Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\inventory\Actions21\ntw32FoldersActions\\libRes.class
?? 0 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? contents [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> SourceFile libRes.java ? ? ? ? [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object Name Windows Folders Library Description ,contains actions to create folders and items selectedNodes_name SelectedNodes selectedNodes_desc selected nodes for cluster ntCreateFolder CreateFolder ntCreateFolder_desc creates a folder ntCreateItem CreateItem ntCreateItem_desc creates an item in a folder ntCreateDesktopItem CreateDesktopItem ntCreateDesktopItem_desc creates an item in desktop ntCreateStartupItem CreateStartupItem ntCreateStartupItem_desc !creates an item in Startup folder ntRemoveItem RemoveItem ntRemoveItem_desc removes an item in a folder ntRemoveDesktopItem RemoveDesktopItem ntRemoveDesktopItem_desc removes an item from desktop ntRemoveStartupItem RemoveStartupItem ntRemoveStartupItem_desc #removes an item from startup folder groupName_name FolderName groupName_desc \Name of the folder. Multi-level folders also can be specified by separating them with '\\' . exeName_name ExeName exeName_desc name of the executable itemName_name ItemName itemName_desc name of the item parameter_name Parameters. parameter_desc PParameter to be passed to the ExeName. Only one parameter can be specified here. multiparameter_name ParametersList multiparameter_desc .list of parameters to be passed to the ExeName workingDir_name WorkingDirectory workingDir_desc $working directory for the executable iconFileName_name IconFile iconFile_desc +file from which the icon is to be picked up icon_name IconNumber icon_desc &position of the icon in the executable cmdType_name RunType cmdType_desc fSpecifies how the program needs to be run. Some options are: Normal(1), Minimized(7) and Maximized(3). runAsAdmin_name RunAsAdmin runAsAdmin_desc JSets the Run-As-Administrator property. Use 1 to set, default is set to 0. CreateGroupException_name CreateGroupException CreateGroupException_desc Unable to create the folder AddItemException_name CreateItemException AddItemException_desc Unable to create an item RemoveItemException_name RemoveItemException RemoveItemException_desc Unable to remove an item !CreateGroupException_desc_runtime AddItemException_desc_runtime 9Unable to create an item in Windows Start Menu or Desktop RemoveItemException_desc_runtime ;Unable to remove an item from Windows Start Menu or Desktop ntCreateItem_desc_runtime ?ction to create an item in Windows Start Menu or Desktop: exeName = %1%, paramName = %2%, groupName = %3%, itemName = %4%, workingDir = %5%, iconFileName = %6%, icon = %7% ntRemoveItem_desc_runtime \action to remove an item from Windows Start Menu or Desktop: groupName = %1%, itemName = %2% S_CREATEFOLDER_PROG_MESG creating folder ''{0}'' S_CREATEITEM_PROG_MESG "creating ''{0}'' in folder ''{1}'' S_CREATEDESKTOPITEM_PROG_MESG creating ''{0}'' on the Desktop S_CREATESTARTUP_PROG_MESG &creating ''{0}'' in the Startup folder S_REMOVEITEM_PROG_MESG deleting ''{0}'' S_REMOVEDESKTOPITEM_PROG_MESG !deleting ''{0}'' from the Desktop S_REMOVESTARTUPITEM_PROG_MESG (deleting ''{0}'' from the Startup folder S_CLUSTER_CREATE_DESKTOPITEM ?creating ''{0}'' in the Desktop folder on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_CREATE_ITEM 0creating folder ''{0}'' on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_CREATE_STARTUPITEM ?creating ''{0}'' in the Startup folder on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_DELETE_ITEM 0deleting folder ''{0}'' on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_DELETE_STATRTUPITEM =deleting ''{0}'' from Startup folder on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_DELETE_DESKTOPITEM <deleting '{0}'' from Desktop folder on cluster nodes ''{1}'' libRes java/util/ListResourceBundle ! ? ? ? ? ? ? ? *? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? * ? ? ? w _>? Y? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? Y SY SSY? YSYSSY? Y SYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY ? YSYSSY? YSYSSY? YSYSSY ? YSY SSY? Y!SY"SSY? Y#SY$SSY? Y%SY&SSY? Y'SY(SSY? Y)SY*SSY? Y+SY,SSY? Y-SY.SSY? Y/SY0SSY? Y1SY2SSY? Y3SY4SSY? Y5SY6SSY? Y7SY8SSY? Y9SY:SSY? Y;SY<SSY? Y=SY>SSY? Y?SY@SSY? YASYBSSY? YCSYDSSY ? YESYFSSY!? YGSYHSSY"? YISYJSSY#? YKSYLSSY$? YMSYNSSY%? YOSYPSSY&? YQSYRSSY'? YSSYTSSY(? YUSYVSSY)? YWSYXSSY*? YYSYZSSY+? Y[SY\SSY,? Y]SYTSSY-? Y^SY_SSY.? Y`SYaSSY/? YbSYcSSY0? YdSYeSSY1? YfSYgSSY2? YhSYiSSY3? YjSYkSSY4? YlSYmSSY5? YnSYoSSY6? YpSYqSSY7? YrSYsSSY8? YtSYuSSY9? YvSYwSSY:? YxSYySSY;? YzSY{SSY<? Y|SY}SSY=? Y~SYSS? ? ? - ? ?
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