Edit D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\vm-support.vbs
' VMware support script, VBscript version ' Collects various configuration and log files ' for use when troubleshooting the VMware Workstation ' or the VMware GSX Server Option Explicit ' On Error Resume Next Const HKLM = &H80000002 Const COMMON_APPDATA = &H23& Const USER_APPDATA = &H1A& Const PROGRAM_FILES = &H26& Const WINDOWS_DIR = &H24& Const SUPPORT_URL = "http://www.vmware.com/info?id=7" ' Cannot split the string onto another line. If split, it results in a ' compilation error. Hence the misalignment. Const ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY = _ "Please make sure only one instance of vm-support.vbs is running at a time." Dim quietMode, outputFile, outputFolder, collectUILogs, collectLogsForVMs ' Convert and quote a string Function Quote(strin) Dim siz, i, s siz = Len(strin) For i=1 to siz s = s & Chr(Asc(Mid(strin, i, 1))) Next Quote = Chr(34) & s & Chr(34) End Function Function NeedQuote(strin) Dim siz, i siz = Len(strin) For i=1 to siz If Asc(Mid(strin, i, 1)) = 32 Then NeedQuote = True Exit Function End If Next NeedQuote = False End Function Function FormatArguments Dim s, arg s = "" For Each arg In Wscript.Arguments If NeedQuote(arg) Then s = s & " " & Quote(arg) Else s = s & " " & arg End If Next FormatArguments = s End Function Function Timestamp Dim t t = Now Timestamp = Year(t) & "-" _ & Right("0" & Month(t), 2) & "-" _ & Right("0" & Day(t), 2) & "-" _ & Right("0" & Hour(t), 2) & "-" _ & Right("0" & Minute(t), 2) End Function Class VMsupport Private tmpdir, vmtmpdir, workdir Private AppData, UserData, SysTemp, Username, ProgFiles, Minidump, SysTemp_VmwareSys, AllUsersProfile Private versionInfo, majorVersion, minorVersion Private archVersion Private osVersion Private WindowsDir Private Fso, Wsh, RegObj Private zipExe Private CollectStateLogs Private VMList Private Sub Class_Initialize() Dim sh, desktop, objShell, wshNetwork, objWMI, colItems, objItem On Error Resume Next Set RegObj=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" _ & ".\root\default:StdRegProv") Set objWMI = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMI.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem",,48) 'Getting the version number for the OS (could be used later) For Each objItem in colItems osVersion=objItem.Version Next 'Spliting the OS version into major minor and service pack if needed in future versionInfo = Split(osVersion, ".") majorVersion = CInt(versionInfo(0)) minorVersion = CInt(versionInfo(1)) 'AddressWidth parameter in Win32_Processor class query 'for finding if OS is 64bit or 32bit archVersion = GetObject("winmgmts:root\cimv2:" & _ "Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") set Wsh = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Username = wshNetwork.Username desktop = Wsh.SpecialFolders("Desktop") tmpdir = Wsh.Environment("Process").Item("Temp") SysTemp = Wsh.Environment("Process").Item("WINDIR") & "\Temp" SysTemp_VmwareSys = SysTemp & "\vmware-system" Minidump = Wsh.Environment("Process").Item("WINDIR") & "\Minidump" AllUsersProfile = Wsh.Environment("Process").Item("ALLUSERSPROFILE") If outputFolder = "" Then vmtmpdir = tmpdir & "\vmware-support" Else vmtmpdir = outputFolder End If if not Fso.FolderExists(vmtmpdir) then Fso.CreateFolder(vmtmpdir) end if workdir = vmtmpdir & "\vmsupport-" & Timestamp If Fso.FolderExists(workdir) Then Fso.DeleteFolder workdir, True If Err.number <> 0 Then If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" WriteLine " Could not delete folder " & workdir & ". " & _ ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY End If WScript.Quit(0) End If End If Set VMList = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") If Err.number <> 0 Then If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" WriteLine " Could not create the scripting dictionary. " & _ ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY End If WScript.Quit(0) End If Fso.CreateFolder(workdir) Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\Misc") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\Dumps") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\VM") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\TEMP") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\Global_Config") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\SYSTEMP") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\SYSTEMP\vmware-system") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\MiniDump") Fso.CreateFolder(workdir & "\DxDiag") Set objShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application") AppData = objShell.Namespace(COMMON_APPDATA).Self.Path UserData = objShell.Namespace(USER_APPDATA).Self.Path WindowsDir = objShell.Namespace(WINDOWS_DIR).Self.Path ProgFiles = objShell.Namespace(PROGRAM_FILES).Self.Path zipExe = """" & Left(WScript.ScriptFullName, Len(WScript.ScriptFullName) - _ Len(WScript.ScriptName)) & "zip.exe""" End Sub Sub DumpKey(DefKey, Path, filename) Dim f1 On Error Resume Next Set f1 = fso.CreateTextFile(filename, True, True) If Err.number <> 0 Then If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" WriteLine "Could not create text file " & filename & ". " & _ ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY End If WScript.Quit(0) End If EnumerateKey DefKey, Path, f1 f1.Close End Sub ' Recursively enumerate registry and write it to a file. Sub EnumerateKey(DefKey, Path, OutFile) dim Keys, Names, types, i, j, value OutFile.WriteLine("[" & Path & "]") RegObj.EnumValues DefKey, Path, Names, Types if not IsNull(Names) and not IsNull(Types) Then for i = lbound(types) to ubound(types) select case types(i) case 1 RegObj.GetStringValue defkey, path, names(i), value If not isnull(names(i)) or not isnull(value) then OutFile.WriteLine names(i) & "=" & Quote(value) end if case 2 RegObj.GetExpandedStringValue defkey, path, names(i), _ value if not isnull(names(i)) or not isnull(value) then OutFile.WriteLine Quote(names(i)) & "=expand:" & _ Quote(value) end if case 3 RegObj.GetBinaryValue defkey, path, names(i), value for j = lbound(value) to ubound(value) value(j) = hex(cint(value(j))) next if not isnull(names(i)) or not isnull(value) then OutFile.WriteLine Quote(names(i)) &"=hex:"& _ join(value, ",") end if case 4 RegObj.GetDWordValue defkey, path, names(i), value if not isnull(names(i)) or value then OutFile.WriteLine Quote(names(i)) & "=dword:" & _ hex(value) end if end select next end if OutFile.WriteLine RegObj.EnumKey HKLM, Path, Keys Dim SubKey, NewPath If not IsNull(Keys) Then For Each SubKey In Keys NewPath = Path & "\" & SubKey EnumerateKey DefKey, NewPath,OutFile Next End if End Sub ' Run a command and save the output to a file Sub RunCmd(cmd, outfile) Dim f1, run, output On Error Resume Next Set f1 = fso.CreateTextFile(outfile, True, True) If Err.number <> 0 Then If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" WriteLine "Could not create text file " & outfile & ". " & _ ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY End If WScript.Quit(0) End If set run = Wsh.exec(cmd) output = run.stdout.readall f1.Write output f1.Close End Sub Sub CopyConfig() On Error Resume Next Dim myFolders, folder Set myFolders = fso.GetFolder(AppData & "\VMware").SubFolders For Each folder in myFolders folder = Fso.GetFileName(folder) If LCase(folder) <> "vmware ace" Then CopyFolderExceptVMs AppData & "\VMware\" & folder, _ workdir & "\Global_Config" & "\" & folder End if Next Fso.CopyFolder UserData & "\VMware", workdir & "\Current_User" ' The UI Log Fso.CopyFile tmpdir & "\vmware-" & Username & "\vmware*.log", _ workdir & "\Temp\" ' The Installer Logs Fso.CopyFile SysTemp & "\vpxainst.log", workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" Fso.CopyFile SysTemp & "\vpxauninst.log", workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" Fso.CopyFile SysTemp & "\vim-vpxa-msi.log", workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" Fso.CopyFile SysTemp & "\vminst.log", workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" Fso.CopyFile tmpdir & "\vm*.log", workdir & "\Temp\" Fso.CopyFile SysTemp & "\vmware*.log", workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" If (Fso.FileExists(WindowsDir & "\setupapi.log")) Then Fso.CopyFile WindowsDir & "\setupapi.log" , workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" End If If (Fso.FileExists(WindowsDir & "\inf\setupapi.dev.log")) Then Fso.CopyFile WindowsDir & "\inf\setupapi.dev.log" , workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" End If If (Fso.FileExists(WindowsDir & "\inf\setupapi.offline.log")) Then Fso.CopyFile WindowsDir & "\inf\setupapi.offline.log" , workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" End If If (Fso.FileExists(WindowsDir & "\inf\setupapi.app.log")) Then Fso.CopyFile WindowsDir & "\inf\setupapi.app.log" , workdir & "\SYSTEMP\" End If On Error Goto 0 End Sub ' Copy dump files Sub CopyDumpFiles() On Error Resume Next Dim appDir appDir = GetUserProfileDirectory("Default User") & "\Application Data" Fso.CopyFile appDir & "\VMware\*.dmp", workdir & "\Dumps\" appDir = GetUserProfileDirectory("Default User") & _ "\Local Settings\Application Data" Fso.CopyFile appDir & "\VMware\*.dmp", workdir & "\Dumps\" appDir = GetUserProfileDirectory("LocalService") & "\Application Data" Fso.CopyFile appDir & "\VMware\*.dmp", workdir & "\Dumps\" appDir = GetUserProfileDirectory("NetworkService") & "\Application Data" Fso.CopyFile appDir & "\VMware\*.dmp", workdir & "\Dumps\" appDir = GetUserProfileDirectory("NetworkService") & _ "\Local Settings\Application Data" Fso.CopyFile appDir & "\VMware\*.dmp", workdir & "\Dumps\" End Sub Sub CopyEventLogs() CopyLog "Application", workdir & "\Misc\" CopyLog "System", workdir & "\Misc\" CopyLog "Security", workdir & "\Misc\" End Sub ' Delete files with sensitive data ' Currently we delete the SSL folder to avoid collecting ' the private or public keys. Sub PurgeFiles() On Error Resume Next Fso.DeleteFolder workdir & "\Global_Config\VMware Server\SSL" End Sub ' Copy the specified system event log to the specified directory Sub CopyLog(logname, directory) ' non-admin users would lack permissions On Error Resume Next Dim query1, query2, logfileset, logfileobj query1 = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate," &_ "(Backup,Security)}!\\.\root\cimv2" query2 = "select * from Win32_NTEventLogFile where " &_ "LogfileName='" & logname & "'" Set logfileset = GetObject(query1).ExecQuery(query2) For Each logfileobj in logfileset logfileobj.BackupEventLog(directory & logname & "-log.evt") Next On Error Goto 0 End Sub Sub CopyMinidump() On Error Resume Next Dim dumpFolder, myDumpFiles, dumpFile Dim lastModTime1, lastModFile1 ' File modified last but one Dim lastModTime2, lastModFile2 ' File modified last lastModTime1 = 0 lastModTime2 = 0 lastModFile1 = lastModFile2 = "" Set dumpFolder = fso.GetFolder(Minidump) Set myDumpFiles = dumpFolder.Files For Each dumpFile in myDumpFiles If UCase(fso.GetExtensionName(dumpFile)) = "DMP" Then If dumpFile.LastModified > lastModified2 Then lastModFile1 = lastModFile2 lastModTime1 = lastModTime2 lastModFile2 = dumpFile.Name lastModTime2 = dumpFile.LastModified ElseIf dumpFile.LastModified > lastModified1 Then lastModFile1 = dumpFile.Name lastModTime1 = dumpFile.LastModified End If End If Next If lastModFile1 <> "" Then Fso.CopyFile MiniDump & "\" & lastModFile1 , workdir & "\Minidump\" If Not quietMode Then Write "." End If If lastModFile2 <> "" Then Fso.CopyFile MiniDump & "\" & lastModFile2 , workdir & "\Minidump\" If Not quietMode Then Write "." End If On Error Goto 0 End Sub Sub CopyVmwareSystemFiles() On Error Resume Next Dim dumpFolder, myDumpFiles, dumpFile Set dumpFolder = fso.GetFolder(SysTemp_VmwareSys) Set myDumpFiles = dumpFolder.Files For Each dumpFile in myDumpFiles Fso.CopyFile SysTemp_VmwareSys & "\" & dumpFile.Name , _ workdir & "\SYSTEMP\vmware-system\" If Not quietMode Then Write "." Next On Error Goto 0 End Sub ' Return a list of all matched objects Function ReFindAll(regexp, data) Dim re Set re = New RegExp re.Pattern = regexp re.IgnoreCase = True re.Global = True Set ReFindAll = re.Execute(data) End Function Function ReMatch(regexp, data) Dim re Set re = New RegExp re.Pattern = regexp re.IgnoreCase = True Set ReMatch = re.Match(data) End Function ' Unquote the string. Function GetFileName(ByVal data) GetFileName = split(data, Chr(34), 3)(1) End Function ' Return the path to the user profile directory of the specified user Function GetUserProfileDirectory(userName) Dim strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue strKeyPath = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" strValueName = "ProfilesDirectory" RegObj.GetExpandedStringValue HKLM, strKeyPath, strValueName, strValue If not IsNull(strValue) Then strValue = strValue & "\" & userName End if GetUserProfileDirectory = strValue End Function ' Search for all VMs registered with hostd and copy the contents by calling CopyVM Sub CopyHostdVMs() Dim xmlDoc, vms, i, inventoryFile, vmxFile Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") inventoryFile = AppData & "\VMware\VMware Server\hostd\vmInventory.xml" xmlDoc.Load(inventoryFile) xmlDoc.async = false Set vms = xmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("vmxCfgPath") For i = 0 to vms.length - 1 vmxFile = vms(i).text If Fso.FileExists(vmxFile) Then CopyVM i, vmxFile End if Next End Sub ' Search only one level of folders for vmx files. Sub FindAllFoldersWithVMX(directory) On Error Resume Next Dim subfolder, file For Each subfolder in fso.GetFolder(directory).SubFolders file = subfolder & "\v.vmx" If not VMList.Exists(file) Then VMList.add file, "" End If Next End Sub ' Search for all VMs. The real work is done in CopyVM Sub CopyVMs() Dim file, data, m, i, packagepath, folder, subfolders, subfolder If Wscript.Arguments.Count > 0 Then If (collectUILogs) Then Exit Sub End If End If If (collectLogsForVMs) Then For i = 0 To Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1 If Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-v" _ And i + 1 < Wscript.Arguments.Count _ Then Dim files files = Split(Wscript.Arguments(i + 1), "|") For Each file in files file = Trim(file) If InStrRev(file, ".vmx", -1, vbTextCompare) _ <> (Len(file) - 3) _ Then 'Looks like we got the vmx file path file = file & "\v.vmx" End If If Not VMList.Exists(file) Then VMList.add file, "" End If Next End If Next Else file = UserData & "\VMware\preferences.ini" If Fso.FileExists(file) Then data = Fso.OpenTextFile(file).ReadAll For Each m in ReFindAll(".*openedObj\d+\.file\s*=.*\n", data) file = GetFileName(m.value) IF not VMList.Exists(file) Then VMList.add file, "" End IF Next End If file = UserData & "\VMware\inventory.vmls" If Fso.FileExists(file) Then data = Fso.OpenTextFile(file).ReadAll For Each m in ReFindAll("vmlist\d+\.config\s*=.*\n", data) file = GetFileName(m.value) If not VMList.Exists(file) Then VMList.add file, "" End If Next End If file = UserData & "\VMware\Virtual Machines.vmls" If Fso.FileExists(file) Then data = Fso.OpenTextFile(file).ReadAll For Each m in ReFindAll("vmlist\d+\.config\s*=.*\n", data) file = GetFileName(m.value) If not VMList.Exists(file) Then VMList.add file, "" End If Next End If ' Collect ACE 1.0 vms RegObj.GetStringValue HKLM, _ "SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.\VMware ACE", _ "PackagePath", packagepath If not isNull(packagepath) _ and Fso.FolderExists(packagepath & "Virtual Machines\") _ Then Set folder = Fso.GetFolder(packagepath & "Virtual Machines\") FindAllFoldersWithVMX(folder) End If ' Collect ACE 2.0 deployed VMs FindAllFoldersWithVMX(AppData & "\VMware\VMware ACE") End If CollectStateLogs = False For i = 0 To Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1 If Wscript.Arguments(i) = "-s" Then CollectStateLogs = True Exit For End If Next VMList = VMList.Keys For i = Lbound(VMList) to Ubound(VMList) If Fso.FileExists(VMList(i)) _ OR ContainsVmxFile(Fso.GetParentFolderName(VMList(i))) _ Then CopyVM i, VMList(i) End If Next CopyHostdVMs End Sub Sub CopyFolderExceptVMs(source, dest) Dim file, folder, myFolders, tmpf ' create dest if it does not exist If not Fso.FolderExists(dest) Then Fso.CreateFolder dest End If ' Copy each file in the directory For Each file in Fso.GetFolder(source).Files tmpf = LCase(file) ' Let's keep this as a whitelist for now. ' .gz added to collect the zipped hostd files If right(tmpf,4) = ".log" OR _ right(tmpf,3) = ".gz" OR _ right(tmpf,4) = ".ini" OR _ right(tmpf,4) = ".xml" _ Then Fso.CopyFile file, dest & "\" End If Next If Not quietMode Then Write "." ' Copy each directory in this directory Set myFolders = fso.GetFolder(source).SubFolders For Each folder in myFolders folder = Fso.GetFileName(folder) If LCase(folder) <> "virtual machines" Then CopyFolderExceptVMs source & "\" & folder, _ dest & "\" & folder End If Next End Sub ' Save files less than 30K or the log file. ' Monitor logs will be in a subdirectory eventually. Sub CopyVM(index, vmx) Dim src, dst, f, i, baseDst, absPath, pos Dim myFld, folder On Error Resume Next src = Fso.GetParentFolderName(vmx) ' Set the destination dir to be the VM folder name. ' If there are more than one VMs with the same folder name ' we add a "-1", "-2" etc as the suffix. dst = workdir & "\VM\" & Fso.GetFolder(src).Name baseDst = dst i = 1 While Fso.FolderExists(dst) dst = baseDst & "-" & i i = i + 1 Wend dst = dst & "\" Fso.CreateFolder(dst) For Each f in fso.GetFolder(src).Files f = LCase(f) absPath = f ' get file name from absolute path pos = InStrRev(f, "\") f = right(f, Len(f) - pos) If Fso.GetFile(absPath).Size < 30000 OR right(f,5)=".vmpl" _ OR left(f,5)="stats" OR left(f,4)="gmon" OR left(f,10)="callstacks" _ OR left(f,7)="samples" OR left(f,6)="status" _ Then Fso.CopyFile absPath, dst Else If right(f,4)=".log" Then If CollectStateLogs=True Then Fso.CopyFile absPath, dst Else If InStr(f, "state")=0 Then Fso.CopyFile absPath, dst End If End If ElseIf right(f,4)=".dmp" Then Fso.CopyFile f, dst End If End If Next Set myFld = Fso.GetFolder(src).SubFolders For Each folder in myFld Dim tmpf folder = Fso.GetFileName(folder) tmpf = LCase(folder) If right(tmpf,5) = "stats" Then Fso.CopyFolder src & "\" & folder, dst & "\stats" End If Next RunCmd "cacls """ & src & """\*.*", dst & "cacls.txt" Set f = fso.CreateTextFile(dst & "vmxpath.txt", True, True) If Err.number <> 0 Then If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" WriteLine "Could not create text file vmxpath.txt. " & _ ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY End If WScript.Quit(0) End If f.WriteLine vmx f.Close If Not quietMode Then Write "." End Sub ' returns TRUE if there's a VMX file in the given directory Function ContainsVmxFile(path) Dim f ContainsVmxFile = FALSE If not Fso.FolderExists(path) Then Exit Function End If For Each f in fso.GetFolder(path).Files f = LCase(f) If right(f,4)=".vmx" Then ContainsVmxFile = TRUE Exit Function End If Next End Function ' Save the MSinfo report, this takes a while and hence not saving text. Sub MSInfo Dim msinfo msinfo = Wsh.RegRead("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shared Tools\MSInfo\Path") Wsh.Run Quote(msinfo) & " /nfo " & workdir & "\Misc\MSinfo.nfo", 0, True If Not quietMode Then Write "." End Sub Sub Service Dim fp, wmi, s, Services, i On Error Resume Next Set fp = Fso.CreateTextFile(workdir & "\Misc\Service.txt", _ True, True) If Err.number <> 0 Then If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" WriteLine "Could not create text file Service.txt. " & _ ONE_INSTANCE_ONLY End If WScript.Quit(0) End If Set wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2") Set Services = wmi.ExecQuery _ ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service") For Each s in Services fp.WriteLine "System Name: " & s.SystemName fp.WriteLine "Service Name: " & s.Name fp.WriteLine "Service Type: " & s.ServiceType fp.WriteLine "Service State: " & s.State fp.WriteLine "ExitCode: " & s.ExitCode fp.WriteLine "Process ID: " & s.ProcessID fp.WriteLine "Accept Pause: " & s.AcceptPause fp.WriteLine "Accept Stop: " & s.AcceptStop fp.WriteLine "Caption: " & s.Caption fp.WriteLine "Description: " & s.Description fp.WriteLine "Desktop Interact: " & s.DesktopInteract fp.WriteLine "Display Name: " & s.DisplayName fp.WriteLine "Error Control: " & s.ErrorControl fp.WriteLine "Path Name: " & s.PathName fp.WriteLine "Started: " & s.Started fp.WriteLine "StartMode: " & s.StartMode fp.WriteLine "StartName: " & s.StartName fp.Writeline i=i+1 if (i mod 4) = 0 And Not quietMode then Write "." Next fp.Close End Sub Sub VMwareUser Dim accounts, user, localhost, vmuser localhost = CreateObject("Wscript.Network").ComputerName Set vmuser = GetObject("WinNT://" & localhost & "/__vmware_user__") End Sub Sub BootIni Dim i, bootdrive, bootini For i=0 to 23 bootdrive = Chr(Asc("C")+i) bootini = bootdrive & ":\boot.ini" If Fso.FileExists(bootini) Then On Error Resume Next Dim bootinidest, f bootinidest = workdir & "\Misc\" & bootdrive & "_boot.ini" Fso.CopyFile bootini, bootinidest ' Unset the hidden and system bits if set. Set f = Fso.GetFile(bootinidest) If f.attributes and 4 Then f.attributes = f.attributes - 4 End If If f.attributes and 2 Then f.attributes = f.attributes - 2 End If ' GetFile would fail if the boot.ini was not copied On Error Goto 0 If bootdrive = "C" Then Exit For End If End If Next End Sub Sub Generate() If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "Collecting information needed for support. " & _ "This may take several minutes." End If Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If Not quietMode Then Write " Registry " DumpKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\VMware, Inc.", workdir & "\Misc\vmware_reg.txt" If Not quietMode Then Write ".." DumpKey HKLM, "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\NetworkCards", _ workdir & "\Misc\networkcards_reg.txt" If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "." If Not quietMode Then Write " DxDiag Data ." Wsh.Run("dxdiag /t " & workdir & "\DxDiag\DxDiag.txt") 'Version Check for Windows 8 current version added ' to be modified when /64bit option is not supported later on too If archVersion = 64 And (majorVersion <= 5 or (majorVersion = 6 _ And minorVersion < 2)) Then Wsh.Run("dxdiag /64bit /t" & workdir & "\DxDiag\DxDiag-64Bit.txt") End if If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "." If Not quietMode Then Write " Driverquery ." 'Driverquery was first introduced in Windows XP. If majorVersion > 5 Or (majorVersion = 5 And minorVersion >= 1) Then RunCmd "Driverquery /fo TABLE /V", workdir & "\Misc\Driverquery.txt" End if If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "." If Not quietMode Then Write " Network Configuration ." Fso.CopyFile AppData & "\VMware\vmnet*.*" , workdir & "\Misc" RunCmd "ipconfig /all", workdir & "\Misc\ipconfig.txt" RunCmd "route print", workdir & "\Misc\route.txt" If Not quietMode Then Write ".." RunCmd "netstat -aens", workdir & "\Misc\netstat.txt" If Not quietMode Then Write ".." RunCmd "netsh winsock show catalog", workdir & "\Misc\winsock_catalog.txt" If Not quietMode Then WriteLine ".." If Not quietMode Then Write " Startup Settings ." BootIni If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "." If Not quietMode Then Write " VMware Configuration ." CopyConfig CopyDumpFiles If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "." If Not quietMode Then Write " Virtual Machines " CopyVMs If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" If Not quietMode Then Write " Services " Service If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" If Not quietMode Then Write " Dumps ." CopyMinidump CopyVmwareSystemFiles If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" If Not quietMode Then Write " System Information ." MSInfo If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "." If Not quietMode Then Write " Logs ." CopyEventLogs If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" PurgeFiles If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" Dim zipfile If outputFile = "" Then zipfile = workdir & ".zip" Else zipfile = outputFile If Not LCase(Right(zipfile, 4)) = ".zip" Then zipfile = zipfile & ".zip" End If End If If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "Creating zip file..." RunCmd zipExe & " -r """ & zipfile & """ " & workdir, tmpDir & "\out.txt" If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" If Not Fso.FileExists(zipfile) Then WriteLine "There was an error creating the zip file." WriteLine "If a file changed while reading, " &_ "please run this script again." WriteLine "" Else If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "Done!" WriteLine "" End If WriteLine "Saved support data to " & zipfile If Fso.GetFile(zipfile).size > 10000000 Then WriteLine "NOTE: " & zipfile & " is greater than 10 MB. " WriteLine "Please do not attach this file when submitting an " &_ "incident report. Please contact VMware support for " &_ "an ftp site. To file a support incident, go to " &_ SUPPORT_URL Else WriteLine "Please attach this file when submitting an incident " &_ "report. To file a support incident, go to " &_ SUPPORT_URL End If If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" End If on error resume next If Fso.FolderExists(workdir) Then Fso.DeleteFolder workdir, true End If 'Open Windows Explorer in the right folder If Not quietMode Then Wsh.exec("explorer /n,/select," & zipfile) on error goto 0 If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "" End Sub End class sub Write (s) on error resume next Wscript.StdOut.Write s on error goto 0 end sub sub WriteLine (s) on error resume next Wscript.StdOut.WriteLine s on error goto 0 end sub ' If running with Wscript, relaunch with Cscript. ' This way people who double click directly on the script get the console and ' not a barrage of alert boxes. sub EnsureCscript If Not WScript.FullName = WScript.Path & "\cscript.exe" Then Dim Shell Set Shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Shell.Run WScript.Path & "\cscript.exe " & _ Chr(34) & WScript.ScriptFullName & Chr(34) & _ " //Nologo " & FormatArguments(), _ 1, False WScript.Quit 0 End If end sub Function IsArgsAvail Dim args, idx, arg, check Set args = WScript.Arguments idx = 0 check = True While idx < args.Count arg = args(idx) Select Case arg Case "-q" quietMode = True Case "-o" idx = idx + 1 If idx = args.Count Then check = False Else outputFile = args(idx) End If Case "-w" ' Sets the destination directory. Handle this flag for ' backward compatibility. idx = idx + 1 If idx = args.Count Then check = False Else outputFolder = args(idx) End If Case "-u" collectUILogs = True Case "-s" 'go to next argument Case "-v" idx = idx + 1 'check if next argument is provided If idx = args.Count Then check = False Else collectLogsForVMs = True End If Case "-h" check = False Case Else check = False End Select If Check = False Then IsArgsAvail = False Exit Function End If idx = idx + 1 Wend IsArgsAvail = check End Function Sub Usage Wscript.Echo "Usage: vm-support.vbs [-q] [-o <output file>] [-s|-u|-v<path>] [-h]" Wscript.Echo " -q Quiet mode. Do not print any unnecessary information" Wscript.Echo " -o The filename (including path) to the resulting .zip file" Wscript.Echo " -u Collect system information and UI logs" WriteLine "" Wscript.Echo " -v VMX filename(s) or dir path(s) separated by |" Wscript.Echo " Collect logs only for the specified VMs" Wscript.Echo " Example: vm-support.vbs -v ""path1\file1 | path2\file2""" WriteLine "" Wscript.Echo " -s Include state logs to vm-support package" WriteLine "" Wscript.Echo " -h Display this help menu" WriteLine "" Wscript.Echo " If no options are given, collect logs for all VMs" WriteLine "" WriteLine "Press 'Enter' to close this window" Dim read read = Wscript.StdIn.Read(1) Wscript.Quit 0 End Sub ' Convert wscript version number if system uses comma as the decimal point. Dim wversion wversion = Wscript.Version if not IsNumeric(wversion) and IsNumeric(Replace(wversion,".",",")) Then wversion = CDbl(Replace(wversion,".",",")) End If If wversion < 5.6 Then Wscript.Echo "This vm-support script expects Windows Script Version " & _ "5.6 or above" Wscript.Echo "Windows Script update can be obtained from:" Wscript.Echo "http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx" & _ "?FamilyId=C717D943-7E4B-4622-86EB-95A22B832CAA&displaylang=en" Wscript.quit 0 End If EnsureCscript ' Parse command line arguments quietMode = False outputFile = "" outputFolder = "" collectUILogs = False collectLogsForVMs = False If Not IsArgsAvail Then Call Usage Else If Not quietMode Then WriteLine "VMware Support Script" WriteLine "Copyright (C) 1998-2014 VMware, Inc." WriteLine "Warning: This script will collect most files in the Virtual Machines folder." WriteLine " Move any sensitive information to another folder." WriteLine "" End If Dim info Set info = new VMsupport info.Generate End If
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