Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\online_help\slb\browvers.js
// browvers.js // Release 1.0.1 // Copyright ? 2002, 2003 Oracle. All rights reserved. var browser=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); var ie5p = (browser.indexOf("msie 5.0")!=-1); var ie5_5p = (browser.indexOf("msie 5.5")!=-1); var ie6_0p = (browser.indexOf("msie 6.0")!=-1); if (ie5_5p || ie5p || ie6_0p) { // You can use the following line to test that the JavaScript works. // // document.write('<center><font color=red>This browser is IE5.0, IE5.5 or IE6.0</font></center>') // document.write('<STYLE>') document.write('BODY, P, TABLE, TD, TH, OL, UL, A, DL, DT, DD, BLOCKQUOTE, CAPTION {font-size : x-small;}') document.write('TD.zz-nav-header-cell, A.zz-nav-header-link, TD.zz-nav-button-cell, A.zz-nav-button-link {font-size : 90%;}') document.write('</STYLE>') } // -->
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