Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\apex\utilities\enable_sso.sql
Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999 - 2008. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem enable_sso.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Enable Single Sign On for Application Express. Rem Rem NOTES Rem Rem - This utility should be run via SQL*Plus and connected as SYS. Rem - This utility will also recompile the entire Application Express schema Rem Rem - This utility should not be run on an active Application Express instance. Rem If need be, the database should be started in RESTRICT mode. Rem Rem Arguments: Rem None - The user will be prompted for the SSO SDK Schema Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jstraub 04/17/2008 - Created set define '&' set concat on set concat . set verify off set termout on define APPUN = 'FLOWS_030100' prompt prompt accept SSOUSR CHAR prompt 'Enter the schema name where the SSO SDK is installed ' prompt ...enabling SSO whenever sqlerror exit declare l_fnd boolean := false; begin for c1 in (select null from dba_users where username = upper('&SSOUSR') ) loop l_fnd := true; end loop; if not l_fnd then raise_application_error(-20001,'&SSOUSR does not exist'); end if; end; / declare l_fnd boolean := false; begin for c1 in (select null from all_arguments where package_name = 'WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE' and object_name = 'PARSE_URL_COOKIE' and owner = upper('&SSOUSR') ) loop l_fnd := true; end loop; if not l_fnd then raise_application_error(-20001,'SSO SDK does not exist'); end if; end; / alter session set current_schema = &SSOUSR; prompt prompt ...Grant execute on WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE to Application Express Schema prompt grant execute on WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE to &APPUN; alter session set current_schema = &APPUN; prompt prompt ...Create private synonym for WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE prompt begin execute immediate 'drop synonym WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE'; exception when others then null; end; / create synonym WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE for &SSOUSR..WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE; prompt prompt ...Compile the proper custom_auth_sso package based on number of arguments prompt column temp new_val SSO_SQL set termout off select (case when exists (select object_name from all_arguments where package_name='WWSEC_SSO_ENABLER_PRIVATE' and object_name='PARSE_URL_COOKIE' and position = 9) then 'custom_auth_sso_902' -- compile new version if PARSE_URL_COOKIE has more than 8 arguments (new SSO SDK) else 'custom_auth_sso' end -- compile old version if PARSE_URL_COOKIE has fewer than 9 arguments (old SSO SDK) ) temp from dual; set termout on @@&SSO_SQL..sql set define '&' @@&SSO_SQL..plb set define '&' prompt prompt ...Recompiling the Application Express schema prompt begin dbms_utility.compile_schema(schema => '&APPUN', compile_all => FALSE); end; / prompt prompt Enabling Single Sign On for Application Express complete prompt exit;
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