Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\u0801070.sql
Rem u0801070.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 1999, 2003, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem u0801070.sql - upgrade ctxsys schema from to Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script upgrades an ctxsys data dictionary to Rem This script should be run as ctxsys on an 8.1.7 ctxsys schema Rem (or as SYS with ALTER SESSION SET SCHEMA = CTXSYS) Rem No other users or schema versions are supported. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem ehuang 01/24/03 - Rem gkaminag 11/26/02 - increase size of version string Rem ehuang 10/10/02 - call current directory Rem ehuang 07/30/02 - upgrade script restructuring Rem ehuang 06/12/02 - add registry. Rem gkaminag 02/19/02 - bug 2232418. Rem gkaminag 01/25/02 - no need to run dr0plb.sql now Rem gkaminag 05/04/01 - bug 1761162 Rem gkaminag 04/19/01 - name change to 9.0.1 Rem gkaminag 04/13/01 - CTXRULE pasystem parameters Rem gkaminag 04/10/01 - add partition information into pending Rem gkaminag 04/09/01 - protect possible ORA-1 errors Rem gkaminag 03/27/01 - add call to dr0ulib Rem gkaminag 03/26/01 - remove ctx_ddl references Rem gkaminag 03/16/01 - Rem yucheng 03/15/01 - transport upgrade fix Rem gkaminag 03/15/01 - bug 1684284 Rem yucheng 03/14/01 - drop temp table Rem yucheng 03/13/01 - making association between index and secondary ob Rem mfaisal 03/08/01 - inso filter time-out Rem ehuang 02/21/01 - CLOB_LOC, BLOB_LOC user datastore output types Rem gkaminag 01/08/01 - more upgrade Rem gkaminag 12/22/00 - refine Rem wclin 12/12/00 - add dr$part_stats table Rem gshank 12/08/00 - Bug 1424693 Add BASE_LETTER_TYPE Rem ehuang 11/10/00 - version to 9.0 Rem tsuzuki 10/19/00 - Add new Japanese lexer Rem salpha 10/12/00 - add lexer attribute prove_themes Rem gkaminag 09/20/00 - use path section group by default for xmltyp Rem kangjs 08/22/00 - korean morph lexer attribute changes Rem gkaminag 08/28/00 - Rem gkaminag 08/14/00 - partition support Rem gkaminag 08/14/00 - partitioning support Rem gkaminag 08/10/00 - partitioning support Rem gkaminag 08/02/00 - korean morph lexer Rem gkaminag 07/24/00 - auto_xml_section_group->path_section_group Rem ehuang 06/16/00 - XMLType support Rem gkaminag 06/22/00 - auto xml sectioner Rem ehuang 05/30/00 - 8.2 upgrade script Rem ehuang 05/30/00 - Created Rem REM ======================================================================== REM XMLType REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object values (2, 5, 'XMLTYPE_DATATYPE', '', 'Y'); insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_SECTION_XML', 'CTXSYS.PATH_SECTION_GROUP'); exec dr$temp_crepref('XMLTYPE_DATATYPE', 'XMLTYPE_DATATYPE'); REM ======================================================================== REM auto XML sectioner REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object values (5, 8, 'PATH_SECTION_GROUP', 'path section group', 'N'); exec dr$temp_cresg('PATH_SECTION_GROUP', 'PATH_SECTION_GROUP'); REM ======================================================================== REM New attributes for Basic Lexer REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object_attribute values (60118, 6, 1, 18, 'PROVE_THEMES', 'Prove themes during theme indexing', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (60119, 6, 1, 19, 'BASE_LETTER_TYPE', 'Type of base_letter', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'GENERIC', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60119, 'GENERIC', 0, 'Works in all languages'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60119, 'SPECIFIC', 1, 'NLS_LANG specific'); exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / commit; REM ======================================================================== REM Korean Morphological Lexer REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object values (6, 7, 'KOREAN_MORPH_LEXER', 'Korean Morphological lexer', 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60701, 6, 7, 1, 'VERB_ADJECTIVE', 'index verbs and adjectives', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60702, 6, 7, 2, 'ONE_CHAR_WORD', 'index single characters', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60703, 6, 7, 3, 'NUMBER', 'index numbers', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60704, 6, 7, 4, 'USER_DIC', 'index words in user dictionary', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60705, 6, 7, 5, 'STOP_DIC', 'index words in x-user dictionary', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60706, 6, 7, 6, 'MORPHEME', 'perform morphological analysis', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60707, 6, 7, 7, 'COMPOSITE', 'define indexing style of composite nouns', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', 'COMPONENT_WORD', null, null, 'Y'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60707, 'COMPOSITE_ONLY', 0, 'index only composite nouns'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60707, 'COMPONENT_WORD', 1, 'index single nouns'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (60707, 'NGRAM', 2, 'use n-gram indexing style'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60708, 6, 7, 8, 'TO_UPPER', 'convert english words to uppercase', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60709, 6, 7, 9, 'HANJA', 'index hanja itself without converting to hangeul', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60710, 6, 7, 10, 'LONG_WORD', 'index words with original length greater than 16', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60711, 6, 7, 11, 'JAPANESE', 'index japanese character in current character set.', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'FALSE', null, null, 'N'); insert into dr$object_attribute values (60712, 6, 7, 12, 'ENGLISH', 'index alphanumeric string that starts with alphabet', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'B', 'TRUE', null, null, 'N'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM Japanese (Lexical) Lexer REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$object values (6, 8, 'JAPANESE_LEXER', 'Japanese lexer', 'N'); commit; REM ======================================================================== REM New attribute for Inso Filter REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute values (40502, 4, 5, 2, 'TIMEOUT', 'Polling interval in seconds to terminate by force', 'N', 'N', 'Y', 'I', '120', 0, 42949672, 'N'); exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / commit; REM ======================================================================== REM Index Sub Lexer Views REM ======================================================================== CREATE or replace function dri_sublxv_lang(value in varchar2) return varchar2 is begin return null; end dri_sublxv_lang; / CREATE or replace view ctx_index_sub_lexers as select /*+ ORDERED */ u.name isl_index_owner, idx_name isl_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(ixv_value),1,30) isl_language, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':',-1)+1),1,30) isl_alt_value, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':')+1, instr(ixv_value, ':', -1) - instr(ixv_value,':') - 1), 1,30) isl_object from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value where ixv_oat_id = 60601 and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / CREATE or replace view ctx_user_index_sub_lexers as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name isl_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(ixv_value),1,30) isl_language, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':',-1)+1),1,30) isl_alt_value, substr(substr(ixv_value,instr(ixv_value,':')+1, instr(ixv_value, ':', -1) - instr(ixv_value,':') - 1), 1,30) isl_object from dr$index, dr$index_value where ixv_oat_id = 60601 and idx_id = ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_index_sub_lexers FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_index_sub_lexers; GRANT select ON ctx_user_index_sub_lexers to public; create or replace view ctx_index_sub_lexer_values as select /*+ ORDERED */ u.name isv_index_owner, idx_name isv_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(iv2.ixv_value),1,30) isv_language, obj_name isv_object, oat_name isv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(iv1.ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, iv1.ixv_value)) isv_value from dr$index, sys.user$ u, dr$index_value iv1, dr$index_value iv2, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$object_attribute_lov where iv1.ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, iv1.ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and iv1.ixv_sub_oat_id = oat_id and iv2.ixv_oat_id = 60601 and iv1.ixv_sub_group = iv2.ixv_sub_group and iv1.ixv_idx_id = iv2.ixv_idx_id and iv1.ixv_oat_id = 60602 and idx_id = iv1.ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = u.user# / create or replace view ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals as select /*+ ORDERED */ idx_name isv_index_name, substr(dri_sublxv_lang(iv2.ixv_value),1,30) isv_language, obj_name isv_object, oat_name isv_attribute, decode(oat_datatype, 'B', decode(iv1.ixv_value, 1, 'YES', 'NO'), nvl(oal_label, iv1.ixv_value)) isv_value from dr$index, dr$index_value iv1, dr$index_value iv2, dr$object_attribute, dr$object, dr$object_attribute_lov where iv1.ixv_value = nvl(oal_value, iv1.ixv_value) and oat_id = oal_oat_id (+) and oat_system = 'N' and oat_cla_id = obj_cla_id and oat_obj_id = obj_id and iv1.ixv_sub_oat_id = oat_id and iv2.ixv_oat_id = 60601 and iv1.ixv_sub_group = iv2.ixv_sub_group and iv1.ixv_idx_id = iv2.ixv_idx_id and iv1.ixv_oat_id = 60602 and idx_id = iv1.ixv_idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / CREATE OR REPLACE PUBLIC SYNONYM ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals FOR ctxsys.ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals; GRANT select ON ctx_user_index_sub_lexer_vals to public; REM ======================================================================== REM Partitioning Support REM ======================================================================== alter table dr$index add (idx_option VARCHAR2(40)); alter view ctx_indexes compile; alter view ctx_user_indexes compile; CREATE TABLE dr$index_partition ( ixp_id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, ixp_name VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL, ixp_idx_id NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, ixp_table_partition# NUMBER(38,0) NOT NULL, ixp_docid_count NUMBER(38,0) DEFAULT 0, ixp_status VARCHAR2(12) NOT NULL, ixp_nextid NUMBER(38,0), ixp_opt_token VARCHAR2(64), ixp_opt_type NUMBER(38,0), ixp_opt_count NUMBER(38,0), CONSTRAINT drc$ixp_key PRIMARY KEY (ixp_idx_id, ixp_id) ); create unique index drx$ixp_name on dr$index_partition(ixp_idx_id, ixp_name); create or replace view ctx_index_partitions as select ixp_id ,u1.name ixp_index_owner ,idx_name ixp_index_name ,ixp_name ixp_index_partition_name ,u2.name ixp_table_owner ,o1.name ixp_table_name ,o2.subname ixp_table_partition_name ,ixp_docid_count ixp_docid_count ,ixp_status ixp_status from dr$index_partition, dr$index, sys.user$ u1, sys.user$ u2, sys.obj$ o1, sys.obj$ o2 where idx_owner# = u1.user# and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and ixp_table_partition# = o2.obj# and idx_table# = o1.obj# and ixp_idx_id = idx_id / create or replace view ctx_user_index_partitions as select ixp_id ,idx_name ixp_index_name ,ixp_name ixp_index_partition_name ,u2.name ixp_table_owner ,o1.name ixp_table_name ,o2.subname ixp_table_partition_name ,ixp_docid_count ixp_docid_count ,ixp_status ixp_status from dr$index_partition, dr$index, sys.user$ u2, sys.obj$ o1, sys.obj$ o2 where idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') and idx_table_owner# = u2.user# and ixp_table_partition# = o2.obj# and idx_table# = o1.obj# and ixp_idx_id = idx_id / create or replace public synonym ctx_user_index_partitions for ctxsys.ctx_user_index_partitions; grant select on ctx_user_index_partitions to public; begin execute immediate 'create table dr$pending_backup as '|| 'select p.*, 0 pnd_pid from dr$pending p'; execute immediate 'drop table dr$pending'; execute immediate 'create table dr$pending ( '|| 'pnd_cid number NOT NULL, '|| 'pnd_pid number default 0 NOT NULL, '|| 'pnd_rowid rowid NOT NULL, '|| 'pnd_timestamp date, '|| 'primary key (pnd_cid, pnd_pid, pnd_rowid) '|| ') '|| 'organization index '|| 'storage (freelists 10) '; execute immediate 'insert into dr$pending '|| 'select pnd_cid, pnd_pid, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp '|| 'from dr$pending_backup'; execute immediate 'drop table dr$pending_backup'; end; / alter table dr$waiting add (wtg_pid number default 0); CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_pending AS select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i p) */ u.name pnd_index_owner, idx_name pnd_index_name, ixp_name pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from dr$pending, dr$index i, dr$index_partition p, sys.user$ u where idx_owner# = u.user# and idx_id = ixp_idx_id and pnd_pid = ixp_id and pnd_pid != 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id UNION ALL select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i) */ u.name pnd_index_owner, idx_name pnd_index_name, null pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from dr$pending, dr$index i, sys.user$ u where idx_owner# = u.user# and pnd_pid = 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_user_pending AS select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i p)*/ idx_name pnd_index_name, ixp_name pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from dr$pending, dr$index i, dr$index_partition p where idx_id = ixp_idx_id and pnd_pid = ixp_id and pnd_cid != 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') UNION ALL select /*+ ORDERED USE_NL(i) */ idx_name pnd_index_name, null pnd_partition_name, pnd_rowid, pnd_timestamp from dr$pending, dr$index i where pnd_pid = 0 and pnd_cid = idx_id and idx_owner# = userenv('SCHEMAID') / grant select on CTX_USER_PENDING to PUBLIC; insert into dr$object_attribute values (90108, 9, 1, 8, 'PART_SUB_STORAGE_ATTR', '', 'N', 'Y', 'Y', 'S', 'NONE', null, 500, 'N'); drop table dr$delete; create table dr$delete ( del_idx_id number, del_ixp_id number, del_docid number, constraint drc$del_key primary key (del_idx_id, del_ixp_id, del_docid) ) organization index; create or replace procedure syncrn ( idxid IN binary_integer, ixpid IN binary_integer, rtabnm IN varchar2 ) as external name "comt_cb" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, idxid ub4, ixpid ub4, rtabnm OCISTRING ); / CREATE TABLE dr$part_stats( idx_id NUMBER(38,0), ixp_id NUMBER(38,0), statistics BLOB, PRIMARY KEY (idx_id, ixp_id) ); REM ======================================================================== REM BLOB_LOC, CLOB_LOC USER_DATASTORE OUTPUT_TYPE REM ======================================================================== begin insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (10502, 'CLOB_LOC', 4, 'Permanent CLOB Locator'); insert into dr$object_attribute_lov values (10502, 'BLOB_LOC', 5, 'Permanent BLOB Locator'); exception when dup_val_on_index then null; end; / commit; REM ======================================================================== REM change in lov value for theme_language REM ======================================================================== update dr$object_attribute_lov set oal_value = 16 where oal_oat_id = 60117 and oal_label = 'FRENCH'; update dr$object_attribute_lov set oal_value = 13 where oal_oat_id = 60117 and oal_label = 'ENGLISH'; update dr$index_value set ixv_value = 16 where (ixv_oat_id = 60117 or ixv_sub_oat_id = 60117) and ixv_value = '2'; update dr$preference_value set prv_value = '16' where prv_oat_id = 60117 and prv_value = '2'; commit; REM ======================================================================== REM CTXRULE system parameters REM ======================================================================== insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_CTXRULE_LEXER', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_LEXER'); insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_CTXRULE_STOPLIST', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_STOPLIST'); insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_CTXRULE_WORDLIST', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_WORDLIST'); insert into dr$parameter (par_name, par_value) values ('DEFAULT_CTXRULE_STORAGE', 'CTXSYS.DEFAULT_STORAGE'); commit; REM ======================================================================= REM Make association between index and secondary objects REM ======================================================================= create table temp_secobj ( pobjschema varchar2(30), pobjname varchar2(30), objschema varchar2(30), objname varchar2(30)); declare cursor c is select idx_name, u.name, idx_id from ctxsys.dr$index, sys.user$ u where idx_owner# = u.user#; indexname varchar2(80); indexown varchar2(80); idxid number; ptable boolean := FALSE; begin open c; loop fetch c into indexname, indexown, idxid; if (c%notfound) then exit; else ptable := FALSE; for c1 in (select null from dr$index_value where ixv_value = '1' and ixv_oat_id = (select oat_id from dr$object_attribute where oat_cla_id = DRIOBJ.CLASS_WORDLIST and oat_obj_id = DRIOBJ.OBJ_BASIC_WORDLIST and oat_name = 'SUBSTRING_INDEX') and ixv_idx_id = idxid) loop ptable := TRUE; end loop; if (ptable) then insert into temp_secobj values (indexown, indexname, indexown, 'DR$'||indexname||'$P'); end if; insert into temp_secobj values (indexown, indexname, indexown, 'DR$'||indexname||'$I'); insert into temp_secobj values (indexown, indexname, indexown, 'DR$'||indexname||'$K'); insert into temp_secobj values (indexown, indexname, indexown, 'DR$'||indexname||'$N'); insert into temp_secobj values (indexown, indexname, indexown, 'DR$'||indexname||'$R'); end if; end loop; commit; close c; end; / declare cursor cSecObjs is select * from temp_secobj; SecObj SYS.ODCISecObj := SYS.ODCISecObj(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); SecObjList SYS.ODCISecObjTable := SYS.ODCISecObjTable(); gNumSecObj binary_integer := 0; begin open cSecObjs; loop fetch cSecObjs into SecObj.pobjschema, SecObj.pobjname, SecObj.objschema, SecObj.objname; exit when cSecObjs%NOTFOUND; gNumSecObj := gNumSecObj + 1; SecObjList.extend(1); SecObjList(gNumSecObj) := SecObj; end loop; close cSecObjs; dbms_odci.upgrade_secobj(SecObjList); end; / drop table temp_secobj; REM ======================================================================== REM CTX_VERSION REM ======================================================================== create or replace function dri_version return varchar2 is begin return ''; end; / CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW ctx_version AS select '' ver_dict, substr(dri_version,1,10) ver_code from dual;
Write backup
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