Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\apex\images\ob\uncompressed\ob.js
/* Global Vars*/ var gCurrentNode = null; var gObjectType = null; var vFrame = false; var vSearchObject = false; var vCurrentTypeObject = false; var vCurrentId = false; var vObjectsSlider = false; var vObjectsTitle = false; var vObjectsDetail = false; var vRollOver = false; var debugIframe = 0; var vCurrentAppArea = false; var vLastKeyTime=false; var gSideBar=false; // capitalizes first letter or string // replaces '_' with ' ' and caplitalizes char after '_' function initCap(string) { var rString = string.replace('_',' '); rString = rString.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + rString.substring(1).toLowerCase(); var pos = rString.indexOf(' '); if (pos > -1){ rString = rString.substring(0,pos+1)+rString.charAt(pos+1).toUpperCase() + rString.substring(pos+2).toLowerCase(); } return rString; } /* populates all global page items for use in other scripts */ function ob_initObject(){ if (!vFrame){vFrame = $x('dbaseContent');} if (!vSearchObject){vSearchObject = $x('OB_FIND');} if (!vObjectsSlider){vObjectsSlider = $x('ob_ObjectsSlider');} if (!vObjectsDetail){vObjectsDetail = $x('ob_ObjectsDetail');} if (!vCurrentId){vCurrentId = $x('OB_CURRENT_ITEMID');} if (!vCurrentTypeObject){vCurrentTypeObject = $x('obObjectSelect');} if (!vRollOver){vRollOver = $x("dbaseFloater");} if (!gSideBar){gSideBar= new ObjectList('obObjectSelect','OB_FIND','ob_ObjectsSlider','OB_SCHEMA','ob_ObjectsDetail') } top.$x_Show($x('htmldbDropHere').rows[0]); return; } /* Resizes The Object Browser to fit the Page*/ var gHeight = null var g_SkipResize = false; function ob_Resize(){ try{ if(!g_SkipResize){ if(document.all){ l_Height = parseInt(document.body.clientHeight *.7); l_Width = parseInt($x('htmldbBreadcrumbTop').offsetWidth) - 24; }else{ l_Height = parseInt(window.innerHeight) *.75; l_Width = parseInt($x('htmldbBreadcrumbTop').offsetWidth) - 24; } gHeight = l_Height; if (window.frames.dbaseContent) { $x('dbaseContent').style.width = 200; $x('dbaseContent').style.height = 200; $x('ob_ObjectsSlider').style.height = 200; $x('obTable').style.width = l_Width; obFrameSize(); } }else{ /*resize maximized code editor*/ window.frames.dbaseContent.maximize() } return; }catch(err){ /*ie6 errors out if clicked too fast if it does try again*/ setTimeout(ob_Resize,150); } } function obFrameSize(){ try{ if(!g_SkipResize){ $x('dbaseContent').style.width = 200; $x('dbaseContent').style.height = 200; $x('ob_ObjectsSlider').style.height = 200; /* Start iframe height depeneding on iframe content or parent size */ var pWidth = $x('dbaseFrameHolder').offsetWidth; var pHeight = $x('dbaseFrameHolder').offsetHeight - $x('obRightHeader').offsetHeight; var iWidth = parseInt(window.frames.dbaseContent.document.body.scrollWidth); var iHeight = parseInt(window.frames.dbaseContent.document.body.scrollHeight); if(pHeight>iHeight){iHeight = pHeight;} if(gHeight>iHeight){iHeight = gHeight - $x('obRightHeader').offsetHeight;} $x('dbaseContent').style.height = iHeight; $x('ob_ObjectsSlider').style.height = $x('dbaseFrameHolder').offsetHeight - parseInt($x('obLeftHeader').offsetHeight); if(pWidth>iWidth){iWidth = pWidth;} $x('dbaseContent').style.width = iWidth; } }catch(err){ /*ie6 errors out if clicked too fast if it does try again*/ setTimeout(obFrameSize,150); } /* End iframe height*/ } function ob_SideBarControl(pForceHide){ if(pForceHide){ $x_Hide('obLeftColumn'); }else{ $x_Toggle('obLeftColumn'); } obFrameSize(); return } function ob_GroupObject(pType,pId,pFocus,pFromFrame){ if (html_SelectValue('obObjectSelect') != pType){ ob_initObject(); gSideBar.reload(pType,pId); } return; } function ob_Object(pThis,pFocus,pFromFrame){ top.$x_Show($x('htmldbDropHere').rows[0]); ob_initObject(); if(!pFromFrame){ ob_Navigate(pThis); } ob_Resize(); obFrameSize(); return; } function o(pId){ gSideBar.setCurrent(pId); ob_Object(pId); } function ob_CreateObject(pType){ var iType = null; if (pType == 'TABLE') { iType = 'DEMO_APPLICATION.TABLE'; } else if (pType == 'VIEW') { iType = 'LAYOUT.T_VIEW_BUTTON'; } else if (pType == 'INDEX') { iType = 'INDEX_NOUN'; } else if (pType == 'SEQUENCE') { iType = 'DEMO_APPLICATION.SEQUENCE'; } else if (pType == 'TYPE') { iType = 'PAGE_REGION.TREE_TYPE'; } else if (pType == 'PACKAGE') { iType = 'DEMO_APPLICATION.PACKAGE'; } else if (pType == 'PROCEDURE') { iType = 'SQL_INJECT_PROCEDURE'; } else if (pType == 'FUNCTION') { iType = '4500_1002_QB_CLONE_FUNCTION'; } else if (pType == 'TRIGGER') { iType = 'DEMO_APPLICATION.TRIGGER'; } else if (pType == 'DATABASE_LINK') { iType = 'DATABASE_LINK'; } else if (pType == 'MATERIALIZED_LINK') { iType = 'MATERIALIZED_VIEW'; } else if (pType == 'SYNONYM') { iType = 'SYNONYM_NOUN'; } var get = new htmldb_Get(null,4500,'INTERNAL_APPLICATION_PROCESS=251509908846066406',0); get.add('SYSTEM_MESSAGE', iType ); var TransType = get.get(); if(!pType){ pType = vCurrentTypeObject.value; } vObjectsDetail.innerHTML = initCap(TransType); ob_IframeUrl("f?p=4500:" + pType + "_CREATE:" + $x('pInstance').value+':::602,604,145,149,48,98,107,100,57,77,94,135,117,118,131,186,187,120,124,125,121,122,123,97,99,3,84,182,183,91,TBL_WIZ_COLUMNS,TBL_WIZ_FKS,TBL_WIZ_CONS:::'); $x_Hide($x('htmldbDropHere').rows[0]); ob_MenuDrop(); ob_SideBarControl(true); return; } function ob_Iframe_Init(e){ var l_newDiv = document.createElement('DIV'); l_newDiv.className = "htmldbInvisDiv"; l_newDiv.id = "htmldbDisablePage"; l_newDiv.style.width = "100%"; l_newDiv.style.height = "100%"; l_newDiv.onclick = ob_MenuDrop; l_newDiv.style.position="absolute"; l_newDiv.style.top="0"; l_newDiv.style.left="0"; document.body.appendChild(l_newDiv) } function ob_MenuDrop(e){ html_enableBase(); dhtml_DocMenuSingleCheck(e,true); } function ob_IframeUrl(pSrc){ vFrame.src = pSrc; return; } function obSetScroll(pVar){} function ob_Reset(pId){ if(pId){ top.ob_Object(top.$x(pId),null,false); } if (gLastTab) { top.ob_IframeUrl(gLastTab); top.gSideBar.setHeader(); top.gSideBar.highlight(); } else { top.ob_IframeUrl("f?p=4500:BLANK_IFRAME:"+ $x('pInstance').value); top.gSideBar.setHeader(" "); } top.$x_Show('obLeftColumn'); top.$x_Show($x('htmldbDropHere').rows[0]); return; } function ob_createClick(){ ob_IframeUrl="f?p=4500:81:"+ $x('pInstance').value; } function ob_Navigate(pThis) { top.$x_Show($x('htmldbDropHere').rows[0]); this.DomEl = $x(pThis); var page=null; if (!gLastTab){ page = html_SelectValue('obObjectSelect')+'_DETAIL'; }else{ page = gLastTab.split(":")[1]; } var url='f?p=4500:'+page+':'+$x('pInstance').value+':GETOBJECT_TREE:NO::OB_OBJECT_NAME,OBJECT_ID:'+pThis+','+pThis+':'; var lBody = window.frames.dbaseContent.document.getElementById('htmldbPage'); if (lBody){ var http = new htmldb_Get(lBody,null,null,null,null,'f',url.substring(2)); http.get(null,'<div id="htmldbPage">','<a name="END"></a>'); get = null; }else{ vFrame.src = url; } gLastTab=url; } function ob_pg2250(){ ob_Resize(); }
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