Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ctx\admin\ctxpreup.sql
Rem Rem ctxpreup.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2002, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem ctxpreup.sql - <one-line expansion of the name> Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem This script contains common pre-upgrade steps. Developers Rem should keep this up-to-date so that it is compatible with Rem the latest versions of everything. But, because it runs Rem before any data dictionary changes, be careful that it is Rem also compatible with the lowest supported starting version! Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem rpalakod 01/10/08 - add temp version of ddl.set_attribute Rem wclin 03/02/07 - lrg 2885465: cleanup dummy impl type and ops Rem first Rem gkaminag 10/28/05 - Rem ehuang 08/02/02 - ehuang_component_upgrade_2 Rem ehuang 07/30/02 - Created Rem REM ======================================================================== REM temporary versions of ctx_ddl routines REM ======================================================================== create or replace procedure dr$temp_crepref( p_pre_name in varchar2, p_obj_name in varchar2 ) is l_owner# number; l_pre_id number; l_obj_id number; l_cla_id number; begin select user# into l_owner# from sys.user$ where name = 'CTXSYS'; select dr_id_seq.nextval into l_pre_id from dual; select obj_id, obj_cla_id into l_obj_id, l_cla_id from dr$object where obj_name = p_obj_name; insert into dr$preference (pre_id, pre_name, pre_owner#, pre_obj_id, pre_cla_id, pre_valid) values (l_pre_id, p_pre_name, l_owner#, l_obj_id, l_cla_id, 'Y'); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then commit; when others then raise; end; / create or replace procedure dr$temp_cresg( p_pre_name in varchar2, p_obj_name in varchar2 ) is l_owner# number; l_pre_id number; l_obj_id number; l_cla_id number; begin select user# into l_owner# from sys.user$ where name = 'CTXSYS'; select dr_id_seq.nextval into l_pre_id from dual; select obj_id into l_obj_id from dr$object where obj_name = p_obj_name; insert into dr$section_group(sgp_id, sgp_owner#, sgp_name, sgp_obj_id) values (l_pre_id, l_owner#, p_pre_name, l_obj_id); commit; exception when dup_val_on_index then commit; when others then raise; end; / /* Simple version of set_attribute - for default preferences ONLY * Restrictions: 1.) NO ERROR CHECKING!!! 2.) For boolean values, enter '0' or '1' only */ create or replace procedure dr$temp_setatt( p_pre_name in varchar2, p_att_name in varchar2, p_att_val in varchar2 ) is l_owner# number; l_pre_id number; l_obj_id number; l_cla_id number; l_oat_id number; l_datatype char(1); l_aval varchar2(500); begin l_aval := upper(p_att_val); select user# into l_owner# from sys.user$ where name='CTXSYS'; select pre_id, pre_obj_id, pre_cla_id into l_pre_id, l_obj_id, l_cla_id from dr$preference where pre_name = p_pre_name and pre_owner# = l_owner#; begin select oat_id, oat_datatype into l_oat_id, l_datatype from dr$object_attribute where oat_cla_id = l_cla_id and oat_obj_id = l_obj_id and oat_name = p_att_name and oat_system = 'N'; exception when no_data_found then null; end; /* insert into dr$preference_value */ begin insert into dr$preference_value(prv_pre_id, prv_oat_id, prv_value) values(l_pre_id, l_oat_id, l_aval); exception when dup_val_on_index then update dr$preference_value set prv_value = l_aval where prv_oat_id = l_oat_id and prv_pre_id = l_pre_id; end; update dr$preference set pre_valid = 'N' where pre_id = l_pre_id; commit; exception when others then null; end; / REM ======================================================================== REM drop DummyIndexMethods, dummyop, and ctx_dummyop REM ======================================================================== drop type DummyIndexMethods force; drop operator dummyop force; drop package ctx_dummyop; REM ======================================================================== REM dummy index implementation type in case t scripts need it REM ======================================================================== create or replace type DummyIndexMethods authid definer as object ( key RAW(4), objid RAW(4), tmpobjid RAW(4), static function ODCIGetInterfaces(ifclist OUT sys.ODCIObjectList) return number ); / PROMPT Create dummy implementation type body ... PROMPT create or replace type body DummyIndexMethods is /* ----------------------- ODCIGetInterfaces ------------------------------ */ static function ODCIGetInterfaces( ifclist out sys.ODCIObjectList ) return number is begin ifclist := sys.ODCIObjectList(sys.ODCIObject('SYS','ODCIINDEX2')); return sys.ODCIConst.Success; end ODCIGetInterfaces; end; / show errors REM ======================================================================== REM dummy operator in case t scripts need it REM ======================================================================== create or replace package ctx_dummyop authid definer as function dummyop(Colval in varchar2, Text in varchar2, ia sys.odciindexctx, sctx IN OUT DummyIndexMethods, cflg number /*, env sys.ODCIEnv*/) return number is language C name "contains" library dr$lib with context parameters( context, Colval, Colval INDICATOR, Text, Text INDICATOR, Text LENGTH, ia, ia INDICATOR STRUCT, sctx, sctx INDICATOR STRUCT, cflg, cflg INDICATOR, /* env, env INDICATOR STRUCT, */ return OCINumber ); end ctx_dummyop; / PROMPT Create dummy operator ... PROMPT create or replace operator dummyop binding (varchar2, varchar2) return number with index context, scan context DummyIndexMethods without column data using ctx_dummyop.dummyop; grant execute on dummyop to public;
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