Edit D:\AVA\AVAStandard\AVA.ResourcesPlatform.WebUI\CSS\zh-CN\DefaultTheme\js\quize\slickQuiz.js
/*! * SlickQuiz jQuery Plugin * http://github.com/jewlofthelotus/SlickQuiz * * @updated February 2, 2014 * @version 1.5.13 * * @author Julie Cameron - http://www.juliecameron.com * @copyright (c) 2013 Quicken Loans - http://www.quickenloans.com * @license MIT */ (function($){ $.slickQuiz = function(element, options) { var plugin = this, $element = $(element), _element = '#' + $element.attr('id'), defaults = { checkAnswerText: 'Check My Answer!', nextQuestionText: 'Next »', backButtonText: '', tryAgainText: '', skipStartButton: false, numberOfQuestions: null, randomSortQuestions: false, randomSortAnswers: false, preventUnanswered: false, perQuestionResponseMessaging: true, completionResponseMessaging: false }, // Class Name Strings (Used for building quiz and for selectors) questionCountClass = 'questionCount', questionGroupClass = 'questions', questionClass = 'question', answersClass = 'answers', responsesClass = 'responses', correctClass = 'correctResponse', correctResponseClass = 'correct', incorrectResponseClass = 'incorrect', checkAnswerClass = 'checkAnswer', nextQuestionClass = 'nextQuestion', backToQuestionClass = 'backToQuestion', tryAgainClass = 'tryAgain', // Sub-Quiz / Sub-Question Class Selectors _questionCount = '.' + questionCountClass, _questions = '.' + questionGroupClass, _question = '.' + questionClass, _answers = '.' + answersClass, _responses = '.' + responsesClass, _correct = '.' + correctClass, _correctResponse = '.' + correctResponseClass, _incorrectResponse = '.' + incorrectResponseClass, _checkAnswerBtn = '.' + checkAnswerClass, _nextQuestionBtn = '.' + nextQuestionClass, _prevQuestionBtn = '.' + backToQuestionClass, _tryAgainBtn = '.' + tryAgainClass, // Top Level Quiz Element Class Selectors _quizStarter = _element + ' .startQuiz', _quizName = _element + ' .quizName', _quizArea = _element + ' .quizArea', _quizResults = _element + ' .quizResults', _quizResultsCopy = _element + ' .quizResultsCopy', _quizHeader = _element + ' .quizHeader', _quizScore = _element + ' .quizScore', _quizLevel = _element + ' .quizLevel', // Top Level Quiz Element Objects $quizStarter = $(_quizStarter), $quizName = $(_quizName), $quizArea = $(_quizArea), $quizResults = $(_quizResults), $quizResultsCopy = $(_quizResultsCopy), $quizHeader = $(_quizHeader), $quizScore = $(_quizScore), $quizLevel = $(_quizLevel) ; // Reassign user-submitted deprecated options var depMsg = ''; if (options && typeof options.disableNext != 'undefined') { if (typeof options.preventUnanswered == 'undefined') { options.preventUnanswered = options.disableNext; } depMsg += 'The \'disableNext\' option has been deprecated, please use \'preventUnanswered\' in it\'s place.\n\n'; } if (options && typeof options.disableResponseMessaging != 'undefined') { if (typeof options.preventUnanswered == 'undefined') { options.perQuestionResponseMessaging = options.disableResponseMessaging; } depMsg += 'The \'disableResponseMessaging\' option has been deprecated, please use' + ' \'perQuestionResponseMessaging\' and \'completionResponseMessaging\' in it\'s place.\n\n'; } if (options && typeof options.randomSort != 'undefined') { if (typeof options.randomSortQuestions == 'undefined') { options.randomSortQuestions = options.randomSort; } if (typeof options.randomSortAnswers == 'undefined') { options.randomSortAnswers = options.randomSort; } depMsg += 'The \'randomSort\' option has been deprecated, please use' + ' \'randomSortQuestions\' and \'randomSortAnswers\' in it\'s place.\n\n'; } if (depMsg !== '') { if (typeof console != 'undefined') { console.warn(depMsg); } else { alert(depMsg); } } // End of deprecation reassignment plugin.config = $.extend(defaults, options); // Set via json option or quizJSON variable (see slickQuiz-config.js) var quizValues = (plugin.config.json ? plugin.config.json : typeof quizJSON != 'undefined' ? quizJSON : null); // Get questions, possibly sorted randomly var questions = plugin.config.randomSortQuestions ? quizValues.questions.sort(function() { return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); }) : quizValues.questions; // Count the number of questions var questionCount = questions.length; // Select X number of questions to load if options is set if (plugin.config.numberOfQuestions && questionCount >= plugin.config.numberOfQuestions) { questions = questions.slice(0, plugin.config.numberOfQuestions); questionCount = questions.length; } plugin.method = { // Sets up the questions and answers based on above array setupQuiz: function() { $quizName.hide().html(quizValues.info.name).fadeIn(1000); $quizHeader.hide().prepend(quizValues.info.main).fadeIn(1000); $quizResultsCopy.append(quizValues.info.results); // add retry button to results view, if enabled if (plugin.config.tryAgainText && plugin.config.tryAgainText !== '') { $quizResultsCopy.append('<p><a class="button ' + tryAgainClass + '" href="#">' + plugin.config.tryAgainText + '</a></p>'); } // Setup questions var quiz = $('<ol class="' + questionGroupClass + '"></ol>'), count = 1; // Loop through questions object for (i in questions) { if (questions.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var question = questions[i]; var questionHTML = $('<li class="' + questionClass +'" id="question' + (count - 1) + '"></li>'); questionHTML.append('<div class="' + questionCountClass + '">Question <span class="current">' + count + '</span> of <span class="total">' + questionCount + '</span></div>'); questionHTML.append('<h3>' + count + '. ' + question.q + '</h3>'); // Count the number of true values var truths = 0; for (i in question.a) { if (question.a.hasOwnProperty(i)) { answer = question.a[i]; if (answer.correct) { truths++; } } } // Now let's append the answers with checkboxes or radios depending on truth count var answerHTML = $('<ul class="' + answersClass + '"></ul>'); // Get the answers var answers = plugin.config.randomSortAnswers ? question.a.sort(function() { return (Math.round(Math.random())-0.5); }) : question.a; // prepare a name for the answer inputs based on the question var selectAny = question.select_any ? question.select_any : false, inputName = 'question' + (count - 1), inputType = (truths > 1 && !selectAny ? 'checkbox' : 'radio'); for (i in answers) { if (answers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { answer = answers[i], optionId = inputName + '_' + i.toString(); // If question has >1 true answers and is not a select any, use checkboxes; otherwise, radios var input = '<input id="' + optionId + '" name="' + inputName + '" type="' + inputType + '" /> '; var optionLabel = '<label for="' + optionId + '">' + answer.option + '</label>'; var answerContent = $('<li></li>') .append(input) .append(optionLabel); answerHTML.append(answerContent); } } // Append answers to question questionHTML.append(answerHTML); // If response messaging is NOT disabled, add it if (plugin.config.perQuestionResponseMessaging || plugin.config.completionResponseMessaging) { // Now let's append the correct / incorrect response messages var responseHTML = $('<ul class="' + responsesClass + '"></ul>'); responseHTML.append('<li class="' + correctResponseClass + '">' + question.correct + '</li>'); responseHTML.append('<li class="' + incorrectResponseClass + '">' + question.incorrect + '</li>'); // Append responses to question questionHTML.append(responseHTML); } // Appends check answer / back / next question buttons if (plugin.config.backButtonText && plugin.config.backButtonText !== '') { questionHTML.append('<a href="#" class="button ' + backToQuestionClass + '">' + plugin.config.backButtonText + '</a>'); } // If we're not showing responses per question, show next question button and make it check the answer too if (!plugin.config.perQuestionResponseMessaging) { questionHTML.append('<a href="#" class="button ' + nextQuestionClass + ' ' + checkAnswerClass + '">' + plugin.config.nextQuestionText + '</a>'); } else { questionHTML.append('<a href="#" class="button ' + nextQuestionClass + '">' + plugin.config.nextQuestionText + '</a>'); questionHTML.append('<a href="#" class="button ' + checkAnswerClass + '">' + plugin.config.checkAnswerText + '</a>'); } // Append question & answers to quiz quiz.append(questionHTML); count++; } } // Add the quiz content to the page $quizArea.append(quiz); // Toggle the start button OR start the quiz if start button is disabled if (plugin.config.skipStartButton || $quizStarter.length == 0) { $quizStarter.hide(); plugin.method.startQuiz(this); } else { $quizStarter.fadeIn(500); } }, // Starts the quiz (hides start button and displays first question) startQuiz: function() { function start() { var firstQuestion = $(_element + ' ' + _questions + ' li').first(); if (firstQuestion.length) { firstQuestion.fadeIn(500); } } if (plugin.config.skipStartButton || $quizStarter.length == 0) { start(); } else { $quizStarter.fadeOut(300, function(){ start(); }); } }, // Resets (restarts) the quiz (hides results, resets inputs, and displays first question) resetQuiz: function(startButton) { $quizResults.fadeOut(300, function() { $(_element + ' input').prop('checked', false).prop('disabled', false); $quizLevel.attr('class', 'quizLevel'); $(_element + ' ' + _correct).removeClass(correctClass); $(_element + ' ' + _question + ',' + _element + ' ' + _responses + ',' + _element + ' ' + _correctResponse + ',' + _element + ' ' + _incorrectResponse + ',' + _element + ' ' + _nextQuestionBtn + ',' + _element + ' ' + _prevQuestionBtn ).hide(); $(_element + ' ' + _questionCount + ',' + _element + ' ' + _answers + ',' + _element + ' ' + _checkAnswerBtn ).show(); $quizArea.append($(_element + ' ' + _questions)).show(); plugin.method.startQuiz($quizResults); }); }, // Validates the response selection(s), displays explanations & next question button checkAnswer: function(checkButton) { var questionLI = $($(checkButton).parents(_question)[0]), answerInputs = questionLI.find('input:checked'), questionIndex = parseInt(questionLI.attr('id').replace(/(question)/, ''), 10), answers = questions[questionIndex].a, selectAny = questions[questionIndex].select_any ? questions[questionIndex].select_any : false; // Collect the true answers needed for a correct response var trueAnswers = []; for (i in answers) { if (answers.hasOwnProperty(i)) { var answer = answers[i]; if (answer.correct) { trueAnswers.push($('<div />').html(answer.option).text()); } } } // NOTE: Collecting .text() for comparison aims to ensure that HTML entities // and HTML elements that may be modified by the browser match up // Collect the answers submitted var selectedAnswers = []; answerInputs.each( function() { var inputValue = $(this).next('label').text(); selectedAnswers.push(inputValue); }); if (plugin.config.preventUnanswered && selectedAnswers.length === 0) { alert('You must select at least one answer.'); return false; } // Verify all/any true answers (and no false ones) were submitted var correctResponse = plugin.method.compareAnswers(trueAnswers, selectedAnswers, selectAny); if (correctResponse) { questionLI.addClass(correctClass); } // Toggle appropriate response (either for display now and / or on completion) questionLI.find(correctResponse ? _correctResponse : _incorrectResponse).show(); // If perQuestionResponseMessaging is enabled, toggle response and navigation now if (plugin.config.perQuestionResponseMessaging) { $(checkButton).hide(); questionLI.find(_answers).hide(); questionLI.find(_responses).show(); questionLI.find(_nextQuestionBtn).fadeIn(300); questionLI.find(_prevQuestionBtn).fadeIn(300); } }, // Moves to the next question OR completes the quiz if on last question nextQuestion: function(nextButton) { var currentQuestion = $($(nextButton).parents(_question)[0]), nextQuestion = currentQuestion.next(_question), answerInputs = currentQuestion.find('input:checked'); // If response messaging has been disabled or moved to completion, // make sure we have an answer if we require it, let checkAnswer handle the alert messaging if (plugin.config.preventUnanswered && answerInputs.length === 0) { return false; } if (nextQuestion.length) { currentQuestion.fadeOut(300, function(){ nextQuestion.find(_prevQuestionBtn).show().end().fadeIn(500); }); } else { plugin.method.completeQuiz(); } }, // Go back to the last question backToQuestion: function(backButton) { var questionLI = $($(backButton).parents(_question)[0]), answers = questionLI.find(_answers); // Back to previous question if (answers.css('display') === 'block' ) { var prevQuestion = questionLI.prev(_question); questionLI.fadeOut(300, function() { prevQuestion.removeClass(correctClass); prevQuestion.find(_responses + ', ' + _responses + ' li').hide(); prevQuestion.find(_answers).show(); prevQuestion.find(_checkAnswerBtn).show(); if (prevQuestion.attr('id') != 'question0') { prevQuestion.find(_prevQuestionBtn).show(); } else { prevQuestion.find(_prevQuestionBtn).hide(); } prevQuestion.fadeIn(500); }); // Back to question from responses } else { questionLI.find(_responses).fadeOut(300, function(){ questionLI.removeClass(correctClass); questionLI.find(_responses + ' li').hide(); answers.fadeIn(500); questionLI.find(_checkAnswerBtn).fadeIn(500); questionLI.find(_nextQuestionBtn).hide(); // if question is first, don't show back button on question if (questionLI.attr('id') != 'question0') { questionLI.find(_prevQuestionBtn).show(); } else { questionLI.find(_prevQuestionBtn).hide(); } }); } }, // Hides all questions, displays the final score and some conclusive information completeQuiz: function() { var levels = [ quizValues.info.level1, // 80-100% quizValues.info.level2, // 60-79% quizValues.info.level3, // 40-59% quizValues.info.level4, // 20-39% quizValues.info.level5 // 0-19% ], score = $(_element + ' ' + _correct).length, levelRank = plugin.method.calculateLevel(score), levelText = $.isNumeric(levelRank) ? levels[levelRank] : ''; $(_quizScore + ' span').html(score + ' / ' + questionCount); $(_quizLevel + ' span').html(levelText); $(_quizLevel).addClass('level' + levelRank); $quizArea.fadeOut(300, function() { // If response messaging is set to show upon quiz completion, show it now if (plugin.config.completionResponseMessaging) { $(_element + ' input').prop('disabled', true); $(_element + ' .button:not(' + _tryAgainBtn + '), ' + _element + ' ' + _questionCount).hide(); $(_element + ' ' + _question + ', ' + _element + ' ' + _answers + ', ' + _element + ' ' + _responses).show(); $quizResults.append($(_element + ' ' + _questions)).fadeIn(500); } else { $quizResults.fadeIn(500); } }); }, // Compares selected responses with true answers, returns true if they match exactly compareAnswers: function(trueAnswers, selectedAnswers, selectAny) { if ( selectAny ) { return $.inArray(selectedAnswers[0], trueAnswers) > -1; } else { // crafty array comparison (http://stackoverflow.com/a/7726509) return ($(trueAnswers).not(selectedAnswers).length === 0 && $(selectedAnswers).not(trueAnswers).length === 0); } }, // Calculates knowledge level based on number of correct answers calculateLevel: function(correctAnswers) { var percent = (correctAnswers / questionCount).toFixed(2), level = null; if (plugin.method.inRange(0, 0.20, percent)) { level = 4; } else if (plugin.method.inRange(0.21, 0.40, percent)) { level = 3; } else if (plugin.method.inRange(0.41, 0.60, percent)) { level = 2; } else if (plugin.method.inRange(0.61, 0.80, percent)) { level = 1; } else if (plugin.method.inRange(0.81, 1.00, percent)) { level = 0; } return level; }, // Determines if percentage of correct values is within a level range inRange: function(start, end, value) { return (value >= start && value <= end); } }; plugin.init = function() { // Setup quiz plugin.method.setupQuiz(); // Bind "start" button $quizStarter.on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (!this.disabled && !$(this).hasClass('disabled')) { plugin.method.startQuiz(); } }); // Bind "try again" button $(_element + ' ' + _tryAgainBtn).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin.method.resetQuiz(this); }); // Bind "check answer" buttons $(_element + ' ' + _checkAnswerBtn).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin.method.checkAnswer(this); }); // Bind "back" buttons $(_element + ' ' + _prevQuestionBtn).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin.method.backToQuestion(this); }); // Bind "next" buttons $(_element + ' ' + _nextQuestionBtn).on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); plugin.method.nextQuestion(this); }); }; plugin.init(); }; $.fn.slickQuiz = function(options) { return this.each(function() { if (undefined === $(this).data('slickQuiz')) { var plugin = new $.slickQuiz(this, options); $(this).data('slickQuiz', plugin); } }); }; })(jQuery);
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