Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\u1001002.sql
Rem Rem $Header: u1001002.sql 23-may-2005.16:47:08 mfaisal Exp $ Rem Rem u1001002.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2004, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem u1001002.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem upgrade CTXSYS from 10.1 to 10.2 Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem mfaisal 05/22/05 - bug 4385898 Rem wclin 03/07/05 - remove pub. priv for TextOptStats Rem wclin 02/23/05 - handle and suppress ora-1927 error Rem wclin 01/28/05 - revoke exec public priv for ODCIIndex impl types Rem gkaminag 10/12/04 - unique constraint mail filter Rem gkaminag 10/07/04 - move val proc to sys Rem gkaminag 09/16/04 - part field style attribute of mail filter Rem tokawa 07/27/04 - Remove KOREAN_LEXER Rem mfaisal 08/04/04 - keyview html export release 8.0.0 Rem tokawa 03/29/04 - mixed-case for zh/ja/world lexers. Rem gkaminag 03/22/04 - gkaminag_misc_040318 Rem gkaminag 03/18/04 - Created Rem REM REM IF YOU ADD ANYTHING TO THIS FILE REMEMBER TO CHANGE DOWNGRADE SCRIPT REM REM ======================================================================== REM MIXED CASE FOR JAPANESE LEXERS REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object_attribute values (60207, 6, 2, 7, 'MIXED_CASE_ASCII7', 'Preserve case of 7-bit ASCII characters', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60807, 6, 8, 7, 'MIXED_CASE_ASCII7', 'Preserve case of 7-bit ASCII characters', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM MIXED CASE FOR CHINESE LEXERS REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object_attribute values (60407, 6, 4, 7, 'MIXED_CASE_ASCII7', 'Preserve case of 7-bit ASCII characters', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60507, 6, 5, 7, 'MIXED_CASE_ASCII7', 'Preserve case of 7-bit ASCII characters', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM MIXED CASE FOR WORLD LEXER REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object_attribute values (61107, 6, 11, 7, 'MIXED_CASE', 'Preserve mixed-case', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM REMOVE KOREAN_LEXER REM ======================================================================== update dr$object_attribute set oat_system = 'Y' where oat_cla_id = 6 and oat_obj_id = 3; update dr$object set obj_system = 'Y' where obj_cla_id = 6 and obj_id = 3; commit; REM ======================================================================== REM PART_FIELD_STYLE of MAIL_FILTER REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (40704, 4, 7, 4, 'PART_FIELD_STYLE', 'output of index fields of parts of multipart mails', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'IGNORE', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40704, 'IGNORE', 0, 'Eliminate'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40704, 'TAG', 1, 'Transform to <field>content</field>'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40704, 'FIELD', 2, 'Transform to field: content'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40704, 'TEXT', 3, 'Transform to content'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM VAL PROC MOVED TO SYS REM ======================================================================== drop procedure ctx_validate; REM ======================================================================== REM AUTO_FILTER_TIMEOUT and AUTO_FILTER_OUTPUT_FORMATTING attributes for REM MAIL_FILTER REM ======================================================================== REM Trap ORA-00001 error which will be raised when upgrading from REM or AUTO_FILTER will be backported for inclusion in REM and begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (40705, 4, 7, 5, 'AUTO_FILTER_TIMEOUT', 'Polling interval in seconds to terminate by force', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '60', 0, 42949672, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (40706, 4, 7, 6, 'AUTO_FILTER_OUTPUT_FORMATTING', 'formatted output', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); -- ======================================================================== -- AUTO_FILTER -- ======================================================================== insert into dr$object values (4, 8, 'AUTO_FILTER', 'filter for binary document formats', 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (40802, 4, 8, 2, 'TIMEOUT', 'Polling interval in seconds to terminate by force', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '120', 0, 42949672, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (40803, 4, 8, 3, 'TIMEOUT_TYPE', 'Time-out type', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'HEURISTIC', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40803, 'HEURISTIC', 1, 'Heuristic'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (40803, 'FIXED', 2, 'Fixed'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (40804, 4, 8, 4, 'OUTPUT_FORMATTING', 'formatted output', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); -- ======================================================================== -- CTXSYS.AUTO_FILTER DEFAULT PREFERENCE -- ======================================================================== dr$temp_crepref('AUTO_FILTER', 'AUTO_FILTER'); exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM MIGRATION FROM INSO_FILTER TO AUTO_FILTER REM ======================================================================== update dr$index_value set ixv_oat_id = 40802 where ixv_oat_id = 40502; update dr$index_value set ixv_oat_id = 40803 where ixv_oat_id = 40503; update dr$index_value set ixv_oat_id = 40804 where ixv_oat_id = 40504; update dr$index_object set ixo_obj_id = 8 where ixo_cla_id = 4 and ixo_obj_id = 5; REM ======================================================================== REM MIGRATION OF MAIL_FILTER ATTRIBUTES REM ======================================================================== -- if both old and new timeout attributes are set then delete old attributes begin for idx in ( select ixv_idx_id from dr$index_value where ixv_oat_id in (40702, 40705) group by ixv_idx_id having count(ixv_idx_id) > 1 ) loop delete from dr$index_value iv where iv.ixv_idx_id = idx.ixv_idx_id and iv.ixv_oat_id = 40702; update dr$index_object io set io.ixo_acnt = io.ixo_acnt - 1 where io.ixo_idx_id = idx.ixv_idx_id and io.ixo_cla_id = 4 and io.ixo_obj_id = 7; end loop; end; / update dr$index_value set ixv_oat_id = 40705 where ixv_oat_id = 40702; -- if both old and new output formatting attributes are set then delete old -- attributes begin for idx in ( select ixv_idx_id from dr$index_value where ixv_oat_id in (40703, 40706) group by ixv_idx_id having count(ixv_idx_id) > 1 ) loop delete from dr$index_value iv where iv.ixv_idx_id = idx.ixv_idx_id and iv.ixv_oat_id = 40703; update dr$index_object io set io.ixo_acnt = io.ixo_acnt - 1 where io.ixo_idx_id = idx.ixv_idx_id and io.ixo_cla_id = 4 and io.ixo_obj_id = 7; end loop; end; / update dr$index_value set ixv_oat_id = 40706 where ixv_oat_id = 40703; REM ======================================================================== REM DEFAULT_FILTER_FILE AND DEFAULT_FILTER_BINARY SYSTEM PARAMETERS REM ======================================================================== update dr$parameter set par_value = 'CTXSYS.AUTO_FILTER' where par_name = 'DEFAULT_FILTER_BINARY' and par_value = 'CTXSYS.INSO_FILTER'; update dr$parameter set par_value = 'CTXSYS.AUTO_FILTER' where par_name = 'DEFAULT_FILTER_FILE' and par_value = 'CTXSYS.INSO_FILTER'; commit; REM ======================================================================== REM Revoke execute priv. on TextIndexMethods, CatIndexMethods, REM RuleIndexMethods, and XpathIndexMethods from public REM ======================================================================== BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on TextIndexMethods from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter type TextIndexMethods compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on CatIndexMethods from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter type CatIndexMethods compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on RuleIndexMethods from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter type RuleIndexMethods compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on XpathIndexMethods from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter type XpathIndexMethods compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on ctx_contains from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter package ctx_contains compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on driscore from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter package driscore compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on ctx_catsearch from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter package ctx_catsearch compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on ctx_matches from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter package ctx_matches compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on driscorr from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter package driscorr compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on ctx_xpcontains from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter package ctx_xpcontains compile; BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'revoke execute on TextOptStats from public'; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN IF ( SQLCODE = -1927 ) THEN NULL; ELSE RAISE; END IF; END; / alter type TextOptStats compile;
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