Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\j2ee\home\lib\oracle\classloader\util\ClassLoadText.class
?? 1} ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{| text [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable LocalVariableTable this 'Loracle/classloader/util/ClassLoadText; getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> SourceFile ClassLoadText.java ? ? ? ? [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object init.library.deprecated s<init-library> in {0} is deprecated. Please use <import-shared-library> in <startup-class> and/or <shutdown-class>. close.shared.with.subscribers 6Shared-library {0} is closing, but is imported by {1}. !close.shared.with.app.subscribers XShared-library {0} may not be closed, it is imported by active application loaders: {1}. no.loaded.classes Unable to access loaded classes. no.loaded.packages !Unable to access loaded packages. sealed.previously WPackage {0} was sealed by {1}, so classes from that package may not be loaded from {2}. not.sealed _Package {0} was not sealed by original code-source (probably {1}), but is marked sealed by {2}. code.source.filter MLoader names may not be used as code-source filters -- "{0}" will be ignored. version.too.long MVersion number "{0}" is invalid: it contains components with too many digits. version.non.digit ]Version number "{0}" is invalid: it contains a non-digit character where digits are required. version.both SVersion number "{0}" is invalid: it cannot be both a milestone and a patch version. loader.commit.order 3The main loader must be committed first. Got "{0}". loader.replace tUnable to replace 'system' class loader. If it matters, restart with system property "java.system.class.loader={0}". loader.name.invalid LClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): The ':' character is reserved in loader names. loader.already.exists [ClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A loader with this name and version already exists, from {2}. loader.closed SClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): This loader has been closed and should not be in use. loader.wrong.scope tClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A loader with this name already exists at a different scope (original: {2}, new: {3}). loader.invalid.origin ?ClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): The configuration scope does not match the origin scope "{2}". Contact Bryan Atsatt for more info. loader.invalid.config aClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): Not configured to accept "{2}". Contact Bryan Atsatt for more info. loader.import.self =ClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A loader may not import itself. loader.import.self.via.parent rClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A loader may not import itself indirectly as a parent of an imported loader ("{2}"). loader.import.self.via.import sClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A loader may not import itself indirectly as an import of an imported loader ("{2}"). loader.import.non.shared mClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): Attempt to import non-shared loader "{2}". Only shared loaders may be imported. loader.import.private.shared xClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): Attempt to import private shared loader "{2}". Only public shared loaders may be imported. "loader.import.parent.not.committed bClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): Only committed loaders may be used to inherit imports. Passed "{2}". loader.committed LClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): Attempt to {2} after class or resource lookup. loader.parent.null EClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): This loader may not have a null parent. loader.parent.lower.scope ^ClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A loader may not have a parent from a lower scope. Passed "{2}". loader.parent.shared kClassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A non-shared loader may not have a shared loader as its parent. Passed "{2}". loader.parent.non.shared ?lassLoader "{0}" (from {1}): A shared loader may only have a non-shared parent that is the system loader or above. Passed "{2}". extension.name.missing EThe {0}-Extension-Name attribute is missing from the manifest of {1}. external.classes (The contents of {0} have been processed. code.source.not.subscribed +ClassLoader "{0}" is not subscribed to {1}. invalid.class ?0} Invalid class: {1} Loader: {2} Code-Source: {3} Configuration: {4} Dependent class: {5} Loader: {6} Code-Source: {7} Configuration: {8} found.newer.class.version Y This class was compiled for a newer version of the JRE. Expected version {0}, found {1}. found.older.class.version Z This class was compiled for an older version of the JRE. Expected version {0}, found {1}. original.class.same.loader 5 The original class instance was also defined in {0}. original.class.imported ? The original class instance was defined in the shared-library {0}, and {1} does import that loader. This may be a search-order problem. original.class.not.imported x The original class instance was defined in the shared-library {0}, and {1} does not import that loader but may need to. original.class p The original class instance was defined by: Loader: {0} Code-Source: {1} Configuration: {2} missing.class q Missing class: {0} Dependent class: {1} Loader: {2} Code-Source: {3} Configuration: {4} missing.class.dynamic ? Missing class: {0} Dependent class: {1} Loader: {2} Code-Source: {3} Configuration: {4} This load was initiated at {5} using the {6} method. missing.class.not.available PThe missing class is not available from any code-source or loader in the system. missing.class.available =The missing class is available from the following locations: numbered.code.source {0}. Code-Source: {1} code.source.not.used 2 This code-source is not in use by any loader. code.source.boot t Classes from this code-source should be available to this loader. Try launching with -Dscan.boot.transfer=true. code.source.used.by 6 This code-source is available in loader {0}. {1} %missing.class.for.name.thread.contextThis is the current thread's context loader, and it appears that Class.forName() was used to load the dependent class. If a loader was not explicitly passed to Class.forName(), try passing the result of calling Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(). missing.class.child.loader -This is a child of the dependent loader {1}. missing.app.class.shared.loader >This shared-library can be imported by the "{0}" application. missing.main.class.shared.loader ^This shared-library can be made visible to the "{0}" loader by modifying the boot descriptor. extension.not.satisfied ?n extension dependency could not be satisfied: Dependency: {0} Loader: {1} Code-Source: {2} Configuration: {3} extension.not.found /An extension with this name could not be found. extension.not.reachable OA matching extension was found, but it is not reachable from the current loader $extension.not.reachable.non.matching SA non-matching extension was found, but it is not reachable from the current loader extension.not.reachable.secure . "extension.not.reachable.non.secure . Found in: $extension.not.reachable.loader.order }A matching extension was found, but it is not reachable from the current loader due to loader search order. It is masked by: $extension.not.reachable.source.order }A matching extension was found, but it is not reachable within the current loader due to code-source order. It is masked by: 'extension.not.reachable.existing.import )A matching extension was found in shared- existing.import Plibrary {0}, but would not be visible if imported since {1} is already imported. extension.not.reachable.import existing.code.source Dlibrary {0}, but would not be visible if imported. It is masked by: extension.spec-version.missing $Specification-Version missing from: extension.vendor-id.missing 'Implementation-Vendor-Id missing from: extension.impl-version.missing %Implementation-Version missing from: extension.invalid.spec-version "Specification-Version invalid in: extension.specification.upgrade Requires specification upgrade: extension.invalid.impl-version #Implementation-Version invalid in: extension.implementation.upgrade &Requires implementation upgrade from: extension.vendor.switch Requires vendor switch: extension.description Q Extension: {0} Loader: {1} Code-Source: {2} Configuration: {3} loader.code.source.description = Loader: {0} Code-Source: {1} Configuration: {2} masked.extension The compatible extension is: code.source.description ) Code-Source: {0} Configuration: {1} extension.url 3 The required extension should be available at {0}. unsupported.option !Unsupported option for {0}: "{1}" log.usage LOptions enable output of class loading events that are not normally logged. log.usage.0 ? The "{0}" property value can be used to display this message (''?'' or ''help'') or to set logging options using the following syntax: <option>[+<option>...] log.usage.1 ?Each option specifies either a type of event to log or a modifier that adds extra information to each logged event. Valid modifiers are: ''thread'' ''stack'' ''xstack'' (extended stack) ''tcl'' (thread context loader) ''xtcl'' (extended tcl) Events are specified using the following syntax: <event>[[:<string-filter>[,<string-filter>]] | [~<pattern-filter>]] where <event> is any of the following: ''all'' for all events. Also sets log level to ALL. ''default'' to disable extra events and restore log level to default value. ''class'' for all class search events. For specific events: class-defined class-found class-not-found class-error ''resource'' for all resource search events. For specific events: resource-found resource-not-found ''code-source'' for all code-source events. For specific events: code-source-create code-source-manifest code-source-state code-source-dependency code-source-dependency-satisfied code-source-dependency-not-satisfied code-source-destroy ''loader'' for all loader events. For specific events: loader-create loader-commit loader-close loader-destroy loader-collect The following filter types are supported: 1. Exact match. Log only if the name or path matches the specified string exactly. For example: -D{0}=class:com.acme.Dynamite Will log loading of the "com.acme.Dynamite" class. 2. Prefix match. Like exact, but a trailing ''*'' can be used to treat the string as a prefix: -D{0}=class-not-found:com.acme.* Will log search events for classes in the "com.acme" package that result in a not found error. 3. Suffix match. Like exact, but a leading ''*'' can be used to treat the string as a suffix: -D{0}=code-source-create:*foo.jar,*bar.jar Will log code-source-create events for paths ending in "foo.jar" or "bar.jar". 4. Loader match. If the filter string begins with "loader.", the remaining string will be treated as a loader name: -D{0}=class:loader.api Will log loading of classes performed by the "api" loader. Note that this option does not work as a code-source filter. Use of the "~" separator rather than ":" causes the filter to be interpreted as a regular expression. All event output is written to the class loading logger at Level.INFO. Additional output can also be enabled by setting the level below the default (CONFIG). log.usage.2g The class loading logger level can be set with the "{1}" property: ''off'' To suppress all messages. ''severe'' To see only messages at Level.SEVERE. ''warning'' To see only messages at Level.WARNING or above. ''info'' To see only messages at Level.INFO or above. ''config'' To see only messages at Level.CONFIG or above (default). ''fine'' To see only messages at Level.FINE or above ''finer'' To see only messages at Level.FINER or above. ''finest'' To see only messages at Level.FINEST or above. ''all'' To see all messages. Log output is normally written to System.out, but can be re-directed to a file by specifying a path with the "{2}" property. The "{4}" property can be used to name an oracle.classloader.query.Query subclass that will be executed at the completion of system startup. Query results are written to the class loading Logger. Arguments can be passed to the query by appending (arg0,arg1,...) to the class name. For example, the DuplicateCodeSources query can be invoked with a "-digest" argument: -D{4}="oracle.classloader.query.DuplicateCodeSources(-digest)" Note that the use of parens may require the value to be quoted. For convenience, the package name may be dropped for classes in the above package. Multiple queries may be specified by separating them with the ''+'' character: -D{4}=DuplicateCodeSources+UnusedCodeSources Queries may also be run before transferring control to the system main() by using "{3}" instead of "{4}". To see all built-in queries, use "?" or "list" as the property value. comparison.error 'Caught {0} while comparing {1} and {2}. visible.ignore QIgnoring {0} entry: code-source {1} is already visible in the search path of {2}. equal.visible |Code-source {0} (from {1}) has been ignored. It is a copy of {2}, which is already visible in the search path of loader {3}. equal.not.visible tCode-source {0} (from {1}) has been substituted. It is a copy of {2}, which will be used in its place in loader {3}. not.equal.visible ?ode-source {0} (from {1}) has the same filename but is not identical to {2}. If it contains different versions of the same classes, it will be masked as the latter is already visible in the search path of loader {3}. not.equal.not.visible nCode-source {0} (from {1}) has the same filename but is not identical to {2}. It has been added to loader {3}. version.format The supported version format is: n0[.n1[.n2[.n3[.n4]]]][-milestone-name[milestone-number] | _patch-number] Where all but "milestone-name" and "comment" are numeric, composed of one or more digits (0-9) from 0 up to a maximum value of 99999999. When present, a milestone name indicates a pre-release version. Patch number and milestone name may not be used together. For comparison purposes, milestone names are ordered as follows: 1. Any string other than those below. 2. ea 3. alpha 4. beta 5. rc %oracle/classloader/util/ClassLoadText java/util/ListResourceBundle ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? / *? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ? j ? ? ? ? ? ? ] EY? Y? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? YSYSSY? Y SYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? 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