Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\drithsl.pkh
rem rem Copyright (c) 1999 by Oracle Corporation rem rem NAME rem drithsl.pkh - Spec for ConText Option thesaurus package rem rem DESCRIPTION rem thesaurus Loader interface. This package contains everything rem ctxload needs to load thesauri, customized for its use. rem rem THIS PACKAGE IS FOR USE BY CTXLOAD ONLY AND SHOULD NOT BE rem CALLED BY ANYTHING ELSE. rem rem NOTES rem rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) rem ehuang 08/20/99 - add allocate_ids rem gkaminag 03/09/99 - creation CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE drithsl AS /*---------------------------- create_thesaurus ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_thesaurus DESCRIPTION specialized version of drithsc.create_thesaurus for thesaurus loader */ FUNCTION create_thesaurus (tname in varchar2, casesens in boolean) return NUMBER; /*---------------------------- create_phrase ---------------------------*/ /* NAME create_phrase DESCRIPTION Specialized version of drithsc.create_phrase for thesaurus loader */ function create_phrase ( tid in number, tcs in boolean, phrase in varchar2, rel in varchar2 default null, relid in number default null ) return number; /*------------------------------- dump_thesaurus -------------------------*/ /* NAME dump_thesaurus DESCRIPTION Specialized version of drithsd.dump_thesaurus for thesaurus loader */ PROCEDURE dump_thesaurus ( tname in varchar2 ); /*------------------------------- next_dump_line -------------------------*/ /* NAME next_dump_line DESCRIPTION Specialized version of drithsd.next_dump_line for thesaurus loader */ FUNCTION next_dump_line RETURN VARCHAR2; /*------------------------------- allocate_ids -------------------------*/ /* NAME allocate_ids DESCRIPTION allocate a list of thes ids and return the starting number of that list ARGUMENTS numalloc (IN) -- number of thesaurus id to be allocated start_id (OUT) -- start id of the list of thesaurus id */ PROCEDURE allocate_ids ( numalloc in number, start_id out number ); end drithsl; /
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