Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\oc4j\j2ee\oc4j_applications\applications\em\em\database\schema\multiSelectSchemaObjectPage.jsp
<%@ include file="/sdk/oemTop.jspf" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag" prefix="oem" %> <% oracle.cabo.share.util.CaboHttpUtils.setNoCacheHeaders(response); %> <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oem/jsp/tag/db" prefix="db" %> <%@ include file="/oemNoscript.jspf" %> <%-- -- Page: multiSelectSchemaObjectPage.jsp -- Controller: db/adm/schm/*Controller.java - used by several controllers -- -- Description: LOV that lets users search and select multiple schema.object combination. -- An example of this being used can be seen by looking at the -- Table object's Add Foreign Key Constriant page, this is the -- LOV that allows the user to select a referenced table. --%> <uix:renderingContext id="renderingContext"> <uix:bundle name="DBObjectBundle" class="oracle.sysman.db.rsc.DBObjectMsg"/> <oem:setURLEncoder id="renderingContext"/> <uix:document> <uix:metaContainer> <uix:head titleBinding="SEARCH_AND_SELECT_HEADER@DBObjectBundle"/> <script language="JavaScript" > <%@ include file="/database/utils.js"%> </script> <script language="JavaScript" > <%@ include file="/cabo/jsLibs/TableProxy.js" %> </script> <script> function removePrevSelected() { var proxy = new TableProxy('schemaObjectUIDataSource'); for(var m=0; m < proxy.length; m++) { var element = proxy.getFormElement('Object', m); var schmelement = element.value; // Remove from selectedObjectNames list if found in case // user unchecks it. If user keeps selection, it will be // added back. if (document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value.indexOf(schmelement) != -1) { var i = document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value.indexOf(schmelement); var tmpstr = document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value.substring(0,i-1); var tmpstr2 = document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value.substring(i + schmelement.length + 1); if (tmpstr2.length > 0) { document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value = tmpstr + tmpstr2; } } } } function lovSelect(lovField) { // This is needed to allow deselection when navigating removePrevSelected(); var proxy = new TableProxy('schemaObjectUIDataSource'); var selectedItems = proxy.getSelectedRows(); var objs = ""; if (selectedItems.length >= 1) { for(var i=0; i < selectedItems.length; i++) { var selectedIndex = selectedItems[i]; var selectedElement = proxy.getFormElement('Object', selectedIndex); // First time if (objs == "") { // Only add current selection if we don't already have that // value if (lovField.value.indexOf(selectedElement.value) == -1 && document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value.indexOf(selectedElement.value) == -1) { objs = selectedElement.value; } } else { // Only add current selection if we don't already have that // value if (lovField.value.indexOf(selectedElement.value) == -1 && document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value.indexOf(selectedElement.value) == -1 && objs.indexOf(selectedElement.value) == -1) { objs = objs + ", " + selectedElement.value; } } } } // Build fresh return values list from 3 sources: new selections // (objs), previous LOV field values (lovField) and // selections from previous pages in LOV popup (selectedObjectNames) var retVals = ""; // 1st source: selectedObjectNames var tmpRes = document.foo.selectedObjectNames.value; while (tmpRes.indexOf(",") != -1) { var i = tmpRes.indexOf(","); var oneVal = tmpRes.substring(0, i); while (oneVal.charAt(0) == " ") { oneVal = oneVal.substring(1); } if (retVals.indexOf(oneVal) == -1) { if (retVals == "") { retVals = oneVal; } else { retVals = retVals + ", " + oneVal; } } tmpRes = tmpRes.substring(i+1); } // Handle last value if (retVals.indexOf(tmpRes) == -1) { while (tmpRes.charAt(0) == " ") { tmpRes = tmpRes.substring(1); } if (retVals == "") { retVals = tmpRes; } else { retVals = retVals + ", " + tmpRes; } } // 2nd source: lovField tmpRes = lovField.value; while (tmpRes.indexOf(",") != -1) { var i = tmpRes.indexOf(","); var oneVal = tmpRes.substring(0, i); while (oneVal.charAt(0) == " ") { oneVal = oneVal.substring(1); } if (retVals.indexOf(oneVal) == -1) { if (retVals == "") { retVals = oneVal; } else { retVals = retVals + ", " + oneVal; } } tmpRes = tmpRes.substring(i+1); } // Handle last value if (retVals.indexOf(tmpRes) == -1) { while (tmpRes.charAt(0) == " ") { tmpRes = tmpRes.substring(1); } if (retVals == "") { retVals = tmpRes; } else { retVals = retVals + ", " + tmpRes; } } // Build final list, adding new selections at the end if (retVals.length > 0) { if (objs.length > 0) { lovField.value = retVals + ", " + objs; } else { lovField.value = retVals; } } else { lovField.value = objs; } document.foo.submit(); window.close(); } </script> </uix:metaContainer> <uix:body> <uix:contents> <db:form name="foo" method="post" destinationBinding="destination@objectBean@servletRequest" copyParams="target,type,cancelURL,multipleselect,selectType"> <uix:formValue name="pageName" value="/database/schema/multiSelectSchemaObjectPage" /> <uix:formValue name="selectedObjectNames" valueBinding="selectedObjectNames@objectBean@servletRequest" /> <uix:pageLayout titleBinding="SEARCH_AND_SELECT_HEADER@DBObjectBundle" > <uix:header textBinding="selectSchemaObjectHeader@objectBean@servletRequest"> <uix:tableLayout cellSpacing="2"> <%-- Search Criteria and Instruction --%> <uix:rowLayout> <uix:header textBinding="SEARCH@DBObjectBundle" > <uix:rowLayout> <uix:tableLayout cellSpacing="4"> <uix:rowLayout hAlign="left"> <uix:cellFormat vAlign="top"> <uix:stackLayout> <uix:styledText labeledNodeId="searchSchemaName" textBinding="SCHEMA_NAME_COLON@DBObjectBundle"/> <uix:textInput id="searchSchemaName" name="searchSchemaName" textBinding="searchSchemaName@objectBean@servletRequest"/> </uix:stackLayout> </uix:cellFormat> <uix:cellFormat vAlign="top"> <uix:stackLayout> <uix:styledText labeledNodeId="searchObjectName" textBinding="objectColumnText@objectBean@servletRequest" /> <uix:rowLayout> <uix:textInput id="searchObjectName" name="searchObjectName" textBinding="searchObjectName@objectBean@servletRequest"/> <uix:submitButton textBinding="GO@DBObjectBundle" name="event" value="searchSchemaObject"/> </uix:rowLayout> </uix:stackLayout> </uix:cellFormat> </uix:rowLayout> </uix:tableLayout> </uix:rowLayout> </uix:header> </uix:rowLayout> <%-- End Search Criteria and Instruction --%> <uix:rowLayout> <uix:switcher childNameBinding="showSearchResults@objectBean@servletRequest"> <uix:case name="true"> <uix:header textBinding="RESULTS@DBObjectBundle" > <uix:rowLayout width="80%"> <oem:table name="schemaObjectUIDataSource" blockSize="10" destination="destination" formSubmitted="true" dataSourceProp="schemaObjectUIDataSource" alternateTextBinding="NO_ITEMS_FOUND@DBObjectBundle" summaryBinding="RESULTS@DBObjectBundle" width="100%" > <uix:tableSelection> <uix:multipleSelection shortDescBinding="SELECT_A_VALUE@DBObjectBundle" selectionBinding="selection@objectBean@servletRequest" selectedBinding="selected"/> </uix:tableSelection> </oem:table> </uix:rowLayout> </uix:header> </uix:case> </uix:switcher> </uix:rowLayout> </uix:tableLayout> </uix:header> <uix:pageButtons> <uix:pageButtonBar> <uix:button textBinding="CANCEL@DBObjectBundle" destination="javascript:self.close()"/> <uix:button textBinding="SELECT@DBObjectBundle" destinationBinding="selectSchemaObjectDestination@servletRequest" /> </uix:pageButtonBar> </uix:pageButtons> </uix:pageLayout> </db:form> </uix:contents> </uix:body> </uix:document> </uix:renderingContext>
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