Edit D:\AVA\AVAStandard\AVA.ResourcesPlatform.WebUI\CSS\zh-CN\Bsk\js\live.calendar.js
/*! * bootstrap-calendar plugin * Original author: @ahmontero * Licensed under the MIT license * * jQuery lightweight plugin boilerplate * Original author: @ajpiano * Further changes, comments: @addyosmani * Licensed under the MIT license */ // the semi-colon before the function invocation is a safety // net against concatenated scripts and/or other plugins // that are not closed properly. ; (function ($, window, document, undefined) { /** * ????????? tmpl 0.2 * * 0.2 ???: * 1. ???????????d?????UG * 2. ???????? with ?????????????3.5????????? * 3. ????????????????????????????? * * @author John Resig, Tang Bin * @see http://ejohn.org/blog/javascript-micro-templating/ * @name tmpl * @param {String} ???????????????????????ID * @param {Object} ???????? * @return {String} ????????? * * @example * ????????????????? * <script type="text/tmpl" id="tmpl-demo"> * <ol title="<%=name%>"> * <% for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < length; i ++) { %> * <li><%=list[i]%></li> * <% } %> * </ol> * </script> * tmpl('tmpl-demo', {name: 'demo data', list: [202, 96, 133, 134]}) * * ????????????????? * var demoTmpl = * '<ol title="<%=name%>">' * + '<% for (var i = 0, l = list.length; i < length; i ++) { %>' * + '<li><%=list[i]%></li>' * + '<% } %>' * +'</ol>'; * var render = tmpl(demoTmpl); * render({name: 'demo data', list: [202, 96, 133, 134]}); * * ????????????????????????????????????? * ?????????????????????????????? render ????? */ // var tmpl = (function (cache, $) { // return function (str, data) { // var fn = !/s/.test(str) ? cache[str] = cache[str] || tmpl(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) // // : function (data) { // var i, variable = [$], // value = [[]]; // for (i in data) { // variable.push(i); // value.push(data[i]); // }; // return (new Function(variable, fn.$)).apply(data, value).join(""); // }; // // fn.$ = fn.$ || $ + ".push('" + str.replace(/\\/g, "\\") // .replace(/ [rtn] /g, " ") // .split("<%").join("t") // .replace(/((^|%>)[^t]*)'/g, "$1r") // .replace(/t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'") // .split("t").join("');") // .split("%>").join($ + ".push('") // .split("r").join("\'") + "');return " + $; // // return data ? fn(data) : fn; // } // })({}, '$' + (+new Date)); // Simple JavaScript Templating // John Resig - http://ejohn.org/ - MIT Licensed (function () { var cache = {}; this.tmpl = function tmpl(str, data) { // Figure out if we're getting a template, or if we need to // load the template - and be sure to cache the result. var fn = !/\W/.test(str) ? cache[str] = cache[str] || tmpl(document.getElementById(str).innerHTML) : // Generate a reusable function that will serve as a template // generator (and which will be cached). new Function("obj", "var p=[],print=function(){p.push.apply(p,arguments);};" + // Introduce the data as local variables using with(){} "with(obj){p.push('" + // Convert the template into pure JavaScript str .replace(/[\r\t\n]/g, " ") .split("<%").join("\t") .replace(/((^|%>)[^\t]*)'/g, "$1\r") .replace(/\t=(.*?)%>/g, "',$1,'") .split("\t").join("');") .split("%>").join("p.push('") .split("\r").join("\\'") + "');}return p.join('');"); // Provide some basic currying to the user return data ? fn(data) : fn; }; })(); var pluginName = 'LiveScheduler', defaults = { weekStart: 1, msg_days: ["Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"], msg_months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], msg_today: 'Today', msg_events_today: 'Events Today', // when today click. url: "", events: null }, timeline_template = tmpl('<div class="timeline">' + '<ul class="aweek btn-group">' + '<li class="operator"><ul>' + '<li class="fast pre">' + '<a href="#" class="btn">?????</a>' + '</li>' + '<li class="divid"></li>' + '<li class="pre">' + '<a href="#" class="btn"><</a>' + '</li>' + '<li class="next">' + '<a href="#" class="btn">></a>' + '</li>' + '<li class="fast next">' + '<a href="#" class="btn">?????</a>' + '</li></ul></li>' + '<% for (var i = 0, length = seven_day.length; i < length; i ++) { %>' + '<li class="" id="day_<%= seven_day[i] %>">' + '<a href="#" class="btn"> <%= seven_day[i].format("ddd") %><br/><%= seven_day[i].date() %></a>' + '</li>' + '<% } %>' + '</ul>' + '</div>'), events_list_template = '<div class="event_table accordion" id="accordion_event_table" >' + '<% for (var ix = 0, lengthx = seven_day_events.length; ix < lengthx; ix ++) { %>' + '<div class="col">' + '<% if (seven_day_events[ix].length>0){ %>' + '<% for (var jx = 0 ,sde=seven_day_events[ix][0], lengthy = seven_day_events[ix][0].LiveInfo.length; jx < lengthy; jx ++) { %>' + ' <ul class="event">' + '<li class="event_title">' + '<a href="<%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].url %>"><%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].title.substring(0,10) %></a>' + '<li class="event_time"><%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].time%></li>' + '<li class="event_classroom"><%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].classroom%></li>' + '<li class="event_course"><%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].course %></li>' + '</li>' + ' <% if( sde.LiveInfo[jx].status !=null ){ %>'+ ' <li style="background-color:<%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].color %>;">' + ' <%= sde.LiveInfo[jx].status %>' + ' </li>' + '<% } %>' + ' </ul>' + '<% } %>' + '<% } %>' + '</div>' + '<% } %>', daysInMonth = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31], today = new Date(); // The actual plugin constructor function Plugin(element, options) { this.element = $(element); // jQuery has an extend method that merges the // contents of two or more objects, storing the // result in the first object. The first object // is generally empty because we don't want to alter // the default options for future instances of the plugin this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); }; Plugin.prototype.init = function () { // Place initialization logic here // You already have access to the DOM element and // the options via the instance, e.g. this.element // and this.options this.weekStart = this.options.weekStart || 1; this.days = this.options.msg_days; this.months = this.options.msg_months; this.msg_today = this.options.msg_today; this.msg_events_hdr = this.options.msg_events_header; this.events = this.options.events; this.url = this.options.url; this.live_date = new Date(); var now = moment(); this.mm = now.month(); this.yy = now.year(); this.today = now.date(); this.middleDay = now; this.renderCalendar(getSevenDays(now)); }; Plugin.prototype.renderCalendar = function (daylist) { if (this.calendar) { $(".timeline").remove(); $("#accordion_event_table").remove(); } var that = this; var elt = tmpl(events_list_template); this.calendar = $(timeline_template({ seven_day: daylist })) .appendTo(this.element).on({ click: $.proxy(this.click, this) }); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: this.url, data: { "days": _.map(daylist, function (k) { return moment(k).utc().format(); }) }, // crossDomain:true, dataType: "json", jsonp: false }).done(function (da) { if (da.length > 0) { var days = _.map(daylist, function (k) { return moment(k).utc().format(); }); that.events = _.map(days, function (date) { return _.filter(da, function (re) { return moment(re.date).date() == moment(date).date(); } ); }); var v = { seven_day_events: that.events } // console.log(v); $(elt(v)).appendTo(that.element) } }).fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { // console.log(textStatus); }); }; Plugin.prototype.click = function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); var target = $(e.target).closest('li'); if (target.length == 1) { if (target.is('.pre')) { if (target.is('.fast')) { this.middleDay = moment(this.middleDay).subtract('d', 7); this.renderCalendar(getSevenDays(this.middleDay)); } else { this.middleDay = moment(this.middleDay).subtract('d', 1); this.renderCalendar(getSevenDays(this.middleDay)); } } else if (target.is('.next')) { if (target.is('.fast')) { this.middleDay = moment(this.middleDay).add('d', 7); this.renderCalendar(getSevenDays(this.middleDay)); } else { this.middleDay = moment(this.middleDay).add('d', 1); this.renderCalendar(getSevenDays(this.middleDay)); } } } }; var getSevenDays = function (middleDay) { var daylist = new Array(); var startDay = moment(middleDay).subtract('d', Math.floor(7 / 2)); _(7).times(function (n) { var ss = startDay.add('d', 1); daylist.push(moment(ss)); }); return daylist; }; $.fn[pluginName] = function (options) { return this.each(function () { if (!$.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName)) { $.data(this, 'plugin_' + pluginName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); } })(jQuery, window, document);
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