Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\LIB\java\shared\org.jgroups\LATEST\smack.xml
<!-- ************ JGroups Protocol Stack Configuration ************** --> <!-- generated by XmlConfigurator on Mon Apr 26 11:26:12 PDT 2004 --> <!-- input file: smack.old.xml --> <!--Stack based on SMACK and minimal threads. SMACK is a simple reliable multicast transport based on positive acks (sender sends message, receiver sends ack, if sender doesn't receive ack within timeout, message will be retransmitted). Compared to smack.xml, this stack uses TUNNEL as transport--> <config> <UDP mcast_port="45566" use_incoming_packet_handler="false" mcast_addr="" use_outgoing_packet_handler="false" ip_ttl="32"/> <FD_SIMPLE timeout="3000" interval="2000" max_missed_hbs="3"/> <UNICAST timeout="1200,2400,3000" use_gms="false"/> <SMACK max_xmits="20" timeout="1000,1500,2000" /> </config>
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