Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\apex\apxdvins.sql
Rem Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1999 - 2007. All Rights Reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem apxdvins.sql Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Rem NOTES Rem Assumes the SYS user is connected. Rem Rem REQUIRENTS Rem - Oracle Database or later Rem Rem Example: Rem Rem 1)Local Rem sqlplus "sys/syspass as sysdba" @apxdvins Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YYYY) Rem jstraub 07/11/2007 - Created Rem jkallman 08/02/2007 - Change FLOWS_030000 references to FLOWS_030100 Rem jstraub 09/14/2007 - Added spool off and SQL prompt ending Rem jstraub 12/20/2007 - Added logic to exit if not connected as SYSDBA Rem jstraub 02/08/2008 - Added alter session set nls_length_semantics = byte Rem jkallman 09/09/2008 - Change FLOWS_030100 references to APEX_030200 alter session set nls_length_semantics = byte; prompt . ____ ____ ____ ____ prompt . / \ | \ /\ / | / prompt .| || / / \ | | | prompt .| ||--- ---- | | |--- prompt .| || \ / \ | | | prompt . \____/ | \/ \ \____ |____ \____ prompt . prompt . Application Express Installation. prompt ................................... set define '^' set concat on set concat . set verify off set termout off spool off set termout on Rem Rem Check that user has SYSDBA privilege before proceeding Rem set termout off define foo2 = 'NOSYSDBA' column foo new_val foo2 select privilege foo from session_privs where privilege = 'SYSDBA'; set termout on whenever sqlerror exit set serveroutput on begin if '^foo2' = 'NOSYSDBA' then dbms_output.put_line('Application Express installation requires a connection with the SYSDBA privilege.'); execute immediate 'bogus statement to force exit'; end if; end; / whenever sqlerror continue column foo3 new_val LOG1 select 'installdev'||to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD_HH24-MI-SS')||'.log' foo3 from dual; define LOG2 = ^LOG1.english.log define LOG3 = ^LOG1.english.bad spool ^LOG1 define UPGRADE = '1' define INSTALL_TYPE = 'ADD_DEV' define APPUN = 'APEX_030200' define ADM_PWD = 'x' column foo2 new_val UPGRADE select '2' foo2 from dba_users where (username in ('FLOWS_030100','FLOWS_030000','FLOWS_020200','FLOWS_020100','FLOWS_020000','FLOWS_010600','FLOWS_010500')) and rownum = 1; define DATTS = 'x' define FF_TBLS = 'x' define TEMPTBL = 'x' column :img_prefix new_value IMGPR NOPRINT variable img_prefix varchar2(30) begin :img_prefix := ^APPUN..wwv_flow_global.g_image_prefix; end; / select :img_prefix from dual; define DB_VERSION = '10' define PREFIX = '@' @@devins.sql ^LOG1 ^UPGRADE ^APPUN ^TEMPTBL ^IMGPR ^DATTS ^FF_TBLS ^ADM_PWD ^PREFIX spool off timing stop column global_name new_value gname set termout off select user global_name from dual; set termout on set heading on set feedback on set sqlprompt '^gname> ' exit
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