Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\ecm\patch\homesShuttle.uix
<!-- * Copyright (c) 2001, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. * * NAME * homesShuttle.uix * * NOTES * (generic) shuttle list for selecting Homes in the Patch Wizard * * MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) VERSION * somukh 07/01/05 - Bug - 4442857 * mningo 08/18/04 - mningomb_impl * mningo 08/11/04 - * mningomb 05/24/04/ Created * * * @author mningomb * --> <dataScope xmlns="http://bali.us.oracle.com/cabo/marlin" xmlns:uix="http://bali.us.oracle.com/cabo/marlin" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40"> <contents> <!-- Put up either an error box or the homes choice list depending on whether we got the data successfully --> <switcher uix:childName="status@homesList"> <case name="failure"> <messageBox automatic="false" uix:message="ERR_NOHOMES@ResourceBundle" messageType="error"/> </case> <case name="success"> <shuttle name="homesShuttle" uix:leadingHeader="LH_AVAILHOMES@ResourceBundle" reorderable="false" uix:trailingHeader="LH_SELHOMES@ResourceBundle" shortDesc="Select from list of available oracle homes, the oracle homes to be patched."> <leading> <list multiple="true" uix:shortDesc="SD_CHOICE_HOMES@ResourceBundle"> <contents uix:childData="choiceHomes@homesList"> <option uix:text="homeInfo"/> </contents> </list> </leading> <trailing> <list uix:shortDesc="SD_SELECTED_HOMES@ResourceBundle"> <contents uix:childData="selectedHomes@homesList"> <option uix:text="homeInfo"/> </contents> </list> </trailing> </shuttle> </case> </switcher> </contents> </dataScope>
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