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The list displays commands saved from SQL Commands and SQL commands saved from Query Builder. Saved SQL commands must have unique names in the current workspace. The same name cannot be used in the Query Builder and SQL Commands.</p> <p>Each command entry shows the owner name, the command name, the first characters of the SQL command, a description if it exists, who last updated the command and when.</p> <p>On the Saved SQL pane you can:</p> <ul> <li> <p><span class="bold">Show commands by owner.</span> Make a selection from the Owner list to specify the user whose commands you want to display. To view all scripts select -All Users-.</p> </li> <li> <p><span class="bold">Search for a command.</span> Enter a command name or partial name, or enter a code snippet in the Find field and click <span class="bold">Go</span>. To view all scripts, leave the Find field blank and click <span class="bold">Go</span>. You control how many rows display by making a selection from the Rows list.</p> </li> <li> <p><span class="bold">Set the Number of Output Rows.</span> Make a selection from the Display list to specify the number of Saved SQL commands to display simultaneously.</p> </li> <li> <p><span class="bold">Delete a command.</span> Click the check box associated with each command you want to delete, and click <span class="bold">Delete Checked</span>.</p> </li> <li> <p><span class="bold">Sort commands.</span> Click a column heading to sort the listed commands by that column.</p> </li> </ul> <div align="center"> <div class="inftblnotealso"><br /> <table class="NoteAlso oac_no_warn" summary="" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="left"> <p class="notep1">See Also:</p> <a href="sql_proc_sav_scripts_go.htm#BABIEJBI">"Accessing Saved Commands"</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <br /></div> <!-- class="inftblnotealso" --></div> </div> <!-- class="sect2" --> <!-- class="sect1" --> <!-- Start Footer --> <div class="footer"> <table class="simple oac_no_warn" summary="" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <col width="86%" /> <col width="*" /> <tr> <td align="left"><span class="copyrightlogo">Copyright © 2003, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.</span><br /> <a href="../dcommon/html/cpyr.htm"><span class="copyrightlogo">Legal Notices</span></a></td> <td align="center"><a href="sql_proc_sav_scripts_go.htm"><img src="../dcommon/gifs/leftnav.gif" alt="Previous" /><br /> <span class="icon">Previous</span></a> </td> <td align="center"><a href="sql_proc_hist.htm"><img src="../dcommon/gifs/rightnav.gif" alt="Next" /><br /> <span class="icon">Next</span></a></td> </tr> </table> </div> <!-- class="footer" --> </body> </html>
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