Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\dr0itypr.sql
Rem Rem dr0itypc.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2000, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem dr0itypc.sql - create Index TYPe Ctxcat Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem EIX framework interfaces body definitions Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem wclin 02/20/06 - bug 5046136 parallel enable text operators Rem wclin 02/02/06 - rm indextype public synonyms Rem wclin 02/01/05 - remove grant exec to public for impl packages Rem daliao 12/12/02 - match_score support Rem daliao 11/13/02 - support blob column type Rem gkaminag 12/04/02 - security Rem gkaminag 11/06/02 - make indextype creation dynamic for upgrade Rem ehuang 07/31/02 - operators to ityp Rem ehuang 07/09/02 - Rem salpha 04/30/01 - force CBO to choose functional invocation Rem salpha 08/09/00 - add clob support for ctxrule Rem salpha 07/10/00 - creation Rem -------------------------------------------------------------- -- CREATE FUNCTIONAL IMPLEMENTATIONS for matches operator -- ------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace package ctx_matches authid current_user as function matches( Colval in varchar2, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function matches( Colval in clob, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function matches( Colval in blob, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function matches( Colval in varchar2, Text in clob, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text CHARSETID, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function matches( Colval in clob, Text in clob, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text CHARSETID, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function matches( Colval in blob, Text in clob, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text CHARSETID, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); end ctx_matches; / SHOW ERROR; create or replace operator matches binding (varchar2, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context RuleIndexMethods compute ancillary data without column data using ctx_matches.matches, (clob, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context RuleIndexMethods compute ancillary data without column data using ctx_matches.matches, (blob, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context RuleIndexMethods compute ancillary data without column data using ctx_matches.matches, (varchar2, clob) return number with index context, scan context RuleIndexMethods compute ancillary data without column data using ctx_matches.matches, (clob, clob) return number with index context, scan context RuleIndexMethods compute ancillary data without column data using ctx_matches.matches, (blob, clob) return number with index context, scan context RuleIndexMethods compute ancillary data without column data using ctx_matches.matches ; grant execute on matches to public; drop public synonym matches; create public synonym matches for ctxsys.matches; ------------------------------- -- CREATE ANCILLARY FUNCTION -- -- -- The functions support for varchar2 and clob of <Text> with one -- C function in condition that the <Text> is not used in C function. ------------------------------- create or replace package driscorr authid definer as function RuleScore( Colval in varchar2, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function RuleScore( Colval in clob, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function RuleScore( Colval in blob, Text in varchar2, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function RuleScore( Colval in varchar2, Text in clob, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text CHARSETID, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function RuleScore( Colval in clob, Text in clob, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text CHARSETID, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); function RuleScore( Colval in blob, Text in clob, ia in sys.odciindexctx, sctx in out RuleIndexMethods, cflg in number ) return number parallel_enable is language C name "rulematches" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text CHARSETID, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, return OCINumber ); end driscorr; / SHOW ERROR; ------------------------------- -- CREATE ANCILLARY OPERATOR -- ------------------------------- --- CREATE match_score OPERATOR create or replace operator match_score binding (number) return number ancillary to matches(varchar2, varchar2), matches(clob, varchar2), matches(blob, varchar2), matches(varchar2, clob), matches(clob, clob), matches(blob, clob) without column data using driscorr.RuleScore; grant execute on match_score to public; drop public synonym match_score; create public synonym match_score for ctxsys.match_score; declare x number; begin select count(*) into x from dba_indextypes where owner = 'CTXSYS' and indextype_name = 'CTXRULE'; if (x = 0) then execute immediate 'create indextype ctxrule '|| 'for matches(varchar2, varchar2), '|| ' matches(clob, varchar2), '|| ' matches(blob, varchar2), '|| ' matches(varchar2, clob), '|| ' matches(clob, clob), '|| ' matches(blob, clob) '|| 'using RuleIndexMethods '|| ' without column data '|| ' with array dml '|| ' with order by match_score(number) ' || ' with rebuild online '; end if; end; / grant execute on ctxrule to public; rem we are telling CBO that functional invocation is extremely expensive rem so that CBO always pick domain index scan associate statistics with indextypes CTXRULE default cost (1,0,0); associate statistics with packages ctx_matches default cost (1000,10000000000,0);
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