkSYlSSY4? YmSYnSSY5? YoSYpSSY6? YqSYrSSY7? YsSYtSSY8? YuSYvSSY9? YwSYxSSY:? YySYzSSY;? Y{SY|SSY<? Y}SY~SSY=? YSY?SSY>? Y?Y?SY?? Y?Y?SY@? Y?Y?SYA? Y?Y?SYB? Y?Y?SYC? Y?Y?SYD? Y?Y?SYE? Y?Y?SYF? Y?Y?SYG? Y?Y?SYH? Y?Y?SYI? Y?Y?SYJ? Y?Y?SYK? Y?Y?SYL? Y?Y?S? ?
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