Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\javavm\install\initjvm.sql
-- Setup a database for running Java -- This script can not function properly in SVRMGR. The following -- lines are intended to abort the script if it is being run with -- SVRMGR, but will be interpreted simply as remarks by SQLPLUS. rem - set stoponerror on rem - initjvm.sql must be run with SQLPLUS, not SVRMGRL whenever sqlerror exit; variable test_for_1335603 varchar2(30) /* ####################################################################### ####################################################################### If the following :test_for_1335603 := 'x' statement causes a PLS-00553 error, and thereby terminates the sqlplus connection, simply restart the script in a new sqlplus session. This error can occur if the script is run in the same session where the database was started. To avoid this problem, always start a new session to run scripts after starting the database. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### */ execute :test_for_1335603 := 'x'; whenever sqlerror continue; -- Load support packages, including rmjvm @@initjvma -- try to determine whether this script is running in the same instance -- where rmjvm.run was done whenever sqlerror exit; /* ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## If the following rmjvm.check_for_rmjvm() statement results in ## ORA-00028 it means that the database has not been restarted ## since the rmjvm script was run. If so, restart the database and ## retry this script. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### */ call rmjvm.check_for_rmjvm(); set serveroutput on size 999999 -- State start of LOAD action /* ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## If the following statement causes an ## ORA-29539: Java system classes already installed ## error, and thereby terminates the sqlplus connection, ## initjvm.sql is being run in a database in which it has ## has already been run to completion. This is not allowed. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### */ declare foo exception; pragma exception_init(foo, -29539); action varchar2(30) := 'LOAD'; begin initjvmaux.startaction_outarg(action); if action != 'LOAD' then initjvmaux.endaction; initjvmaux.abort_message( 'Aborting because initjvm.sql has already been run'); raise foo; end if; exception when no_data_found then null; end; / /* ####################################################################### ####################################################################### ## The following statement may cause an ## ORA-29554: unhandled Java out of memory condition ## error, and thereby terminate the sqlplus connection. ## If so, this is because there is insufficient system tablespace, ## shared or java pool size, or some other resource value is too small. ## An additional message describing the problem will be output by ## the statement. ####################################################################### ####################################################################### */ execute initjvmaux.check_sizes_for_cjs; whenever sqlerror continue; begin if initjvmaux.startstep('SET_REGISTRY_LOADING') then initjvmaux.setloading(); initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / -- Roles for Security - must come before create java system @@initjvm1 -- Prevent the script from continuing in the case where create java system -- detects existing java classes or there is any other kind of error. whenever sqlerror exit; -- Load all the Java classes begin if initjvmaux.startstep('CREATE_JAVA_SYSTEM') then initjvmaux.rollbacksetup; commit; initjvmaux.rollbackset; initjvmaux.exec('create or replace java system'); commit; initjvmaux.rollbackcleanup; initjvmaux.endstep; end if; end; / whenever sqlerror continue; -- create view javasnm @@initjvm3 -- Java Sanity check for installation -- Define package dbms_java @@initjvm2 -- Java Sanity Checks -- Check for any Java classes that are invalid. -- The following query should return 0 rows. select nvl(longdbcs,name) from obj$,javasnm$ where type#=29 and status != 1 and name=short(+); -- Verify that a simple java stored procedure works, and punt if it doesn't whenever sqlerror exit; select dbms_java.longname('foo') from dual; whenever sqlerror continue; -- Prepare for use of java$rmjvm$aux3 in initjvm4 insert into java$rmjvm$aux3 (select obj# from obj$ where type#=29); -- Find all the error messages. -- Create the get error package for LoadJava @@initjvm4 -- initialize Java Security -- Keep this first in case any of the other inits want to run java @@jvmsec0; -- Aurora oracle.aurora.rdbms.Server lifecycle and state -- -- Put in the entries for Dynamic registration, by default. -- Triggers to run startup and shutdown Java code -- The configuration data for currently registered MTS listener endpoints -- SQLJ initialization -- XA JSP initialization @@initjvm5 -- Install Package for export and import support @@jvm_exp -- Now check whether create java system worked correctly, and if not, back -- out of everything done in this script variable jvmrmaction varchar2(30) declare ok int; bad int; begin :jvmrmaction := 'NONE'; select count(*) into ok from obj$ where status=1 and type#=29; select count(*) into bad from obj$ where status!=1 and type#=29 and owner#=0; if bad > 0 or ok < 100 then initjvmaux.abort_message( 'CREATE JAVA SYSTEM did not complete successfully:', 'number of java classes with status 1: '|| ok ||', with status != 1: '|| bad); initjvmaux.abort_message('Backing out of java installation...'); :jvmrmaction := 'FULL_REMOVAL'; initjvmaux.endaction; end if; end; / -- create preferences table @@initprefs.sql -- :jvmrmaction has been set to 'NONE' at this point if things are OK. -- In that case the following inclusion will do nothing. variable jvmudaction varchar2(30) variable jvmudsubaction varchar2(30) @@jvmrm begin if :jvmrmaction = 'NONE' then initjvmaux.endaction; initjvmaux.setloaded; end if; end; / begin if :jvmrmaction = 'NONE' then if dbms_java.full_ncomp_enabled = 'OK' then null; end if; end if; end; / begin if :jvmrmaction != 'NONE' then dbms_output.put_line('drop package initjvmaux'); execute immediate 'drop package initjvmaux'; dbms_output.put_line('drop package rmjvm'); execute immediate 'drop package rmjvm'; dbms_output.put_line('drop table java$rmjvm$aux'); execute immediate 'drop table java$rmjvm$aux'; dbms_output.put_line('drop table java$rmjvm$aux2'); execute immediate 'drop table java$rmjvm$aux2'; dbms_output.put_line('#### Done backing out of java installation.'); end if; end; /
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