Edit D:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\OVFTool\env\en\fault.vmsg
# en_US resources signature= "sIgNaTuRe" ### VIM ActiveVMsBlockingEVC.summary = "The cluster cannot be configured with the selected Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode; CPU features disabled by that mode may currently be in use by powered-on or suspended virtual machines in the cluster." AffinityConfigured.summary = "The virtual machine has CPU and/or memory affinities configured, which is preventing vMotion." AgentInstallFailed.summary = "Cannot install the vCenter Server agent service. {reason.@enum.fault.AgentInstallFailed.Reason}" AlreadyBeingManaged.summary = "This host is currently being managed by the vCenter Server with IP address '{ipAddress}'. Changes made to this host during this session may not be reflected in vSphere Client sessions currently viewing vCenter Server." AlreadyConnected.summary = "The host {name} is already connected to this vCenter Server." AlreadyExists.summary = "The specified key, name, or identifier '{name}' already exists." AlreadyUpgraded.summary = "Virtual machine compatibility is already up-to-date." ApplicationQuiesceFault.summary = "An error occurred while quiescing the virtual machine. See the virtual machine's event log for details." AuthMinimumAdminPermission.summary = "The requested change cannot be completed because it could leave the system without full administrative privileges for a user or group." BlockedByFirewall.summary = "The firewall configuration prevents the current operation from completing successfully." CannotAccessFile.summary = "Unable to access file {file}" CannotAccessLocalSource.summary = "Unable to access local licensing configuration." CannotAccessNetwork.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' uses network '{backing}', which is not accessible." CannotAccessVmComponent.summary = "A component of the virtual machine is not accessible on the host." CannotAccessVmConfig.summary = "Unable to access the virtual machine configuration: {reason.msg}" CannotAccessVmDevice.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.Device.connected} '{device}' uses backing '{backing}', which is not accessible." CannotAccessVmDisk.summary = "Unable to access virtual disk '{device}' from the host. Either the host is disconnected from the datastore or has insufficient privilege. Details: {fault.msg}" CannotAddHostWithFTVmToDifferentCluster.summary = "Host cannot be added to the cluster because it would result in the Primary and Secondary VMs in the same Fault Tolerance pair belonging to different clusters. Recommend adding the host to the same cluster where the other VM in the same Fault Tolerance pair has been added." CannotAddHostWithFTVmToNonHACluster.summary = "Cannot add a host with virtual machines that have Fault Tolerance turned on to a non-vSphere HA enabled cluster." CannotAddHostWithFTVmAsStandalone.summary = "Cannot add a host with virtual machines that have Fault Tolerance turned on as a stand-alone host." CannotDecryptPasswords.summary = "The vCenter Server is unable to decrypt passwords stored in the customization specification." CannotDeleteFile.summary = "Cannot delete file {file}" CannotDisableDrsOnClusterManagedByVDC.summary = "Cannot disable DRS on a cluster which is managed by a Virtual DataCenter" CannotDisableDrsOnClustersWithVApps.summary = "Cannot disable DRS on a cluster that contains vApps." CannotModifyConfigCpuRequirements.summary = "CPU feature requirements for the guest OS are different on the destination host, and that host does not support modifying the virtual machine's configuration to mask those differences." CannotMoveFaultToleranceVm.summary = "Fault Tolerance is enabled on VM {vmName}. Disable Fault Tolerance to move the VM from the current {moveType.@enum.CannotMoveFaultToleranceVm.MoveType}." CannotMoveHostWithFaultToleranceVm.summary = "Fault Tolerance is enabled on one or more VMs on this host and must be disabled to move the host out of the current cluster." CannotMoveVmWithNativeDeltaDisk.summary = "Cannot move a VM with native delta disk backing." CannotDisconnectHostWithFaultToleranceVm.summary = "The host {hostName} has VMs with Fault Tolerance turned on. To disconnect the host, you have three options. First, you can turn off Fault Tolerance protection on these VMs. Second, you can power off these VMs, then migrate the primary and secondary VMs of each Fault Tolerance pair to this host, and finally put the host in maintenance mode. Or, third, you can migrate the FT VMs to another host." CannotEnableVmcpForCluster.summary = "Cannot enable vSphere HA VM Component Protection for the specified cluster, because it contains a host {hostName} with {reason.@enum.fault.CannotEnableVmcpForCluster.Reason}." ClockSkew.summary = "Too large clock skew was detected." ConcurrentAccess.summary = "Cannot complete operation due to concurrent modification by another operation." ConflictingDatastoreFound.summary = "Datastore '{name}' conflicts with an existing datastore in the datacenter that has the same URL ({url}), but is backed by different physical storage." CpuCompatibilityUnknown.summary = "The virtual machine requires hardware features that are unsupported or disabled on the target host. If possible, use a cluster with Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled; see KB article 1003212.\n\nCPUID details: incompatibility at level {level,x} register '{registerName}'.\nHost bits: {registerBits}\nRequired: {desiredBits}" CpuIncompatible.summary = "The virtual machine requires hardware features that are unsupported or disabled on the target host. If possible, use a cluster with Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled; see KB article 1003212.\n\nCPUID details: incompatibility at level {level,x} register '{registerName}'.\nHost bits: {registerBits}\nRequired: {desiredBits}" CpuIncompatible1ECX.summary = "The virtual machine requires hardware features that are unsupported or disabled on the target host:\n{sse3.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.sse3}{pclmulqdq.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.pclmulqdq}{ssse3.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.ssse3}{sse41.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.sse41}{sse42.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.sse42}{aes.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.aes}{otherOnly.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible1ECX.otherOnly}\nIf possible, use a cluster with Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled; see KB article 1003212.\n\nCPUID details: incompatibility at level {level,x} register '{registerName}'.\nHost bits: {registerBits}\nRequired: {desiredBits}" FaultToleranceCpuIncompatible.summary = "The CPU pair is not compatible for fault tolerance:\n{model.@enum.fault.FaultToleranceCpuIncompatible.model}{family.@enum.fault.FaultToleranceCpuIncompatible.family}{stepping.@enum.fault.FaultToleranceCpuIncompatible.stepping}\nSee KB 1008027." FaultToleranceCannotEditMem.summary = "The memory size, reservation, limit or shares of the virtual machine {vmName} cannot be edited while Fault Tolerance is turned on." CpuIncompatible81EDX.summary = "The virtual machine requires hardware features that are unsupported or disabled on the target host:\n{nx.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible81EDX.nx}{ffxsr.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible81EDX.ffxsr}{rdtscp.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible81EDX.rdtscp}{lm.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible81EDX.lm}{otherOnly.@enum.fault.CpuIncompatible81EDX.otherOnly}\nFor incompatibilities other than NX/XD or longmode: if possible, use a cluster with Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled; see KB article 1003212.\n\nCPUID details: incompatibility at level {level,x} register '{registerName}'.\nHost bits: {registerBits}\nRequired: {desiredBits}" FeatureRequirementsNotMet.summary = "The target host does not support the virtual machine's current hardware requirements." FaultToleranceNeedsThickDisk.summary = "Fault Tolerance VM {vmName} requires the disks to be scrubbed on the file system." CustomizationFault.summary = "Cannot complete customization." DasConfigFault.summary = "Cannot complete the configuration of the vSphere HA agent on the host. {reason.@enum.fault.DasConfigFault.DasConfigFaultReason}." DasConfigIntFault.summary = "Cannot complete the configuration of the vSphere HA agent on the host. {reason.@enum.fault.DasConfigFault.DasConfigFaultReason}." DatabaseError.summary = "Database temporarily unavailable or has network problems." DatacenterMismatch.summary = "The input arguments had entities that did not belong to the same datacenter." DatastoreNotWritableOnHost.summary = "Cannot write on datastore '{name}' on the target host." DestinationSwitchFull.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' uses network '{backing}', which is accessed on the host via a switch that has insufficient free ports." DeviceBackingNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' has a backing type that is not supported. {reason.@enum.fault.DeviceNotSupported.Reason}" DeviceControllerNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' uses a controller that is not supported. {reason.@enum.fault.DeviceNotSupported.Reason}" DeviceNotFound.summary = "Cannot find the device '{deviceIndex}', which is referenced in the edit or remove device operation." DeviceNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' is not supported. {reason.@enum.fault.DeviceNotSupported.Reason}" DisallowedChangeByService.summary = "The change cannot be performed because it is not allowed by '{serviceName}'." DisallowedDiskModeChange.summary = "A virtual machine reconfigure operation includes a change to the disk mode property which cannot be changed if the virtual machine has at least one snapshot." DisallowedMigrationDeviceAttached.summary = "Virtual machine is configured to use a device that prevents the operation: {fault.msg}" DisallowedOperationOnFailoverHost.summary = "The current operation cannot be performed on the host '{hostname}' because it has been configured as a failover host for a cluster." DisconnectedHostsBlockingEVC.summary = "The selected Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode cannot be enabled, because the cluster contains disconnected hosts." DiskNotSupported.summary = "Virtual machine uses an unsupported type of virtual disk backing." DuplicateName.summary = "The name '{name}' already exists." DVPortNotSupported.summary = "Network card '{device}' has a DVPort backing, which is not supported. This could be because the host does not support VDS or because the host has not joined a VDS." ExtendedFault.summary = "Extended fault." EVCAdmissionFailedCPUFeaturesForMode.summary = "The host's CPU hardware should support the cluster's current Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode, but some of the necessary CPU features are missing from the host. Check the host's BIOS configuration to ensure that no necessary features are disabled (such as XD, VT, AES, or PCLMULQDQ for Intel, or NX for AMD). For more information, see KB articles 1003212 and 1034926." EVCAdmissionFailedCPUModel.summary = "The host's CPU hardware does not support Enhanced vMotion Compatibility, which is enabled for this cluster." EVCAdmissionFailedCPUModelForMode.summary = "The host's CPU hardware does not support the cluster's current Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode. The host CPU lacks features required by that mode." EVCAdmissionFailedCPUVendor.summary = "The host's CPU vendor '{hostCPUVendor}' does not match the required CPU vendor '{clusterCPUVendor}' in the Enhanced vMotion Compatibility configuration for the cluster." EVCAdmissionFailedCPUVendorUnknown.summary = "The host's CPU vendor cannot be determined, so it cannot enter an Enhanced vMotion Compatibility cluster." EVCAdmissionFailedHostDisconnected.summary = "Only connected hosts can enter an Enhanced vMotion Compatibility cluster." EVCAdmissionFailedHostSoftware.summary = "ESX 5.1 or later is required for Intel 'Ivy Bridge' Generation mode, AMD Opteron 'Piledriver' Generation mode, and later EVC modes." EVCAdmissionFailedVmActive.summary = "The host cannot be admitted to the cluster's current Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode. Powered-on or suspended virtual machines on the host may be using CPU features hidden by that mode." EVCModeIllegalByVendor.summary = "The requested Enhanced vMotion Compatibility configuration requires CPU vendor '{modeCPUVendor}', but the cluster's hosts have CPU vendor '{clusterCPUVendor}'." EVCModeUnsupportedByHosts.summary = "The selected Enhanced vMotion Compatibility mode cannot be enabled, because the cluster contains hosts with CPU hardware that does not support that mode." EVCUnsupportedByHostHardware.summary = "Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) cannot be enabled because the cluster contains hosts that lack EVC-capable hardware." EVCUnsupportedByHostSoftware.summary = "Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) cannot be enabled because all hosts in the cluster must be ESX 5.1 or later to support Intel 'Ivy Bridge' Generation mode, AMD Opteron 'Piledriver' Generation mode, or later EVC modes." FailToEnableSPBM.summary = "Failed to enable Storage Policy Based Management feature on compute resource {csName}" FailToLockFaultToleranceVMs.summary = "An in progress operation on FT VM {vmName} is blocking this operation. Please retry operation again." FileAlreadyExists.summary = "Cannot complete the operation because the file or folder {file} already exists" FileFault.summary = "Error caused by file {file}" FileLocked.summary = "Unable to access file {file} since it is locked" FileNotFound.summary = "File {file} was not found" FileNotWritable.summary = "An attempt was made to write to the read-only file {file}" FilesystemQuiesceFault.summary = "Cannot create a quiesced snapshot because the create snapshot operation exceeded the time limit for holding off I/O in the frozen virtual machine." FullStorageVMotionNotSupported.summary = "You cannot change the virtual machine's storage placement and its execution host at the same time on this {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHostName}'." FileTooLarge.summary = "File {file} is larger than the maximum size supported by datastore '{datastore}'" GenericVmConfigFault.summary = "{reason}" QuestionPending.summary = "The operation cannot be allowed at the current time because the virtual machine has a question pending:\n '{text}'." MksConnectionLimitReached.summary = "Console access to the virtual machine cannot be granted since the connection limit of {connectionLimit} has been reached." GenericDrsFault.summary = "DRS cannot find a host to power on or migrate the virtual machine." HeterogenousHostsBlockingEVC.summary = "Enhanced vMotion Compatibility cannot be enabled because the cluster contains CPUs from more than one vendor." HostAccessRestrictedToManagementServer.summary = "Access to resource settings on the host is restricted to the server that is managing it: '{managementServer}'." HostConfigFault.summary = "Cannot change the host configuration." HostConfigFailed.summary = "Cannot apply the host configuration." HostConnectFault.summary = "Cannot connect to host." HostInDomain.summary = "The operation cannot be performed while the host is part of a Windows domain." HostHasComponentFailure.summary = "Host '{hostName}' has a component failure. {componentType.@enum.fault.HostHasComponentFailure.HostComponentType} '{componentName}' is inaccessible." HostPowerOpFailed.summary = "Cannot perform power operation on host." HostResourcePoolsChanged.summary = "Resource settings were modified directly on the host while it was disconnected from vCenter Server." HostSpecificationOperationFailed.summary = "Host specification operation failed. Check log for details." HttpFault.summary = "HTTP communication could not be completed with status {statusCode}" LibraryFault.summary = "Cannot complete image library operation." NoPeerHostFound.summary = "Cannot find a peer host to wake up this host." VmotionInterfaceNotEnabled.summary = "The vMotion interface is not enabled on this host." WakeOnLanNotSupportedByVmotionNIC.summary = "Wake-on-LAN is not supported by the vMotion NIC on this host." HotSnapshotMoveNotSupported.summary = "Moving a powered on virtual machine with snapshots is not supported." IDEDiskNotSupported.summary = "Does not support virtual machines with IDE disks." InaccessibleDatastore.summary = "Datastore '{name}' is not accessible. {detail.@enum.fault.InaccessibleDatastore.Reason}" IncompatibleDefaultDevice.summary = "The default device '{device}' is configured with settings which are incompatible with the default settings on the target host." IncompatibleSetting.summary = "Two conflicting values have been specified - {invalidProperty} and {conflictingProperty}." IncorrectFileType.summary = "Incorrect file type for file {file}" IndependentDiskVMotionNotSupported.summary = "The requested Storage vMotion would move a virtual machine's disks without assigning the virtual machine a new home, but such a move is not supported on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHostName}'." InsufficientAgentVmsDeployed.summary = "All required agent virtual machines are not currently deployed on host '{hostname}'." InsufficientCpuResourcesFault.summary = "The amount of CPU resource available in the parent resource pool is insufficient for the operation." InsufficientFailoverResourcesFault.summary = "Insufficient resources to satisfy configured failover level for vSphere HA." InsufficientGraphicsResourcesFault.summary = "The amount of graphics resource available in the parent resource pool is insufficient for the operation." InsufficientHostCapacityFault.summary = "No compatible host has sufficient resources to satisfy the reservation." InsufficientMemoryResourcesFault.summary = "The available Memory resources in the parent resource pool are insufficient for the operation." InsufficientResourcesFault.summary = "Insufficient resources." InsufficientPerCpuCapacity.summary = "Insufficient capacity on each physical CPU." InvalidController.summary = "The device '{deviceIndex}' is referring to a nonexisting controller '{controllerKey}'." InvalidDatastore.summary = "Invalid datastore format '{name}'." InvalidDatastorePath.summary = "Invalid datastore path '{datastorePath}'." InvalidDeviceBacking.summary = "Incompatible device backing specified for device '{deviceIndex}'." InvalidDeviceOperation.summary = "Invalid operation for device '{deviceIndex}'." InvalidDeviceSpec.summary = "Invalid configuration for device '{deviceIndex}'." DeviceUnsupportedForVmVersion.summary = "The device or operation specified at index '{deviceIndex}' is not supported for the current virtual machine version '{currentVersion}'.\nA minimum version of '{expectedVersion}' is required for this operation to succeed." DeviceUnsupportedForVmPlatform.summary = "The device or operation specified at index '{deviceIndex}' is not supported for the existing virtual machine platform." InvalidDiskFormat.summary = "The virtual disk is either corrupted or not a supported format." InvalidFolder.summary = "The specified folder does not support this operation." InvalidFormat.summary = "An invalid format was detected." InvalidHostName.summary = "The host does not have a suitable FQDN." InvalidIpmiLoginInfo.summary = "Invalid IPMI login information." InvalidIpmiMacAddress.summary = "Invalid IPMI MAC address." MissingBmcSupport.summary = "The host's BMC does not support IPMI." InvalidBmcRole.summary = "BMC user does not have the necessary privileges." InvalidLicense.summary = "The uploaded license content is not valid." InvalidLocale.summary = "Invalid or unknown locale provided." InvalidLogin.summary = "Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password." InvalidTicket.summary = "The session ticket is invalid." TooManyTickets.summary = "Cannot issue a new session ticket because the maximum number of tickets have been issued." InvalidName.summary = "'{name}' is invalid or exceeds the maximum number of characters permitted." InvalidNasCredentials.summary = "Cannot login to the remote host. The user name '{userName}' or password specified may be incorrect.\nCannot configure NAS datastore '{name}'." InvalidNetworkResource.summary = "The specified network resource '{remoteHost}:{remotePath}' cannot be located. Cannot configure NAS datastore '{name}'." InvalidPowerState.summary = "The attempted operation cannot be performed in the current state ({existingState.@enum.VirtualMachine.PowerState})." InvalidResourcePoolStructureFault.summary = "Reached the structural limitation of the resource pool hierarchy." InvalidSnapshotFormat.summary = "Detected an invalid snapshot configuration." InvalidState.summary = "The operation is not allowed in the current state." InvalidHostState.summary = "The operation is not allowed in the current state of the host." InvalidHostConnectionState.summary = "The operation is not allowed in the current connection state of the host." InvalidVmConfig.summary = "Invalid virtual machine configuration." VmPowerOnDisabled.summary = "The powered on virtual machine is temporarily disabled." IpHostnameGeneratorError.summary = "An error occurred during customization while running the IP or host name generator application." LeaseFault.summary = "An error occurred while accessing a disk lease." LegacyNetworkInterfaceInUse.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' is a previous interface whose network association cannot be determined." LicenseServerUnavailable.summary = "Unable to change license state as the license server is not available." LinuxVolumeNotClean.summary = "A customization operation was performed on a Linux source virtual machine that was not shut down correctly." LogBundlingFailed.summary = "Cannot create a diagnostic bundle." MaintenanceModeFileMove.summary = "Migration will involve moving one or more virtual machine files to another datastore, which is not permitted when the source host is in maintenance mode." MemorySizeNotSupported.summary = "Virtual machine has {memorySizeMB} megabytes of memory, which is outside the range of {minMemorySizeMB} to {maxMemorySizeMB} megabytes supported on the host. This may be a general limitation of the host software, or specific to the guest OS selected for the virtual machine." MemorySizeNotSupportedByDatastore.summary = "Virtual machine has {memorySizeMB} megabytes of memory, which is larger than the maximum {maxMemorySizeMB} megabytes supported by the datastore." MemorySizeNotRecommended.summary = "Virtual machine has {memorySizeMB} megabytes of memory, which is outside the recommended range of {minMemorySizeMB} to {maxMemorySizeMB} megabytes for the virtual machine's guest OS." MemorySnapshotOnIndependentDisk.summary = "Cannot take a memory snapshot, since the virtual machine is configured with independent disks." MigrationFault.summary = "A warning or error occurred when migrating the virtual machine." MigrationFeatureNotSupported.summary = "A required migration feature is not supported on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHostName}'." MigrationNotReady.summary = "Virtual machine is not ready for the migration operation. {reason}" MigrationDisabled.summary = "Migration was temporarily disabled due to another migration activity." MisfeaturedHostsBlockingEVC.summary = "Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC) cannot be enabled because the cluster contains hosts that do not support EVC." MismatchedNetworkPolicies.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' uses network '{backing}', which is configured for different offload or security policies on the destination host than on the source host." MismatchedVMotionNetworkNames.summary = "The vMotion interface of the destination host uses network '{destNetwork}', which differs from the network '{sourceNetwork}' used by the vMotion interface of the source host." MissingController.summary = "Device requires a controller." MissingLinuxCustResources.summary = "Open source components required for Linux customization were not found on the server." MissingWindowsCustResources.summary = "Windows customization resources were not found on the server." MountError.summary = "Cannot mount the virtual disk." MultipleSnapshotsNotSupported.summary = "Multiple snapshots are not supported for the host." NasConfigFault.summary = "Cannot configure NAS datastore '{name}'." NasConnectionLimitReached.summary = "Cannot configure NAS datastore '{name}' on '{remoteHost}:{remotePath}'. Cannot make additional connections to this remote computer because the maximum number of connections has been reached (71)." NasVolumeNotMounted.summary = "The specified NFS volume '{remoteHost}:{remotePath}' is not mounted on the server. Cannot configure NAS datastore '{name}'." NasSessionCredentialConflict.summary = "Cannot configure NAS datastore '{name}' on '{remoteHost}:{remotePath}' for user '{userName}'.\nMultiple connections to a server or shared resource by the same user, using more than one user name, are not allowed. Disconnect all previous connections to the server or shared resource and try again. (1219)" NetworkCopyFault.summary = "Could not complete network copy for file {file}" NetworkInaccessible.summary = "Unable to access the network to configure NAS datastore '{name}'." NetworkDisruptedAndConfigRolledBack.summary = "A change in the network configuration disconnected the host '{host}' from vCenter Server. The change has been rolled back." NicSettingMismatch.summary = "The number of network adapter settings in the customization specification: {numberOfNicsInSpec} does not match the number of network adapters present in the virtual machine: {numberOfNicsInVM}." NoActiveHostInCluster.summary = "There are no active hosts in the cluster." NoDiskFound.summary = "At least one virtual disk is required for the operation to succeed." NoDiskSpace.summary = "Insufficient disk space on datastore '{datastore}'." NoDisksToCustomize.summary = "The virtual machine has no virtual disks that are suitable for customization." NoGateway.summary = "A gateway has not been configured." NoGuestHeartbeat.summary = "No guest OS heartbeats are being received. Either the guest OS is not responding or VMware Tools is not configured correctly." NoHost.summary = "Cannot contact the specified host ({name}). The host may not be available on the network, a network configuration problem may exist, or the management services on this host may not be responding." NoHostFoundForSecondary.summary = "Secondary VM could not be relocated or powered on as there are no compatible hosts that can accommodate it." NoPermission.summary = "Permission to perform this operation was denied." NoPermissionOnHost.summary = "The user account selected to connect to the host does not have sufficient permission to enable vCenter to manage the host." NoPermissionOnNasVolume.summary = "The user '{userName}' does not have sufficient permission on the CIFS volume. Could not configure NAS datastore {name}." NoRunningPointFound.summary = "No running-point snapshot was found." NoVirtualNic.summary = "No virtual NIC available." NonHomeRDMVMotionNotSupported.summary = "The requested Storage vMotion would place a mapped direct-access LUN in a location other than the virtual machine's new home, but such a move is not supported on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHostName}'." NonVmwareOuiMacNotSupportedHost.summary = "Host '{hostName}' is of type ({productName} {productVersion}), it does not support the VM that has VPX assigned MAC address which is not prefixed with 00:50:56" NotAuthenticated.summary = "The session is not authenticated." NotAFile.summary = "The object {file} is not a file." NotADirectory.summary = "The object {file} is not a directory." FileNameTooLong.summary = "The name of the object {file} is too long." DirectoryNotEmpty.summary = "The specified directory {file} is not empty." NotEnoughCpus.summary = "Virtual machine requires {numCpuVm} CPUs to operate, but the host hardware only provides {numCpuDest}." NotEnoughLogicalCpus.summary = "Virtual machine requires {numCpuVm} logical CPUs to operate, but the host hardware only provides {numCpuDest}." NotFound.summary = "The object or item referred to could not be found." NotSupportedHost.summary = "vCenter does not support hosts of this type ({productName} {productVersion})." NotSupportedHostInCluster.summary = "Host cannot be added to the cluster." NotSupportedHostInHACluster.summary = "Host '{hostName}' is of type ({productName} {productVersion}) with build {build}, it does not support vSphere HA clustering features and cannot be part of vSphere HA clusters." NotSupportedHostInDvs.summary = "Hosts of this type ({productName} {productVersion}) do not support all of the features required to participate in the specified vSphere Distributed Switch." NotSupportedHostForVcp.summary = "Host '{hostName}' does not support the VM Component Protection feature. It cannot be added or moved to the specified cluster, which has this feature enabled." NotSupportedHostForVmcp.summary = "Host '{hostName}' does not support the vSphere HA VM Component Protection feature. It cannot be added or moved to the specified cluster, which has this feature enabled." NotSupportedHostForVmemFile.summary = "Host '{hostName}' does not support the virtual memory file type." NotSupportedDeviceForFT.summary = "Host '{hostName}' does not support Fault Tolerance for virtual machine {vmName}, because the VM has a {deviceType.@enum.NotSupportedDeviceForFT.DeviceType} device '{deviceLabel}'. To use Fault Tolerance on this host, either upgrade host to ESX 4.1 or reconfigure the VM to not use this device." MemoryFileFormatNotSupportedByDatastore.summary = "Datastore '{datastoreName}' is of type '{type}', and it does not support the virtual memory file format."" NumVirtualCpusNotSupported.summary = "Virtual machine has {numCpuVm} virtual CPUs, but the host only supports {maxSupportedVcpusDest}. The number of virtual CPUs may be limited by the guest OS selected for the virtual machine or by the licensing for the host." NumVirtualCoresPerSocketNotSupported.summary = "Virtual machine has {numCoresPerSocketVm} cores per socket, but the host only supports {maxSupportedCoresPerSocketDest}. The number of cores per socket may be limited by the guest OS selected for the virtual machine or by the licensing for the host." OutOfBounds.summary = "A value exceeded the acceptable range." PhysCompatRDMNotSupported.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN in physical compatibility mode, which is not supported. {reason.@enum.fault.DeviceNotSupported.Reason}" PlatformConfigFault.summary = "An error occurred during host configuration." RDMNotPreserved.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN which has only limited support on the destination host; after migration, the virtual machine properties would incorrectly display the disk as a virtual disk." RDMNotSupported.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN, which is not supported. {reason.@enum.fault.DeviceNotSupported.Reason}" RDMNotSupportedOnDatastore.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN which is not supported on the datastore '{datastoreName}'." RDMPointsToInaccessibleDisk.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN that is not accessible." RawDiskNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' is a raw disk, which is not supported." RDMConversionNotSupported.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN in physical compatibility mode; converting it to a different disk type is not supported for this operation." LargeRDMNotSupportedOnDatastore.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN and larger than 2 TB. This configuration is not supported on the datastore '{datastoreName}'." LargeRDMConversionNotSupported.summary = "Virtual disk '{device}' is a mapped direct-access LUN and larger than two TB; converting it to a different disk type is not supported for this operation." ReadOnlyDisksWithLegacyDestination.summary = "Virtual machine uses {roDiskCount} undoable or nonpersistent disks. For a vMotion to a previous-version host, this number of disks will cause the following condition: {timeoutDanger.@enum.fault.VMotion.tooManyRODisks}." RemoteDeviceNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' is a connected device with a remote backing." RemoveFailed.summary = "Cannot remove the object, since it has active related objects." ResourceInUse.summary = "The resource '{name}' is in use." RestrictedByAdministrator.summary = "This operation is restricted by the administrator - '{details}'. Contact your system administrator." RuleViolation.summary = "This operation would violate a virtual machine affinity/anti-affinity rule." VmHostAffinityRuleViolation.summary = "Virtual machine '{vmName}' on host '{hostName}' would violate a virtual machine - host affinity rule." NoCompatibleHardAffinityHost.summary = "The cluster contains no hosts satisfying the hard VM/host affinity rules constraint for VM '{vmName}'." NoCompatibleSoftAffinityHost.summary = "The cluster contains no hosts satisfying the soft VM/host affinity rules constraint for VM '{vmName}'." SoftRuleVioCorrectionDisallowed.summary = "The current DRS migration priority setting prevents generating a recommendation to correct the soft VM/Host affinity rules constraint violation for VM '{vmName}'." SoftRuleVioCorrectionImpact.summary = "DRS has determined that correcting the soft VM/Host affinity rules constraint violation for VM '{vmName}' would impact respecting cluster constraints or performance goals." QuarantineModeFault.summary = {faultType.@enum.fault.QuarantineModeFault.FaultType} SharedBusControllerNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' is a SCSI controller engaged in bus-sharing." SnapshotCopyNotSupported.summary = "Migration of virtual machines with snapshots is not supported between the source and destination." SnapshotCloneNotSupported.summary = "Copying this virtual machine will cause loss of snapshots at the destination." SnapshotMoveFromNonHomeNotSupported.summary = "Moving a virtual machine that has snapshots is not supported when the virtual machine has disks or other files placed outside of its home directory and datastore." SnapshotMoveNotSupported.summary = "Moving a virtual machine that has snapshots is not supported." SnapshotMoveToNonHomeNotSupported.summary = "Moving a virtual machine that has snapshots is not supported when placing disks somewhere other than the virtual machine's new home datastore." SnapshotNoChange.summary = "Snapshot not taken since the state of the virtual machine has not changed since the last snapshot operation." SnapshotFault.summary = "A snapshot operation cannot be performed." SnapshotIncompatibleDeviceInVm.summary = "Virtual machine is configured to use a device that prevents the snapshot operation: {fault.msg}" SnapshotRevertIssue.summary = "Reverting to snapshot might generate {errors.@enum.fault.Snapshot.revert.errors} on the destination host." SnapshotNotRevertible.summary = "This snapshot is not revertible." DeltaDiskFormatNotSupported.summary = "The specified delta disk format '{deltaDiskFormat}' is not supported." SuspendedRelocateNotSupported.summary = "Relocation of suspended virtual machines is not supported between the source and destination hosts." SwapPlacementOverrideNotSupported.summary = "The virtual machine is configured to override the default swapfile placement policy, which is not supported on the host." TaskInProgress.summary = "Another task is already in progress." Timedout.summary = "Operation timed out." TooManyDevices.summary = "Number of virtual devices exceeds the maximum for a given controller." TooManyHosts.summary = "Limit for number of hosts in the cluster has been reached." TooManySnapshotLevels.summary = "Snapshot hierarchy is too deep." TooManyConsecutiveOverrides.summary = "There were too many consecutive overrides of the resource settings pushed from the cluster." TooManyNativeCloneLevels.summary = "The hierarchy of native clones of file {file} is too deep." TooManyNativeClonesOnFile.summary = "Limit for number of native clones on file {file} has been reached." TooManyConcurrentNativeClones.summary = "Limit for number of concurrent native clones on file {file} has been reached." ToolsUnavailable.summary = "Cannot complete operation because VMware Tools is not running in this virtual machine." UncommittedUndoableDisk.summary = "An attempt was made to move or clone a disk with an uncommitted REDO log." UncustomizableGuest.summary = "Customization of the guest operating system '{uncustomizableGuestOS}' is not supported in this configuration. Microsoft Vista (TM) and Linux guests with Logical Volume Manager are supported only for recent ESX host and VMware Tools versions. Refer to vCenter documentation for supported configurations." UnexpectedCustomizationFault.summary = "Cannot complete customization, possibly due to a scripting runtime error or invalid script parameters." UnsupportedDatastore.summary = "The virtual machine is not supported on the target datastore." UnsupportedGuest.summary = "The guest operating system '{unsupportedGuestOS}' is not supported." UnsupportedVmxLocation.summary = "Attempted to power on a virtual machine with the .vmx file not stored on a NAS or VMFS version 3 datastore. The virtual machine files must be relocated or VMFS upgraded." UPITAlreadyEnabled.summary = "The disk {name} has already been enabled as a Universal Point-in-Time storage object." UserNotFound.summary = "The user or group named '{principal}' does not exist." VmfsAlreadyMounted.summary = "A VMFS volume with the same UUID '{uuid}' is already mounted in the datacenter." VmfsAmbigiousMount.summary = "VMFS volume could not be mounted as it may be missing an extent or multiple copies exist." VMINotSupported.summary = "VMI is enabled for the virtual machine, but VMI is not supported on the host." VMOnVirtualIntranet.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' uses network '{backing}', which is a 'virtual intranet'." VMOnConflictDVPort.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' uses dvPort '{backing}', which is a conflict port." VMotionInterfaceIssue.summary = "The vMotion interface on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHost}' has an unknown error." VMotionLinkCapacityLow.summary = "vMotion interface '{network}' on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHost}' does not have the recommended capacity (full duplex / 1000 Mbps) to properly support vMotion." VMotionLinkDown.summary = "vMotion interface '{network}' on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHost}' does not have any operational physical network connections." VMotionNotConfigured.summary = "The vMotion interface is not configured (or is misconfigured) on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHost}'." VMotionNotLicensed.summary = "vMotion is not licensed for the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHost}'." VMotionNotSupported.summary = "The {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHost}' does not support vMotion." VMotionProtocolIncompatible.summary = "vMotion from source host to destination host is unsupported because of vMotion protocol differences." VimFault.summary = "Cannot complete the operation. See the event log for details." VirtualHardwareCompatibilityIssue.summary = "Host does not support the virtual hardware configuration of virtual machine." VirtualHardwareVersionNotSupported.summary = "The virtual machine version is not compatible with the version of the host '{hostName}'." VmConfigFault.summary = "Invalid or unsupported virtual machine configuration." VmLimitLicense.summary = "The licensing limit on the number of running virtual machines has been reached." LicenseRestricted.summary = "Cannot perform this operation due to a license restriction. Either the license edition of the ESXi host does not support this operation, or the vCenter Server system that manages the host has a license that restricts this operation through a direct connection to this host. Check the licensed features for the host or connect to vCenter Server and retry the operation." VmToolsUpgradeFault.summary = "Error upgrading VMware Tools." ToolsImageNotAvailable.summary = "The required VMware Tools ISO image does not exist or is inaccessible." ToolsImageSignatureCheckFailed.summary = "Cannot complete signature verification on the required VMware Tools ISO image." ToolsImageCopyFailed.summary = "Failed to copy the VMware Tools installation image to the guest operating system." ToolsAlreadyUpgraded.summary = "The version of VMware Tools installed in the virtual machine is already up-to-date." ToolsUpgradeCancelled.summary = "The VMware Tools upgrade operation was canceled." ToolsAutoUpgradeNotSupported.summary = "The virtual machine's guest operating system does not support auto-upgrade of VMware Tools." ToolsInstallationInProgress.summary = "The virtual machine is installing VMware Tools and cannot initiate a migration operation" VolumeEditorError.summary = "An error occurred in the open source components during volume editing." WillModifyConfigCpuRequirements.summary = "Migration will cause the virtual machine's configuration to be modified, to preserve the CPU feature requirements for its guest OS." VmWwnConflict.summary = "The manually assigned WWN {wwn} are in conflict with the WWN used by {name}." MethodDisabled.summary = "The method is disabled by '{source}'" MethodAlreadyDisabledFault.summary = "The method is already disabled by '{sourceId}'" LicenseEntityAlreadyExists.summary = "Licensable entity already exists." LicenseEntityNotFound.summary = "Licensable entity does not exist." ExpiredAddonLicense.summary = "Cannot complete acquiring {count} Add on licenses '{feature}'." ExpiredEditionLicense.summary = "Cannot complete acquiring {count} Edition licenses '{feature}'." IncorrectHostInformation.summary = "Host did not provide enough information to acquire the correct set of licenses." LicenseSourceUnavailable.summary = "Unable to acquire licenses because the license source is unavailable: The license manager has not been started yet, the wrong port@host or license file is being used, or the port or host name in the license file has been changed." NoLicenseServerConfigured.summary = "The license server is not configured to perform the operation." LicenseAssignmentFailed.summary = "Cannot complete the license assignment operation" LicenseDowngradeDisallowed.summary = "The {edition} license cannot be assigned to {entityId} because some features are in use." LicenseKeyEntityMismatch.summary = "The license assignment cannot be completed because the license type and entity type do not match." FeatureInUseManipulationDisallowed.summary = "The feature cannot be set or reset because it is either not available, the license has expired, or it is a special feature such as vCenter agent for ESX 4.0 Server." InventoryHasStandardAloneHosts.summary = "The license assignment is disallowed because the inventory has standalone hosts that do not have the vCenter agent license" LicenseExpired.summary = "License key has expired." LicenseFault.summary = "There are insufficient licenses to complete this operation." HostInventoryFull.summary = "This edition of vCenter only supports {capacity} host(s) in the inventory. Remove some hosts from the inventory before performing the operation." OptionFileRestriction.summary = "License check out was restricted by the license server's option file." InvalidEvent.summary = "An invalid event." RebootRequired.summary = "Cannot complete patch '{patch}' installation; reboot required." InvalidPrivilege.summary = "Privilege '{privilege}' does not exist." PatchAlreadyInstalled.summary = "Patch is already installed on the host." PatchBinariesNotFound.summary = "Cannot complete install since binaries associated with this patch are missing." PatchMetadataCorrupted.summary = "Metadata associated with this path is corrupted or unreadable." PatchInstallFailed.summary = "Cannot complete patch installation. \n{text}" PatchSuperseded.summary = "Cannot complete installation - higher version of patch already installed." PatchMetadataInvalid.summary = "Metadata '{metaData}' missing or corrupted." PatchNotApplicable.summary = "Patch (ID {patchID}) not applicable to the host." PatchMissingDependencies.summary = "Required patch or library is not installed." PatchMetadataNotFound.summary = "Metadata for patch missing." FileBackedPortNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' is a connected parallel port, which is also a file-backed serial port." HAErrorsAtDest.summary = "The host is reporting errors in its attempts to provide vSphere HA support." NonPersistentDisksNotSupported.summary = "Device '{device}' is disk which is not in persistent mode." TooManyDisksOnLegacyHost.summary = "Virtual machine uses {diskCount} disk(s); for a vMotion involving ESX 2.x hosts, high disk count will lead to longer vMotion durations and possibly time-outs." NoClientCertificate.summary = "Client connected without supplying a certificate." InvalidClientCertificate.summary = "Cannot complete client certificate validation." NoSubjectName.summary = "Extension registered without a subject name." TemplateUpgradeFault.summary = "Cannot complete template upgrade for {name} ({path}).\n{reason.msg}" UnrecognizedHost.summary = "vCenter Server cannot validate the identity of the host {hostName}" AdminDisabled.summary = "The administrator permission has already been disabled on the host (except for the vim user)" AdminNotDisabled.summary = "The administrator permission is enabled on the host" NetworksMayNotBeTheSame.summary = "The virtual machine uses network '{name}'. Since the operation is being conducted across datacenters, this network may not be the same network on the source and destination. This is because network names are only unique within a datacenter." DisableAdminNotSupported.summary = "Disabling administrator permission is not supported on the host." VirtualEthernetCardNotSupported.summary = "Virtual ethernet card '{device}' is not supported. {reason.@enum.fault.DeviceNotSupported.Reason}" CannotCreateFile.summary = "Cannot complete file creation operation." SSLDisabledFault.summary = "SSL is disabled on the host." SSLVerifyFault.summary = "Authenticity of the host's SSL certificate is not verified." MultipleCertificatesVerifyFault.summary = "The host advertises different SSL certificates for different management ports and cannot be managed by vCenter. Ensure the same certificate is used by all relevant management ports or use certificates that are verifiable by the vCenter Server. If the host you are adding is an ESX 2.x host, this probably means that the authenticated certificate (in /etc/vmware/ssl/rui.*) and the Management UI certificate (in /etc/vmware-mui/ssl/mui.*) are different." StorageVMotionNotSupported.summary = "Storage vMotion is not supported on the host '{failedHostName}'." SwapDatastoreNotWritableOnHost.summary = "Swap datastore not writable on host." SwapDatastoreUnset.summary = "Swap datastore is unset." UnsharedSwapVMotionNotSupported.summary = "Unshared swap vMotion is not supported." FaultToleranceAntiAffinityViolated.summary = "Virtual machines in the same Fault Tolerance pair cannot be on the same host." CloneFromSnapshotNotSupported.summary = "Cloning this virtual machine from a snapshot point is not supported." EightHostLimitViolated.summary = "Only virtual machines on eight different hosts can have a single virtual disk backing opened for read at once." DiskMoveTypeNotSupported.summary = "Specifying non-standard disk movement types is not supported." FaultToleranceNotSameBuild.summary = "The build or Fault Tolerance feature version on the destination host is different from the current build or Fault Tolerance feature version: {build}." IncompatibleHostForFtSecondary.summary = "The specified host is not compatible with the Fault Tolerance Secondary VM." QuiesceDatastoreIOForHAFailed.summary = "The vSphere HA agent on host '{hostName}' failed to quiesce file activity on datastore '{dsName}'. To proceed with the operation to unmount or remove a datastore, ensure that the datastore is accessible, the host is reachable and its vSphere HA agent is running." ReadHostResourcePoolTreeFailed.summary = "Failed to read resource pool tree from host." WipeDiskFault.summary = "Error encountered while wiping disk." ShrinkDiskFault.summary = "Error encountered while shrinking disk." InvalidIndexArgument.summary = "A specified parameter is not correct.\n{invalidProperty}[{key}]" UnsupportedVimApiVersion.summary = "Unsupported version of the API: {version}" InvalidKey.summary = "The specified key '{key}' is not valid." VmValidateMaxDevice.summary = "'{count}' of device '{device}' was found. Only '{max}' allowed". OperationDisallowedOnHost.summary = "The requested operation is currently disallowed on host using a direct connection." VramLimitLicense.summary = "Cannot complete the operation. The vRAM limit of {limit}GB will be exceeded. Upgrade the vCenter Server license or decrease the amount of the consumed vRAM." ThirdPartyLicenseAssignmentFailed.summary = "A failure occurred during 3rd party license assignment." ###New DRS faults DrsDisabledOnVm.summary = "The virtual machine is pinned to a host." NoCompatibleHost.summary = "No host is compatible with the virtual machine." InsufficientHostCpuCapacityFault.summary = "The host does not have sufficient CPU resources to satisfy the reservation." InsufficientHostMemoryCapacityFault.summary = "The host does not have sufficient memory resources to satisfy the reservation." InsufficientStandbyCpuResource.summary = "There are insufficient CPU resources on standby hosts (if any) to meet the requirements of a given operation." InsufficientStandbyMemoryResource.summary = "There are insufficient memory resources on standby hosts (if any) to meet the requirements of a given operation." InsufficientStandbyResource.summary = "There are insufficient CPU/memory resources on standby hosts (if any) to meet the requirements of a given operation." DrsVmotionIncompatibleFault.summary = "The host is not compatible with the virtual machine." DrsPlacementRequiresVmsInTopologicalOrder.summary = "DRS was invoked to place inter-dependent virtual machines but they are not listed in topological order." UnableToPlaceAtomicVmGroup.summary = "DRS was unable to place all the virtual machines in the power on group." UnableToPlacePrerequisiteGroup.summary = "DRS was unable to place the virtual machines of a prerequisite power on group." NumVirtualCpusExceedsLimit.summary = "The total number of virtual CPUs present or requested in virtual machines' configuration has exceeded the limit on the host: {maxSupportedVcpus}." InsufficientNetworkCapacity.summary = "The host does not have sufficient network capacity to satisfy the reservation." ###OVF Import/Export OvfFault.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: OVF descriptor could not be parsed." OvfInvalidPackage.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Invalid OVF package." OvfXmlFormat.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Could not parse the document: '{description}'." OvfWrongNamespace.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Incorrect namespace '{namespaceName}' found." OvfElement.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: An invalid element '{name}' is found in the OVF descriptor." OvfElementInvalidValue.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Invalid value '{value}' for element '{name}'." OvfProperty.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Invalid OVF property." OvfPropertyType.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Mismatch between property type: '{type}' and property value '{value}'." OvfPropertyValue.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Invalid property value '{value}'." OvfPropertyNetwork.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Property with type '{type}' and value '{value}' refers to a non-existing network." OvfPropertyQualifier.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Syntax error in qualifier specification '{qualifier}'." OvfPropertyQualifierIgnored.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Qualifier '{qualifier}' was ignored." OvfPropertyQualifierDuplicate.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Duplicate qualifier was found '{qualifier}'." OvfUnexpectedElement.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unexpected element '{name}'." OvfDuplicateElement.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Duplicate element '{name}'." OvfMissingElement.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Missing child element '{name}'." OvfMissingElementNormalBoundary.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: No '{boundary}' declared." OvfDuplicatedElementBoundary.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Duplicated boundary '{boundary}'." OvfAttribute.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Invalid attribute in OVF descriptor." OvfMissingAttribute.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Missing attribute '{attributeName}' on element '{elementName}'." OvfInvalidValue.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Invalid value '{value}' for attribute '{attributeName}' on element '{elementName}'." OvfInvalidValueFormatMalformed.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unable to parse '{value}' for attribute '{attributeName}' on element '{elementName}'." OvfInvalidValueConfiguration.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Attribute '{attributeName}' refers to a non-existing configuration '{value}' on element '{elementName}'." OvfInvalidValueReference.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Attribute '{attributeName}' refers to non-existing reference '{value}' on element '{elementName}'." OvfInvalidValueEmpty.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Attribute '{attributeName}' value was empty in element '{elementName}'." OvfUnsupportedPackage.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Cannot import OVF descriptor." OvfInvalidVmName.summary = "VM name '{name}' could not be normalized." OvfNoHostNic.summary = "Host did not have any virtual network defined." OvfUnsupportedAttribute.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported attribute '{attributeName}' on element '{elementName}'" OvfUnsupportedAttributeValue.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported value '{value}' for attribute '{attributeName}' on element '{elementName}'." OvfUnsupportedElement.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported element '{name}'" OvfUnsupportedElementValue.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported value '{value}' for element '{name}'." OvfUnsupportedType.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: OVF hardware element '{name}' with instance ID '{instanceId}': No support for the virtual hardware device type '{deviceType}'." OvfUnsupportedSubType.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported virtual hardware device '{deviceSubType}'." OvfNoSupportedHardwareFamily.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported hardware family '{version}'." OvfNoSpaceOnController.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: No space left for device '{name}' on parent controller '{parent}'." OvfUnsupportedSection.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unsupported section '{name}' ({info})." OvfExport.summary = "Cannot export an OVF descriptor." OvfPropertyExport.summary = "Unsupported property type '{type}' with value '{value}'." OvfPropertyNetworkExport.summary = "One or more properties are referring to an unknown network '{network}'." OvfHardwareExport.summary = "Cannot export '{vmPath}' to an OVF file." OvfUnsupportedDeviceExport.summary = "Device '{device.deviceInfo.label}' cannot be exported." OvfUnknownDeviceBacking.summary = "Unsupported device backing for device '{device.deviceInfo.label}'. " OvfConnectedDevice.summary = "Connected device '{device.deviceInfo.label}'." OvfConnectedDeviceFloppy.summary = "The floppy image '{filename}' is connected to device '{device.deviceInfo.label}'. The image is not included in the generated OVF package." OvfConnectedDeviceIso.summary = "The ISO image '{filename}' is connected to device '{device.deviceInfo.label}'. The ISO image is not included in the generated OVF package." OvfUnableToExportDisk.summary = "Unable to export disk '{diskName}'. Could not parse disk name." OvfSystemFault.summary = "OVF System error." OvfDiskMappingNotFound.summary = "Invalid disk reference '{diskName}' for virtual system '{vmName}'." OvfHostValueNotParsed.summary = "Host property '{property}' value '{value}' could not be parsed." OvfUnsupportedDeviceBackingInfo.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Backing '{backingName}' is not supported by device '{deviceName}'." OvfUnsupportedDeviceBackingOption.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Backing '{backingName}' not supported by device '{deviceName}'." OvfUnknownDevice.summary = "Unknown device: '{device.deviceInfo.label}'." OvfToXmlUnsupportedElement.summary = "Unsupported element '{name}' was found. Could not export to OVF. '{reason}'." OvfUnknownEntity.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: Unknown entity was found." OvfImport.summary = "" OvfHardwareCheck.summary = "Hardware compatibility check is disabled." OvfCpuCompatibility.summary = "The virtual machine requires hardware features that are unsupported or disabled on the target host. Incompatibility at CPUID level '{level}', register '{registerName}' with value '{registerValue}'. Required bits: '{desiredRegisterValue}'." OvfCpuCompatibilityCheckNotSupported.summary = "Target does not support CPU validation." OvfMissingHardware.summary = "Missing hardware element '{name}' with RASD type '{resourceType}'." OvfMappedOsId.summary = "The specified operating system identifier '{ovfDescription}' (id: {ovfId}) is not supported on the selected host. It will be mapped to the following OS identifier: '{targetDescription}'." OvfConstraint.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: An OVF specification constrain could not be verified." OvfDiskOrderConstraint.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: The order of Disk elements in the DiskSection is not consistent with the order of the File references." OvfHostResourceConstraint.summary = "Line {lineNumber}: HostResource value ({value})is not supported." OvfUnsupportedDiskProvisioning.summary = "Disk provisioning type {diskProvisioning} is not supported by the host. Supported disk provisioning types are: {supportedDiskProvisioning}." OvfInternalError.summary = "Internal error." OvfExportFailed.summary = "Failed to export OVF package." OvfImportFailed.summary = "Failed to deploy OVF package." OvfDuplicatedPropertyIdExport.summary = "Duplicated property {fqid} in vApp. This might not import properly on all platforms." OvfDuplicatedPropertyIdImport.summary = "Duplicated properties found in the OVF package. Not all properties will be prompted for during deployment." OvfNetworkMappingNotSupported.summary = "The provided network mapping between OVF networks and the system network is not supported by any host." #VOE VAppPropertyFault.summary = "A generic property fault for {id}." InvalidNetworkInType.summary = "Invalid network {value} in property {id}." InvalidPropertyType.summary = "Invalid type {type} for property {id}." InvalidPropertyValue.summary = "Invalid value '{value}' specified for property {id}." UnconfiguredPropertyValue.summary = "Property '{label}' must be configured for the VM to power on." MissingNetworkIpConfig.summary = "Cannot allocate IP address for property '{label}'. Network '{value}' has no associated network protocol profile." MissingIpPool.summary = "Cannot initialize property '{id}'. Network '{value}' has no associated network protocol profile." NotUserConfigurableProperty.summary = "Property {id} is not user configurable." MissingPowerOffConfiguration.summary = "No virtual machines have been configured to power off." MissingPowerOnConfiguration.summary = "No virtual machines have been configured to power on." NoAvailableIp.summary = "Out of IP addresses on network '{value}'." NoVcManagedIpConfigured.summary = "The vCenter Server managed IP is not configured." NoVmInVApp.summary = "The vApp does not contain any virtual machines." VAppConfigFault.summary = "A generic vApp configuration fault." VAppNotRunning.summary = "The parent vApp is not running." VAppTaskInProgress.summary = "Operation cannot be performed while a vApp operation is in progress." VAppOperationInProgress.summary = "Concurrent vApp operation in progress on target." ###Consolidation com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.success.summary = "Success." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.unknownhost.summary = "Incorrect host name or the host name cannot be resolved by either DNS or NetBios." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.hostdown.summary = "Host is down." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.badloginpassword.summary = "Unknown login or incorrect password." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.nopermission.summary = "The login does not have permission to collect inventory/performance data." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.remoteregistryconnectfailed.summary = "Cannot connect to remote registry." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.pingfailed.summary = "Cannot ping target host" com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.determinesystemtypefailed.summary = "Cannot determine the target system type." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.perfmonconnectfailed.summary = "Cannot connect to 'perfmon'. Remote registry disabled or the collector service is not running with administrator privileges." com.vmware.capacityplanner.collector.unknownerror.summary = "Unknown error encountered." ### Policy Faults PolicyUrnInvalid.summary = "Policy URN not found or is invalid: {urn}" PolicyViolated.summary = "Operation violates one or more policies." PolicyDisallowsOperation.summary = "Operation '{op}' disallowed by one or more policies." PolicyViolatedDetail.summary = "Operation violates conditions of one or more policies." PolicyViolatedByValue.summary = "Operation rejected owing to a value controlled by one or more policies." PolicyViolatedValueCannotEqual.summary = "Operation rejected - input value {input} cannot equal {policy}: {policyTarget}, {policyTargetProperty}" PolicyViolatedValueNotEqual.summary = "Operation rejected - input value {input} must equal {policy}: {policyTarget}, {policyTargetProperty}" PolicyViolatedValueNotInRange.summary = "Operation rejected - input value {input} not in range [{minval}-{maxval}]: {policyTarget},{policyTargetProperty}" PolicyViolatedValueNotInSet.summary = "Operation rejected - input value {input} not in set {set}: {policyTarget},{policyTargetProperty}" PolicyViolatedValueTooBig.summary = "Operation rejected - input value {input} too large; maximum value is {policy}: {policyTarget}, {policyTargetProperty}" PolicyViolatedValueTooSmall.summary = "Operation rejected - input value {input} too small; minimum value is {policy}: {policyTarget}, {policyTargetProperty}" ### DAS WillLoseHAProtection.summary = "If this operation is performed, the virtual machine will lose vSphere HA protection. If you proceed with this operation and it completes successfully, {resolution.@enum.fault.WillLoseHAProtection.Resolution}." InvalidDasConfigArgument.summary = "The setting of {entry.@enum.InvalidDasConfigArgument.EntryForInvalidArgument} is invalid for cluster {clusterName}." CannotPowerOffVmInCluster.summary = "You cannot {operation.@enum.fault.CannotPowerOffVmInCluster.Operation} the virtual machine {vmName} at this time because the virtual machine is not managed by the master vSphere HA agent to which vCenter Server is connected. This condition will occur if the cluster has a management network partition or a datastore connectivity problem. If there is a management network partition, disabling vSphere HA is not advised because the virtual machine might be subsequently restarted by vSphere HA on an inaccessible host. As a result, you would not be able to manage the virtual machine until the partition has been resolved. However, if the problem is due to a storage issue and at least one host in the cluster has access to the datastores required by the virtual machine, the master should become the manager of the virtual machine shortly, after which the operation would be allowed." ### DVS SwitchIpUnset.summary = "Switch feature cannot be enabled because the switch does not have an IP address assigned." CollectorAddressUnset.summary = "Netflow monitoring cannot be enabled because the switch does not have an IP address and/or port specified for the collector." InvalidIpfixConfig.summary = "Illegal or out-of-range value specified for Netflow monitoring configuration." DvsOperationBulkFault.summary = "Cannot complete a vSphere Distributed Switch operation for one or more host members." DvsScopeViolated.summary = "The operation violates the dvPort's scope." DvsNotAuthorized.summary = "The extension key of the vSphere Distributed Switch {dvsExtensionKey} is not the same as the login session's extension key {sessionExtensionKey}." ExceedingLimit.summary = "The operation exceeds a limit." LimitExceeded.summary = "The {property} exceeds the limit {limit}." ResourceNotAvailable.summary = "The resource {type} is not available in {containerType} {containerName}." VspanPortConflict.summary = "Cannot use distributed port {portKey} as both the transmitted source and the destination source in distributed port mirroring sessions with different keys. Session key {vspanSessionKey1} does not match session key {vspanSessionKey2}." VspanPromiscuousPortNotSupported.summary = "Promiscuous distributed port {portKey} cannot be used as the transmitted source or destination in the distributed port mirroring session with key {vspanSessionKey}." VspanSameSessionPortConflict.summary = "Distributed port {portKey} cannot be used as both the source and destination in the same distributed port mirroring session with key {vspanSessionKey}." VspanDestPortConflict.summary = "Distributed port {portKey} cannot be used as destination port in multiple distributed port mirroring sessions with keys {vspanSessionKey1} and {vspanSessionKey2}." VspanPortMoveFault.summary = "Cannot move the distributed port {portKey} from distributed port group {srcPortgroupName} to promiscuous distributed port group {destPortgroupName}. This operation might change the non-promiscuous distributed port to promiscuous mode." VspanPortgroupPromiscChangeFault.summary = "Cannot change non-promiscuous distributed port group {portgroupName} to promiscuous mode. One or more distributed ports in this distributed port group are used as transmitted source or destination ports in a distributed port mirroring session." VspanPortPromiscChangeFault.summary = "Cannot change non-promiscuous distributed port {portKey} to promiscuous mode. The distributed port is used as a transmitted source or destination port in a distributed port mirroring session." VspanPortgroupTypeChangeFault.summary = "Cannot change the distributed port group {portgroupName} type from static/dynamic binding to ephemeral. Some of its distributed ports participate in a distributed port mirroring session." RollbackFailure.summary = "The rollback operation failed on {entityType}: {entityName}. A previous configuration does not exist." BackupBlobReadFailure.summary = "Read failed on backup blob for {entityType}: {entityName}." BackupBlobWriteFailure.summary = "Write failed on backup blob for {entityType}: {entityName}." ImportOperationBulkFault.summary = "Cannot complete import operation for one or more entities." ImportHostAddFailure.summary = "Import operation failed on one or more hosts." ConflictingConfiguration.summary = "The configurations of the objects are in conflict." CannotUseNetwork.summary = "{connected.@enum.fault.NIC.connected} '{device}' cannot use network '{backing}', because {reason.@enum.fault.CannotUseNetwork.Reason}." InsufficientNetworkResourcePoolCapacity.summary = "The available network bandwidth in resource pool '{resourcePoolKey}' of distributed switch '{dvsName}' is '{available}' MBps, which is less than the requested bandwidth of '{requested}' MBps." VMotionAcrossNetworkNotSupported.summary = "Changing the network and host of a virtual machine during vMotion is not supported on the {atSourceHost.@enum.fault.VMotion.atSourceHost} host '{failedHostName}'." ### RecordReplay HostIncompatibleForRecordReplay.summary = "Host {hostName} does not support virtual machine Record/Replay. \n{reason.@enum.fault.HostIncompatibleForRecordReplay.Reason}" VmConfigIncompatibleForRecordReplay.summary = "Unsupported virtual machine configuration for record and replay." RecordReplayDisabled.summary = "The operation cannot be performed because the Record/Replay capability has not been enabled for the virtual machine." ### Fault Tolerance HostIncompatibleForFaultTolerance.summary = "Host {hostName} does not support virtual machines with Fault Tolerance turned on. \n{reason.@enum.fault.HostIncompatibleForFaultTolerance.Reason}" UnusedVirtualDiskBlocksNotScrubbed.summary = "The unused disk blocks of the virtual machine's disks have not been scrubbed on the file system.\nThis is needed to support features like Fault Tolerance." VirtualDiskBlocksNotFullyProvisioned.summary = "The disk blocks of the virtual machine's disks have not been fully provisioned on the file system.\nThis is needed to support features like Fault Tolerance." VirtualDiskModeNotSupported.summary = "The virtual machine's disk {device} is using the {mode} disk mode which is not supported." VmConfigIncompatibleForFaultTolerance.summary = "Unsupported virtual machine configuration for Fault Tolerance." VmFaultToleranceIssue.summary = "An error occurred with the Fault Tolerance configuration." VmFaultToleranceTooManyVMsOnHost.summary = "Host already has the recommended number of {maxNumFtVms} Fault Tolerance VMs running on it. To power on or vMotion more FT VMs to this host either move one of the existing Fault Tolerance VMs to another host or disable this restriction by setting the vSphere HA advanced option das.maxFtVmsPerHost to 0." VmFaultToleranceTooManyFtVcpusOnHost.summary = "Host is already running the recommended number of {maxNumFtVcpus} Fault Tolerance protected vCPUs. To power on or vMotion more FT VMs to this host, you can either move one of the existing Multi-CPU FT VMs to another host or disable this restriction by setting the vSphere HA advanced option das.maxFtVCpusPerHost to 0." VmFaultToleranceConfigIssue.summary = "The Fault Tolerance configuration of the entity {entityName} has an issue: {reason.@enum.VmFaultToleranceConfigIssue.ReasonForIssue}." VmFaultToleranceOpIssuesList.summary = "There are configuration issues for the Fault Tolerance operation. Refer to the errors and warnings list for details." VmFaultToleranceConfigIssueWrapper.summary = "The Fault Tolerance configuration of the entity {entityName} has an issue: check the error property for details." VmFaultToleranceInvalidFileBacking.summary = "The file backing ({backingFilename}) for device ({backingType.@enum.VmFaultToleranceInvalidFileBacking.DeviceType}) is not supported for Fault Tolerance." InvalidOperationOnSecondaryVm.summary = "This operation is not supported on a Secondary VM of a Fault Tolerant pair." SecondaryVmNotRegistered.summary = "The Secondary VM with instanceUuid '{instanceUuid}'is not registered with this Primary VM." SecondaryVmAlreadyRegistered.summary = "The Secondary VM with instanceUuid '{instanceUuid}'is already registered with this Primary VM." SecondaryVmAlreadyEnabled.summary = "The Secondary VM with instanceUuid '{instanceUuid}' has already been enabled." SecondaryVmAlreadyDisabled.summary = "The Secondary VM with instanceUuid '{instanceUuid}' has already been disabled." FaultToleranceNotLicensed.summary = "Fault Tolerance has not been licensed on host {hostName}, or the license does not support the number of vCPUs running on this VM." NumVirtualCpusIncompatible.summary = "The virtual machine has {numCpu} virtual CPUs and is not supported for {reason.@enum.fault.NumVirtualCpusIncompatible.Reason}." PowerOnFtSecondaryFailed.summary = "Cannot power on the Fault Tolerance Secondary VM for virtual machine {vmName}. Refer to the errors list for details." FtIssuesOnHost.summary = "Host {hostName} has some Fault Tolerance issues for virtual machine {vmName}. Refer to the errors list for details." NoHostSuitableForFtSecondary.summary = "No suitable host can be found to place the Fault Tolerance Secondary VM for virtual machine {vmName}." PowerOnFtSecondaryTimedout.summary = "Operation to power on the Fault Tolerance Secondary VM for {vmName} could not be completed within {timeout} seconds" FaultTolerancePrimaryPowerOnNotAttempted.summary = "The Fault Tolerance Secondary VM was not powered on because the Fault Tolerance Primary VM could not be powered on." InvalidDrsBehaviorForFtVm.summary = "'DRS Disabled' is the only supported DRS behavior for Fault Tolerance virtual machine {vmName}." InvalidDasRestartPriorityForFtVm.summary = "Cannot set the vSphere HA restart priority to 'Disabled' for the Fault Tolerance VM {vmName}." VmMonitorIncompatibleForFaultTolerance.summary = "The virtual machine is running in a monitor mode that is incompatible for Fault Tolerance." CannotChangeDrsBehaviorForFtSecondary.summary = "Cannot change the DRS behavior for Fault Tolerance Secondary VM {vmName}." NoCompatibleHostWithAccessToDevice.summary = "Cannot place the Fault Tolerance VM in an Enhanced vMotion Compatibility cluster, because there are no compatible hosts that have access to all the devices that are configured to be connected at power on." CannotChangeHaSettingsForFtSecondary.summary = "Cannot change the vSphere HA settings for Fault Tolerance Secondary VM {vmName}." FaultToleranceVmNotDasProtected.summary = "Operations to test Fault Tolerance by terminating the primary VM or secondary VM are not allowed for the Fault Tolerance VM {vmName} at this time, because it is not protected by vSphere HA yet and therefore no action will be taken to recover Fault Tolerance protection for this VM." CannotComputeFTCompatibleHosts.summary = "Unable to compute fault tolerant compatible hosts on the VM {vmName}." InaccessibleFTMetadataDatastore.summary = "The FT tie break datastore '{name}' is not accessible. {detail.@enum.fault.InaccessibleDatastore.Reason}" MultiWriterNotSupported.summary = "Multi-writer mode enabled disk '{device}' is not supported for Fault Tolerance." DigestNotSupported.summary = ""CBRC-enabled disk '{device}' is not supported for Fault Tolerance." ### Host profiles ProfileUpdateFailed.summary = "Profile validation failed. Check the profile for errors." AnswerFileUpdateFailed.summary = "Host customization validation failed. Check the host settings for errors." InvalidProfileReferenceHost.summary = "There is no suitable host in the inventory as reference host for the profile {profileName}." ### HwVersion 7 MemoryHotPlugNotSupported.summary = "Memory hot plug is not supported for this virtual machine." CpuHotPlugNotSupported.summary = "CPU hot plug is not supported for this virtual machine." DeviceHotPlugNotSupported.summary = "Hot plug of device '{deviceIndex}' is not supported for this virtual machine." VmAlreadyExistsInDatacenter.summary = "One or more virtual machines on host {hostname} are already registered to hosts in the destination datacenter." ### IO Resource Management IORMNotSupportedHostOnDatastore.summary = "The datastore '{datastoreName}' is connected to one or more pre-4.1 hosts that do not support Storage I/O Control." ### vSphere Replication ReplicationVmConfigFault.summary = "The vSphere Replication configuration of the virtual machine has an issue: {reason.@enum.fault.ReplicationVmConfigFault.ReasonForFault}" ReplicationDiskConfigFault.summary = "The vSphere Replication configuration for disk with key {key} of the virtual machine has an issue: {reason.@enum.fault.ReplicationDiskConfigFault.ReasonForFault}" ReplicationNotSupportedOnHost.summary = "The specified host does not support virtual machines with vSphere Replication turned on." ReplicationVmFault.summary = "vSphere Replication operation error: {reason.@enum.fault.ReplicationVmFault.ReasonForFault}" ReplicationIncompatibleWithFT.summary = "vSphere Replication and Fault Tolerance cannot be enabled on the same virtual machine." ReplicationVmInProgressFault.summary = "vSphere Replication operation error. Cannot start a {requestedActivity.@enum.fault.ReplicationVmInProgressFault.Activity} because a {inProgressActivity.@enum.fault.ReplicationVmInProgressFault.Activity} is already in progress." IncompatibleHostForVmReplication.summary = "Host '{hostName}' is not compatible with the vSphere Replication configuration supported by the virtual machine '{vmName}': {reason.@enum.fault.IncompatibleHostForVmReplication.IncompatibleReason}." ### ActiveDirectory Faults DomainNotFound.summary = "The specified domain either does not exist or could not be contacted." NoPermissionOnAD.summary = "User account has no right to add hosts to the domain." ActiveDirectoryFault.summary = "Errors in Active Directory operations." NonADUserRequired.summary = "Operation must be executed by a non Active Directory user." InvalidCAMServer.summary = "The specified vSphere Authentication Proxy server is not valid or could not be contacted." InvalidCAMCertificate.summary = "Could not verify the certificate of the specified vSphere Authentication Proxy server." CAMServerRefusedConnection.summary = "The specified vSphere Authentication Proxy server is not reachable, or has denied access to the service." ### IscsiFaults IscsiFaultPnicInUse.summary = "The VMkernel physical NIC adapter {pnicDevice} is currently used by iSCSI Host Bus Adapter." IscsiFaultVnicInUse.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} is currently used by iSCSI Host Bus Adapter." IscsiFaultInvalidVnic.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} is not valid." IscsiFaultVnicAlreadyBound.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} is already bound to the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter." IscsiFaultVnicHasActivePaths.summary = "There are active storage paths using this VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice}." IscsiFaultVnicHasMultipleUplinks.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} has multiple physical uplinks." IscsiFaultVnicHasNoUplinks.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} has no physical uplinks." IscsiFaultVnicHasWrongUplink.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} cannot be used because the attached physical uplink does not match the iSCSI Host Bus adapter." IscsiFaultVnicIsLastPath.summary = "There are storage paths available only through this VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice}." IscsiFaultVnicNotBound.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} is not bound to iSCSI Host Bus Adapter." IscsiFaultVnicNotFound.summary = "The VMkernel virtual NIC adapter {vnicDevice} does not exist." ### FcoeFaults FcoeFaultPnicHasNoPortSet.summary = "The VMkernel FCoE physical NIC adapter {nicDevice} must be bound to a switch uplink port." ### Cbrc Faults CbrcDeviceBackingNotSupported.summary = "The backing for the specified virtual device is not supported." CbrcVmdkLockFailure.summary = "The specified virtual disk or disk chain could not be locked. This might be caused when other operations hold the lock." ### OVF consumer faults OvfConsumerFault.summary = "{message}" OvfConsumerPowerOnFault.summary = "{description}" OvfConsumerValidationFault.summary = "{message}" OvfConsumerCommunicationError.summary = "An error occurred while communicating with the vCenter extension '{extensionName}'. Details: '{description}'" OvfConsumerInvalidSection.summary = "The vCenter extension '{extensionName}' returned an invalid section. Details: '{description}'" OvfConsumerUndeclaredSection.summary = "The vCenter extension '{extensionName}' returned an undeclared section: '{qualifiedSectionType}'" OvfConsumerUndefinedPrefix.summary = "The vCenter extension '{extensionName}' returned a section with an unbound prefix '{prefix}'" ### Guest Operation faults GuestOperationsFault.summary = "An error occurred processing an operation in the guest operating system." GuestOperationsUnavailable.summary = "The guest operations agent could not be contacted." GuestAuthenticationChallenge.summary = "A challenge response is required to authenticate in the guest operating system." GuestComponentsOutOfDate.summary = "The guest operations agent is out of date." GuestPermissionDenied.summary = "The guest authentication being used does not have sufficient permissions to perform the operation." GuestProcessNotFound.summary = "The guest process {pid,s} was not found." OperationDisabledByGuest.summary = "The guest operating system agent has been configured to disable the operation." OperationNotSupportedByGuest.summary = "The guest operating system does not support the operation." InvalidGuestLogin.summary = "Failed to authenticate with the guest operating system using the supplied credentials." TooManyGuestLogons.summary = "Too many concurrent guest login sessions are active." GuestRegistryFault.summary = "An error occurred while accessing or modifying the Windows guest registry." GuestRegistryKeyFault.summary = "An error occurred while accessing or modifying a Windows guest registry key." GuestRegistryValueFault.summary = "An error occurred while accessing or modifying a Windows guest registry value." GuestRegistryKeyAlreadyExists.summary = "An error occurred because the specified guest registry key already exists." GuestRegistryKeyParentVolatile.summary = "A non-volatile registry subkey cannot be created under a volatile registry parent key." GuestRegistryKeyInvalid.summary = "An error occurred because the specified guest registry key was either not valid or not found. Check the root HKEY for validity." GuestRegistryKeyHasSubkeys.summary = "An error occurred because the guest registry key has sub-keys. To delete the key, use the recursive delete option." GuestRegistryValueNotFound.summary = "An error occurred because the specified guest registry value was not found." GuestMultipleMappings.summary = "The operation failed because the guest alias store mapping file contains multiple instances of the same certificate and user name." ### Storage DRS faults InsufficientStorageSpace.summary = "The available storage space is not sufficient for the operation." InsufficientStorageIops.summary = "The available storage IOPs capacity is not sufficient for the operation." InvalidDatastoreState.summary = "The operation is not allowed in the current state of the datastore." NoConnectedDatastore.summary = "No datastore in the datastore cluster is connected to the host that the virtual machine is registered on." StorageDrsDisabledOnVm.summary = "Storage DRS is disabled on the virtual machine." StorageVmotionIncompatible.summary = "The datastore is not compatible with the virtual machine." NoCompatibleDatastore.summary = "No datastore in the datastore cluster is compatible with the virtual machine." WillResetSnapshotDirectory.summary = "Snapshot directory settings will be reset to the VM's home directory after the migration." CannotMoveVmWithDeltaDisk.summary = "The virtual machine has virtual disk, '{device}', in linked-clone mode that prevents migration." StorageDrsIolbDisabledInternally.summary = "Storage DRS IO load balancing component was not run due to an unsupported configuration or insufficient information about datastores or virtual disks." CannotPlaceWithoutPrerequisiteMoves.summary = "Storage DRS initial placement cannot be completed until existing virtual disks are migrated with Storage vMotion." StorageDrsUnableToMoveFiles.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machine files from the datastore." StorageDrsCannotMoveDiskInMultiWriterMode.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move disks in multi-writer mode." StorageDrsCannotMoveFTVm.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machines in fault-tolerance pairs." StorageDrsCannotMoveIndependentDisk.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move independent disks." StorageDrsCannotMoveManuallyPlacedSwapFile.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machines with manually placed swap files." StorageDrsCannotMoveManuallyPlacedVm.summary = "Storage DRS does not move manually placed virtual machines." StorageDrsCannotMoveSharedDisk.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual disks shared by multiple virtual machines." StorageDrsCannotMoveTemplate.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machine templates." StorageDrsCannotMoveVmInUserFolder.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machines placed in user folders." StorageDrsCannotMoveVmWithMountedCDROM.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machines with mounted CD-ROM drives or with snapshots having mounted CD-ROM drives." StorageDrsCannotMoveVmWithNoFilesInLayout.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move virtual machines with no files specified in the layout." StorageDrsHmsUnreachable.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move vSphere Replication secondary replica disks because the vSphere Replication management server is unreachable." StorageDrsHmsMoveInProgress.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move vSphere Replication secondary replica disks because the vSphere Replication management server is currently moving a subset of disks." StorageDrsStaleHmsCollection.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move vSphere Replication secondary replica disks because the vSphere Replication management server configuration has changed since the last invocation." StorageDrsHbrDiskNotMovable.summary = "Storage DRS is unable to move the following vSphere Replication secondary replica disks: {nonMovableDiskIds}" StorageDrsDatacentersCannotShareDatastore.summary = "Storage DRS does not allow shared datastores across datacenters." StorageDrsRelocateDisabled.summary = "Storage DRS cannot relocate the disk as it is disabled for current state of VM." ### Namespace faults NamespaceWriteProtected.summary = "The namespace is write protected." NamespaceFull.summary = "The namespace is full." NamespaceLimitReached.summary = "Additional namespaces cannot be created on this virtual machine." ### vFlash faults SsdDiskNotAvailable.summary = "Flash disk '{devicePath}' is not available. It is either in use or it is not a flash-based disk." VFlashModuleVersionIncompatible.summary = "The request version '{vmRequestModuleVersion}' of the virtual flash module '{moduleName}' associated with the VMDK virtual Flash Read Cache is not compatible with versions ['{hostMinSupportedVerson}','{hostModuleVersion}'] supported on the host." InsufficientVFlashResourcesFault.summary = "The available virtual flash resource '{freeSpaceInMB}' MB ('{freeSpace}' bytes) is not sufficient for the requested operation '{requestedSpaceInMB}' MB ('{requestedSpace}' bytes)." InaccessibleVFlashSource.summary = "The virtual flash resource on host '{hostName}' is not accessible." UnSupportedDatastoreForVFlash.summary = "Virtual Flash Read Cache is not supported for a virtual disk stored on a '{type}' datastore: '{datastoreName}'." VFlashModuleNotSupported.summary = "Virtual flash module '{moduleName}' on virtual machine '{vmName}'is not supported by host '{hostName}': {reason.@enum.fault.VFlashModuleNotSupported.Reason}. Refer to host configuration for supported virtual flash module configuration options." ### MessageBusProxy faults MessageBusProxyFault.summary = "An error occurred in the common Message Bus Proxy service." ### VmMetadataManager faults VmMetadataManagerFault.summary = "General fault in the Virtual Machine Metadata Manager." VmMetadataInaccessibleFault.summary = "The requested virtual machine metadata is not accessible." VmMetadataInvalidOwnerOp.summary = "The provided owner OP value is invalid." VmMetadataOpFailedRetry.summary = "The metadata operation has failed. Retry it!" ### vSAN faults VsanFault.summary = "General vSAN error." NotSupportedHostForVsan.summary = "Host '{hostName}' does not support vSAN." CannotChangeVsanNodeUuid.summary = "The selected vSAN host UUID cannot be changed in the current state." CannotChangeVsanClusterUuid.summary = "The vSAN cluster UUID cannot be changed in the current state." DuplicateVsanNetworkInterface.summary = "The provided networking configuration contains duplicate entries for interface '{device}'." CannotReconfigureVsanWhenHaEnabled.summary = "The vSAN cluster cannot be re-configured when vSphere HA is enabled." CannotMoveVsanEnabledHost.summary = "The vSAN host cannot be moved to the destination cluster: unknown error." VsanClusterUuidMismatch.summary = "The vSAN host cannot be moved to the destination cluster: vSAN cluster UUID mismatch (host: {hostClusterUuid}, destination: {destinationClusterUuid})." DestinationVsanDisabled.summary = "The vSAN host cannot be moved to the destination cluster: destination cluster {destinationCluster} is vSAN disabled." VsanDiskFault.summary = "Unknown vSAN disk error '{device}'." DiskTooSmall.summary = "Not enough disk space to enable vSAN on '{device}'." DiskHasPartitions.summary = "Existing partitions found on disk '{device}'." DiskIsNonLocal.summary = "The disk resides on a non-local storage transport: '{device}'." DiskIsUSB.summary = "The disk is a USB disk: '{device}'." InsufficientDisks.summary = "Cannot create a disk group without HDD disks or a flash disk. Each disk group needs at least one flash disk and one or multiple HDD disks" DuplicateDisks.summary = "The provided configuration contains duplicate entries for disk: '{device}'." DiskIsLastRemainingNonSSD.summary = "The disk is the only HDD disk remaining in a disk group: '{device}'." NotSupportedHostForChecksum.summary = "Certain disks in the host do not support checksum." VsanIncompatibleDiskMapping.summary = "The cluster cannot have mixed environment of older ESXi hosts and new ESXi 6.0 hosts. Upgrade your ESXi hosts to 6.0 or later." ### Host Gateway Faults GatewayConnectFault.summary = "An error occurred while using host gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}'." GatewayNotFound.summary = "A host gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}' is not available." GatewayNotReachable.summary = "vCenter Server cannot access the host gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}'." GatewayOperationRefused.summary = "Insufficient resources on gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}'." GatewayToHostConnectFault.summary = "Gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}' cannot communicate with remote host {hostname}." GatewayHostNotReachable.summary = "Gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}' cannot connect to {hostname}:{port}. Details:\n{message}" GatewayToHostTrustVerifyFault.summary = "Gateway server '{gatewayType}:{gatewayId}' requires user validation to trust host {hostname}." GatewayToHostAuthFault.summary = "Authentication of connection to host {hostname} via gateway server failed. There are missing or wrong authentication parameters." ### IO filter faults FilterInUse.summary = "I/O filter {name} is being used by one or more disks."
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