Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\OCI\include\orl.h
/* Copyright (c) 1993, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. */ /* Author: Srinath Krishnaswamy Date: 11/24/93 Source documents: "Functional Specification for C Language Mapping of OTS Types, Object Management Subsystem", "Oracle C Coding Standards version 2.2", and the header file template Rule sets: the generic and .h file rule sets Quality status: not exited Identification tag: [ one or more letters to identify the .h file ] Revision code: 11/24/93 NAME ORL - ORacle's external C Language interface to primitive OTS types DESCRIPTION This header file contains C langauge interface to the OTS primitive types. The interface includes C mapping of OTS primitive types and the prototype of the pre-defined operations on the primitive types. *********************************************************************** *** NOTE: The OCI functions for objects requires the *** *** application to be running in OBJECT mode. That is, during *** *** process initialization OCIInitialize(), the mode *** *** specified should be OBJECT mode. *** ** OCIInitialize(OCI_OBJECT, ..); *** *********************************************************************** RELATED DOCUMENTS [1] Krishnaswamy, Srinath and Nguyen, Tin A., "Functional Specification for C Language Mapping of OTS Types, Object Management Subsystem", March 1994. [2] Nguyen, Tin A., "The Open Type System", Oracle Corporation, February 1994. [3] Klein, Jonathan D., "Large Field Management", Oracle Corporation, October 1993. PUBLIC FUNCTIONS OCI - OCI functions to manipulate Oracle Number, float and decimal ARITHMETIC OCINumberInc - OCINumber INCrement (optimized) OCINumberDec - OCINumber DECrement (optimized) OCINumberAdd - OCINumber ADD numbers OCINumberSub - OCINumber SUBtract numbers OCINumberMul - OCINumber MULtiply numbers OCINumberDiv - OCINumber DIVide numbers OCINumberMod - OCINumber MODulo division OCINumberIntPower - OCINumber integer PoWeR OCINumberShift - OCINumber decimal ShiFT number OCINumberNeg - OCINumber NEGate number OCINumberAbs - OCINumber ABSolute value OCINumberCeil - OCINumber CEiling of number OCINumberFloor - OCINumber FLooR of number OCINumberSqrt - OCINumber SQuare Root of number OCINumberSign - OCINumber get SIGN of number NATIVE TYPE CONVERSION OCINumberToInt - OCINumber convert number TO machine-format Integer OCINumberFromInt - OCINumber convert machine-format Integer TO Number OCINumberToReal - OCINumber convert number TO machine-format Real OCINumberToRealArray - OCINumber convert array of numbers TO machine-format Real OCINumberFromReal - OCINumber convert machine-format Real TO Number TEXT STRING CONVERSION OCINumberToText - OCINumber convert number TO String OCINumberFromText - OCINumber convert String TO Number COMPARISON OCINumberCmp - OCINumber CoMPare numbers OCINumberIsZero - OCINumber comparison with ZERo OCINumberIsInt - OCINumber Is an Integer ASSIGNMENT OCINumberAssign - OCINumber ASsiGn number OCINumberSetZero - OCINumber Set number to Zero value OCINumberSetPi - OCINumber Set number to Pi ROUNDING OCINumberTrunc - OCINumber TRUncate an Oracle number OCINumberRound - OCINumber ROUnd number OCINumberPrec - OCINumber round to Precision digits TRANSCENDENTAL OCINumberSin - OCINumber SINe OCINumberArcSin - OCINumber Arc SINe OCINumberHypSin - OCINumber SiNe Hyperbolic OCINumberCos - OCINumber COSine OCINumberArcCos - OCINumber Arc COSine OCINumberHypCos - OCINumber CoSine Hyperbolic OCINumberTan - OCINumber TANgent OCINumberArcTan - OCINumber Arc TANgent OCINumberArcTan2 - OCINumber Arc TaNgent 2 OCINumberHypTan - OCINumber TaNgent Hyperbolic OCINumberPower - OCINumber arbitrary Base EXponentiation OCINumberExp - OCINumber EXPonentiation to base e OCINumberLn - OCINumber Logarithm Natural OCINumberLog - OCINumber LOGarithm to arbitrary base OCIDate - OCI functions to manipulate OCI Date OCIDateToExternal - OCIDate convert date to external form OCIDateFromExternal - OCIDate convert external form of date into OCIDate OCIDateAssign - OCIDate Assignment OCIDateToText - OCIDate convert date TO String OCIDateFromText - OCIDate convert String TO Date OCIDateZoneToZone - OCIDate convert date from one time Zone TO another Zone OCIDateCompare - OCIDate CoMPare dates OCIDateAddMonths - OCIDate ADd or subtract Months OCIDateAddDays - OCIDate ADd or subtract Days OCIDateLastDay - OCIDate get date of LaST day of month OCIDateDaysBetween - OCIDate get number of days BeTWeen two dates OCIDateNextDay - OCIDate get date of Next DaY OCIDateCheck - OCIDate CHecK if the given date is valid OCIDateSysDate - OCIDate get current SYStem date and time OCIString - OCI String functions to manipulate Variable-length string OCIStringAssign - OCIString Assign string to string OCIStringAssignText - OCIString Assign Text string to string OCIStringResize - OCIString ReSiZe string OCIStringSize - OCIString get String Size OCIStringPtr - OCIString get String PoinTeR OCIStringAllocSize - OCIString get Allocated SiZe OCIRaw - OCI Raw functions to manipulate variable-length raW OCIRawAssignRaw - OCIRaw Assign Raw (of type OCIRaw*) to raw (of type OCIRaw*) OCIRawResize - OCIRaw Resize raw OCIRawSize - OCIRaw get Raw Size OCIRawPtr - OCIRaw get Raw data Pointer OCIRawAllocSize - OCIRaw get Allocated Size OCIColl - OCI Collection generic functions. These functions can be used to manipulate both variable-length array (varray) and nested table. OCICollSize - OCIColl return current SIZe of the given collection (in number of elements) OCICollMax - OCIColl return the MAXimum number of elements in the collection (i.e. upper-bound) OCICollGetElem - OCIColl GET pointer to the element at the given position OCICollAssignElem - OCIColl assign to element at given index OCICollAssign - OCIColl ASsiGn collection; perform deep-copy of source collection to target collection OCICollAppend - OCIColl aPPend the given element to the end of the collection OCICollTrim - OCIColl trim (delete) the given number of elements from the end of the collection OCICollIsLocator - OCIColl indicates whether a collection is locator based or not. OCIIterCreate - OCIColl Create an ITerator to scan the collection elements OCIIterDelete - OCIColl Delete ITerator OCIIterInit - OCIColl Initialize ITerator to scan the given collection OCIIterGetCurrent - OCIColl Iterator based, get CURrent collection element OCIIterNext - OCIColl Iterator based, get NeXT collection element OCIIterPrev - OCIColl Iterator based, get PReVious collection element OCITable - OCI functions to manipulate nested Table. The OCIColl*() and OCITable*() functions can be used to manipulate nested table OCITableDelete(i) - OCITable if element(i) exists then the element is marked as deleted else the function returns false. So delete's create "holes". OCITableExists(i) - OCITable return true iff an element at position i EXIsts OCITableFirst - OCITable return the smallest value of i for which exists(i) is true. OCITableLast - OCITable return the largest value of i for which exists(i) is true. OCITableNext(i) - OCITable return pointer to the smallest position j, greater than i, such that OCITableExists(j) is true OCITablePrev(i) - OCITable return pointer to the largest position j, less than i, such that OCITableExists(j) is true OCITableSize - OCITable return current SIZe of the given nested table not including deleted elements OCIRef - OCI functions to manipulate object Reference OCIRefClear - OCIRef CLeaR or nullify a ref OCIRefAssign - OCIRef ASsiGn a ref to another OCIRefIsEqual - OCIRef compare two refs for EQUality OCIRefIsNull - OCIRef test if a ref is NULl OCIRefFromHex - OCIRef convert a Hexadecimal string TO a Ref OCIRefToHex - OCIRef convert a ref to a Hexadecimal string OCIRefHexSize - OCIRef get size of buffer in bytes to store hexadecimal string OBSOLETE: to be replaced by functions from oci.h: ORLL - ORL functions to manipulate lob Locators orllasg - ORLL AsiGn one locator to another orllequ - ORLL compare two locators for EQUality orlliini - ORLL Is the locator INItialized? orllgsz - ORLL Get locator SiZe orllgcid - ORLL Get Character set ID NOTE: The following are specific to FILE lobs: orllsnm - ORLL Set directory alias and file NaMe in the locator orllgnm - ORLL Get directory alias and file NaMe from the locator EXAMPLES Examples are given in the description of each function where relevant. NOTES This file has been subsetted to contain ONLY the routines that will be in the first release. QUESTIONS MODIFIED bkhaladk 08/01/05 - add defn for OCIBinXmlReposCtx dmukhin 06/29/05 - ANSI prototypes; miscellaneous cleanup srseshad 03/12/03 - convert oci public api to ansi rpingte 11/21/02 - Add OCICollGetElemArray and OCINumberToRealArray aahluwal 06/03/02 - bug 2360115 gayyappa 02/01/02 - fix 2210776 : change Dom to DOM whe 09/25/01 - add OCIXMLType & OCIDomDocument opaque types bpalaval 02/09/01 - Change text to oratext. rkasamse 09/20/99 - lint changes whe 09/01/99 - 976457:check __cplusplus for C++ code hsbedi 08/11/99 - Add macro rxgovind 10/14/98 - make non exposed calls (OCIRowType etc) private rxgovind 06/09/98 - update OCIRowTypeCreate nmantrav 05/11/98 - add OCIRowTypeGetCount rxgovind 03/29/98 - add OCIRowType and OCIRowData interfaces jwijaya 05/06/98 - add OCICollIsLocator rxgovind 03/18/98 - opaque types: move to kolo.h etucker 02/02/98 - add comments for Dec and Inc etucker 01/29/98 - Finish core5 integration rxgovind 11/11/97 - opaque types etucker 10/28/97 - add ORLN functions for SDK cxcheng 07/28/97 - remove OCILobLocator #define skmishra 05/13/97 - stdcc compatibility changes skrishna 04/25/97 - rename OCINumber*(): Exp Power TanHyp Zero Init TanToArc Sqr Truncate and Compare skotsovo 03/31/97 - remove OCILobLocatorSize skrishna 03/25/97 - remove orld2i and orldi2d skrishna 03/18/97 - fix ifdef for supporting ansi and k&r proto-types cxcheng 02/06/97 - take out short name support except with SLSHORTNAME skrishna 01/06/97 - update OCITableSize() comments skrishna 12/27/96 - fix OCIDateGet/OCIDateSet skrishna 12/12/96 - update OCICollGelElem comments skrishna 11/07/96 - OCICollGetElem: interface change skrishna 11/05/96 - add OCIDate Get/Set and OCIDateAssign cxcheng 10/31/96 - change OCINumberTanHyp to OCINumberHypTan cxcheng 10/30/96 - #define orll short names to long names dchatter 10/26/96 - fix some OCI file long names cxcheng 10/24/96 - remove unnecessary comment in front cxcheng 10/14/96 - disable long name mapping for LOB functions skrishna 10/13/96 - continue beautification skotsovo 10/16/96 - update ocilob names cxcheng 10/09/96 - add structure members in #define for date/time cxcheng 10/09/96 - more lint fixes skrishna 10/09/96 - continue beautification cxcheng 10/09/96 - more fixes skrishna 10/09/96 - change fixed-char rep. to orlvstr* jwijaya 10/08/96 - continue beautification jwijaya 10/07/96 - beautify cxcheng 10/07/96 - more changes cxcheng 10/04/96 - replace short names with long names skrishna 10/01/96 - orlcsiz, orltsiz: change prototype to take errhdl skrishna 09/23/96 - fix lint errors skotsovo 09/23/96 - remove orllmkcur(). jwijaya 09/17/96 - comments on null ref skrishna 09/19/96 - change orlraw format skotsovo 09/19/96 - add orlliini and remove orllnul skrishna 08/14/96 - orlvstr: change format to ub4 followed by text jboonleu 08/06/96 - update comment skotsovo 08/08/96 - revert to locators instead of descriptors as input t jboonleu 07/23/96 - remove orlrcur skrishna 07/06/96 - add orltsiz skrishna 07/05/96 - add orld2i and orldi2d jwijaya 07/03/96 - add ANSI prototypes skrishna 06/27/96 - document default string format in orlds2d & orld2s skrishna 06/25/96 - change max date value skrishna 06/18/96 - modify orld2s() comments skotsovo 06/13/96 - orll functions take lob descriptors instead of locat rxgovind 06/05/96 - change prototype of orlrcur to take ocienvh skrishna 05/30/96 - support collection trimming skrishna 05/30/96 - remove orlralo/fre and orllalo/fre instead use orionew/fre skrishna 05/28/96 - add orlt*() and modify orla*() skotsovo 05/23/96 - add orlbl typedefs for pro*c jboonleu 05/14/96 - add orlrcur rxgovind 05/08/96 - changes for 3gl callbacks skotsovo 05/01/96 - in orllasg, no need to alloc orlbl* skrishna 04/21/96 - merge changes from 960418 object branch into big skrishna 04/17/96 - rename orlrcpy to orlrasg skrishna 04/12/96 - add orlr2h and orlrh2r functions skotsovo 04/15/96 - add fnt to make the lob locator current skrishna 04/08/96 - change orl*() to take ocienvh* and ocierrh* instead of oroenv* skotsovo 03/22/96 - add locator functions skotsovo 03/22/96 - add locator functions skrishna 02/27/96 - remove mlslabel interface skotsovo 02/20/96 - remove orlbty and use dty type instead. skotsovo 02/14/96 - add text file lobs. skrishna 01/31/96 - update comments of orln2r, orldchk, orlds2d & orld2s skrishna 01/31/96 - change orld2s() and orln2s() to return string length skrishna 01/21/96 - remove old raw interface skrishna 12/14/95 - add raw interface skotsovo 01/03/96 - change LOB offsets and lengths from ub4 to ubig_ora to support 64 bit machines. skotsovo 10/30/95 - add orlblsiz() to get lob locator size skrishna 10/24/95 - move ref functions from ori and update the ref functions to support variable-length ref cxcheng 10/20/95 - add more comments on number versions cxcheng 10/13/95 - add more number functions cxcheng 08/29/95 - Support for segmented varrays cxcheng 08/18/95 - modifiy orlmls structure skrishna 06/06/95 - rename orln, orld, orlvs and orlva to orlnum, orldat, orlvstr and orlvary respectively skrishna 11/15/94 - remove orlnget() function skrishna 09/20/94 - modify orldbtw() to return number of days only skrishna 08/24/94 - change format string length type from ub4 to ub1 skrishna 07/19/94 - Rename orln2c & orlnc2n to orln2s & orlns2n skrishna 06/29/94 - Add blob interface; add examples skrishna 06/23/94 - Update comments and format skrishna 05/19/94 - update varray append comments skrishna 05/05/94 - Subsetting skrishna 11/24/93 - Creation */ #ifndef ORATYPES #include <oratypes.h> #endif #ifndef ORO_ORACLE #include <oro.h> #endif #ifndef ORT_ORACLE #include <ort.h> #endif #ifndef OCI_ORACLE #include <oci.h> #endif #ifndef ORL_ORACLE #define ORL_ORACLE /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* SHORT NAMES SUPPORT SECTION */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef SLSHORTNAME /* the following are short names that are only supported on IBM mainframes with the SLSHORTNAME defined. With this all subsequent long names will actually be substituted with the short names here */ #define OCIArray orlvary #define OCIColl orlcol #define OCICollAppend orlcapp #define OCICollAssign orlcasg #define OCICollAssignElem orlcase #define OCICollGetElem orlcget #define OCICollGetElemArray orlcgeta #define OCICollMax orlcmax #define OCICollSize orlcsiz #define OCICollTrim orlctrm #define OCICollIsLocator orlcilc #define OCIDate orldat #define OCIDateAddDays orldadd #define OCIDateAddMonths orldadm #define OCIDateCheck orldchk #define OCIDateCompare orldcmp #define OCIDateDD day_orldat #define OCIDateDaysBetween orldbtw #define OCIDateFromText orlds2d #define OCIDateLastDay orldlst #define OCIDateMM mon_orldat #define OCIDateNextDay orldndy #define OCIDateSysDate orldsys #define OCIDateTime time_orldat #define OCIDateYYYY gye_orldat #define OCIDateZoneToZone orldz2z #define OCIIter orlcitr #define OCIIterCreate orlccit #define OCIIterDelete orlcdit #define OCIIterGetCurrent orlcicur #define OCIIterInit orlciit #define OCIIterNext orlcinxt #define OCIIterPrev orlciprv #define OCINumber orlnum #define OCINumberAbs orlnabs #define OCINumberAdd orlnadd #define OCINumberArcCos orlnacos #define OCINumberArcSin orlnasin #define OCINumberArcTan orlnatan #define OCINumberAssign orlnasg #define OCINumberCeil orlncel #define OCINumberCos orlncos #define OCINumberDiv orlndiv #define OCINumberPower orlnbex #define OCINumberFloor orlnflr #define OCINumberFromInt orlni2n #define OCINumberFromReal orlnr2n #define OCINumberFromText orlns2n #define OCINumberHypCos orlncsh #define OCINumberHypSin orlnsnh #define OCINumberSetZero orlnini #define OCINumberSetPi orlnspi #define OCINumberInc orlninc #define OCINumberDec orlndec #define OCINumberIntPower orlnpwr #define OCINumberLn orlnln #define OCINumberLog orlnlog #define OCINumberMod orlnmod #define OCINumberMul orlnmul #define OCINumberNeg orlnneg #define OCINumberPart orlnpart #define OCINumberExp orlnexp #define OCINumberRound orlnrou #define OCINumberPrec orlnpre #define OCINumberShift orlnsft #define OCINumberSign orlnsgn #define OCINumberSin orlnsin #define OCINumberSqrt orlnsqr #define OCINumberSub orlnsub #define OCINumberTan orlntan #define OCINumberHypTan orlntnh #define OCINumberArcTan2 orlnatn2 #define OCINumberToInt orln2i #define OCINumberToReal orln2r #define OCINumberToRealArray orln2ra #define OCINumberToText orln2s #define OCINumberTrunc orlntru #define OCINumberCmp orlncmp #define OCINumberIsZero orlnzer #define OCINumberIsInt orlnint #define OCIRaw orlraw #define OCIRawAllocSize orlwasz #define OCIRawAssignBytes orlwabr #define OCIRawAssignRaw orlwarr #define OCIRawPtr orlwgrp #define OCIRawResize orlwrsz #define OCIRawSize orlwgsz #define OCIRefAssign orlrasg #define OCIRefClear orlrclr #define OCIRefFromHex orlrh2r #define OCIRefHexSize orlrhsz #define OCIRefIsEqual orlrequ #define OCIRefIsNull orlrnul #define OCIRefToHex orlr2h #define OCIString orlvstr #define OCIStringAllocSize orlvasz #define OCIStringAssign orlvass #define OCIStringAssignText orlvats #define OCIStringPtr orlvgsp #define OCIStringResize orlvrsz #define OCIStringSize orlvgsz #define OCITable orltbl #define OCITableDelete orltdel #define OCITableExists orltexi #define OCITableFirst orltfst #define OCITableLast orltlst #define OCITableNext orltnxt #define OCITablePrev orltprv #define OCITableSize orltsiz #define OCITime orldtm #define OCITimeHH orldtmhh #define OCITimeMI orldtmmm #define OCITimeSS orldtmss #define OCI_LOBMODE_READONLY ORLBMORO #define OCI_LOBMODE_READWRITE ORLBMORW #endif /* SLSHORTNAME */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* NUMBER/FLOAT/DECIMAL TYPE */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define OCI_NUMBER_SIZE 22 struct OCINumber { ub1 OCINumberPart[OCI_NUMBER_SIZE]; }; typedef struct OCINumber OCINumber; /* * OCINumber - OCI Number mapping in c * * The OTS types: NUMBER, NUMERIC, INT, SHORTINT, REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, * FLOAT and DECIMAL are represented by OCINumber. * The contents of OCINumber is opaque to clients. * * For binding variables of type OCINumber in OCI calls (OCIBindByName(), * OCIBindByPos(), and OCIDefineByPos()) use the type code SQLT_VNU. */ /* EXAMPLE The following example shows how to manipulate an attribute of type oracle number. struct person { OCINumber sal; }; typedef struct person person; OCIError *err; person* joe; person* tom; person* debbie; OCINumber *joesal; OCINumber *tomsal; OCINumber *debsal; sword status; int inum; double dnum; OCINumber ornum; char buffer[21]; ub4 buflen; sword result; /o See oci.h for an example of how to initialize OCIError. o For this example, assume the OCIEnv and OCIError has been o initialized. o/ /o Pin joe, tom and debbie person objects in the object cache. See ori.h o for an example on pinning objects. For this example, assume that o joe, tom and debbie are pointing to pinned objects. o/ joesal = &joe->sal; tomsal = &tom->sal; debsal = &debbie->sal; /o initialize joe's salary to be $12,000 o/ inum = 12000; status = OCINumberFromInt(err, &inum, sizeof(inum), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, joesal); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberFromInt o/; /o initialize tom's salary to be same as joe o/ OCINumberAssign(err, joesal, tomsal); /o initialize debbie's salary to be 20% more than joe's o/ dnum = 1.2; status = OCINumberFromReal(err, &dnum, sizeof(double), &ornum); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberFromReal o/; status = OCINumberMul(err, joesal, &ornum, debsal); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberMul o/; /o give tom a 50% raise o/ dnum = 1.5; status = OCINumberFromReal(err, &dnum, sizeof(double), &ornum); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberFromReal o/; status = OCINumberMul(err, tomsal, &ornum, tomsal); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberMul o/; /o double joe's salary o/ status = OCINumberAdd(err, joesal, joesal, joesal); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberAdd o/; /o get joe's salary in integer o/ status = OCINumberToInt(err, joesal, sizeof(inum), OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED, &inum); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)/o goto to handle error from OCINumberToInt o/; /o inum is set to 24000 o/ /o get debbie's salary in double o/ status = OCINumberToReal(err, debsal, sizeof(dnum), &dnum); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)/o goto to handle error from OCINumberToReal o/; /o dnum is set to 14400 o/ /o print tom's salary as DEM0001`8000.00 o/ buflen = sizeof(buffer); status = OCINumberToText(err, tomsal, "C0999G9999D99", 13, "NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='.`' NLS_ISO_CURRENCY='Germany'", 54, &buflen, buffer); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS)/o goto to handle error from OCINumberToText o/; printf("tom's salary = %s\n", buffer); /o compare joe and tom's salary o/ status = OCINumberCmp(err, joesal, tomsal, &result); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberCmp o/; /o result is positive o/ /o read debbie's new salary from string o/ status = OCINumberFromText(err, "48`000.00", 9, "99G999D99", 9, "NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS='.`'", 27, debsal); if (status != OCI_SUCCESS) /o goto to handle error from OCINumberFromText o/; /o debbie's salary is now 48000.00 o/ */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberInc --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberInc( OCIError *err, OCINumber *number ); /* NAME: OCINumberInc - OCINumber INCrement numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN/OUT) a positive Oracle number to be incremented DESCRIPTION: Increment Oracle number in place. It is assumed that the input is an integer between 0 and 100^21-2. If the is input too large, it will be treated as 0 - the result will be an Oracle number 1. If the input is not a positive integer, the result will be unpredictable. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberDec --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberDec( OCIError *err, OCINumber *number ); /* NAME: OCINumberDec - OCINumber DECrement numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN/OUT) - a positive Oracle number to be decremented DESCRIPTION: Decrement Oracle number in place. It is assumed that the input is an integer between 1 and 100^21-2. If the input is too large, it will be treated as 1 - the result will be an Oracle number 0. If the input is not a positive integer, the result will be unpredictable. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberSetZero -------------------------------*/ void OCINumberSetZero( OCIError *err, OCINumber *num ); /* NAME: OCINumberSetZero - OCINumber Set number to Zero value PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - pointer to OCI error handle num (OUT) - set to zero value DESCRIPTION: Initialize the given number to value 0. */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberSetPi --------------------------------*/ void OCINumberSetPi( OCIError *err, OCINumber *num ); /* NAME: OCINumberSetPi - OCINumber Set number to Pi err (IN/OUT) - pointer to OCI error handle num (OUT) - set to zero value DESCRIPTION: Initialize the given number to value Pi. */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberAdd --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberAdd( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberAdd - OCINumber ADD numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1, number2 (IN) - numbers to be added result (OUT) - result of adding 'number1' with 'number2' DESCRIPTION: Add 'number1' with 'number2' and return result in 'result'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberSub --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberSub( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberSub - OCINumber SUBtract numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1, number2 (IN) - 'number2' subtracted from 'number1' result (OUT) - subtraction result DESCRIPTION: Subtract 'number2' from 'number1' and return result in 'result'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberMul --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberMul( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberMul - OCINumber MULtiply numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1, number2 (IN) - numbers to be multiplied result (OUT) - multiplication result DESCRIPTION: Multiply 'number1' with 'number2' and return result in 'result'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberDiv --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberDiv( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberDiv - OCINumber DIVide numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1 (IN) - pointer to the numerator number2 (IN) - pointer to the denominator result (OUT) - division result DESCRIPTION: Divide 'number1' by 'number2' and return result in 'result'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null underflow errorr overflow errorr divide by zero errorr */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberMod --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberMod( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberMod - OCINumber MODulous PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1 (IN) - pointer to the numerator number2 (IN) - pointer to the denominator result (OUT) - remainder of the result DESCRIPTION: Finds the remainder of the division of two Oracle numbers. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null divide by zero errorr */ /*------------------------ OCINumberIntPower --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberIntPower( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *base, const sword exp, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberIntPower - OCINumber takes an arbitary base to an arbitary integer PoWeR PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). base (IN) - base of the exponentiation exp (IN) - exponent to which the base is to be raised result (OUT) - output of exponentiation DESCRIPTION: Takes an arbitary base to an arbitary integer power. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberShift ---------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberShift( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, const sword nDig, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberShift - OCINumber multiplies by a power of 10. PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - Oracle Number to be shifted. nDig (IN) - number of decimal places to shift. result (OUT) - shift result. DESCRIPTION: Multiplies number by 10^NDig and sets product to the result. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberNeg --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberNeg( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberNeg - OCINumber NEGate number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - number to be negated result (OUT) - will contain negated value of 'number' DESCRIPTION: Negates an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*------------------------- OCINumberToText ---------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberToText( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, const oratext *fmt, ub4 fmt_length, const oratext *nls_params, ub4 nls_p_length, ub4 *buf_size, oratext *buf ); /* NAME: OCINumberToText - OCINumber convert number TO String PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - Oracle number to be converted fmt (IN) - conversion format fmt_length (IN) - length of the 'fmt' parameter nls_params (IN) - nls format specification, if null string i.e. (oratext *)0, then the default parameters for the session is used nls_p_length (IN) - length of the 'nls_params' parameter buf_size (IN/OUT) - size of the buffer must be passed as input by the caller, this function will return the length of the resulting string in bytes via this parameter. The length does not include the terminating null ('\0'). buf (OUT) - buffer into which the converted string is placed. The resulting string is null terminated. DESCRIPTION: Converts the given number to a character string according to the specified format. Refer to "TO_NUMBER" conversion function described in "Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual" for a description of format and NLS parameters. The converted number string is stored in the buffer 'buf', up to a max of '*buf_size' bytes. Length of the resulting string is returned via 'buf_size'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'buf' is null buffer too small invalid format invalid nls format number to text translation for the given format causes overflow */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberFromText ------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberFromText( OCIError *err, const oratext *str, ub4 str_length, const oratext *fmt, ub4 fmt_length, const oratext *nls_params, ub4 nls_p_length, OCINumber *number ); /* NAME: OCINumberFromText - OCINumber convert String TO Number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). str (IN) - input string to be converted to Oracle number str_length (IN) - size of the input string fmt (IN) - conversion format fmt_length (IN) - length of the 'fmt' parameter nls_params (IN) - nls format specification, if null string i.e. (oratext *)0, then the default parameters for the session is used nls_p_length (IN) - length of the 'nls_params' parameter number (OUT) - given string converted to number DESCRIPTION: Converts the given string to a number according to the specified format. Refer to "TO_NUMBER" conversion function described in "Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual" for a description of format and NLS parameters. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'str' is null 'str_length' is 0 invalid format invalid nls format invalid input string */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberToInt ---------------------------------*/ #define OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED 0 /* Unsigned type -- ubX */ #define OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED 2 /* Signed type -- sbX */ sword OCINumberToInt( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, uword rsl_length, uword rsl_flag, void *rsl ); /* NAME: OCINumberToInt - OCINumber convert number TO Integer PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - number to be converted rsl_length (IN) - size of the desired result rsl_s_flag (IN) - flag denoting the desired sign of the output; valid values are OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED rsl (OUT) - pointer to space for the result DESCRIPTION: Native type conversion function. Converts the given Oracle number into an xbx (e.g. ub2, ub4, sb2 etc.) RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'rsl' is null integer value of 'number' is too big -- overflow integer value of 'number' is too small -- underflow invalid sign flag value ('rsl_s_flag') */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberFromInt ------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberFromInt( OCIError *err, const void *inum, uword inum_length, uword inum_s_flag, OCINumber *number ); /* NAME: OCINumberFromInt - OCINumber convert Integer TO Number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). inum (IN) - pointer to the integer to be converted inum_length (IN) - size of the integer inum_s_flag (IN) - flag that designates the sign of the integer; valid values are OCI_NUMBER_UNSIGNED, OCI_NUMBER_SIGNED number (OUT) - given integer converted to Oracle number DESCRIPTION: Native type conversion function. Converts any Oracle standard machine-native integer type (xbx) to an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'inum' is null integer too BIG -- the number is too large to fit into an Oracle number invalid sign flag value ('inum_s_flag') */ /*------------------------- OCINumberToReal ---------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberToReal( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, uword rsl_length, void *rsl ); /* NAME: OCINumberToReal - OCINumber convert number TO Real PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - number to be converted rsl_length (IN) - is the size of the desired result, sizeof( float | double | long double) rsl (OUT) - pointer to space for storing the result DESCRIPTION: Native type conversion function. Converts an Oracle number into a machine-native real type. This function only converts numbers up to LDBL_DIG, DBL_DIG, or FLT_DIG digits of precision and removes trailing zeroes. The above constants are defined in float.h RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'rsl' is null 'rsl_length' is 0 */ /*------------------------- OCINumberToRealArray ----------------------------*/ sword OCINumberToRealArray( OCIError *err, const OCINumber **number, uword elems, uword rsl_length, void *rsl ); /* NAME: OCINumberToRealArray - OCINumber convert array of numbers TO Real PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - Pointer to array of number to be converted elems (IN) - Upper bound of number array rsl_length (IN) - is the size of the desired result, sizeof( float | double | long double) rsl (OUT) - pointer to array of space for storing the result DESCRIPTION: Native type conversion function. Converts an Oracle number into a machine-native real type. This function only converts numbers up to LDBL_DIG, DBL_DIG, or FLT_DIG digits of precision and removes trailing zeroes. The above constants are defined in float.h RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'rsl' is null 'rsl_length' is 0 */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberFromReal ------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberFromReal( OCIError *err, const void *rnum, uword rnum_length, OCINumber *number ); /* NAME: OCINumberFromReal - OCINumber convert Real TO Number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). rnum (IN) - pointer to the floating point number to be converted rnum_length (IN) - size of the desired result, i.e. sizeof({float | double | long double}) number (OUT) - given float converted to Oracle number DESCRIPTION: Native type conversion function. Converts a machine-native floating point type to an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'rnum' is null 'rnum_length' is 0 */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberCmp --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberCmp( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, sword *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberCmp - OCINumber CoMPare numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1, number2 (IN) - numbers to be compared result (OUT) - 0 if equal, negative if number1 < number2, positive if number1 > number2 DESCRIPTION: The function OCINumberCmp compares two numbers. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number1' or 'number2' or 'result' is null */ /*---------------------------- OCINumberSign --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberSign( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberSign - OCINumber obtains SiGN of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - number whose sign is returned result (OUT) - 0 if number == 0, -1 if number < 0, 1 if number > 0 DESCRIPTION: Obtains sign of an Oracle number RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'result' is null */ /*---------------------------- OCINumberIsZero ------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberIsZero( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, boolean *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberIsZero - OCINumber comparison with ZERo PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - numbers to be compared result (OUT) - set to TRUE if equal to zero else FALSE DESCRIPTION: Test if the given number is equal to zero. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'result' is null */ /*---------------------------- OCINumberIsInt -------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberIsInt( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, boolean *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberIsInt - OCINumber Is Integer value. PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - number to be tested result (OUT) - set to TRUE if integer value else FALSE DESCRIPTION: Test if the given number is an integer value. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'number' or 'result' is null */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberAssign --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberAssign( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *from, OCINumber *to ); /* NAME: OCINumberAssign - OCINumber ASsiGn number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). from (IN) - number to be assigned to (OUT) - number copied into DESCRIPTION: Assign number 'from' to 'to'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'from' or 'to' is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberAbs --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberAbs( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberAbs - OCINumber compute ABSolute value PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - input number result (OUT) - output which will contain the absolue value of the input number DESCRIPTION: Computes the absolute value of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*---------------------------- OCINumberCeil --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberCeil( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberCeil - OCINumber compute the CEiL value of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - input number result (OUT) - output which will contain the ceil value of the input number DESCRIPTION: Computes the ceil value of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberFloor --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberFloor( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberFloor - OCINumber compute the FLooR value of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - input number result (OUT) - output which will contain the floor value of the input number DESCRIPTION: Computes the floor value of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberSqrt -------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberSqrt( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberSqrt - OCINumber compute the SQuare Root of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - input number result (OUT) - output which will contain the square root of the input number DESCRIPTION: Computes the square root of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null 'number' is negative */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberTrunc --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberTrunc( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword decplace, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberTrunc - OCINumber TRUncate an Oracle number at a specified decimal place PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - input number decplace (IN) - number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point to truncate at. Negative values are allowed. result (OUT) - output of truncation DESCRIPTION: Truncate an Oracle number at a specified decimal place RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberPower ------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberPower( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *base, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberPower - OCINumber takes an arbitary Base to an arbitary Power PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). base (IN) - base of the exponentiation number (IN) - exponent to which the base is to be raised result (OUT) - output of exponentiation DESCRIPTION: Takes an arbitary base to an arbitary power. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberRound --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberRound( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword decplace, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberRound - OCINumber ROUnds an Oracle number to a specified decimal place PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - round this number and return result in 'result' decplace (IN) - number of decimal digits to the right of the decimal point to round to. Negative values are allowed. result (OUT) - output of rounding DESCRIPTION: Rounds an Oracle number to a specified decimal place RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberPrec ---------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberPrec( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, sword nDigs, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberPrec - Rounds an Oracle number to a specified number of decimal digits. PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - number for which to set precision. nDig (IN) - number of decimal digits desired in the result. result (OUT) - result. DESCRIPTION: Performs a floating point round with respect to the number of digits. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberSin --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberSin( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberSin - OCINumber takes the SINe of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the sine in radians result (OUT) - result of the sine DESCRIPTION: Takes the sine in radians of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberArcSin --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberArcSin( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberArcSin - OCINumber takes the Arc SINe of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the arc sine result (OUT) - result of the arc sine in radians DESCRIPTION: Takes the arc sine in radians of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null 'number' is < -1 or 'number' is > 1. */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberHypSin --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberHypSin( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberHypSin - OCINumber takes the SiNe Hyperbolic of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the sine hyperbolic result (OUT) - result of the sine hyperbolic DESCRIPTION: Takes the hyperbolic sine of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null NOTES: An Oracle number overflow causes an unpredictable result value. */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberCos --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberCos( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberCos - OCINumber takes the COSine of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the cosine in radians result (OUT) - result of the cosine DESCRIPTION: Takes the cosine in radians of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberArcCos --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberArcCos( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberArcCos - OCINumber takes the Arc COSine of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the arc cosine result (OUT) - result of the arc cosine in radians DESCRIPTION: Takes the arc cosine in radians of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null 'number' is < -1 or 'number' is > 1. */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberHypCos --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberHypCos( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberHypCos - OCINumber takes the CoSine Hyperbolic of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the cosine hyperbolic result (OUT) - result of the cosine hyperbolic DESCRIPTION: Takes the hyperbolic cosine of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null NOTES: An Oracle number overflow causes an unpredictable result value. */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberTan --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberTan( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberTan - OCINumber takes the TANgent of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the tangent in radians result (OUT) - result of the tangent DESCRIPTION: Takes the tangent in radians of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*-------------------------- OCINumberArcTan --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberArcTan( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberArcTan - OCINumber takes the Arc TANgent of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the arc tangent result (OUT) - result of the arc tangent in radians DESCRIPTION: Takes the arc tangent in radians of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*------------------------ OCINumberArcTan2 ---------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberArcTan2( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number1, const OCINumber *number2, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberArcTan2 - OCINumber takes the ATan2 of 2 Oracle numbers PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number1 (IN) - first argument of atan2(y,x) function which corresponds to 'y' parameter in the function number2 (IN) - second argument of atan2(y,x) function which corresponds to 'x' parameter in the function result (OUT) - result of the atan2() in radians DESCRIPTION: Takes the atan2(number1, number2). RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null 'number2' is 0 */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberHypTan -----------------------------*/ sword OCINumberHypTan( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberHypTan - OCINumber takes the TaNgent Hyperbolic of an Oracle number PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - argument of the tangent hyperbolic result (OUT) - result of the tangent hyperbolic DESCRIPTION: Takes the hyperbolic tangent of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null NOTES: An Oracle number overflow causes an unpredictable result value. */ /*--------------------------- OCINumberExp ----------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberExp( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberExp - OCINumber EXPonential PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - e raised to this Oracle number power result (OUT) - output of exponentiation DESCRIPTION: Raises e to the specified Oracle number power RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberLn ---------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberLn( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberLn - OCINumber Logarithm Natural PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). number (IN) - logarithm of this number is computed result (OUT) - logarithm result DESCRIPTION: Takes the logarithm of the given Oracle number with respect to the given base. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null 'number' is <= 0 */ /*----------------------------- OCINumberLog --------------------------------*/ sword OCINumberLog( OCIError *err, const OCINumber *base, const OCINumber *number, OCINumber *result ); /* NAME: OCINumberLog - OCINumber LOGarithm any base PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). base (IN) - base of the logarithm number (IN) - opearnd result (OUT) - logarithm result DESCRIPTION: Takes the logarithm with the specified base of an Oracle number. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the number arguments is null 'number' is <= 0 'base' is <= 0 */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* ORACLE DATE TYPE */ /*****************************************************************************/ struct OCITime { ub1 OCITimeHH; /* hours; range is 0 <= hours <=23 */ ub1 OCITimeMI; /* minutes; range is 0 <= minutes <= 59 */ ub1 OCITimeSS; /* seconds; range is 0 <= seconds <= 59 */ }; typedef struct OCITime OCITime; /* * OCITime - OCI TiMe portion of date * * This structure should be treated as an opaque structure as the format * of this structure may change. Use OCIDateGetTime/OCIDateSetTime * to manipulate time portion of OCIDate. */ struct OCIDate { sb2 OCIDateYYYY; /* gregorian year; range is -4712 <= year <= 9999 */ ub1 OCIDateMM; /* month; range is 1 <= month < 12 */ ub1 OCIDateDD; /* day; range is 1 <= day <= 31 */ OCITime OCIDateTime; /* time */ }; typedef struct OCIDate OCIDate; /* * OCIDate - OCI oracle Date representation in C * * OCIDate represents the C mapping of Oracle date. * * This structure should be treated as an opaque structure as the format * of this structure may change. Use OCIDateGetDate/OCIDateSetDate * to access/initialize OCIDate. * * For binding variables of type OCIDate in OCI calls (OCIBindByName(), * OCIBindByPos(), and OCIDefineByPos()) use the type code SQLT_ODT. */ /* EXAMPLE The following example shows how to manipulate an attribute of type oracle date. #define FMT "Month dd, YYYY, HH:MI A.M." #define LANG "American" struct person { OCIDate start_date; }; typedef struct person person; OCIError *err; person *joe; sword status; /o error status o/ /o See oci.h for an example of how to initialize OCIError. o For this example, assume the OCIEnv and OCIError has been o initialized. o/ /o Pin joe person object in the object cache. See ori.h o for an example on pinning objects. For this example, assume that o joe is pointing to the pinned object. o/ /o set the start date of joe o/ OCIDateSetTime(&joe->start_date, 8, 0, 0); OCIDateSetDate(&joe->start_date, 1990, 10, 5); /o check if the date is valid o/ uword invalid; if (OCIDateCheck(err, &joe->start_date, &invalid) != OCI_SUCCESS) /o error handling code o/ if (invalid) /o error handling code o/ /o convert date for display purposes o/ char str[100]; ub4 strlen = sizeof(str); if (OCIDateToText(err, &joe->start_date, FMT, sizeof(FMT)-1, LANG, sizeof(LANG)-1, &strlen, str) != OCI_SUCCESS) /o error handling code o/ */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateGetTime --------------------------------*/ /* void OCIDateGetTime(/o_ const OCIDate *date, ub1 *hour, ub1 *min, ub1 *sec _o/); */ #define OCIDateGetTime(date, hour, min, sec) \ { \ *hour = (date)->OCIDateTime.OCITimeHH; \ *min = (date)->OCIDateTime.OCITimeMI; \ *sec = (date)->OCIDateTime.OCITimeSS; \ } /* NAME: OCIDateGetTime - OCIDate Get Time portion of date PARAMETERS: date (IN) - Oracle date whose time data is retrieved hour (OUT) - hour value returned min (OUT) - minute value returned sec (OUT) - second value returned DESCRIPTION: Return time inforamtion stored in the given date. The time information returned is: hour, minute and seconds. RETURNS: NONE */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateGetDate --------------------------------*/ /* void OCIDateGetDate(/o_ const OCIDate *date, sb2 *year, ub1 *month, ub1 *day _o/); */ #define OCIDateGetDate(date, year, month, day) \ { \ *year = (date)->OCIDateYYYY; \ *month = (date)->OCIDateMM; \ *day = (date)->OCIDateDD; \ } /* NAME: OCIDateGetDate - OCIDate Get Date (year, month, day) portion of date PARAMETERS: date (IN) - Oracle date whose year, month, day data is retrieved year (OUT) - year value returned month (OUT) - month value returned day (OUT) - day value returned DESCRIPTION: Return year, month, day inforamtion stored in the given date. RETURNS: NONE */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateSetTime --------------------------------*/ /* void OCIDateSetTime(/o_ OCIDate *date, ub1 hour, ub1 min, ub1 sec _o/); */ #define OCIDateSetTime(date, hour, min, sec) \ { \ (date)->OCIDateTime.OCITimeHH = hour; \ (date)->OCIDateTime.OCITimeMI = min; \ (date)->OCIDateTime.OCITimeSS = sec; \ } /* NAME: OCIDateSetTime - OCIDate Set Time portion of date PARAMETERS: date (OUT) - Oracle date whose time data is set hour (IN) - hour value to be set min (IN) - minute value to be set sec (IN) - second value to be set DESCRIPTION: Set the date with the given time inforamtion. RETURNS: NONE */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateSetDate --------------------------------*/ /* void OCIDateSetDate(/o_ OCIDate *date, sb2 year, ub1 month, ub1 day _o/); */ #define OCIDateSetDate(date, year, month, day) \ { \ (date)->OCIDateYYYY = year; \ (date)->OCIDateMM = month; \ (date)->OCIDateDD = day; \ } /* NAME: OCIDateSetDate - OCIDate Set Date (year, month, day) portion of date PARAMETERS: date (IN) - Oracle date whose year, month, day data is set year (OUT) - year value to be set month (OUT) - month value to be set day (OUT) - day value to be set DESCRIPTION: Set the date with the given year, month, day inforamtion. RETURNS: NONE */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateAssign ---------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateAssign( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *from, OCIDate *to ); /* NAME: OCIDateAssign - OCIDate Assignment PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). from (IN) - date to be assigned to (OUT) - lhs of assignment DESCRIPTION: Performs date assignment. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateToText ---------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateToText( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, const oratext *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const oratext *lang_name, ub4 lang_length, ub4 *buf_size, oratext *buf ); /* NAME: OCIDateToText - OCIDate convert date TO String PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - Oracle date to be converted fmt (IN) - conversion format, if null string pointer (oratext*)0, then the date is converted to a character string in the date format "DD-MON-YY". fmt_length (IN) - length of the 'fmt' parameter lang_name (IN) - specifies the language in which the names and abbreviations of months and days are returned; default language of session is used if 'lang_name' is null i.e. (oratext *)0 lang_length (IN) - length of the 'nls_params' parameter buf_size (IN/OUT) - size of the buffer; size of the resulting string is returned via this parameter buf (OUT) - buffer into which the converted string is placed DESCRIPTION: Converts the given date to a string according to the specified format. Refer to "TO_DATE" conversion function described in "Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual" for a description of format and NLS arguments. The converted null-terminated date string is stored in the buffer 'buf'. An error is reported upon overflow, e.g. trying to convert a number of value 10 using format '9' causes an overflow. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if buffer too small invalid format unknown language overflow error */ /*---------------------------- OCIDateFromText ------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateFromText( OCIError *err, const oratext *date_str, ub4 d_str_length, const oratext *fmt, ub1 fmt_length, const oratext *lang_name, ub4 lang_length, OCIDate *date ); /* NAME: OCIDateFromText - OCIDate convert String TO Date PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date_str (IN) - input string to be converted to Oracle date d_str_length (IN) - size of the input string, if the length is -1 then 'date_str' is treated as a null terminated string fmt (IN) - conversion format; if 'fmt' is a null pointer, then the string is expected to be in 'DD-MON-YY' format. fmt_length (IN) - length of the 'fmt' parameter lang_name (IN) - language in which the names and abbreviations of days and months are specified, if null i.e. (oratext *)0, the default language of session is used, lang_length (IN) - length of the 'lang_name' parameter date (OUT) - given string converted to date DESCRIPTION: Converts the given string to Oracle date according to the specified format. Refer to "TO_DATE" conversion function described in "Oracle SQL Language Reference Manual" for a description of format. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid format unknown language invalid input string <to be discovered> */ /*----------------------------- OCIDateCompare ------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateCompare( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date1, const OCIDate *date2, sword *result ); /* NAME: OCIDateCompare - OCIDate CoMPare dates PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date1, date2 (IN) - dates to be compared result (OUT) - comparison result, 0 if equal, -1 if date1 < date2, 1 if date1 > date2 DESCRIPTION: The function OCIDateCompare compares two dates. It returns -1 if date1 is smaller than date2, 0 if they are equal, and 1 if date1 is greater than date2. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date <to be discovered> */ /*------------------------- OCIDateAddMonths --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateAddMonths( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, sb4 num_months, OCIDate *result ); /* NAME: OCIDateAddMonths - OCIDate ADd or subtract Months PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - 'num_months' added or subtracted from 'date' num_months (IN) - number of months to be added or subtracted (a negative value will be subtracted) result (IN/OUT) - result of adding or subtracting to 'date' DESCRIPTION: The function OCIDateAddDays adds or subtracts num_months from the date 'date'. If the input 'date' is the last day of a month, then appropriate adjustments are made to ensure that the output date is also the last day of the month. For example, Feb. 28 + 1 month = March 31, and November 30 - 3 months = August 31. Otherwise the 'result' date has the same day component as 'date'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date <to be discovered> */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateAddDays --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateAddDays( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, sb4 num_days, OCIDate *result ); /* NAME: OCIDateAddDays - OCIDate ADd or subtract Days PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - 'num_days' added or subtracted from 'date' num_days (IN) - number of days to be added or subtracted (a negative value will be subtracted) result (IN/OUT) - result of adding or subtracting to 'date' DESCRIPTION: The function OCIDateAddDays adds or subtracts num_days from the date 'date'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date <to be discovered> */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateLastDay --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateLastDay( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, OCIDate *last_day ); /* NAME: OCIDateLastDay - OCIDate get date of the LaST day of the month PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - input date last_day (OUT) - last day of the month in date 'date' DESCRIPTION: The function OCIDateLastDay returns the date of the last day of the month in date 'date'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date <to be discovered> */ /*----------------------- OCIDateDaysBetween --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateDaysBetween( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date1, const OCIDate *date2, sb4 *num_days ); /* NAME: OCIDateDaysBetween - OCIDate get number of days BeTWeen two dates PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date1, date2 (IN) - input dates num_days (OUT) - number of days between date1 and date2 DESCRIPTION: The function OCIDateDaysBetween returns the number of days between date1 and date2. The time is ignored in this computation. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date <to be discovered> */ /*------------------------ OCIDateZoneToZone --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateZoneToZone( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date1, const oratext *zon1, ub4 zon1_length, const oratext *zon2, ub4 zon2_length, OCIDate *date2 ); /* NAME: OCIDateZoneToZone - OCIDate convert date from one Zone TO another Zone PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date1 (IN) - date to be converted zon1 (IN) - zone of input date zon1_length (IN) - length in bytes of string 'zon1' zon2 (IN) - zone to be converted to zon2_length (IN) - length in bytes of string 'zon2' date2 (OUT) - converted date (in 'zon2') DESCRIPTION: Converts date from one time zone to another. Given date 'date1' in time zone 'zon1' returns date 'date2' in time zone 'zon2'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invlid date invald input time zone invald output time zone <to be discovered> */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateNextDay --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateNextDay( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, const oratext *day_p, ub4 day_length, OCIDate *next_day ); /* NAME: OCIDateNextDay - OCIDate get date of Next DaY PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - returned date should be later than this date day (IN) - first day of week named by this is returned day_length (IN) - length in bytes of string 'day' next_day (OUT) - first day of the week named by 'day' later than 'date' DESCRIPTION: Returns the date of the first day of the week named by 'day' that is later than date 'date'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if invalid date invalid day <to be discovered> */ /*----------------------------- OCIDateCheck --------------------------------*/ /* Listing of error bits used by OCIDateCheck() */ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_DAY 0x1 /* Bad DAy */ #define OCI_DATE_DAY_BELOW_VALID 0x2 /* Bad DAy Low/high bit (1=low)*/ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_MONTH 0x4 /* Bad MOnth */ #define OCI_DATE_MONTH_BELOW_VALID 0x8 /* Bad MOnth Low/high bit (1=low)*/ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_YEAR 0x10 /* Bad YeaR */ #define OCI_DATE_YEAR_BELOW_VALID 0x20 /* Bad YeaR Low/high bit (1=low)*/ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_HOUR 0x40 /* Bad HouR */ #define OCI_DATE_HOUR_BELOW_VALID 0x80 /* Bad HouR Low/high bit (1=low)*/ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_MINUTE 0x100 /* Bad MiNute */ #define OCI_DATE_MINUTE_BELOW_VALID 0x200 /* Bad MiNute Low/high bit (1=low)*/ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_SECOND 0x400 /* Bad SeCond */ #define OCI_DATE_SECOND_BELOW_VALID 0x800 /* bad second Low/high bit (1=low)*/ #define OCI_DATE_DAY_MISSING_FROM_1582 0x1000 /* Day is one of those "missing" from 1582 */ #define OCI_DATE_YEAR_ZERO 0x2000 /* Year may not equal zero */ #define OCI_DATE_INVALID_FORMAT 0x8000 /* Bad date format input */ sword OCIDateCheck( OCIError *err, const OCIDate *date, uword *valid ); /* NAME: OCIDateCheck - OCIDate CHecK if the given date is valid PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). date (IN) - date to be checked valid (OUT) - returns zero for a valid date, otherwise the ORed combination of all error bits specified below: Macro name Bit number Error ---------- ---------- ----- OCI_DATE_INVALID_DAY 0x1 Bad day OCI_DATE_DAY_BELOW_VALID 0x2 Bad DAy Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_MONTH 0x4 Bad MOnth OCI_DATE_MONTH_BELOW_VALID 0x8 Bad MOnth Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_YEAR 0x10 Bad YeaR OCI_DATE_YEAR_BELOW_VALID 0x20 Bad YeaR Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_HOUR 0x40 Bad HouR OCI_DATE_HOUR_BELOW_VALID 0x80 Bad HouR Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_MINUTE 0x100 Bad MiNute OCI_DATE_MINUTE_BELOW_VALID 0x200 Bad MiNute Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_INVALID_SECOND 0x400 Bad SeCond OCI_DATE_SECOND_BELOW_VALID 0x800 bad second Low/high bit (1=low) OCI_DATE_DAY_MISSING_FROM_1582 0x1000 Day is one of those "missing" from 1582 OCI_DATE_YEAR_ZERO 0x2000 Year may not equal zero OCI_DATE_INVALID_FORMAT 0x8000 Bad date format input So, for example, if the date passed in was 2/0/1990 25:61:10 in (month/day/year hours:minutes:seconds format), the erroor returned would be OCI_DATE_INVALID_DAY | OCI_DATE_DAY_BELOW_VALID | OCI_DATE_INVALID_HOUR | OCI_DATE_INVALID_MINUTE DESCRIPTION: Check if the given date is valid. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 'date' and 'valid' pointers are NULL pointers */ /*--------------------------- OCIDateSysDate --------------------------------*/ sword OCIDateSysDate( OCIError *err, OCIDate *sys_date ); /* NAME: OCIDateSysDate - OCIDate get current SYStem date and time PARAMETERS: err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). sys_date (OUT) - current system date and time DESCRIPTION: Returns the current system date and time. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if <to be discovered> */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* FIXED-LENGTH STRING - CHAR (N) */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * An ADT attribute declared as "x CHAR(n)" is mapped to "OCIString *x;". * The representation of OCIString * is shown below. */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* VARIABLE-LENGTH STRING */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * The variable-length string is represented in C as a pointer to OCIString * structure. The OCIString structure is opaque to the user. Functions are * provided to allow the user to manipulate a variable-length string. * * A variable-length string can be declared as: * * OCIString *vstr; * * For binding variables of type OCIString* in OCI calls (OCIBindByName(), * OCIBindByPos() and OCIDefineByPos()) use the external type code SQLT_VST. */ typedef struct OCIString OCIString; /*-------------------------- OCIStringAssign --------------------------------*/ sword OCIStringAssign( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIString *rhs, OCIString **lhs ); /* NAME: OCIStringAssign - OCIString Assign String to String PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). rhs (IN) - RHS of the assignment, the type of rhs is also OCIString lhs (IN/OUT) - LHS of the assignment DESCRIPTION: Assign 'rhs' string to 'lhs' string. The 'lhs' string may be resized depending upon the size of the 'rhs'. The assigned string is null-terminated. The 'length' field will not include the extra byte needed for null termination. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if out of space error */ /*---------------------- OCIStringAssignText --------------------------------*/ sword OCIStringAssignText( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const oratext *rhs, ub4 rhs_len, OCIString **lhs ); /* NAME: OCIStringAssignText - OCIString Assign Text string to String PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). rhs (IN) - RHS of the assignment, the type of rhs is a text string rhs_len (IN) - length of the 'rhs' string lhs (IN/OUT) - LHS of the assignment DESCRIPTION: Assign 'rhs' string to 'lhs' string. The 'lhs' string may be resized depending upon the size of the 'rhs'. The assigned string is null-terminated. The 'length' field will not include the extra byte needed for null termination. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if out of space error */ /*-------------------------- OCIStringResize --------------------------------*/ sword OCIStringResize( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, ub4 new_size, OCIString **str ); /* NAME: OCIStringResize - OCIString ReSiZe string memory PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). new_size (IN) - new memory size of the string in bytes str (IN/OUT) - allocated memory for the string is freed from the OOCI heap DESCRIPTION: This function resizes the memory of the given variable-length string in the object cache. The contents of the string are NOT preserved. This function may allocate the string in a new memory region in which case the original memory occupied by the given string will be freed. If the input string is null (str == NULL), then this function will allocate memory for the string. If the new_size is 0, then this function frees the memory occupied by 'str' and a null pointer value is returned. NOTE: The caller must compute 'new_size' taking into account space for the null character ('\0'). RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if out of space error */ /*---------------------------- OCIStringSize --------------------------------*/ ub4 OCIStringSize( OCIEnv *env, const OCIString *vs ); /* NAME: OCIStringSize - OCIString Get String siZe PARAMETERS: env(IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle vs (IN) - string whose size is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the size of the given string. RETURNS: size of the string in bytes is returned */ /*----------------------------- OCIStringPtr --------------------------------*/ oratext *OCIStringPtr( OCIEnv *env, const OCIString *vs ); /* NAME: OCIStringPtr - OCIString Get String Pointer PARAMETERS: env(IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle vs (IN) - pointer to the text of this string is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the pointer to the text of the given string. RETURNS: pointer to the text of the string is returned */ /*----------------------- OCIStringAllocSize --------------------------------*/ sword OCIStringAllocSize( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIString *vs, ub4 *allocsize ); /* NAME: OCIStringAllocSize - OCIString get Allocated SiZe of string memory in bytes PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). vs (IN) - string whose allocated size in bytes is returned allocsize (OUT) - allocated size of string memory in bytes is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the allocated size of the string memory in bytes. The allocated size is >= actual string size. REQUIRES: vs is a non-null pointer RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR on error */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* VARIABLE-LENGTH RAW */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * The variable-length raw is represented in C as a pointer to OCIRaw * structure. The OCIRaw structure is opaque to the user. Functions are * provided to allow the user to manipulate a variable-length raw. * * A variable-length raw can be declared as: * * OCIRaw *raw; * * For binding variables of type OCIRaw* in OCI calls (OCIBindByName(), * OCIBindByPos() and OCIDefineByPos()) use the external type code SQLT_LVB. */ typedef struct OCIRaw OCIRaw; /*-------------------------- OCIRawAssignRaw --------------------------------*/ sword OCIRawAssignRaw( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIRaw *rhs, OCIRaw **lhs ); /* NAME: OCIRawAssignRaw - OCIRaw Assign Raw (of type OCIRaw*) to Raw (of type OCIRaw*) PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). rhs (IN) - RHS of the assignment, the type of rhs is also OCIRaw lhs (IN/OUT) - LHS of the assignment DESCRIPTION: Assign 'rhs' raw to 'lhs' raw. The 'lhs' raw may be resized depending upon the size of the 'rhs'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if out of space error */ /*------------------------ OCIRawAssignBytes --------------------------------*/ sword OCIRawAssignBytes( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const ub1 *rhs, ub4 rhs_len, OCIRaw **lhs ); /* NAME: OCIRawAssignBytes - OCIRaw Assign raw Bytes (of type ub1*) to Raw (of type OCIRaw*) PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). rhs (IN) - RHS of the assignment, the type of rhs is ub1 * rhs_len (IN) - length of the 'rhs' raw lhs (IN/OUT) - LHS of the assignment DESCRIPTION: Assign 'rhs' raw to 'lhs' raw. The 'lhs' raw may be resized depending upon the size of the 'rhs'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if out of space error */ /*---------------------------- OCIRawResize ---------------------------------*/ sword OCIRawResize( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, ub4 new_size, OCIRaw **raw ); /* NAME: OCIRawResize - OCIRaw ReSiZe memory of variable-length raw PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). new_size (IN) - new size of the raw data in bytes raw (IN) - variable-length raw pointer; the raw is resized to 'new_size' DESCRIPTION: This function resizes the memory of the given variable-length raw in the object cache. The previous contents of the raw are NOT preserved. This function may allocate the raw in a new memory region in which case the original memory occupied by the given raw will be freed. If the input raw is null (raw == NULL), then this function will allocate memory for the raw data. If the new_size is 0, then this function frees the memory occupied by 'raw' and a null pointer value is returned. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if out of space error */ /*------------------------------- OCIRawSize --------------------------------*/ ub4 OCIRawSize( OCIEnv * env, const OCIRaw *raw ); /* NAME: OCIRawSize - OCIRaw Get Raw siZe PARAMETERS: env (IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle raw (INT) - raw whose size is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the size of the given raw. RETURNS: size of the raw in bytes is returned */ /*--------------------------------- OCIRawPtr -------------------------------*/ ub1 *OCIRawPtr( OCIEnv * env, const OCIRaw *raw ); /* NAME: OCIRawPtr - OCIRaw Get Raw data Pointer PARAMETERS: env (IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle raw (IN) - pointer to the data of this raw is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the pointer to the data of the given raw. RETURNS: pointer to the data of the raw is returned */ /*------------------------------ OCIRawAllocSize ----------------------------*/ sword OCIRawAllocSize( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIRaw *raw, ub4 *allocsize ); /* NAME: OCIRawAllocSize - OCIRaw get Allocated SiZe of raw memory in bytes PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). raw (IN) - raw whose allocated size in bytes is returned allocsize (OUT) - allocated size of raw memory in bytes is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the allocated size of the raw memory in bytes. The allocated size is >= actual raw size. REQUIRES: raw is a non-null pointer RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR upon error */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* OBJECT REFERENCE OPERATIONS */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* * See the definition of OCIRef in oro.h. * * For binding variables of type OCIRef* in OCI calls (OCIBindByName(), * OCIBindByPos() and OCIDefineByPos()) use the code SQLT_REF. * */ /*---------------------------- OCIRefClear ----------------------------------*/ void OCIRefClear( OCIEnv *env, OCIRef *ref ); /* NAME: OCIRefClear - OCIRef CLeaR or nullify a ref PARAMETERS: env (IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle ref (IN/OUT) - ref to clear DESCRIPTION: Clear or nullify the given ref. A ref is considered to be a null ref if it does not contain a valid OID (and thus doesn't point to an object). Logically, a null ref is a dangling ref. Note that a null ref is still a valid SQL value and is not SQL-ly null. It can be used as a valid non-null constant ref value for NOT NULL column or attribute of a row in a table. If a null pointer value is passed as a ref, then this function is a no-op. */ /*--------------------------- OCIRefAssign ----------------------------------*/ sword OCIRefAssign( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIRef *source, OCIRef **target ); /* NAME: OCIRefAssign - OCIRef CoPY a ref to another PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). source (IN) - ref to copy from target (IN/OUT) - ref to copy to DESCRIPTION: Copy 'source' ref to 'target' ref; both then reference the same object. If the target ref pointer is null (i.e. *target == NULL) then the copy function will allocate memory for the target ref in OOCI heap prior to the copy. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if 1) out of memory */ /*-------------------------- OCIRefIsEqual ----------------------------------*/ boolean OCIRefIsEqual( OCIEnv *env, const OCIRef *x, const OCIRef *y ); /* NAME: OCIRefIsEqual - OCIRef compare two refs for EQUality PARAMETERS: env (IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle x (IN) - ref to compare y (IN) - ref to compare DESCRIPTION: Compare the given refs for equality. Two refs are equal if and only if: - they are both referencing the same persistent object, or - they are both referencing the same transient object. NOTE THAT TWO NULL REFS ARE CONSIDERED NOT EQUAL BY THIS FUNCTION. RETURNS: TRUE if the two refs are equal FALSE if the two refs are not equal, or X is NULL, or Y is NULL */ /*--------------------------- OCIRefIsNull ----------------------------------*/ boolean OCIRefIsNull( OCIEnv *env, const OCIRef *ref ); /* NAME: OCIRefIsNull - OCIRef test if a ref is NULl PARAMETERS: env (IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle ref (IN) - ref to test for null DESCRIPTION: Return TRUE if the given ref is null; otherwise, return FALSE. A ref is null if and only if: - it is supposed to be referencing a persistent object, but its OID is null, or - it is supposed to be referencing a transient object, but it is currently not pointing to an object. A ref is a dangling ref if the object that it points to does not exist. RETURNS: TRUE if the given ref is NULL FALSE if the given ref is not NULL */ /*-------------------------- OCIRefHexSize ----------------------------------*/ ub4 OCIRefHexSize( OCIEnv *env, const OCIRef *ref ); /* NAME: OCIRefHexSize - OCIRef Hexadecimal buffer SiZe in bytes PARAMETERS: env (IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle ref (IN) - ref whose size in hexadecimal representation in bytes is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the size of the buffer in bytes required for the hexadecimal representation of the ref. A buffer of at-least this size must be passed to ref-to-hex (OCIRefToHex) conversion function. RETURNS: size of hexadecimal representation of ref */ /*-------------------------- OCIRefFromHex ---------------------------------*/ sword OCIRefFromHex( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCISvcCtx *svc, const oratext *hex, ub4 length, OCIRef **ref ); /* NAME: OCIRefFromHex - OCIRef convert a Hexadecimal string TO a Ref PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). svc (IN) - OCI service context handle; if the resulting ref is initialized with this service context hex (IN) - hexadecimal string (that was produced by 'OCIRefToHex()" previously) to be convert into a ref length (IN) - length of the hexadecimal string ref (IN/OUT) - ref is initialized with the given value ('hex'). If *ref is null, then space for the ref is allocated in the object cache, otherwise the memory occupied by the given ref is re-used. DESCRIPTION: Convert the given hexadecimal string into a ref. This function ensures that the resulting ref is well formed. It does NOT ensure that the object pointed to by the resulting ref exists or not. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if */ /*--------------------------- OCIRefToHex -----------------------------------*/ sword OCIRefToHex( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIRef *ref, oratext *hex, ub4 *hex_length ); /* NAME: OCIRefToHex - OCIRef convert ref to a Hexadecimal string PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). ref (IN) - ref to be converted into a hexadecimal string; if the ref is a null ref (i.e. OCIRefIsNull(ref) == TRUE) then a zero hex_length value is returned hex (OUT) - buffer that is large enough to contain the resulting hexadecimal string; the contents of the string is opaque to the caller hex_length (IN/OUT) - on input specifies the size of the 'hex' buffer, on output specifies the actual size of the hexadecimal string being returned in 'hex' DESCRIPTION: Convert the given ref into a hexadecimal string, and return the length of the string. The resulting string is opaque to the caller. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if the given buffer is not big enough to hold the resulting string */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* COLLECTION FUNCTIONS */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* The generic collection is represented by the type 'OCIColl'. The following operations OCIColl*() are provided on a generic collection: - get current size of collection - get upper bound of collection - get pointer to an element given its index - set element at given index (assign element) - append an element - trim the given number of elements from the end of the collection - collection assignment The following iterator based scanning functions are also provided on a generic collection. These functions make use of an iterator which is defined to be of type OCIIter. - create an iterator for scanning collection - destroy iterator - reset iterator to the beginning of collection - get pointer to current element pointed by iterator - get pointer to next element - get pointer to previous element The collections variable-length array (varray) and nested table are sub-types of generic collection. This means that the OCIColl*() functions can also be used to manipulate varray and nested table. The varray is represented by OCIArray type and nested table by OCITable. Besides OCIColl*() functions no additional functions are provided for manipulating varrays. The OCIColl*() functions are a complete set of functions to manipulate varrays. Besides OCIColl*() functions, the following functions OCITable*() can be used to manipulate nested table. The OCITable*() functions operate on nested tables only and should not be used on a varray. - delete an element at index i. Note that the position ordinals of the remaining elements of the table is not changed by the delete operation. So delete creates "holes" in the table. - check if an element exists at the given index i - return the smallest value of i for which exists(i) is true - return the largest value of i for which exists(i) is true - return pointer to the smallest position j, greater than i, such that OCITableExists(j) is true - return pointer to the largest position j, less than i, such that OCITableExists(j) is true For binding variables of type OCIColl* or OCITable* in OCI calls (OCIBindByName(), OCIBindByPos() and OCIDefineByPos()) use the external type code SQLT_NTY. */ /* OCIColl - generic collection type */ typedef struct OCIColl OCIColl; /* OCIArray - varray collection type */ typedef OCIColl OCIArray; /* OCITable - nested table collection type */ typedef OCIColl OCITable; /* OCIIter - collection iterator */ typedef struct OCIIter OCIIter; /*----------------------------- OCICollSize ---------------------------------*/ sword OCICollSize( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *coll, sb4 *size ); /* NAME: OCICollSize - OCIColl return current SIZe of the given collection PARAMETERS: env(IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). coll (IN) - collection whose number of elements is returned size (OUT) - current number of elements in the collection DESCRIPTION: Returns the current number of elements in the given collection. For collections of type nested table wherein 'delete element' operation is allowed, the count returned by OCICollSize() will NOT be decremented upon deleting elements. For example: OCICollSize(...); // assume 'size' returned is equal to 5 OCITableDelete(...); // delete one element OCICollSize(...); // 'size' returned will still be 5 To get the count minus the deleted elements use OCITableSize(). Continuing the above example, OCITableSize(...) // 'size' returned will be equal to 4 Note, a trim operation (OCICollTrim) will decrement the count by the number of trimmed elements. Continuing the above example, OCICollTrim(..,1..); // trim one element OCICollSize(...); // 'size' returned will be equal to 4 RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if error during loading of collection into object cache any of the input parameters is null */ /*------------------------------ OCICollMax ---------------------------------*/ sb4 OCICollMax( OCIEnv *env, const OCIColl *coll ); /* NAME: OCICollMax - OCIColl return MAXimum size (upper-bound) of the given collection (in number of elements) PARAMETERS: env(IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle coll (IN) - collection whose upper-bound in number of elements is returned DESCRIPTION: Returns the max number of elements that the given collection can hold. A value 0 indicates that the collection has no upper-bound. REQUIRES: coll must point to a valid collection descriptor RETURNS: upper-bound of the given collection */ /*-------------------------- OCICollGetElem ---------------------------------*/ sword OCICollGetElem( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *coll, sb4 index, boolean *exists, void **elem, void **elemind ); /* NAME: OCICollGetElem - OCIColl GET pointer to the element at the given index PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). coll (IN) - pointer to the element in this collection is returned index (IN) - index of the element whose pointer is returned exists (OUT) - set to FALSE if element at the specified index does not exist else TRUE elem (OUT) - address of the desired element is returned elemind (OUT) [optional] - address of the null indicator information is returned; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information will NOT be returned DESCRIPTION: Get the address of the element at the given position. Optionally this function also returns the address of the element's null indicator information. The following table describes for each collection element type what the corresponding element pointer type is. The element pointer is returned via the 'elem' parameter of OCICollGetElem(). Element Type *elem is set to ----------------------- --------------- Oracle Number (OCINumber) OCINumber* Date (OCIDate) OCIDate* Variable-length string (OCIString*) OCIString** Variable-length raw (OCIRaw*) OCIRaw** object reference (OCIRef*) OCIRef** lob locator (OCILobLocator*) OCILobLocator** object type (e.g. person) person* The element pointer returned by OCICollGetElem() is in a form such that it can not only be used to access the element data but also is in a form that can be used as the target (i.e left-hand-side) of an assignment statement. For example, assume the user is iterating over the elements of a collection whose element type is object reference (OCIRef*). A call to OCICollGetElem() returns pointer to a reference handle (i.e. OCIRef**). After getting, the pointer to the collection element, the user may wish to modify it by assigning a new reference. This can be accomplished via the ref assignment function shown below: sword OCIRefAssign( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIRef *source, OCIRef **target ); Note that the 'target' parameter of OCIRefAssign() is of type 'OCIRef**'. Hence OCICollGetElem() returns 'OCIRef**'. If '*target == NULL' a new ref will be allocated by OCIRefAssign() and returned via the 'target' parameter. Similarly, if the collection element was of type string (OCIString*), OCICollGetElem() returns pointer to string handle (i.e. OCIString**). If a new string is assigned, via OCIStringAssign() or OCIStringAssignText() the type of the target must be 'OCIString **'. If the collection element is of type Oracle number, OCICollGetElem() returns OCINumber*. The prototype of OCINumberAssign() is shown below: sword OCINumberAssign(OCIError *err, const OCINumber *from, OCINumber *to); RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*------------------------- OCICollGetElemArray -----------------------------*/ sword OCICollGetElemArray( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *coll, sb4 index, boolean *exists, void **elem, void **elemind, uword *nelems); /* NAME: OCICollGetElemArray - OCIColl GET pointers to elements from given index PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). coll (IN) - pointers to the elements in this collection is returned index (IN) - starting index of the element exists (OUT) - set to FALSE if element at the specified index does not exist else TRUE elem (OUT) - address of the desired elements is returned elemind (OUT) [optional] - address of the null indicators information is returned; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information will NOT be returned nelems(IN/OUT) - Upper bound of elem and/or elemind array DESCRIPTION: Get the address of the elements from the given position. Optionally this function also returns the address of the element's null indicator information. The following table describes for each collection element type what the corresponding element pointer type is. The element pointer is returned via the 'elem' parameter of OCICollGetElem(). Element Type *elem is set to ----------------------- --------------- Oracle Number (OCINumber) OCINumber* Date (OCIDate) OCIDate* Variable-length string (OCIString*) OCIString** Variable-length raw (OCIRaw*) OCIRaw** object reference (OCIRef*) OCIRef** lob locator (OCILobLocator*) OCILobLocator** object type (e.g. person) person* The element pointer returned by OCICollGetElem() is in a form such that it can not only be used to access the element data but also is in a form that can be used as the target (i.e left-hand-side) of an assignment statement. For example, assume the user is iterating over the elements of a collection whose element type is object reference (OCIRef*). A call to OCICollGetElem() returns pointer to a reference handle (i.e. OCIRef**). After getting, the pointer to the collection element, the user may wish to modify it by assigning a new reference. This can be accomplished via the ref assignment function shown below: sword OCIRefAssign( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIRef *source, OCIRef **target ); Note that the 'target' parameter of OCIRefAssign() is of type 'OCIRef**'. Hence OCICollGetElem() returns 'OCIRef**'. If '*target == NULL' a new ref will be allocated by OCIRefAssign() and returned via the 'target' parameter. Similarly, if the collection element was of type string (OCIString*), OCICollGetElem() returns pointer to string handle (i.e. OCIString**). If a new string is assigned, via OCIStringAssign() or OCIStringAssignText() the type of the target must be 'OCIString **'. If the collection element is of type Oracle number, OCICollGetElem() returns OCINumber*. The prototype of OCINumberAssign() is shown below: sword OCINumberAssign(OCIError *err, const OCINumber *from, OCINumber *to); RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*----------------------- OCICollAssignElem ---------------------------------*/ sword OCICollAssignElem( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, sb4 index, const void *elem, const void *elemind, OCIColl *coll ); /* NAME: OCICollAssignElem - OCIColl ASsign Element PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). index (IN) - index of the element whose is assigned to elem (IN) - element which is assigned from (source element) elemind (IN) [optional] - pointer to the element's null indicator information; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information of the assigned element will be set to non-null. coll (IN/OUT) - collection to be updated DESCRIPTION: Assign the given element value 'elem' to the element at coll[index]. If the collection is of type nested table, the element at the given index may not exist (i.e. may have been deleted). In this case, the given element is inserted at index 'index'. Otherwise, the element at index 'index' is updated with the value of 'elem'. Note that the given element is deep-copied and 'elem' is strictly an input parameter. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null out of memory error given index is out of bounds of the given collection */ /*--------------------------- OCICollAssign ---------------------------------*/ sword OCICollAssign( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *rhs, OCIColl *lhs ); /* NAME: OCICollAssign - OCIColl ASsiGn collection PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). rhs (IN) - collection to be assigned from lhs (OUT) - collection to be assigned to DESCRIPTION: Assign 'rhs' to 'lhs'. The 'lhs' collection may be decreased or increased depending upon the size of 'rhs'. If the 'lhs' contains any elements then the elements will be deleted prior to the assignment. This function performs a deep-copy. The memory for the elements comes from the object cache. An error is returned if the element types of the lhs and rhs collections do not match. Also, an error is returned if the upper-bound of the lhs collection is less than the current number of elements in the rhs collection. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null out of memory error type mis-match of lhs and rhs collections upper-bound of lhs collection is less than the current number of elements in the rhs collection */ /*--------------------------- OCICollAppend ---------------------------------*/ sword OCICollAppend( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const void *elem, const void *elemind, OCIColl *coll ); /* NAME: OCICollAppend - OCIColl APPend collection PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). elem (IN) - pointer to the element which is appended to the end of the given collection elemind (IN) [optional] - pointer to the element's null indicator information; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information of the appended element will be set to non-null. coll (IN/OUT) - updated collection DESCRIPTION: Append the given element to the end of the given collection. Appending an element is equivalent to: - increasing the size of the collection by 1 element - updating (deep-copying) the last element's data with the given element's data Note that the pointer to the given element 'elem' will not be saved by this function. So 'elem' is strictly an input parameter. An error is returned if the current size of the collection is equal to the max size (upper-bound) of the collection prior to appending the element. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null out of memory error current size of collection == max size of the collection */ /*----------------------------- OCICollTrim ---------------------------------*/ sword OCICollTrim( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, sb4 trim_num, OCIColl *coll ); /* NAME: OCICollTrim - OCIColl Trim elements from the end of the collection PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). trim_num (IN) - number of elements to trim coll (IN/OUT) - 'trim_num' of elements are removed (freed) from the end of the collection DESCRIPTION: Trim the collection by the given number of elements. The elements are removed from the end of the collection. An error is returned if the 'trim_num' is greater than the current size of the collection. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null 'trim_num' is greater than the current size of the collection. */ /*--------------------------- OCICollIsLocator ------------------------------*/ sword OCICollIsLocator(OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *coll, boolean *result ); /* Name: OCICollIsLocator - OCIColl indicates whether a collection is locator based or not. Parameters: env(IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). coll (IN) - collection item. result (OUT) - TRUE if the collection item is a locator, FALSE otherwise Description: Returns TRUE in the result OUT parameter if the collection item is a locator, otherwise returns FALSE. Returns: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. */ /*---------------------------- OCIIterCreate --------------------------------*/ sword OCIIterCreate( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *coll, OCIIter **itr ); /* NAME: OCIIterCreate - OCIColl Create an ITerator to scan the collection elements PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). coll (IN) - collection which will be scanned; the different collection types are varray and nested table itr (OUT) - address to the allocated collection iterator is returned by this function DESCRIPTION: Create an iterator to scan the elements of the collection. The iterator is created in the object cache. The iterator is initialized to point to the beginning of the collection. If the next function (OCIIterNext) is called immediately after creating the iterator then the first element of the collection is returned. If the previous function (OCIIterPrev) is called immediately after creating the iterator then "at beginning of collection" error is returned. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null out of memory error */ /*----------------------------- OCIIterDelete ------------------------------*/ sword OCIIterDelete( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIIter **itr ); /* NAME: OCIIterDelete - OCIColl Delete ITerator PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). itr (IN/OUT) - the allocated collection iterator is destroyed and the 'itr' is set to NULL prior to returning DESCRIPTION: Delete the iterator which was previously created by a call to OCIIterCreate. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null to be discovered */ /*----------------------------- OCIIterInit ---------------------------------*/ sword OCIIterInit( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIColl *coll, OCIIter *itr ); /* NAME: OCIIterInit - OCIColl Initialize ITerator to scan the given collection PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). coll (IN) - collection which will be scanned; the different collection types are varray and nested table itr (IN/OUT) - pointer to an allocated collection iterator DESCRIPTION: Initializes the given iterator to point to the beginning of the given collection. This function can be used to: a. reset an iterator to point back to the beginning of the collection b. reuse an allocated iterator to scan a different collection RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*------------------------ OCIIterGetCurrent --------------------------------*/ sword OCIIterGetCurrent( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCIIter *itr, void **elem, void **elemind ); /* NAME: OCIIterGetCurrent - OCIColl Iterator based, get CURrent collection element PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). itr (IN) - iterator which points to the current element elem (OUT) - address of the element pointed by the iterator is returned elemind (OUT) [optional] - address of the element's null indicator information is returned; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information will NOT be returned DESCRIPTION: Returns pointer to the current element and its corresponding null information. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*------------------------------ OCIIterNext --------------------------------*/ sword OCIIterNext( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIIter *itr, void **elem, void **elemind, boolean *eoc ); /* NAME: OCIIterNext - OCIColl Iterator based, get NeXT collection element PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). itr (IN/OUT) - iterator is updated to point to the next element elem (OUT) - after updating the iterator to point to the next element, address of the element is returned elemind (OUT) [optional] - address of the element's null indicator information is returned; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information will NOT be returned eoc (OUT) - TRUE if iterator is at End Of Collection (i.e. next element does not exist) else FALSE DESCRIPTION: Returns pointer to the next element and its corresponding null information. The iterator is updated to point to the next element. If the iterator is pointing to the last element of the collection prior to executing this function, then calling this function will set eoc flag to TRUE. The iterator will be left unchanged in this situation. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*------------------------------ OCIIterPrev --------------------------------*/ sword OCIIterPrev( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, OCIIter *itr, void **elem, void **elemind, boolean *boc ); /* NAME: OCIIterPrev - OCIColl Iterator based, get PReVious collection element PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). itr (IN/OUT) - iterator is updated to point to the previous element elem (OUT) - after updating the iterator to point to the previous element, address of the element is returned elemind (OUT) [optional] - address of the element's null indicator information is returned; if (elemind == NULL) then the null indicator information will NOT be returned boc (OUT) - TRUE if iterator is at Beginning Of Collection (i.e. previous element does not exist) else FALSE. DESCRIPTION: Returns pointer to the previous element and its corresponding null information. The iterator is updated to point to the previous element. If the iterator is pointing to the first element of the collection prior to executing this function, then calling this function will set 'boc' to TRUE. The iterator will be left unchanged in this situation. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* FUNCTIONS WHICH OPERATE ONLY ON NESTED TABLE OCITable*() */ /*****************************************************************************/ /*---------------------------- OCITableSize ---------------------------------*/ sword OCITableSize( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCITable *tbl, sb4 *size); /* NAME: OCITableSize - OCITable return current SIZe of the given nested table (not including deleted elements) PARAMETERS: env(IN) - pointer to OCI environment handle err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). tbl (IN) - nested table whose number of elements is returned size (OUT) - current number of elements in the nested table. The count does not include deleted elements. DESCRIPTION: Returns the count of elements in the given nested table. The count returned by OCITableSize() will be decremented upon deleting elements from the nested table. So, this count DOES NOT includes any "holes" created by deleting elements. For example: OCITableSize(...); // assume 'size' returned is equal to 5 OCITableDelete(...); // delete one element OCITableSize(...); // 'size' returned will be equal to 4 To get the count plus the count of deleted elements use OCICollSize(). Continuing the above example, OCICollSize(...) // 'size' returned will still be equal to 5 RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if error during loading of nested table into object cache any of the input parameters is null */ /*---------------------- OCITableExists ---------------------------------*/ sword OCITableExists( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCITable *tbl, sb4 index, boolean *exists ); /* NAME: OCITableExists - OCITable test whether element at the given index EXIsts PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). tbl (IN) - table in which the given index is checked index (IN) - index of the element which is checked for existence exists (OUT) - set to TRUE if element at given 'index' exists else set to FALSE DESCRIPTION: Test whether an element exists at the given 'index'. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null */ /*--------------------------- OCITableDelete -------------------------------*/ sword OCITableDelete( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, sb4 index, OCITable *tbl ); /* NAME: OCITableDelete - OCITable DELete element at the specified index PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). index (IN) - index of the element which must be deleted tbl (IN) - table whose element is deleted DESCRIPTION: Delete the element at the given 'index'. Note that the position ordinals of the remaining elements of the table is not changed by the delete operation. So delete creates "holes" in the table. An error is returned if the element at the specified 'index' has been previously deleted. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if any of the input parameters is null given index is not valid */ /*--------------------------- OCITableFirst ---------------------------------*/ sword OCITableFirst( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCITable *tbl, sb4 *index ); /* NAME: OCITableFirst - OCITable return FirST index of table PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). tbl (IN) - table which is scanned index (OUT) - first index of the element which exists in the given table is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the first index of the element which exists in the given table. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if table is empty */ /*---------------------------- OCITableLast ---------------------------------*/ sword OCITableLast( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, const OCITable *tbl, sb4 *index ); /* NAME: OCITableFirst - OCITable return LaST index of table PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). tbl (IN) - table which is scanned index (OUT) - last index of the element which exists in the given table is returned DESCRIPTION: Return the last index of the element which exists in the given table. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if table is empty */ /*---------------------------- OCITableNext ---------------------------------*/ sword OCITableNext( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, sb4 index, const OCITable *tbl, sb4 *next_index, boolean *exists ); /* NAME: OCITableNext - OCITable return NeXT available index of table PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). index (IN) - starting at 'index' the index of the next element which exists is returned tbl (IN) - table which is scanned next_index (OUT) - index of the next element which exists is returned exists (OUT) - FALSE if no next index available else TRUE DESCRIPTION: Return the smallest position j, greater than 'index', such that exists(j) is TRUE. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if no next index available */ /*---------------------------- OCITablePrev ---------------------------------*/ sword OCITablePrev( OCIEnv *env, OCIError *err, sb4 index, const OCITable *tbl, sb4 *prev_index, boolean *exists ); /* NAME: OCITablePrev - OCITable return PReVious available index of table PARAMETERS: env (IN/OUT) - OCI environment handle initialized in object mode. err (IN/OUT) - error handle. If there is an error, it is recorded in 'err' and this function returns OCI_ERROR. The error recorded in 'err' can be retrieved by calling OCIErrorGet(). index (IN) - starting at 'index' the index of the previous element which exists is returned tbl (IN) - table which is scanned prev_index (OUT) - index of the previous element which exists is returned exists (OUT) - FALSE if no next index available else TRUE DESCRIPTION: Return the largest position j, less than 'index', such that exists(j) is TRUE. RETURNS: OCI_SUCCESS if the function completes successfully. OCI_INVALID_HANDLE if 'env' or 'err' is NULL. OCI_ERROR if no previous index available */ /*------------------------ OCINumberToLnx -----------------------------------*/ /* void OCINumberToLnx(/o_ OCINumber *num _o/); */ #define OCINumberToLnx(num) ((lnxnum_t *)num) /* NAME: OCINumberToLnx PARAMETERS: num (IN) - OCINumber to convert ; DESCRIPTION: Converts OCINumber to its internal lnx format This is not to be used in Public interfaces , but has been provided due to special requirements from SQLPLUS development group as they require to call Core funtions directly . */ /* OCI representation of XMLType */ typedef struct OCIXMLType OCIXMLType; /* OCI representation of OCIDomDocument */ typedef struct OCIDOMDocument OCIDOMDocument; /* OCI representation for the Binary XML repository context */ typedef struct OCIBinXmlReposCtx OCIBinXmlReposCtx; #endif /* ORL_ORACLE */
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