Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\j2ee\OC4J_EM\applications\em\em\ecm\hostpatch\template.jspf
<%-- - FILE - template.jspf - - DESCRIPTION - A template to be included in all JSPs (except wizard pages). - It contains stuff that is common for all JSPs. - - MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) - taisngh 06/14/07 - Adding subtab ULN Channels - tasingh 06/15/05 - Bug-4433993 Include oemNoScript.jsp that will - take care of noscript tag - tasingh 04/05/05 - UI review bug fixes - tasingh 03/15/05 - Make minor changes so as to conform to the UI - guidelines - achugh 03/09/05 - Bug-4199708 Provide support for showing messages - with details in the messageBox - achugh 12/29/04 - to add licensing tags - tasingh 12/20/04 - ER-4046568 In the confirmation messgaebox show - Links for jobs. - tasingh 10/27/04 - Include oemGlobal.jspf only once so as to avoid - Translation error. - tasingh 10/05/04 - Modify display of error message - tasingh 09/27/04 - tasingh_hostpatch_ui - tasingh 08/30/04 - created - - SINCE - 10.2 --%> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %> <uix:renderingContext id="renderingContext"> <%--Used for URL encoding, don't remove it--%> <oem:setURLEncoder id="renderingContext"/> <%--ResourceBundle for common UI messages --%> <uix:bundle name="sdkUIMsg" class="oracle.sysman.emSDK.eml.SDKUIMsg"/> <%--ResourceBundle for common labels/headers etc--%> <uix:bundle name="commonResourceBundle" class="oracle.sysman.resources.CommonResourceBundle"/> <%--ResourceBundle for labels/headers specific to Linux Host Patching--%> <uix:bundle name="hostPatchResourceBundle" class="oracle.sysman.resources.eml.ecm.hostpatch.HostPatchResourceBundle"/> <uix:document> <%--To help in partial page renderring--%> <%@ include file="/enablePPR.jspf" %> <%--To take care of noscript tag--%> <%@ include file="/oemNoscript.jspf" %> <%-- - To display "Oracle Enterprise Manager" followed by UserName on - PageTitle. To append page specific string in the title implement - getPageHeader() in the CONTROLLER CLASS of JSP. --%> <%@ include file="/oemTitle.jspf" %> <uix:body> <uix:form nameBinding="formName@servletRequest" method="post"> <uix:pageLayout> <%--To display GlobalTabs, Buttons, Footer, Copyright etc--%> <%@ include file="/oemGlobal.jspf" %> <%-- - To display the error Message: the error can be - an exception or a wrong parameter deliberatively - passed by user. In such a case, the appropriate - error messgae is displayed instead of the normal page - contents. This is achieved by the following switcher --%> <uix:switcher childNameBinding="error@servletRequest"> <uix:case name="true"> <uix:header textBinding="ERROR@hostPatchResourceBundle" messageType="error"> <uix:styledText styleClass="OraInstructionTextStrong" textBinding="errorMsg@servletRequest"> </uix:styledText> <uix:rowLayout hAlign="right"> <uix:pageButtonBar> <uix:button textBinding="OK@commonResourceBundle" destinationBinding="errorOkButtonDest@servletRequest"> </uix:button> </uix:pageButtonBar> </uix:rowLayout> </uix:header> </uix:case> <%--The normal page contents--%> <uix:default> <uix:stackLayout> <%--breadCrumbs--%> <uix:cellFormat hAlign="left" vAlign="bottom"> <uix:include nodeBinding="breadCrumbs@servletRequest"/> </uix:cellFormat> <%-- - Message box to show info/error/warning/confirmation - messages. --%> <uix:messageBox messageBinding="msgText@servletRequest" messageTypeBinding="msgType@servletRequest" renderedBinding="msgBoxRender@servletRequest"> <uix:contents childDataBinding="msgBoxChildData@servletRequest"> <uix:link textBinding="text" destinationBinding="link"/> </uix:contents> </uix:messageBox> <%-- - Bug-4199708 Provide support for showing messages - with details in the messagebox --%> <uix:messageBox messageTypeBinding="msgType@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest" messageBinding="msgText@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest" rendered="false" renderedBinding="msgBoxRender@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest"> <uix:contents> <uix:hideShow id="hideShow" rendered="false" renderedBinding="hideShowRendered@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest" disclosedBinding="hideShowDisclosed@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest" disclosedTextBinding="hideShowDisclosedText@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest" formNameBinding="formName@servletRequest" formSubmitted="true" partialRenderMode="self" undisclosedTextBinding="hideShowUndisclosedText@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest"> <uix:contents> <uix:formattedText textBinding="hideShowDetailText@errorDataWithDetails@servletRequest" styleClass="OraDataText"> </uix:formattedText> </uix:contents> </uix:hideShow> </uix:contents> </uix:messageBox> <uix:header textBinding="header@servletRequest"> <uix:stackLayout> <uix:rowLayout width="100%"> <%-- - The contextual text to be shown on compliance home page - and groups home page. It is rendered if "subTabsRendered" - is set to true in the servletRequest - this string is - used as subtabs are also rendered only on the groupsHome - page and complianceHome page. --%> <uix:cellFormat> <uix:styledText rendered="false" renderedBinding="subTabsRendered@servletRequest" styleClass="OraInstructionText" textBinding="CONTEXTUAL_TEXT@hostPatchResourceBundle"/> </uix:cellFormat> <%--timestamp--%> <uix:cellFormat hAlign="right"> <%-- - Following tag is used to display the timestamp - Since Timestamp might not be requied on all pages, - so if it is to be displayed, include timestamp.jspf - in the JSP within the buildTree tag with attributes - nodeID="timestamp" - scope="request" --%> <uix:ref refID="timestamp"/> </uix:cellFormat> </uix:rowLayout> <%-- - Following switcher is used to render subTabs - in some of the pages --%> <uix:switcher childNameBinding="subTabsRendered@servletRequest"> <uix:case name="true"> <uix:subTabLayout> <%--To display the subTabs--%> <uix:subTabs> <uix:subTabBar selectedIndexBinding="subTabSelIndex@uiBean@servletRequest"> <oem:license> <uix:link textBinding="COMPLIANCE_SUBTAB@hostPatchResourceBundle" destinationBinding="complianceHomeDest@subTabDest@uiBean@servletRequest"/> </oem:license> <oem:license> <uix:link textBinding="GROUPS_SUBTAB@hostPatchResourceBundle" destinationBinding="groupsHomeDest@subTabDest@uiBean@servletRequest"/> </oem:license> <%--inclose in oem:license tag--%> <%-- <uix:link textBinding="ULN_CHANNELS@hostPatchResourceBundle" destinationBinding="ULNChannelsHomeDest@subTabDest@uiBean@servletRequest"/> --%> </uix:subTabBar> </uix:subTabs> <%-- - The page specific contents will be attached here. - Following tag does that. In the JSP page all - contents should be WITHIN the 'buildTree' tag - with attributes - nodeID="pageContent" and - scope="request" - Also this template should be included in all - JSP pages (except wizard pages) at the end as follows - <%@ include file="template.jspf"%> --%> <uix:ref refID="pageContent"/> </uix:subTabLayout> </uix:case> <uix:default> <%-- - Here the normal page contents are shown without the - subTabs. --%> <uix:ref refID="pageContent"/> </uix:default> </uix:switcher> </uix:stackLayout> </uix:header> </uix:stackLayout> </uix:default> </uix:switcher> </uix:pageLayout> </uix:form> </uix:body> </uix:document> </uix:renderingContext>
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