Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\javacache\lib\oracle\ias\cache\groupv2\Distributor.class
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LOGGER_NAME Ljava/lang/String; ConstantValue role_ *Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/DistributorRole; clientEps_ Ljava/util/Vector; distributorEps_ distributorsTable_ Ljava/util/Hashtable; distributorIDTable_ listeners_ $[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Listener; isInitialized_ Z coordinatorEp_ -Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection; distributorLock_ Ljava/lang/Object; parent_ &Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/GroupMember; clientsTable_ membersToBeRemoved_ membersToBeAdded_ distributorsToBeRemoved_ vMon_ &Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ViewMonitor; broadcaster_ 1Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/CoordinatorBroadcaster; resolver_ .Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/CoordinatorResolver; terminated_ discoverAddresses_ #[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address; networkIds_ Ljava/util/HashSet; logger_ Ljava/util/logging/Logger; <init> Q(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/GroupMember;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Configuration;)V Code Exceptions init n(ZLoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/SequenceToken;)V bindListeners ()V identifyMyPublicAddresses findOrBecomeCoordinator (Z)V discoverCoordinator %(I)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address; buildDiscoverList getDiscoverList %()[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address; getTotalDiscoverNetwork ()I getPrimaryNetworkID amIListeningAt %(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;)Z connectToCoordinator %(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;)V connect S(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;II)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection; asynclinkToOtherDistributors &([Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;)V beACoordinator (Z)Z replaceCoordinator recoverFrom E(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)V promoteToCoordinator F(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;ZLoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)V shutdown addDistributor u(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;)Z addClient S(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;)V sendToClient &([BLoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;)V forwardToCoordinator $(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;)J sendTo i(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;Ljava/util/HashSet;Ljava/util/HashSet;)V sendToClients V(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;Ljava/util/HashSet;)V G(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;)V sendToDistributors sendToDistributor $(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;)I replyToSender Q(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;)V sendPacketTo S([Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;Z)V getCoordinatorAddress $()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address; setCoordinatorEp 0(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;)V startAcceptingRequest waitForInitCompleted (J)V isAlreadyConnectedTo doClientTermination getEndPointConnectionOf S(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Z)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection; removeDistributorEp doDistributorTermination doCoordinatorTermination removeDistributorFromView &(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)V close B(Ljava/util/Vector;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;)V markAsClosing addPendingNewMember .(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/RegistrationInfo;)V getMembersToBeAdded ()Ljava/util/Vector; getDistributorsToBeRemoved getMembersToBeRemoved getDistributorAddresses disposeConnection getNonExistClients getNonExistDistributors getInvalidClientEps getInvalidDistributorEps getViewMonitor (()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ViewMonitor; isTerminated ()Z isACoordinator isARouter setRole (IZ)V setAsDedicatedCoordinator mergeView #([Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;)V enqueue +(ILoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketHolder;)V dequeue +(IJ)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketHolder; toString ()Ljava/lang/String; DI?? oracle.ias.cache.groupv2.Client??????? java/lang/Object???? java/util/Vector???? java/util/Hashtable???????????? (oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/DistributorRole???? ??????????????????? $java/lang/CloneNotSupportedException %oracle/ias/cache/commx/GroupException Unable to restore sequence token?????????????????? $oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ViewMonitor???? ??? ????? No listener defined?? !oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Listener?????????? oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address?????? ???????????????? oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View?? ?? java/lang/Integer???????????????????? Unable to locate the coordinator??????????? java/lang/InterruptedException?? java/lang/StringBuffer HUnable to find or become a group coordinator after reaching retry limit:???? 'oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/GcommException???? oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet???????????????? oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Sender????????????????????? Found coordinator at ?????? ???????? java/util/HashSet?? java/util/TreeSet??????????????????????? ??? Expect reply of , got ???????? Connected to coordinator ? ? ?? java/lang/Exception?? java/net/Socket java/net/InetSocketAddress??? Connected to distributor at +oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection?? java/io/IOException Unable to connect to , retry= ? "No other distributors to be linked? ?!"# $?%? Unhandled duplicated EndPoint ?? Connected to distributor Unable to add distributor?&????' /oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/CoordinatorBroadcaster?( ,oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/CoordinatorResolver)*?+?,?-.?/ 0?1??? Won coordinator election Lost coordinator election?2 %Unable to replace current coordinator Recover from view ID=3??4 ?????5?6 ???7 4Unable to ask coordinator to recover the distributor Promoting to coordinator89:?? Shutting down ??;?<=??.?>? (PacketProcessor shutdown is interrupted:????@??? #Encountered duplicated distributor A?B? Add EndPoint CD Encountered duplicated client ?? Add client No connection to client: Forward to coordinator E?F? Forward to Vid:????GH No clients for Unable to send IJ Reply to sender directly K?L?M?N? to O?P??QR?S T?U?V???????U? Removed connection for member: WX Already removed: YXZ[\] 8Retry notifying coordinator for a disconnected member: ^_ Lost connection Removed distributor connection ??`ab? Ungraceful disconnection for c???????defgh??i?j??? !oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberIDk?l m? Set new role *Unable to run as the dedicated coordinator Merge views??nop?q?rD put s?t %oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketHolderu? remove high priorityv Viewchange in progress. Hold remove is being terminated, is the coordinator Listeners: # . Coordinator Connection=[ ] Client Connections: # , Client Connection Endpoints: # Distributor Connection Endpoints: Distributor Connections: Pending members to be removed: Distributors to be added: Pending members to be added: $oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor (oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ConnectionOwner =(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Configuration;Ljava/lang/String;)V java/util/logging/Logger getLogger .(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/util/logging/Logger; &oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Configuration isRouter getServerSocket ()Ljava/net/ServerSocket; java/net/ServerSocket getLocalPort generate &(I)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID; setID setSequenceToken +(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/SequenceToken;)V *(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Exception;)V /oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketProcessorFactory createAPacketProcessorOf V(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ConnectionOwner;)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketProcessor; packetProcessor_ *Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketProcessor; (oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketProcessor start createViewManager )(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;)V getConfig *()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Configuration; isDedicatedCoordinator getListenerAddresses (Ljava/lang/String;)V getBacklog L(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;ILoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;)V getDiscoverAddresses size elementAt (I)Ljava/lang/Object; addPublicAddress getMaxSystemInitRetry getConfirmedNormineeAddress iterator ()Ljava/util/Iterator; java/util/Iterator hasNext next ()Ljava/lang/Object; intValue getViewManager (()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ViewManager; $oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ViewManager getCurrentView !()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View; clone addElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)V toArray (([Ljava/lang/Object;)[Ljava/lang/Object; java/util/logging/Level FINEST Ljava/util/logging/Level; isLoggable (Ljava/util/logging/Level;)Z INFO log .(Ljava/util/logging/Level;Ljava/lang/String;)V getResolutionTimeout ()J java/lang/Thread sleep getResolutionInterval SEVERE append ,(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; (I)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; INITRETRY getID %()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID; '(ILoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)V setBlockReceiver getMyAddressOn toBytes ()[B setData ([B)V (I)V getNetworkId getConnectTimeout ?(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;ILjava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Hashtable;IZI)V put 8(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; firstElement removeElement (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z getReply #()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet; getFlag '()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketFlag; #oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketFlag contains (I)Z getData parse &([B)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address; ,(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; keys ()Ljava/util/Enumeration; java/util/Enumeration hasMoreElements nextElement get &(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object; wait getMyPublicAddresses (Ljava/util/Collection;)V add isListenedBy (Ljava/net/ServerSocket;)Z java/lang/System currentTimeMillis getConnectRetry setAsDistributor getVMId getCacheName )oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/RegistrationInfo wrap ?(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/RegistrationInfo; send $(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;)V read getType FINE (Z)Ljava/lang/String; REGISTRATION getOrigin '([B)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID; setType #([B)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View; addView "(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;)V updateToLatest &(I)[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address; *(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V getHostName getPort isSSLEnabled getSSLManager '()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/SSLManager; #oracle/ias/cache/groupv2/SSLManager createSSLSocket ()Ljava/net/Socket; (Ljava/lang/String;I)V (Ljava/net/SocketAddress;I)V setSoTimeout getEpThreadGroup ()Ljava/lang/ThreadGroup; V(Ljava/lang/ThreadGroup;Ljava/net/Socket;ILoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/ConnectionOwner;)V setRemoteAddress getConnectRetryDelay equals containsKey getEndPoint /()Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection; isAReply setTightlyBound getDestination C(Ljava/util/logging/Level;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V isUseMulticastResolution +(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;ZZ)V getMulticastSocket ()Ljava/net/MulticastSocket; F(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;Ljava/net/MulticastSocket;ZJI)V N(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Address;ZZ)V ,(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Distributor;ZJI)V join canBeCoordinator confirmNominee setToConnectedMembersOnly '(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Z)V getViewID (J)Ljava/lang/StringBuffer; getCoordinatorID isTerminating &(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)Z replaceDistributorFrom ?(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View; setCoordinator getDisconnectTimeout waitForEmptyQueue (IJ)V WARNING clear cleanup setRemoteMemberID setNetworkId TYPE [Ljava/lang/String; getSequence FINER getAllMembersOf I(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID; getDistributorIDs &()[Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID; setDestination setOrigin setAsReply setAck setAsCoordinator setAsRouter w(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/Packet;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/EndPointConnection;)Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/PacketHolder; getRemoteAddress isAlive DISTRIBUTORINITTIMEOUT remove getRemoteMemberID lock (II)V unlock getQueue (I)Ljava/util/Vector; removeMembers 9(Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Vector;)V viewContains '(ILoracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;)Z hasAnyMembersFrom '(Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Z)Z destroy toBeDisconnected addMembers K(Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Vector;Ljava/util/Vector;)V keySet ()Ljava/util/Set; java/util/Set toPause reset has set setPrefix merge G([Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/View;Loracle/ias/cache/groupv2/MemberID;Z)V getQueueStatus getPacket QUEUE_TYPE_NAMES notifyAll isInProgress removeElementAt isARequest ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? 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