Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\LIB\java\shared\org.jgroups\LATEST\bare-bones.xml
<!-- ************ JGroups Protocol Stack Configuration ************** --> <!-- generated by XmlConfigurator on Mon Apr 26 10:51:55 PDT 2004 --> <!-- input file: bare-bones.xml --> <!-- Bare bones stack with only UDP and UNICAST. Multicast is unreliable (members may get a multicast, or not) and messages don't get fragmented (if a message is too big, it will be dropped). However, unicast messages (e.g. responses to multicast messages) are reliable: they will be retransmitted if dropped. Since no membership protocol is included, members have no way of finding other members. Such a functionality has to be done on the application level in this case --> <config> <UDP mcast_port="45566" use_incoming_packet_handler="false" mcast_addr="" use_outgoing_packet_handler="false" ip_ttl="32"/> <UNICAST timeout="1200"/> </config>
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