Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\crs\install\roothas.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl # # $Header: has/install/crsconfig/roothas.pl /stpl_db_11. 2010/03/26 22:58:21 dpham Exp $ # # roothas.pl # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # ################ Documentation ################ # The SYNOPSIS section is printed out as usage when incorrect parameters # are passed =head1 NAME roothas.pl - root configuration script for SI-HAS =head1 SYNOPSIS roothas.pl [-verbose] [-upgrade | -patch] [-hahome <directory>] [-paramfile <parameter-file>] [-delete] [-force] [-unlock [-hahome <path to Oracle Restart home>]] Options: -verbose Run this script in verbose mode -upgrade Oracle HA is being upgraded from previous version -patch Oracle HA is being upgraded to a patch version -hahome Complete path of Oracle HA home -paramfile Complete path of file specifying HA parameter values -delete To deconfigure Oracle Restart -unlock Unlock Oracle Restart home -force To deconfigure Oracle Restart when configuration is in a good condition If neither -upgrade nor -patch is supplied, a new install is performed To see the full manpage for this program, execute: perldoc roothas.pl =head1 DESCRIPTION This script performs the operations necessary to install the Oracle SingleInstance-HighAvailability stack. This is run once during the configuration of SI-HAS home. This script does the following: 1) Setup permissions of binaries and DSOs in SI-HAS home 2) Setup OLR for storing SI-HAS configuration data Upon successful completion on each node, the Oracle SI-HA stack will be executing. =cut ################ End Documentation ################ # MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) # dpham 03/18/10 - Fix bug 9282344 # dpham 03/18/10 - Call s_deltOldServ() during upgrade # dpham 01/18/10 - Call s_getAuthorizedOwner() # dpham 01/13/10 - Fix upgrade issue (9268527) # dpham 12/17/09 - Redirect stdout to trace file # dpham 12/08/09 - ohasd resource should be owned by user in test env # dpham 12/07/09 - Increase wait time to 30 mins for ohasd # jleys 09/29/09 - Clean CSS local endpts on upgrade # ksviswan 07/21/09 - add -unlock # ksviswan 06/26/09 - Change default perl path # dpham 05/05/09 - Backup OLR (8484172) # ksviswan 05/02/09 - Patching support # dpham 04/21/09 - Add CRSDelete option # dpham 04/16/09 - Fix logic error when checking during upgrade # dpham 04/15/09 - Call 'crsctl pin css' if local_config doesn't exist # dpham 04/07/09 - Install acfsroot kernel # dpham 03/31/09 - ACFS is not supported in SIHA in 11gR2 # dpham 03/25/09 - Call createLocalOnlyOCR # ksviswan 03/20/09 - Stop CSSD first before ocr migration # dpham 03/11/09 - Call CSS_start if ($RESTART_CSS || # ($cfg->params('ASM_UPGRADE') =~ m/true/i)) # dpham 03/10/09 - Call isCRSAlreadyConfigured to check if SIHA is # already configured # - Add ORACLE_BASE # dpham 02/26/09 - Call start_acfs_registry instead of add_acfs_registry # ksviswan 02/20/09 - Fix bug 8255312 and create SCR/NS dirs for upgrade # dpham 02/11/09 - Call add_acfs_registry # ksviswan 02/05/09 - Fix bug 8208293 # dpham 02/04/09 - Add isRAC_appropriate to check for rac_on/rac_off # dpham 01/20/09 - Remove configure_ACFS # jleys 11/30/08 - Remove setting of HAS_USER (done in # crsconfig_lib->new # jleys 11/26/08 - Remove setusage call # jleys 11/14/08 - Packagize perl scripts # ksviswan 11/19/08 - Support SIHA deconfig # diguma 11/18/08 - adding use oracss # dpham 10/09/08 - Trap error output from usm_root so that it gets written # to the CRS log. # jleys 09/24/08 - Add callback to get params hash # dpham 09/05/08 - Change all SIHA resources to own by "NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM". # jleys 07/11/08 - Put this program path into perl search path # jleys 04/15/08 - Use parameters hash # dpham 06/23/08 - change PERLLIB583 to use OH/perl/5.8.3/lib # averhuls 06/03/08 - Call usm_root to install the USM sub-system. # srisanka 05/12/08 - Bug 5748551: copy earlier local-only OCR to SIHA # home # srisanka 05/12/08 - validate SIHA params # srisanka 05/08/08 - fix local_only check # samjo 05/02/08 - Use hostname in olr file name # srisanka 05/01/08 - ASM_UPGRADE check for true/false # srisanka 04/09/08 - handle pre-existing CSS/ASM # jleys 04/06/08 - Use configure_hasd instead of invoking # hasdconfig.pl # srisanka 02/26/08 - remove output to STDOUT # srisanka 02/25/08 - modify args to hasdconfig.pl # srisanka 01/08/08 - separate generic and OSD code # samjo 12/07/07 - Making OCR and OLR names consistent # srisanka 11/20/07 - make HOST a global var # srisanka 08/21/07 - Creation # use strict; use English; use File::Spec::Functions; use File::Basename; BEGIN { # Add the directory of this file to the search path push @INC, dirname($PROGRAM_NAME); } use Getopt::Long; use crsconfig_lib; use oracss; require crsdelete; require crspatch; my $USAGE; my $hahome = ""; my $upgrade; our $g_delete = 0; our $g_force = 0; our $g_patch = 0; our $g_unlock = 0; # the return code to give when the incorrect parameters are passed my $usage_rc = 1; # # MAIN SCRIPT BODY # push @INC, dirname ($0); our $DEBUG = FALSE; my $PARAM_FILE_PATH = catfile (dirname ($0), "crsconfig_params"); GetOptions('verbose!' => \$DEBUG, 'upgrade!', => \$upgrade, 'deconfig!', => \$g_delete, 'delete!', => \$g_delete, 'force' => \$g_force, 'patch!' => \$g_patch, 'unlock' => \$g_unlock, 'hahome=s' => \$hahome, 'paramfile=s' => \$PARAM_FILE_PATH ) or pod2usage($usage_rc); # Check validity of args pod2usage(-msg => "Invalid extra options passed: @ARGV", -exitval => $usage_rc) if (@ARGV); local $SIG{'__DIE__'} = sub { dietrap(@_); }; # pull all parameters defined in crsconfig_params and s_crsconfig_defs (if # it exists) as variables in Perl my $defsfile = catfile (dirname ($0), "s_crsconfig_defs"); ### check if run as super user my $SUPERUSER = check_SuperUser (); if (!$SUPERUSER) { error("Insufficient privileges to execute this script"); exit 1; } my $HOST = tolower_host (); die "$!" if ($HOST eq ""); # Read the config files and set up the configuration data for # subsequent processing my $cfg = crsconfig_lib->new(IS_SIHA => TRUE, paramfile => $PARAM_FILE_PATH, osdfile => $defsfile, crscfg_trace => TRUE, CRSDelete => $g_delete, hahome => $hahome, HOST => $HOST, UPGRADE => $upgrade, HAPatch => $g_patch, ); # redirect stdout/stderr as appropriate s_redirect_souterr ($cfg->crscfg_trace_file . "_OUT"); my $ORACLE_HOME = $cfg->params('ORACLE_HOME'); my $ORACLE_BASE = $cfg->params('ORACLE_BASE'); my $ORA_CRS_HOME = $ORACLE_HOME; my $ORA_HA_HOME = $ORACLE_HOME; ### Set this host name (lower case and no domain name) # Set the following vars appropriately for SI-HA env my $OCRCONFIGBIN = catfile ($ORACLE_HOME, "bin", "ocrconfig"); if ($g_delete) { HADeconfigure(); } elsif ($g_patch) { HAPatch(); } elsif ($g_unlock) { unlockHAHome(); } else { # check if CRS is configured if (isCRSAlreadyConfigured()) { exit 1; } # validate RAC_ON/RAC_OFF if (! is_dev_env () && ! isRAC_appropriate()) { exit 1; } # run directory creation, script instantiation, files creation/permissions # modules run_env_setup_modules (); $ENV{'ORA_CRS_HOME'} = $ORA_CRS_HOME; $ENV{'ORACLE_HOME'} = $ORACLE_HOME; $ENV{'ORACLE_BASE'} = $ORACLE_BASE; validate_olrconfig ($cfg->OLR_LOCATION, $ORA_CRS_HOME) or die "Error in validate_olrconfig: $!"; my $local_config_exists = local_only_config_exists(); if (! $local_config_exists) { createLocalOnlyOCR(); } olr_initial_config() or die("OLR configuration failed\n"); # check if older version SI CSS exists, by looking in OCRLOC my $status; my $RESTART_CSS = FALSE; if ($local_config_exists) { # If the stack is up, keep track of this and stop it now if (($RESTART_CSS = local_only_stack_active())) { if (!stop_local_only_stack()) { die("Unable to stop running CSS"); } #Bug 8255312 - In single instance asm upgrade to siha #these directories gets removed when stopping the old css #by localconfig -delete my $SCRDIR = catfile ($SCRBASE, $HOST); my $NSDIR = "/var/tmp/.oracle"; my $ORA_DBA_GROUP = $CFG->params('ORA_DBA_GROUP'); if (! -d $SCRBASE) { trace("creating dir $SCRDIR"); create_dir($SCRDIR); s_set_ownergroup ($CFG->SUPERUSER, $ORA_DBA_GROUP, $SCRDIR); } if (! -d $NSDIR) { trace("creating dir $NSDIR"); create_dir($NSDIR); s_set_ownergroup ($CFG->SUPERUSER, $ORA_DBA_GROUP, $NSDIR); s_set_perms ("01777", $NSDIR); } } # Clean up local endpts used by CSSD, bug 891745 CSS_Clean_Local_Endpts($cfg); if (!migrate_dbhome_to_SIHA()) { die("Migration of older version local_only to SIHA failed"); } } else { # Create necessary configuration with 'crsctl pin css ...' # This will create the same configuration as 'clscfg -local -install my $crsctl = catfile ($ORACLE_HOME, "bin", "crsctl"); my $cmd = "$crsctl pin css -n $HOST"; my $rc = system_cmd ($cmd); if ($rc != 0) { error("Creating local-only OCR ($cmd) ... failed"); exit; } else { trace ("Creating local-only OCR ($cmd) ... succeeded"); } } # Initialize the SCR settings. s_init_scr (); # register OHASD service/daemon with OS trace ("Registering ohasd"); register_service ("ohasd") or die "Can't register ohasd service: $!"; # Need to start OHASD as non-$SUPERUSER, i.e., as crsuser, which in this case # would be ORACLE_OWNER trace ("Starting ohasd"); start_service ("ohasd", $cfg->HAS_USER) or die "ohasd failed to start: $!"; # Check if the service/daemon has started trace ("Checking ohasd"); my $ohasd_running = check_service ("ohasd", 360); if ($ohasd_running) { trace ("ohasd started successfully"); } else { error ("Timed out waiting for ohasd to start."); exit 1; } trace ("Creating HA resources and dependencies"); my $owner = $cfg->params('ORACLE_OWNER'); if ((! is_dev_env()) && ($cfg->platform_family eq "windows")) { $owner = ''; } $status = configure_hasd('has', $HOST, $owner, $owner, $cfg->params('ORA_DBA_GROUP')); if ($status) { trace ("Successfully created HA resources for HAS daemon and ASM"); } else { error ("Failed to create HA resources for HAS daemon and ASM: $!"); exit 1; } # if old SI CSS was running when roothas.pl was invoked *or* ASM needs to be # upgraded, start SIHA CSS if ($RESTART_CSS || ($cfg->params('ASM_UPGRADE') =~ m/true/i)) { if (!CSS_start()) { error ("Failed to start CSS daemon"); exit 1; } } # install acfsroot kernel isACFSSupported(); # backup OLR my $ocrconfig = catfile($cfg->params('ORACLE_HOME'), 'bin', 'ocrconfig'); my $rc = system ("$ocrconfig -local -manualbackup"); if ($rc == 0) { trace ("$ocrconfig -local -manualbackup ... passed"); } else { trace ("$ocrconfig -local -manualbackup ... failed"); } print "Successfully configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server\n"; trace ("Successfully configured Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a Standalone Server"); } 0;
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