Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\javavm\lib\oracle\aurora\server\tools\shell\Message.class
?? 1 ? a ? ` ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? runjavaName Ljava/lang/String; ConstantValue ? runjavaSwitch ? runjavaCommand runjavaServerFileSystemOption ? runjavaSwitchSyntax ? runjavaCommandSyntax ? runjavaCommandUsage ? runjavaDbmsJavaCommand ? jdwpCommandSyntax ? jdwpCommandUsage ? contents [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this *Loracle/aurora/server/tools/shell/Message; getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> SourceFile Message.java y z w x [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object 4oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.ShellClient.version 1.0 2oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.ShellClient.usage <Usage: ojvmjava -user username[/password@database] [options] 1oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.ShellClient.help?jvmjava [options] Options: -debug print debug information -d, -database [conn string] provide a connection string -fileout <filename> redirect output to filename @<script> [args...] execute the commands from the script file -c,-command command [args...] execute one command and exit -batch execute silently -u,-user username username -p,-password password password -o, -oci, -oci8 use the JDBC OCI8 driver -t, -thin use JDBC THIN. The database must be of the form <host>:<port>:<sid> or a Net8 Name-Value list. -oschema use this schema for class lookup -runjava [server_file_system] Use DBMS_JAVA.RUNJAVA when executing java commands. With no argument interpret classpath as referring to the client file system. With argument "server_file_system" interpret classpath as referring to the Oracle server file system. -jdwp port [host] Have the connection listen for a debugger connection on the indicated port and host. Host defaults to "localhost". -verbose Print some information about connection and execution. -v, -version Print the version number. 8oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.ShellClient.description LA utility for executing the "main" static method on a java class in Aurora WELCOME_MESSAGE ?--OJVMJAVA-- --type "help" at the command line for help message SHELL_COMMAND_HELP?ommands are of the format <command> [arg1, arg2...] Intrinsic Commands: exit exit the shell help prints this message help cmd prints help message for command version print version information version cmd print version information of command whoami prints out the login user of the session echo [args...] prints arguments connect args... connect with settings indicated by the arguments, replacing any existing connection With no arguments, reconnect using existing parameters runjava [off|on|server_file_system] modify or query runjava mode jdwp [port [host]] modify or query debugger connection java [args...] execute the "main" method on a java class @<file> [args...] execute the commands in a script file -oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.Java.version +oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.Java.usage 2Usage: java [-schema schema] class [arg1 arg2 ...] *oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.Java.help?un the "main" static method on a java class. Use DBMS_JAVA.RUNJAVA if runjava mode is on, otherwise find the class in the current or indicated schema. Options (only when runjava mode is off): -schema schema supply the schema in which the class is resolved -h, -help print out this message -v, -version print out version information -d, -describe print out description 1oracle.aurora.server.tools.shell.Java.descriptionExecute the main(String[] args) static method of a java class in the session. This command functions just like the "java" program of the jdk, executing the static method main of a named class in the session. The optional arguments are passed as strings to the main method. CANNOT_CREATE_OBJECT Cannot create object: {0} CANNOT_INSTANTIATE_TOOL 1Unable to create instance of tool: {0} due to {1} NO_PERMISSION_TO_CREATE_OBJECT 3You do not have permission to create the object {0} DR_MEMORY Direct readout. Dr. Memory EXECUTIONER_ERROR error in invocation {0} : {1} EXECUTIONER_NOT_FOUND ,remote java execution server not found : {0} CANNOT_CONNECT Cannot connect to service: {0} NOT_CONNECTED Not connected to any service! INVALID_NAME Cannot resolve name: {0} NOT_AN_EXECUTABLE_OBJECT object is not executable: {0} NOT_FOUND not found: {0} MISSING_SCHEMA Missing the schema NO_PERMISSION No Permission : {0} LOADJAVA_NOT_FOUND &Cannot locate the LoadJava server: {0} INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD 4Cannot login to session. Invalid username/password. CLASS_NOT_FOUND Cannot find class: {0} CANNOT_REMOVE_ENTRY 0Cannot remove property {2} from group {1} in {0} CANNOT_ADD_ENTRY +Cannot add property {2} to group {1} in {0} COMMAND_NOT_FOUND !Command {0} not found on path {1} INVALID_OBJECT 1The object {0} is null, which is an invalid state NO_SUCH_USER :No such database user: {0}. User names are case sensitive. CONFLICTING_SCHEMA <Cannot supply both -schema flag and <schema>:<classname form SCHEMA_NOT_EXIST KThe supplied schema {0} does not exist. The schema name is case sensitive. MISSING_RESOLVER Resolver value is missing INVALID_RESOLVER Invalid resolver specified MISSING_HOST host is missing MISSING_PORT port # is missing MISSING_LISTENER Listener address is missing INVALID_ARGUMENTS Invalid arguments passed MISSING_CLASS_NAME The class name is missing MISSING_FACTORY_NAME !The factory class name is missing MISSING_FACTORY_URL )The factory class location URL is missing MISSING_REFERENCE_TYPE "The reference type name is missing MISSING_REFERENCE_CONTENT The reference content is missing INVALID_BINARY_REFADDR qThe binary reference content format is invalid. Valid format is : 0xAFDEF8FF... (Hex data bytes prefixed by "0x" MUST_BE_HEX_BYTES _The binary reference content format must contain hex bytes. Hex bytes are two digits in length (oracle/aurora/server/tools/shell/Message java/util/ListResourceBundle runjava -runjava server_file_system -runjava [server_file_system] #runjava [off|on|server_file_system] *Usage: runjava [off|on|server_file_system] DBMS_JAVA.RUNJAVA jdwp [port [host]] Usage: jdwp [port [host]] ! ` a b c d e f c d g h c d e i c d j k c d l m c d n o c d p q c d r s c d t u c d v w x y z { / *? ? | "