Edit D:\app\Administrator\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1\ASP.NET\SQL\InstallOraclePersonalization.sql
Rem Rem $Header: aspnetproviders/sql/InstallOraclePersonalization.sql /main/6 2008/7/09 07:00:41 aruns Exp $ Rem Rem InstallOraclePersonalization.sql Rem Rem Copyright (c) 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. Rem Rem NAME Rem InstallOraclePersonalization.sql - Creates tables in the Database. Rem Rem DESCRIPTION Rem Creates OraclePersonalizationProvider specific tables in the Database. Rem Rem NOTES Rem <other useful comments, qualifications, etc.> Rem Rem MODIFIED (MM/DD/YY) Rem aruns 07/03/08 - Fix for Upgrade errors. Rem aruns 03/14/07 - Fix path for calling plb file. Rem aruns 03/09/07 - Call SP plb file, create roles, grant privileges to SP's. Rem aruns 02/25/07 - Created Rem -- Get the user name from the current connection col USER new_value CurrentUser; select USER from dual; -- Table for storing aspnet paths information. BEGIN -- first check if the table already exists IF ( (ora_aspnet_TableExists('ORA_ASPNET_PATHS') = 0) OR (ora_aspnet_TableExists('ORA_ASPNET_PERSONALIZNPERUSER') = 0) OR (ora_aspnet_TableExists('ORA_ASPNET_PERSONALIZNALLUSERS') = 0)) THEN execute immediate 'CREATE TABLE ora_aspnet_Paths ( ApplicationId RAW (16) NOT NULL, PathId RAW (16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID() NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, Path NVARCHAR2 (256) NOT NULL, LoweredPath NVARCHAR2 (256) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT fk_Paths_Appid FOREIGN KEY (ApplicationId) REFERENCES ora_aspnet_Applications (ApplicationId) )'; execute immediate 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ora_aspnet_Paths_index ON ora_aspnet_Paths(ApplicationId, LoweredPath)'; -- table to store User specific personalization data. execute immediate 'CREATE TABLE ora_aspnet_PersonaliznPerUser ( Id RAW (16) DEFAULT SYS_GUID() NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, PathId RAW (16), UserId RAW (16), PageSettings BLOB NOT NULL, LastUpdatedDate DATE NOT NULL )'; execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE ora_aspnet_PersonaliznPerUser ADD CONSTRAINT PersonalizationPerUser_PathId FOREIGN KEY (PathId) REFERENCES ora_aspnet_Paths (PathId)'; execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE ora_aspnet_PersonaliznPerUser ADD CONSTRAINT PersonalizationPerUser_UserId FOREIGN KEY (UserId) REFERENCES ora_aspnet_Users (UserId)'; execute immediate 'CREATE UNIQUE INDEX PersonalizationPerUser_index2 ON ora_aspnet_PersonaliznPerUser(PathId, UserId)'; -- table to store shared personalization data. execute immediate 'CREATE TABLE ora_aspnet_PersonaliznAllUsers ( PathId RAW (16), PageSettings BLOB NOT NULL, LastUpdatedDate DATE NOT NULL )'; execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE ora_aspnet_PersonaliznAllUsers ADD CONSTRAINT PersonalizationAllUsers_PathId FOREIGN KEY (PathId) REFERENCES ora_aspnet_Paths (PathId) ON DELETE CASCADE'; -- Create roles. create role privilege is required. execute immediate 'CREATE ROLE ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess'; execute immediate 'CREATE ROLE ora_aspnet_Pers_ReportAccess'; execute immediate 'CREATE ROLE ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess'; -- Create public synonym. Create public synonym privilege is required. execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_CreatePage FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_CreatePage'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_CreateUser FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_CreateUser'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PA_GetCountOfState FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PA_GetCountOfState'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PA_ResetSharedState FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PA_ResetSharedState'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PA_ResetUserState FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PA_ResetUserState'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PAU_GetPgSettings FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PAU_GetPgSettings'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PAU_ResetPgSettings FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PAU_ResetPgSettings'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PPU_ResetPgSettings FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PPU_ResetPgSettings'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PPU_GetPgSettings FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PPU_GetPgSettings'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PAU_SetPgSettings FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PAU_SetPgSettings'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PPU_SetPgSettings FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PPU_SetPgSettings'; execute immediate 'CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYM ora_aspnet_PA_FindState FOR &CurrentUser..ora_aspnet_PA_FindState'; END IF; END; / -- Run the plb file to create stored functions/procedures @@InstallOraclePersonalizationSP.plb -- Grant role to role. -- ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess has privileges from ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess and ora_aspnet_Pers_ReportAccess. GRANT ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess TO ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess; GRANT ora_aspnet_Pers_ReportAccess TO ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess; -- Grant execution privilege to ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess role GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_CreatePage TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_CreateUser TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PAU_GetPgSettings TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PPU_GetPgSettings TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PAU_SetPgSettings TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PPU_SetPgSettings TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PAU_ResetPgSettings TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PPU_ResetPgSettings TO ora_aspnet_Pers_BasicAccess; -- Grant execution privilege to ora_aspnet_Pers_ReportAccess role GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PA_GetCountOfState TO ora_aspnet_Pers_ReportAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PA_FindState TO ora_aspnet_Pers_ReportAccess; -- Grant execution privilege to ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess role GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PA_ResetSharedState TO ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess; GRANT EXECUTE ON ora_aspnet_PA_ResetUserState TO ora_aspnet_Pers_FullAccess;
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