Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\inventory\Actions21\fileActions\\libRes.class
?? 0 ? ? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? contents [[Ljava/lang/Object; <init> ()V Code LineNumberTable getContents ()[[Ljava/lang/Object; <clinit> SourceFile libRes.java? ?? [Ljava/lang/Object; java/lang/Object Name File Actions Library Description 7contains actions pertaining to file system manipulation copyGroup copyGroup_desc 3copies the files in the group to the target machine copyDllGroup copyDllGroup_desc Xperforms a DLL version check before copying the files in the group to the target machine copyGroups copyGroups_desc 5copies all the groups specified to the target machine copyGroupFromJar copyGroupFromJar_desc +to be used internally by the installer only copyExpandedGroup copyExpandedGroup_desc groupName_name Group name groups_name groups groups_desc list of groups to be copied groupName_desc name of the group to be copied groupRelLoc_name groupRelLoc groupRelLoc_desc )relative location of the unarchived group copyLangGroup copyLangGroup_desc Qcopies the files for the relevant languages from this group to the target machine langGroupName_name language group name langGroupName_desc 'name of the language group to be copied copyFileFromJar copyFileFromJar_desc )copies files from jar file to file system appendFile appendFile_desc KAppends one file to another. The operation cannot be reversed at deinstall. appendFileFromJar appendFileFromJar_desc 6appends a file on the file system from a file in a jar appendStringToFile appendStringToFile_desc JAppends a string to a file. The operation cannot be reversed at deinstall. appendFileEx appendFileEx_desc fAppends one file to another. Can also reverse the operation at deinstall time if marked for deinstall. appendStringToFileEx appendStringToFileEx_desc dAppends a string to a file. Can also reverse the operation at deinstall time if marked for deinstall copyFile copyFile_desc copies a file copyFilesToDir copyFilesToDir_desc 3copies all files from source dir to destination dir createDir createDir_desc creates a directory createDirRecurse createDirRecurse_desc 1creates the directory and its parents if required lineDelete_desc 0deletes lines containing search string in a file fileName1_name File fileName1_desc ,text file in which to look for search string searchString_name Search string searchString_desc search string ignoreCase_name Ignore case ignoreCase_desc .defaulted to false; set to true to ignore case stringReplace_desc $search and replace strings in a file replaceFileName_name replaceFileName_desc replaceString_name Replace string replaceString_desc ;string to be substituted for all instances of search string createFile createFile_desc creates an empty file copyListedFilesToNodes copyListedFilesToNodes_desc 2Copy files listed in listed file to RAC files list copyListedDirsToNodes copyListedDirsToNodes_desc 8Copy directories listed in listed file to RAC files list instantiateFileEx instantiateFileEx_desc 5creates a file from another by substituting variables instantiateFile instantiateFile_desc S_instantiateFile_DEPR_DESC I Action "instantiateFile" is deprecated. Use "instantiateFileEx" instead. removeFile removeFile_desc removes a file/directory removeDir removeDir_desc +removes a directory even if it is non-empty finalClusterSetup finalClusterSetup_desc *distributes the install across the cluster moveFile moveFile_desc %moves file from source to destination selectedNodes_name selectedNodes selectedNodes_desc selected nodes threadsActive_name threadsActive threadsActive_desc (number of concurrent threads for cluster vectorInitialSize_name vectorInitialSize vectorInitialSize_desc initial size of vector vectorFactorSize_name vectorFactorSize vectorFactorSize_desc increases factor size of vector JarLoc_name JarLoc JarLoc_desc %jar file containing file to be copied AlwaysCopy_name AlwaysCopy AlwaysCopy_desc always copy the group DowngradeCopy_name DowngradeCopy DowngradeCopy_desc AOverwrite the destination only if the source has a lower version. UpgradeCopy_name UpgradeCopy UpgradeCopy_desc BOverwrite the destination only if the source has a higher version. source_name source source_desc +directory from which files are to be copied destination_name destination destination_desc )directory to which files are to be copied excludeFile_name excludeFile excludeFile_desc ,file containing list of files to be excluded permissions_name permissions permissions_desc 5permission with which file is to be copied (optional) owner_name owner owner_desc owner of the file (optional) group_name group group_desc ,group to which file should belong (optional) copyAsText_name CopyAsText copyAsText_desc =Should files in the group be copied as text files? (optional) source_file_name source_file source_file_desc source file source_dir_name source_dir source_dir_desc source directory stringToAppend_name stringToAppend stringToAppend_desc string to be appended destDir_name destDir destDir_desc destination directory dirPermissions_name dirPermissions dirPermissions_desc directory permissions fileName_name fileName fileName_desc name of file destFile_name destFile destFile_desc destination file variables_name variables variables_desc %variables that need to be substituted values_name values values_desc /values of variables that need to be substituted delimiter_name delimiter delimiter_desc Vdelimiter for the variables in the file. If not specified, '%' is used as the default. encoding_name encoding encoding_desc Tencoding to be used. specify appropriate encoding if the file is not in ascii format IOException7_name IOException IOException7_desc TUnable to read file %1%. Make sure that the file is text and has not been corrupted. EmptyStringException_name EmptyStringException EmptyStringException_desc XSearch string specified was empty. An empty string cannot be used for search operations. FileNotFoundException1_name FileNotFoundException FileNotFoundException1_desc ;File %1% not found. Make sure that the file exists on disk. $InsufficientPrivilegesException_name InsufficientPrivilegesException $InsufficientPrivilegesException_desc ?ou do not have sufficient privileges to read or write to the file %1%. Make sure that you have the required permissions for the file. (InsufficientReadPrivilegesException_name #InsufficientReadPrivilegesException (InsufficientReadPrivilegesException_desc pYou do not have sufficient privileges to read the file %1%. Make sure that you have read permission on the file. )InsufficientWritePrivilegesException_name $InsufficientWritePrivilegesException )InsufficientWritePrivilegesException_desc uYou do not have sufficient privileges to write to the file %1%. Make sure that you have write permission on the file. %VersionResourceNotFoundException_name VersionResourceNotFound %VersionResourceNotFoundException_desc /Version resource information not found for file InvalidLogEntryException_desc 8Invalid log entry - expecting name of file to be deleted InvalidLogEntryException_name InvalidLogEntryException FileDeleteException_desc Unable to delete file FileDeleteException_name FileDeleteException InvalidSourceException_desc (Source is not acceptable for this action InvalidSourceException_name InvalidSourceException InvalidDestinationException_desc -Destination is not acceptable for this action InvalidDestinationException_name InvalidDestinationException &UnableToWriteDestinationException_desc Cannot write to the destination &UnableToWriteDestinationException_name !UnableToWriteDestinationException FileNotFoundException_desc File not found FileNotFoundException_name IOException_desc /Error in writing from first file to second file IOException_name IOException2_desc Error in writing to file IOException2_name IOException2 FileWriteErrorException_desc FileWriteErrorException_name FileWriteErrorException IOException3_desc I/O error in file IOException3_name IOException3 FileIOErrorException_desc FileIOErrorException_name FileIOErrorException SetFilePermissionException_desc /Error in setting permissions for file/directory SetFilePermissionException_name SetFilePermissionException GetFilePermissionException_desc /Error in getting permissions for file/directory GetFilePermissionException_name GetFilePermissionException FilePermissionException_desc $Wrong permissions for file/directory FilePermissionException_name FilePermissionException DirPermissionException_desc Wrong permissions for directory DirPermissionException_name DirPermissionException IOException4_desc %I/O error while trying to append file IOException4_name IOException4 DirDeleteException_name DirDeleteException DirDeleteException_desc Unable to delete directory IOException5_desc Error in creating directory IOException5_name IOException5 IOException6_desc Error in creating file IOException6_name IOException6 InvalidInputException_desc 3Number of variables different than number of values InvalidInputException_name InvalidInputException ChangeOwnerGroupException_name ChangeOwnerGroupException ChangeOwnerGroupException_desc )Error in changing owner and group of file ChangeOwnerException_name ChangeOwnerException ChangeOwnerException_desc Error in changing owner of file ChangeGroupException_name ChangeGroupException ChangeGroupException_desc Error in changing group of file !ChangeDirOwnerGroupException_name ChangeDirOwnerGroupException !ChangeDirOwnerGroupException_desc .Error in changing owner and group of directory ChangeDirOwnerException_name ChangeDirOwnerException ChangeDirOwnerException_desc $Error in changing owner of directory ChangeDirGroupException_name ChangeDirGroupException ChangeDirGroupException_desc $Error in changing group of directory MoveException_desc Error in moving file MoveException_name MoveException %InvalidLogEntryException_desc_runtime 9Invalid log entry -- expecting name of file to be deleted FileDeleteException_desc_runtime Unable to delete file %1% "FileNotFoundException_desc_runtime File not found %1% #InvalidSourceException_desc_runtime ,Source file is not acceptable for action %1% (InvalidDestinationException_desc_runtime 1Destination file is not acceptable for action %1% .UnableToWriteDestinationException_desc_runtime Cannot write to destination %1% FileInUseException_desc_runtime /Unable to copy to file %1%. The file is in use. IOException_desc_runtime 'Error in writing from %1% to file %2%. IOException2_desc_runtime 'Error in writing to file ''{0}''. [{1}] $FileWriteErrorException_desc_runtime Error in writing to file %1% IOException3_desc_runtime +I/O error while opening or reading file %1% !FileIOErrorException_desc_runtime I/O error in file %1% 'SetFilePermissionException_desc_runtime 2Error in setting permissions of file/directory %1% $FilePermissionException_desc_runtime 5Permissions denied while accessing file/directory %1% #DirPermissionException_desc_runtime IOException4_desc_runtime )I/O error while trying to append file %1% IOException5_desc_runtime Error in creating directory %1% IOException6_desc_runtime Error in creating file %1% "InvalidInputException_desc_runtime 6Number of variables is different than number of values &ChangeOwnerGroupException_desc_runtime WError in changing owner and group of file %fileName% to owner %owner% and group %group% !ChangeOwnerException_desc_runtime ;Error in changing owner of file %fileName% to owner %owner% !ChangeGroupException_desc_runtime ;Error in changing group of file %fileName% to owner %group% )ChangeDirOwnerGroupException_desc_runtime [Error in changing owner and group of directory %dirName% to owner %owner% and group %group% $ChangeDirOwnerException_desc_runtime ?Error in changing owner of directory %dirName% to owner %owner% $ChangeDirGroupException_desc_runtime ?Error in changing group of directory %dirName% to owner %group% NullInputException_desc_runtime 2At least one of the inputs to the action was null. MoveException_desc_runtime Error in moving file %1% to %2% -VersionResourceNotFoundException_desc_runtime 'Version resource not found for file %1% appendFile_desc_runtime PAction to append a source file to a destination: source = %1%, destination = %2% appendFile_SOL_desc_runtime ?ction to append a source file to a destination (UNIX): source = %1%, destination = %2%, permissions = %3%, owner = %4%, group = %5% appendFileFromJar_desc_runtime naction to append a file on the file system from a file in a jar: JarLoc = %1%, source = %2%, destination = %3% "appendFileFromJar_SOL_desc_runtime ?ction to append a file on the filesystem from a file in a jar (UNIX): JarLoc = %1%, source = %2%, destination = %3%, permissions = %4%, owner = %5%, group = %6% appendStringToFile_desc_runtime Gaction to append a string to a file: source = %1%, stringToAppend = %2% copyFile_desc_runtime 6action to copy a file: source = %1%, destination = %2% copyFile_SOL_desc_runtime jaction to copy a file (UNIX): source = %1%, destination = %2%, permissions = %3%, owner = %4%, group = %5% copyFileFromJar_desc_runtime `action to copy files from jar file to file system: JarLoc = %1%, source = %2%, destination = %3% copyFileFromJar_SOL_desc_runtime ?ction to copy files from jar file to file system (UNIX): JarLoc = %1%, source = %2%, destination = %3%, permissions = %4%, owner = %5%, group = %6% createDir_desc_runtime /action to create a directory: destination = %1% createDir_SOL_desc_runtime caction to create a directory (UNIX): destination = %1%, permissions = %2%, owner = %3%, group = %4% createDirRecurse_desc_runtime Maction to create the directory and its parents if required: destination = %1% !createDirRecurse_SOL_desc_runtime ?ction to create the directory and its parents if required (UNIX): destination = %1%, permissions = %2%, owner = %3%, group = %4% createFile_desc_runtime ,action to create an empty file: source = %1% createFile_SOL_desc_runtime `action to create an empty file (UNIX): source = %1%, permissions = %2%, owner = %3%, group = %4% #copyListedFilesToNodes_desc_runtime Faction to append file list to RAC files list: original file list = %1% "copyListedDirsToNodes_desc_runtime Jaction to append directory list to RAC files list: original dir list = %1% instantiateFile_desc_runtime _action to create a file from another by substituting variables: source = %1%, destination = %2% removeFile_desc_runtime /action to remove a file/directory: source = %1% moveFile_desc_runtime Oaction to move file from source to destination: source = %1%, destination = %2% copyGroupFromJar_desc_runtime /action to copy all files from within a JAR file !copyGroupFromJar_SOL_desc_runtime vaction to copy all files from within a JAR file (UNIX): JarLoc = %1%, permissions = %2%, owner = %3%, group = %4%, %5% copyExpandedGroup_desc_runtime 9action to copy expanded files from one directory to other S_PROGRESS_MSG_runtime copying ''{0}'' S_CLUSTER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_START +starting remote operation in nodes {0} S_CLUSTER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_WORK . performing remote operation in nodes {0} !S_CLUSTER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_FINISH ,finishing remote operations in nodes {0} S_CLUSTER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_FINAL ? entering the final stage of remote operations in nodes {0} S_CLUSTER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE_PROG ; performing remote operations: {0} out of {1} operations S_appendFile_DEPR_DESC ? Action "appendFile" is deprecated. Use "appendFileEx" instead. S_appendStringToFile_DEPR_DESC O Action "appendStringToFile" is deprecated. Use "appendStringToFileEx" instead. S_UPDATE_PROG_MSG updating ''{0}'. S_CREATEDIR_PROG_MSG creating directory ''{0}'' S_CREATEFILE_PROG_MSG creating file ''{0}'' S_MOVEFILE_PROG_MSG moving ''{0}'' to ''{1}'' S_DELETEFILE_PROG_MSG deleting ''{0}'' S_INSTANTIATEFILE_PROG_MSG instantiating ''{0}''. S_CLUSTER_COPY_FILE -copying file ''{0}'' to cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_REMOVE_FILE .removing file ''{0}'' on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_MOVE_FILE 3moving file ''{0}'' to {1} on cluster nodes ''{3}'' S_CLUSTER_CREATE_DIR 3creating directory ''{0}'' on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_CLUSTER_DELETE_DIR 3deleting directory ''{0}'' on cluster nodes ''{1}'' S_BACKUP_FILE_INFO lA backup copy of the existing file ''{0}'' has been saved to ''{1}'' before instantiating from the template. S_USING_BACKUP_AS_SOURCE EUsing backup file ''{0}'' as a source for instantiating file ''{1}''. S_CANNOT_BACKUP_TEMPLATE PUnable to back up template file ''{0}'' since it exists outside the Oracle Home. S_CANNOT_BACKUP_FILE Unable to back up file ''{0}''. S_SOURCE_NOT_IN_ORACLE_HOME WUnable to get backup file location for ''{0}'' since it exists outside the Oracle Home. libRes java/util/ListResourceBundle !?? ?? ? *? ? # ? ? 0 ~ f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`SSY8? 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Write backup
jsp File Browser version 1.2 by