Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\jsLibs\htmlTopoUtil.es
/** * Global constants; */ var RELOAD_DELAY_TIME = 10; var MAIN_VIEW_X0 = 260; var SVG_PLUGIN_AVAILABLE = 2; var SVG_PLUGIN_NOT_AVAILABLE = 3; var SVG_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED = 4; var WRONG_SVG_PLUGIN_VERSION = 5; var ACTIVEX_DISABLED = 6; var SVG_PLUGIN_KEY = "svgPlugin"; var TOKEN_KEY = "tk"; var SVG_PLUGIN_VERSION_KEY = "svgVersion"; var ADOBE_SVG_V3 = "Adobe; 3.0"; /** * Global variables. */ var needReloadFlag = false; var resizeEventFlag = false; var uiFreezeFlag = true; var zoomLevel = 1.0; var panX = 0; var panY = 0; var svgPluginVersion; var lastTime, currentTime; /** * a function to change the URL of a page, that does not work in SVG * with ie7. */ function chgUrl(u) { window.location=u; } /** * a function to set reload status flag and trigger htmlReload funciton * later. */ function setReloadFlag(flag) { needReloadFlag = flag; setTimeout("htmlReload()", RELOAD_DELAY_TIME); } function getReloadFlag() { return needReloadFlag; } function setResizeFlag(flag) { resizeEventFlag = flag; } /** * a function to set svg main view ui freeze flag */ function setUIFreezeFlag(flag) { uiFreezeFlag = flag; } function getUIFreezeFlag() { return uiFreezeFlag; } /** * a function to set original zoom level */ function setZoomLevel(level) { zoomLevel = level; } function getZoomLevel() { return zoomLevel; } /** * a function to set original panning x value */ function setPanX(x) { panX = x; } function getPanX() { return panX; } /** * a function to set original panning y value */ function setPanY(y) { panY = y; } function getPanY() { return panY; } /** * A function to reload the svg embed tag with detected width and height */ function htmlReload() { if (needReloadFlag) { var mainArea = document.getElementById("tag_div"); var main_width, main_height; main_width = mainArea.clientWidth - MAIN_VIEW_X0; main_height = mainArea.clientHeight; var url = document.embeds['svg_main'].getSRC(); var newUrl = updateTopoUrl(url, "topoWidth", main_width); newUrl = updateTopoUrl(newUrl, "topoHeight", main_height); document.embeds['svg_main'].setSRC(newUrl); } } function htmlInit() { var svgState = checkSVGPlugin(); if (svgState != SVG_PLUGIN_AVAILABLE) { try { var newUrl = updateTopoUrl(window.location.href, SVG_PLUGIN_KEY, svgState); if (svgPluginVersion != null) { newUrl = updateTopoUrl(newUrl, SVG_PLUGIN_VERSION_KEY, svgPluginVersion); } newUrl = updateToken(newUrl); window.location.href = newUrl; } catch (err) { //alert(err.name + ' ' + err.message + ' ' + err.description); } } } function checkSVGPlugin() { try { var testObject = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch(a) { return ACTIVEX_DISABLED; } try { var version = null; //check for IE browser if (version == null && window.ActiveXObject) { var ctl = new ActiveXObject( "Adobe.SVGCtl" ); if( ctl ) version = ctl.getSVGViewerVersion(); ctl = null; } //check for netscape browser if (version == null && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes["image/svg+xml"] != null) { var plugin = navigator.mimeTypes["image/svg+xml"].enabledPlugin; if (plugin != null) { var file = plugin.filename; if (file) { if (file.indexOf("libNPSVG.so") != -1 || file.indexOf("NPSVG6.dll") != -1) version = "Adobe; 6.0"; else if (file.indexOf("libNPSVG3.so") != -1 || file.indexOf("NPSVG3.dll") != -1) version = "Adobe; 3.0"; } } } svgPluginVersion = version; if (version.indexOf(ADOBE_SVG_V3) != -1) { return SVG_PLUGIN_AVAILABLE; } else { return WRONG_SVG_PLUGIN_VERSION; } } catch( err ) { return SVG_PLUGIN_NOT_INSTALLED; } } function htmlResizeGraph() { var svgState = checkSVGPlugin(); if (svgState != SVG_PLUGIN_AVAILABLE) { return; } if (resizeEventFlag == false ) { resizeEventFlag = true; setTimeout("doResize()", RELOAD_DELAY_TIME); } } function doResize() { if (resizeEventFlag) { var mainArea = document.getElementById("tag_div"); var main_width, main_height; main_width = mainArea.clientWidth - MAIN_VIEW_X0; main_height = mainArea.clientHeight; var url = document.embeds['svg_main'].getSRC(); var newUrl = updateTopoUrl(url, "topoWidth", main_width); newUrl = updateTopoUrl(newUrl, "topoHeight", main_height); document.embeds['svg_main'].setSRC(newUrl); } } function updateTopoUrl(url, name, value) { var newUrl; var param = getUrlParam(url, name); if (param == null || param == "") { if (url.indexOf("?") >= 0 || url.indexOf("&") >= 0) { newUrl = url + "&" + name + "=" + value; } else { newUrl = url + "?" + name + "=" + value; } } else { if (param.indexOf("&") >= 0) { newUrl = url.replace(param, "&"+name+"="+value); } else { newUrl = url.replace(param, "?"+name+"="+value); } } return newUrl; } function updateToken(url) { var tokenKeyValuePair = getUrlParam(url, TOKEN_KEY); var tokenValue = -1; if (tokenKeyValuePair == "") { tokenValue = 0; } else { var index = tokenKeyValuePair.indexOf('='); var strLength = tokenKeyValuePair.length; var tokenValueStr = tokenKeyValuePair.substring(index+1, strLength); var tokenValue = parseInt(tokenValueStr); tokenValue = tokenValue + 1; } var newUrl = updateTopoUrl(url, TOKEN_KEY, tokenValue); return newUrl; } /* * Looks at the query string to the document, and extracts a field from the * query. */ function getUrlParam(opts, opt) { var keyloc // The location of the start of "key=value" var nextkey // The start of the next key var start // The start of the value var optval // The value of the selected option // Most keys start after an & and are followed by an = sign keyloc = opts.indexOf("&" + opt + "=") // If a string isn't found, indexOf returns -1. So, we try the "first" // key, which appears right after the initial question mark if(keyloc == -1) { keyloc = opts.indexOf("?" + opt + "=") } // If, at this point, we still haven't found the key, stop. if (keyloc == -1) { return "" } // The value normally ends with an ampersand (which marks the start of the next key/value pair) nextkey = opts.indexOf("&",keyloc+1) // But sometimes there is no next pair if (nextkey == -1) { nextkey = opts.length } // Okay, what next? Verify that it's reasonable if (nextkey < keyloc) { return "" } return opts.substring(keyloc, nextkey); } // Show the debug window function showDebug() { window.top.debugWindow = window.open("", "Debug", "left=0,top=0,width=750,height=700,scrollbars=yes," +"status=yes,resizable=yes"); window.top.debugWindow.opener = self; // open the document for writing window.top.debugWindow.document.open(); window.top.debugWindow.document.write( "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Debug Window</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><PRE>\n"); lastTime = (new Date()).getTime(); } // If the debug window exists, then write to it function debug(text) { if (window.top.debugWindow && ! window.top.debugWindow.closed) { currentTime = (new Date()).getTime(); window.top.debugWindow.document.write("Time: " + (currentTime - lastTime)/1000.0 + " " + text+"\n"); } } // If the debug window exists, then close it function hideDebug() { if (window.top.debugWindow && ! window.top.debugWindow.closed) { window.top.debugWindow.close(); window.top.debugWindow = null; } }
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