Edit D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\OVFTool\env\en\ovftool.vmsg
# en_US resources # the signature must not be deleted signature="sIgNaTuRe" abort = "Execution aborted" base.error = "Base error" cert.invalid = "Syntax error in %1" cert.pem = "Failed to open %1 file: %2" cert.read = "Failed to read the certificate from %1" cert.verification = "Signature does not validate against certificate (signing is compromised)" cert.write = "Failed to write certificate" disklib = "Unable to initialize DiskLib" eula.accept = "Failed to accept EULA" eula.read = "EULAs not read and therefore not accepted" http.curl = "cURL error: %1" http.method = "Unsupported HTTP method" http.open = "Could not open URL %1 (response code: %2)" http.post = "Bad response code (%1) from POST request" http.unexpected.end.of.stream = "Network connection was lost." http.send = "Failed to send http data" http.receive = "Failed to receive http data" http.size.mismatch = "Size mismatch during data transfer; expect %1 bytes to read but %2 bytes are pending to read. Source file may be corrupted" internal.configOption = "Internal error: Failed to open config option file at %1" internal.connection = "Internal error: Failed to connect to server" internal.fault.notfound = "Internal error: FaultType not found: %1" internal.hardware = "Internal error: Hardware version not found" internal.importspec = "Internal error: Unexpected import spec" internal.initlibs = "Internal error: Unable to initialize libs. Reason: %1" internal.install = "Internal error: Failed to open file %1. Corrupted installation?" internal.maxRead = "Internal error: Contents too long" internal.mem = "Internal error: Out of memory" internal.object = "Internal error: Unknown object" internal.ova.padding.space = "Internal error: Not enough room to pad descriptor" internal.searchobject = "Internal error: Failed to create search object for %1" internal.stream = "Internal error: Unexpected end of stream" internal.uncatch = "Internal error: Uncaught exception: %1" internal.unknownobject = "Internal error: Unknown object" internal.zlib = "Internal error: Unable to initialize zlib" internal.digest = "Internal error: Cannot update sha digest as final digest have been made." internal.resume.file.not.found = "Internal error: Resuming download, but target %1 was not found." io.dir.create = "Failed to create directory: %1" io.dir.exist.target = "Target must be an existing directory" io.disk.adapter.type = "Invalid target disk adapter type: %1" io.disk.capacity = "Capacity mismatch for disk %1" io.disk.create = "Failed to create disk: %1. Reason: %2" io.disk.db = "Failed to read DB from disk: %1. Reason: %2" io.disk.grainsize = "Invalid grain size for %1" io.disk.info = "Failed to get disk info from disk: %1. Reason: %2" io.disk.not.found = "Disk (%1) could not be found." io.disk.open = "Failed to open disk: %1" io.disk.open.reason = "Failed to open disk: %1. Reason: %2" io.disk.read = "Failed to stream from disk: %1. Reason: %2" io.disk.write = "Failed to write content to disk %1. Reason: %2" io.file.chunkSize = "Invalid file length for %1 (max size is: %2 bytes)" io.file.compress = "Failed to compress file" io.file.decompress = "Failed to decompress file" io.file.exist = "File already exists: %1" io.file.exist.output = "Output file %1 already exists. Use overwrite flag to delete it." io.file.not.found = "File (%1) could not be found." io.file.open = "Failed to open file: %1" io.file.read = "Failed to read from file: %1" io.file.rename = "Failed to rename file %1 to %2" io.file.write = "Failed to write content to file %1. Reason: %2" io.file.permission = "Access denied for: '%1'" locator.forward = "URL forwarded to resource with unknown protocol: %1" locator.host = "Server not specified: %1" locator.object = "Locator does not refer to an object: %1" locator.parse = "Cannot parse locator: %1" locator.port = "Invalid port number: %1" locator.protocol = "Unsupported protocol: %1" locator.query = "Unknown locator query key: %1" locator.query.key.missing = "Missing query key in locator: %1" locator.scheme = "Invalid scheme for %1 locator: %2" logLevel = "Invalid log level specified: %1" login = "Failed to login: %1" login.abort = "Login aborted" login.attempt = "Too many login attempts" login.machine.user = "Missing username in locator %1" login_vcloud.ticket.version = "Server '%1' does not support login by ticket" manifest.line = "Invalid manifest file (line: %1)" manifest.mismatch = "SHA digest of file %1 does not match manifest" media.media.source.to.ovf.target = "Uploading a media source to an OVF destination is not supported." media.ovf.source.to.media.target = "Uploading an OVF source to a media destination is not supported." media.probe = "Probing media files is not supported" media.iso.target.file.only = "Only local files are allowed as media targets." media.source.target.compat = "Can not upload %1 source to %2 target. Both need to be either ISO or FLP." myvmw.api.version.not.supported = "Unsupported my.vmware.com service: %1" myvmw.communication.response = "Unexpected response code from my.vmware.com: %1" myvmw.communication.error = "Unable to communicate with my.vmware.com. Error code: %1, message: %2" myvmw.connect.version = "Failed to retrieve my.vmware.com service version." myvmw.href.failed = "Failed to get OVF package href from my.vmware.com response." myvmw.invalid.response = "Unexpected response message from my.vmware.com: %1" myvmw.not.entitled.for.download = "The provided user is not entitled to download the product. Message: %1" myvmw.no.compat.product.found = "Unable to find compatible product for input product. Message: %1" net.lookup = "Could not lookup host: %1" net.connect = "Failed to connect to host %1 on port %2." nfc.agent = "Invalid service agent type" nfc.connection = "Unable to establish NFC/HTTP-NFC connection" nfc.source.db = "Unable to read disk database from NFC/HTTP-NFC source" nfc.source.read = "Error reading from NFC/HTTP-NFC source" nfc.target.db = "Unable to set disk database from NFC/HTTP-NFC target" nfc.target.disk = "Unable to open NFC/HTTP-NFC target disk" nfc.target.write = "Error writing to NFC/HTTP-NFC target" nfc.ticket.target = "Unable to get NFC/HTTP-NFC ticket for target disk" op.disk.db.unknown = "Failed to read DB from disk: %1" option.capacity = "Invalid capacity value '%1'. Should be one of b, kb, mb, gb, tb" option.capacity.big = "Capacity too big" option.capacity.zero = "Capacity is zero" option.extraconfig = "%1 with value %2 is not a supported ExtraConfig for target" option.fileRef = "File referenced by %1 does not exist: %2" option.format = "Failed to parse option (%1). Format of value (%2) could not be parsed." option.overwrite = "The overwrite (-o) option is not supported with this target" option.parse.bool = "Value not a Boolean" option.parse.config = "Failed to parse option '%1' in configuration file '%2'" option.parse.illegal = "Value is illegal for option %1. Possible values are: %2" option.parse.invalid = "Invalid value for %1 option" option.parse.negInt = "Value must not be negative: %1" option.parse.posInt = "Value must be greater than zero: %1" option.parse.reason = "Failed to parse option '%1'. Reason: %2" option.parse.source = "Source type not known: %1" option.parse.target = "Destination type not known: %1" option.parse.uri = "Value not a valid URI" option.parse.uri.auth = "URI contains an invalid authority part: %1" option.parse.uri.host = "No host specified in the URI" option.source.target = "No source or target specified. Try 'ovftool --help' for more options." option.unexpected = "Unexpected option: %1" option.unknown = "Unknown option: '%1'" ova.descriptor.open = "Did not find an .ovf file at the beginning of the OVA package." ovf.delta.capacity = "Capacity of disk differs from specified value in OVF descriptor: %1" ovf.delta.create = "Cannot create delta disks: Incompatible disk grain sizes" ovf.delta.grain = "Unable to allocate grain buffer" ovf.delta.ova = "Delta disk creation does not work with an OVA source" ovf.delta.ref = "Multiple disk elements have the same file references" ovf.delta.source = "Source already has delta disk compression" ovf.descriptor.open = "Failed to open OVF descriptor" ovf.file.device = "Could not find file for device id: %1" ovf.local.ref = "OVF has a local file reference" ovf.network.notfound = "Network name not defined in OVF descriptor: %1" ovf.parse = "Errors found while parsing OVF descriptor" ovf.stringbundle.open = "Failed to open string bundle: %1" ovf.target = "OVF Package is not supported by target" ovf.version = "The OVF destination requires that the source OVF is in the version 1.0 format" source.type.unable.determine = "Unable to determine type for source: %1. Use --sourceType option to explicitly specify the source type." system.error = "System error: (%1)" tar.checksum = "Invalid header block: %1 != %2" tar.create = "Tar entry not created" tar.eof = "End of file reached while skipping entry" tar.name = "Cannot create header block. Name too long: %1" tar.size = "Cannot handle OVA archive. Size of %1 is too big" target.directory = "Target directory does not exist: %1" target.exist = "Target already exists: %1" target.name = "Unable to determine name for target" transform.extraconfig.allow = "ExtraConfig options exists in source (use --%1 option to allow this)." vapprun.empty.name = "Unable to determine name of target" vapprun.exist = "VM or vApp with name '%1' already exists" vapprun.locator = "Not a valid vapprun workspace locator: %1" vapprun.networks = "The source contains more than one network. This target supports at most one network." vapprun.notfound = "Did not find entity: %1" vapprun.workspace.invalid = "Not a valid vapprun workspace: %1" vapprun.workspace.version = "The vapprun workspace version is not supported" vcloud.catalog.media = "Media name '%1' not found in the catalog." vcloud.catalog.media.exist = "Media name already found in the catalog. Either overwrite it or choose a different name." vcloud.catalog.multiple = "Multiple catalogs found. Possible catalog completions are: %1" vcloud.catalog.notfound = "Catalog not found: %1" vcloud.catalog.vapp = "vApp name '%1' not found in the catalog" vcloud.catalog.vapp.exist = "vApp name already found in the catalog. Either overwrite it or choose a different name." vcloud.catalog.overwrite.not.vapp = "Can not overwrite a catalog item, which does not contain a vApp template entity." vcloud.catalog.overwrite.not.media = "Can not overwrite a catalog item, which does not contain a media entity." vcloud.invalid.response = "Invalid response from server" vcloud.invalid.response.message = "Invalid response from server: %1" vcloud.invalid.vendor = "Invalid response from server. Vendor specific error code: %1" vcloud.locator.key = "Missing vappTemplate or vapp key in locator" vcloud.locator.key.media = "Missing media key in locator" vcloud.locator.key.any = "Missing media, vappTemplate, or vapp key in locator" vcloud.locator.media.vapp = "The use of the media key in the locator is not allowed with keys: vapp and vappTemplate" vcloud.network.notfound = "Network name not found on target: %1" vcloud.org = "No organization specified: %1" vcloud.ovf.property.notsupported = "Source contains OVF properties that are not supported by the vCloud target." vcloud.server.catalog = "No catalog found on the server." vcloud.server.notsupported = "Source type not supported with target. Convert to OVF/OVA first" vcloud.server.timeout = "Timed-out waiting for server" vcloud.server.vapp = "No vApp found on server" vcloud.server.vapptemplate = "No vAppTemplate found on server" vcloud.server.vdc = "No VDC found on server" vcloud.source.sslfingerprint = "Source SSL fingerprint mismatch detected (expected: %1, actual: %2)." vcloud.source.vapp = "Source vApp is running" vcloud.source.media = "The source type has be to either ISO or FLP. Source type %1 was given to vCloud media target." vcloud.source.media.not.supported = "Downloading media files from vCloud Director is only supported on version 6.0 or newer." vcloud.storage.profile.notfound = "VDC storage profile not found: %1" vcloud.task.fail = "Task failed (%1:%2) : %3" vcloud.target.duplicate = "Duplicate name '%1' on target. Use --overwrite option to delete it." vcloud.target.multiple = "Multiple networks found on target. Possible completions are: %1" vcloud.target.networks = "No networks found on target" vcloud.target.sslfingerprint = "Target SSL fingerprint mismatch detected (expected: %1, actual: %2)." vcloud.target.vapp = "Target vApp is running" vcloud.url.ovf = "No OVF descriptor URL received" vcloud.user.cannotupload = "The user %1 cannot upload to the vCloud server" vcloud.user.cannotupload.noname = "The user cannot upload to the vCloud server" vcloud.vapp.multiple = "Multiple vApps found. Possible vApp completions are: %1" vcloud.vapp.notfound = "vApp not found: %1" vcloud.vapptemplate.multiple = "Multiple vAppTemplates found. Possible vAppTemplate completions are: %1" vcloud.vapptemplate.notfound = "vAppTemplate not found: %1" vcloud.vdc.invalid = "Invalid VDC response: %1" vcloud.vdc.multiple = "Multiple VDCs found. Possible VDC completions are: %1" vcloud.vdc.notfound = "VDC not found: %1" vcloud.version = "No supported vCloud version was found for locator: %1" vi.communicate = "Failed to communicate with VI server" vi.datacenter = "Datacenter object not found" vi.device.path = "Could not generate path for device %1" vi.import.vapp = "Import of vApp %1 is not supported by the host" vi.moref.format = "Invalid moref format for option --%1:%2" vi.moref.type = "Invalid moref type for option --%1:%2" vi.namespace.version = "No supported namespace version was found on host. Max supported version: %1." vi.object = "Found wrong kind of object (%1). Possible completions are: %2" vi.object.invalid = "Invalid object type specified (not a ManagedEntity subtype)" vi.pemfile = "Invalid PEM file: %1." vi.remote.moref = "A connection to the remote object could not be made. OVF Tool does not support this server." vi.remote.object = "Could not make a connection to the server managed object %1. OVF Tool does not support this server" vi.source.disk = "Source disk not found" vi.source.disk.open = "Failed to open file stream: %1" vi.source.lease = "Got fault from server: %1" vi.source.operation = "Operation is not supported on source" vi.source.ovf = "Server failed to return OVF descriptor" vi.source.ticket = "Invalid source session ticket" vi.sslfingerprint = "Provided SSL fingerprint (%1) did not match at locator %2 with fingerprint (%3)." vi.sslfingerprint.delete = "Could not delete SSL fingerprint for host (%1). Remove entry in '%2'." vi.target.createvm = "Failed to create VM %1. Reason: %2" vi.target.createvm.invalidcfg = "Failed to create VM %1. Reason: '%2' for property '%3'" vi.target.datastore.empty = "No datastores found on target" vi.target.datastore.invalid = "Invalid target datastore specified (%1): Possible completions: %2" vi.target.datastore.specified = "No target datastore specified. Possible completions: %1" vi.target.disk = "Target disk not found" vi.target.diskmode = "Disk mode: %1 not supported by host. Supported disk modes: %2" vi.target.diskmode.unsupported = "Unsupported disk mode specified" vi.target.diskmode.version = "Disk mode '%1' is not supported for hardware version %2. Minimum supported hardware version is %3" vi.target.duplicate = "Duplicate name '%1' on target. Use --overwrite option to delete it." vi.target.duplicate.object = "Duplicate name on host with a Folder or Resource Pool object (overwrite flag is ignored)" vi.target.file = "Target does not support upload of non-disk files. Use --noImageFiles to disable this" vi.target.host.cluster = "No target host found in cluster that supports the chosen network/datastore/virtual hardware combination. Possible completions: %1" vi.target.host.empty = "Found no hosts in target cluster to deploy on. Cannot deploy to an empty cluster" vi.target.host.maintenance = "Found no hosts in target cluster to deploy on. All hosts in the cluster are either disconnected or in maintenance mode" vi.target.host.resolve = "Host name (%1) resolve failed" vi.target.name = "Target name longer than 80 characters: %1. Use option --name to change the target name" vi.target.network = "Unable to map to target networks. One or more target networks not found. Valid target networks: %1" vi.target.network.empty = "No target networks. OVF networks: %1. Target networks: %2" vi.target.network.no.mapping = "No network mapping specified. OVF networks: %1. Target networks: %2" vi.target.network.ovf = "Invalid OVF name (%1) specified in net mapping. OVF networks: %2. Target networks: %3" vi.target.network.server = "Invalid target name (%1) specified in net mapping. OVF networks: %2. Target networks: %3" vi.target.storagepod.empty = "Selected datastore cluster (%1) did not contain any datastores" vi.target.ticket = "Invalid target session ticket" vi.target.vmfolder = "Invalid VM folder specified" vi.target.abort.failed = "Reached maximum wait time of %1 minutes when aborting." vi.task = "Task failed on server: %1" vi.verifyonly.no.datastore = "No datastore was provided in verifyOnly mode." vi.vm.invalidcfg = "Invalid VM configuration. Reason: '%1' for property '%2'" vservice.vsdprovider = "VServiceDependency provider id (%1) not found. List of valid values are: %2" vservice.vsdprovider.red = "VServiceDependency %1 is not compatible with provider %2: %3" vservice.vsdsection = "VServiceDependencySection id (%1) not found. List of valid values are: %2" write = "An error occured while writing to %1. Reason: %2" xml.invalid = "Line %3 column %4: Invalid value '%1' for attribute '%2'." xml.missing = "Line %3 column %4: Missing '%1' element in %2." xml.root = "%1: Unexpected root element" xml.unexpected = "Line %2 column %3: Unexpected element tag '%1' found." xml.xerces = "Line %3 column %4: Failed to parse %1. Reason: %4."
Write backup
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