Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\RDBMS\mesg\udeus.msb
" s ? ? s n ? ? 08CNYgx??Zis J Q | ? ? ? ; ] ? ? ?UNUSED user requested cancel of current operation invalid username or passwordall allowable logon attempts failedoperation generated ORACLE error %luunexpected End-Of-File encountered while reading input failed to allocate memory of size %luattempt to free unallocated memoryplaceholder for OCI error dispatchingplaceholder for Data Pump job error dispatchingmultiple job modes requested, %s and %s. D r ? ? ? / R ? ? ?parameter %s is incompatible with parameter %stable mode exports only allow objects from one schemainternal expdp error.invalid value for parameter, '%s'.invalid context or job state for parameter, '%s'.'%s' parameter requires a value.Data Pump job is already executing.Data Pump client is incompatible with database version %s'%s' parameter list is too long.Data Pump client is incompatible with Data Pump API. 2 h 3 ? 4 ? 5 ? 6 d Oe Uf ^g mh ?i ?j ?k ?l ?m ?n ? ?Unable to setup parameter processing.unable to set NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to required defaults.incorrect Data Pump client for operation: %sunrecognized client command '%s'Deprecated Legacy Mode parameter '%s' specified at or on: %sUNUSED Job: %s Owner: %-31s Operation: %-31s Creator Privs: %-31s GUID: Start Time: %s Mode: %-31s State: %-31s Instance: %s Bytes Processed: %s o t p ? q ? r ? s ? t ? u ? v ? w x 2y Gz Z{ n| ?} ?~ ? ?? ? ? Percent Done: %d Max Parallelism: %d Current Parallelism: %d Job Error Count: %d Phase: %d Dump File: %s size: %s %s Job Parameters: Parameter Name Parameter Value: Worker %d Status: Process Name: %s Object Schema: %s Object Name: %s Object Type: %s Completed Objects: %s Total Objects: %s Completed Rows: %s Completed Bytes: %s ? D ? Z ? s ? ? ? ? ? ? =? ?? ?? ? ? bytes written: %s Worker Parallelism: %d Legacy Mode Active due to the following parameters: Legacy Mode Parameter: "%s" Location: %s, Replaced with: "%s" Legacy Mode Parameter: "%s" Location: %s, ignored. Legacy Mode has set %s=%s parameter. Database Directory Object "%s" has been added to file specification: "%s". Database Directory Object has defaulted to: "%s". Export Connected to: %s ? D ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , ? - 5. ?/ ?0 ? ? Export: Release %s %s on %s Copyright (c) %s, Oracle. All rights reserved. Export> Username: Password: Are you sure you wish to stop this job ([yes]/no): The Data Pump export utility provides a mechanism for transferring data objects between Oracle databases. The utility is invoked with the following command: Example: expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=dmpdir DUMPFILE=scott.dmp 1 8 2 ? 3 ? 4 ? 5 6 X7 ?8 ? ?You can control how Export runs by entering the 'expdp' command followed by various parameters. To specify parameters, you use keywords: Format: expdp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN) Example: expdp scott/tiger DUMPFILE=scott.dmp DIRECTORY=dmpdir SCHEMAS=scott or TABLES=(T1:P1,T1:P2), if T1 is partitioned table USERID must be the first parameter on the command line. 9 J : ? ; ? < = > %? D@ PA pB ?C ? ?------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The available keywords and their descriptions follow. Default values are listed within square brackets. ATTACH Attach to an existing job. For example, ATTACH=job_name. COMPRESSION Reduce the size of a dump file. Valid keyword values are: ALL, DATA_ONLY, [METADATA_ONLY] and NONE. CONTENT Specifies data to unload. D J E ? F ? G ? H ? I ? J K L WM ?N ? ?Valid keyword values are: [ALL], DATA_ONLY and METADATA_ONLY. DATA_OPTIONS Data layer option flags. Valid keyword values are: XML_CLOBS. DIRECTORY Directory object to be used for dump and log files. DUMPFILE Specify list of destination dump file names [expdat.dmp]. For example, DUMPFILE=scott1.dmp, scott2.dmp, dmpdir:scott3.dmp. ENCRYPTION Encrypt part or all of a dump file. O J P ? Q ? R ? S T )U NV ?W ?X ?Y ? ?Valid keyword values are: ALL, DATA_ONLY, ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS_ONLY, METADATA_ONLY and NONE. ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM Specify how encryption should be done. Valid keyword values are: [AES128], AES192 and AES256. ENCRYPTION_MODE Method of generating encryption key. Valid keyword values are: DUAL, PASSWORD and [TRANSPARENT]. ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD Password key for creating encrypted data within a dump file. ESTIMATE Calculate job estimates. Z \ [ ? \ ? ] ? ^ ? _ ? ` #a ,b cc qd ?e ?f ?g ? ?Valid keyword values are: [BLOCKS] and STATISTICS. ESTIMATE_ONLY Calculate job estimates without performing the export. EXCLUDE Exclude specific object types. For example, EXCLUDE=SCHEMA:"='HR'". FILESIZE Specify the size of each dump file in units of bytes. FLASHBACK_SCN SCN used to reset session snapshot. FLASHBACK_TIME Time used to find the closest corresponding SCN value. FULL Export entire database [N]. h n i s j ? k ? l ? m ? n ? o p q -r :s nt xu ?v ?w ?x ? ?HELP Display Help messages [N]. INCLUDE Include specific object types. For example, INCLUDE=TABLE_DATA. JOB_NAME Name of export job to create. LOGFILE Specify log file name [export.log]. NETWORK_LINK Name of remote database link to the source system. NOLOGFILE Do not write log file [N]. PARALLEL Change the number of active workers for current job. PARFILE Specify parameter file name. y V z \ { ? | ? } ? ~ ? -? =? p? w? ?? ?? ? ?QUERY Predicate clause used to export a subset of a table. For example, QUERY=employees:"WHERE department_id > 10". REMAP_DATA Specify a data conversion function. For example, REMAP_DATA=EMP.EMPNO:REMAPPKG.EMPNO. REUSE_DUMPFILES Overwrite destination dump file if it exists [N]. SAMPLE Percentage of data to be exported. SCHEMAS List of schemas to export [login schema]. SOURCE_EDITION ? P ? } ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? T? `? ?? ?? ? ?Edition to be used for extracting metadata. STATUS Frequency (secs) job status is to be monitored where the default [0] will show new status when available. TABLES Identifies a list of tables to export. For example, TABLES=HR.EMPLOYEES,SH.SALES:SALES_1995. TABLESPACES Identifies a list of tablespaces to export. TRANSPORTABLE Specify whether transportable method can be used. Valid keyword values are: ALWAYS and [NEVER]. ? D ? Y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X KY ?Z ? ?TRANSPORT_FULL_CHECK Verify storage segments of all tables [N]. TRANSPORT_TABLESPACES List of tablespaces from which metadata will be unloaded. VERSION Version of objects to export. Valid keyword values are: [COMPATIBLE], LATEST or any valid database version. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following commands are valid while in interactive mode. Note: abbreviations are allowed. [ b \ k ] ? ^ ? _ ? ` ? a b c Od Te uf ~g ?h ?i ? ?ADD_FILE Add dumpfile to dumpfile set. CONTINUE_CLIENT Return to logging mode. Job will be restarted if idle. EXIT_CLIENT Quit client session and leave job running. FILESIZE Default filesize (bytes) for subsequent ADD_FILE commands. HELP Summarize interactive commands. KILL_JOB Detach and delete job. PARALLEL Change the number of active workers for current job. REUSE_DUMPFILES j D k x l ? m ? n ? o ? p q :r Cs { ?Overwrite destination dump file if it exists [N]. START_JOB Start or resume current job. Valid keyword values are: SKIP_CURRENT. STATUS Frequency (secs) job status is to be monitored where the default [0] will show new status when available. STOP_JOB Orderly shutdown of job execution and exits the client. Valid keyword values are: IMMEDIATE. ?? ??
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