Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\apex\patches\3.2.1\patch_8320185.sql
set define '^' Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem sathikum 03/10/2009 - Created patch file for bug (8320185) Rem jkallman 04/10/2009 - Correct "set define" declare p varchar2(32767) := null; begin wwv_flow_security.g_security_group_id := 10; p := 'declare'||chr(10)|| ' l_worksheet_id number := null;'||chr(10)|| 'begin'||chr(10)|| ''||chr(10)|| ' -- Get Worksheet ID'||chr(10)|| ' for c1 in (select id '||chr(10)|| ' from wwv_flow_worksheets'||chr(10)|| ' where name = ''Reports Project'''||chr(10)|| ' and flow_id = 4400'||chr(10)|| ' and page_id = 107'||chr(10)|| ' ) loop'||chr(10)|| ' l_worksheet_id := c1.id;'||chr(10)|| ' end loop;'||chr(10)|| ' '||chr(10)|| ' -- Get Visible REPORT_COLUMNS'||chr(10)|| ' for c2 in (select report_columns '||chr(10)|| ' from wwv_flow_worksheet_rpts'||chr(10)|| ' where worksheet_id = l_worksheet_id'||chr(10)|| ' and session_id = v(''SESSION'')'||chr(10)|| ' ) loop'||chr(10)|| ' if (instr(c2.report_columns,'' :'',1,1) = 1) then'||chr(10)|| ' return true;'||chr(10)|| ' elsif (instr(c2.report_columns,'': :'',1,1) > 0) then'||chr(10)|| ' return true;'||chr(10)|| ' elsif (instr(c2.report_columns,'': '',1,1) > 0) then '||chr(10)|| ' return true;'||chr(10)|| ' else'||chr(10)|| ' return false;'||chr(10)|| ' end if;'||chr(10)|| ' end loop;'||chr(10)|| ' return true;'||chr(10)|| 'end;' ; update wwv_flow_step_validations set validation = p where flow_id between 4400 and 4409 and flow_step_id >= 107 and flow_step_id < 107 + 1 and id >= 238731503614852073 and id < 238731503614852073 + 1; commit; end; / set define '^'
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